* Boris perspective

In the high mountains seen through the sooty windows, I could see the whiteness of the snow even though it was summer.

Even with the refined heat that has been generated enormously for decades, the snow on that mountain can't melt...

As Vigo said, nature is an abomination.

Those snow-capped mountains have been cutting off interference from other nations ever since the founding of the Kingdom of Hartford.

But that's just a few more things.

I turned to the document on the desk from the window and spoke to the person standing in front of me.

Well, everything seems to be going according to plan.

"According to reports from those who infiltrated, the destruction of the royal capital on Gyle's rampage failed, but Vigo took it directly and managed to eliminate King Frederick.Brother Gyle died with King Frederick.Vigo has blown up a research facility in the capital and managed to escape. "

The second son, Yug, was reading the report in a faint tone.

I didn't expect anything from Algren's abilities because he gave birth to him to take over the main house...

He was a gifted incompetent scum, but in the end, he played a role in scratching the kingdom for his parents.

“Having fled, Vigo went straight to capture the Abyss Fall and entered the final stages of his relocation plan.However, it has been reported that some of them are making suspicious movements. "

That madman was cornered by the flicks who were also looking for the Abyss Walker, and finally went mad...

I said to myself that if I summoned my compatriots here instead of the demonic antibody, it would only cause a second great attack...

It is regrettable that we were unable to seize all of their technology.

However, Algren's scientists, who have learned over 30 years of knowledge from Vigo's organization, have come to isolate the technology of the kingdom.

And even if Vigo's resettlement plan succeeds, his compatriots have many girls and boys, and only a small number of adult males can help.

With their fortified Abyss Walker, they'll have no choice but to crush every tissue in an instant, using a countermeasure against me if I flay my fangs.

Let's hope that Vigo's bee hornet succeeds and falls with the Lloyds.

"When it comes to Vigo, it's an old man who has lost all use for nothing but his life.I'm going to let you do whatever you want, so throw it away. "

"I understand." However, one unexpected thing happened in this plan... "

A red-eyed Yug who had his silver hair cleaned up showed an unusual mouthful.

"Yug, you didn't expect this?"

"Yes, it is reported that Border Lloyd, who should not have arrived in the capital, has already completed his meeting with Prince Redrick in the capital..."

"It's about 10 days earlier than I expected."It would be too early to force the horses out of the Yughanots. "

"It seems that Border Lloyd appeared on the Wing Dragon.I thought that was the cause of the misunderstanding. "

Does that mean Lloyd got the ability to manipulate Pterosaurs?

“I'll deduce that.Anyone who is familiar with the habits of the Pterosaurs and possesses force under their control should be able to think of it.Also, near Hero Lloyd is the Crimson Swordsman Flick. ”

A crimson swordsman flick riding a giant winged dragon. I see.

Unlike the incompetent Gyal of the lineage alone, the second son, Yugu, was a capable child who showed wisdom and physical fitness from a young age, having been given birth to by a woman who went to the side chamber from the family living with the Pterosaurs in the northern high peaks.

Believing in the talent of Yug, I have been given the honorable but incompetent Gile as a hostage as a sign of loyalty to King Frederick.

With the dragon knights living in the high peaks of the north bound with their own strength, Yug will be able to fulfill my grief even if I die.

"Father, it's a little out of my mind, but what do you want me to do?"

"Yug, give me your opinion."

"Now, let me express my opinion.I think the kingdom and Lloyds will be in full swing with the rise of Vigo.Therefore, if we deceive the eyes of King Ledrick and the nobles of the capital during the time until the opening of the underground tunnel to attract other countries, we will win. "

“What do you need to do to do that?”

"As a first response to what happened to Brother Gyle, it is necessary to present the resignation from the post of Prime Minister, the retirement of the head of the family of Duke Algren, and the immediate return of the territory obtained after the attack on the territory of Inverhanes.Moreover, since it was the Prince Ledric who fought through the Great Assault, he would harass his ally, Lloyd, as the Kingsguard Commander.If you drink it unconditionally, you'll be a blind spot to buy time. ”

"It's the same as my reading..."

As long as we can achieve our goal, we will not miss the Hartford Kingdom Chancellor, the Duke of Algren's seat, or our territory.

Moreover, the inauguration of Lloyd's Kingsguard Knight Commander would be enough to bid farewell to the success of Vigo's madly dying relocation plan.

"Very well, I will vanish from the front and be careful."Yug, you will go to the capital as the principal's representative and take care of King Ledrick and the princes and Lloyds. "

"I understand." I'll be on my way to the capital soon. "

Immediately thereafter, Yug was made to take the letter concerning the resignation of the Prime Minister of the Kingdom and the letters concerning the retirement of the Lord and the return of the territory, and set off for the capital city.