Marco, with his head up, began to talk pale about what he knew.

"After I left this Devon village with my family, I dug crystals at the Rahaman mine for several years and made a living in a settlement near the mine"

Villagers who had worked in the mines had heard that there were settlements in places like fortresses where the workers lived.

"But the organization that was partitioning the mine told me, 'Are you willing to go somewhere where I can make more money', and I wanted my wife and daughter to have a better life, and I was helping to repair the facility in a certain place"

I thought he was in the mine, Marco, but apparently he was in a place where a lot of villagers were missing.

"Could a place be Abyssfall behind the demonic forest in Yughannotes?

Marco's complexion changed in an instant to my question.

"Why does Lord Flick know!? No one's supposed to have returned from there!


"Because such a report is coming from my father, Uncle Borderline. There's a mysterious facility in the basement of Abyss Fall."

"Mr. Neighbourhood... gave me information about the facility... is that right..."


Marco had his gaze pointed into the air as he looked up to heaven.

"So does it also mean that you know that the people sitting in the mine are not from the Kingdom of Hartford?

"Uh, give me a minute. What does that mean?

"It means they're people from outside the kingdom. I speak the official language, but I also used words that I'm not used to hearing."

Marco was bringing unexpected information.

The people in the mine who seem to be connected to the Kingsguard Knights Commander, Gil, say it's a group of people outside the kingdom.

"Even those outside the kingdom..."

"Yes, they look no different than Lord Flick, but they use a language between themselves that they've never heard of at all. Besides, the facility was so technologically driven that it's impossible to make in today's kingdom."

"For what purpose do you have such a facility?

"I don't know that either. But they were desperately fixing that underground facility. I heard you say chillari," Open the door again "or something, but I've heard from the beast man I worked with."


The 'door' that the people outside that kingdom are about to open. In view of the fact that it was the place where the great raid occurred, I was feeling disturbing signs.

"Yeah, I even guessed it seemed like a facility to open something... They said I wouldn't guarantee my life if I spoke out."

"Expensive rewards include stopping fees"

"Yes, but that was their lie. They didn't intend to take the beast man home alive."

Marco touched the bandage wrapped around his body and looked remorseful.

You mean the wounds were hit by the guys in the facility?

"Yeah, I told them to go outside because they would suddenly get rid of the facility... and I followed it and they attacked me from behind by the Avis Walker they were taking. By the time I realized it, I was in a dark room, under the corpse of one of my people, and I was seriously injured."

"Just give me a minute. Was there an Abyss Walker in that facility?

"Yes, I also saw a few in the mine. I usually wear creepy armor to make it look like a person, but I undoubtedly took that armor off and it was an avis walker."

The line I was hoping you wouldn't connect with me was connected by Marco's testimony.

The people sitting in the mine seemed to possess the skill to serve Abyss Walker, and it was the moment when it turned out that such people were very likely connected to Gile, the Kingsguard Knight Commander.

So the Abyss Walker we took down was the guy in Abyss Fall?