Akuyaku Reijo Ni Koi Wo Shite

At the time of settlement [break]

Maria is captured in a prison tower that has long existed in the castle of the Royal City. It's a place to keep those in high ranks guilty of sins.

Although called the prison tower, treatment is not bad. The rooms are of a reasonable size and are in good condition. Bed sheets can be changed daily. Even though the meal is not a full course, delicious dishes prepared by the chef of the Royal Palace are served at night and day. Even though it is only a glass, it is served even wine.

It's not Arnold's favor. Despite being a prisoner, Maria, the Empress of the Great Alexandros Empire, was simply given the right treatment.

If you're unhappy with Maria, you're bored. Occasionally, officials from the Grand Flam will come to hear about Mary's knowledge of another world, but spend the rest of her time alone vaguely.

At first she was just trembling with the fear of death, but recently she can afford to think about things. The kingdom of Granfram wanted his knowledge of another world, and as long as he had it, he thought he would not be killed.

How to extend the life by giving up knowledge of another world. On the other hand, should you remind yourself of your value and cancel the execution? Maria often thinks.

It is no longer satisfactory just to survive. If greed is so thorough, it is a big deal.

"... Arnold, I have to get him out of it."

Maria mutters her solitude, which has recently become a habit because of her boring time alone.

It is King Arnold who decides on his disposal. As long as Arnold manages, he can escape sin. Hopefully, Arnold's concubine has expanded to the idea of becoming a room.

"It's impossible"


A voice that responds to one's own words. Maria turns her face in the direction of her surprised voice.


It was even more surprising to see the people standing there.

"What is a lie?反 応 It's an unclear reaction. ''

"... Rion-kun, did you bother to meet me?"

Rion has no choice but to smile at Maria's wonderful transformation. The purpose of Rion's coming here cannot be just to meet. Knowing that, Maria quickly switched to a flirting attitude.

"I'm lonely all the time. I'm glad you came."

After seeing Leon's bitter smile, Maria flirts with Leon further. Desperately trying to get rid of Rion's murder.

"I thought so. I'll make sure I don't feel bored."

"... Oh, yes. I'm glad, but I'm a little embarrassed in this place."

Maria is in love with the meaning of Lyon's words. The light of hope has finally come into view. You cannot be killed here.


"But I'm fine with Rion. I ... I've never been able to forget Rion. I want to go back to that time when I was a student.

If Ariel had heard, surely the punishment for Rion was about to begin. Even if you know that it's for you or Vincent, Maria shouldn't allow you.

"... I'm one of the many targets."

Defeating Arnold and Aeriel will make you lose yourself. This was why Rion had a relationship with Mary.

But it failed. Maria wants to direct all men's feelings to themselves. He never forgot Arnold or gave up.

"Rion is different."

"I often say that I'm not the only one who has a physical relationship."

"That's ... no. I didn't understand why, I just tried to play the role of the protagonist. If you knew it was the same as me, I could talk about such troubles. I guess they would have different futures. ''

Maria, who sees Leon's attitude as jealous, feels a secret response. He is desperate to persuade Rion, thinking that if he gets absorbed in himself, another possibility will arise.

"It's a betrayal to your husband, Lancelot. How can you believe that once you betrayed, you won't betray again?"

"No. I didn't like Lancelot and became a wife. Otherwise, if I couldn't live in this world, I would be thrown out alone in a world where I couldn't rely on, and asked if I wanted to hang out ... … "

"Did you marry when threatened?"

"... Yeah, it was painful. I remember when I was with Rion. That was my support."

With a slight quivering voice, Maria tells Leon her feelings. It's so fleeting that it's hard to withstand the urge to hug you. If it is not Rion.

"Yeah ... but no matter what the circumstances, what you've done isn't forgiven. You're going to be executed. You can't escape."

"... Such. That's a misunderstanding!"

"Do you think I don't know what you did wrong? On the contrary, I think you know more than anyone?"

"that is……"

Much of Maria's countless wrongdoings have been led by Lion's organization. Maria remembered that.

"... But it's Rion who helped me with the wrongdoing."

Rion is also guilty. Maria appealed that.

"I don't know. Even so, I can't prove it. On the other hand, there are many who testify of your wrongdoing."

The resist is Rion's organization. But Maria has no power to prove this fact. In the first place, only a limited number of Rion and resist executives know the full picture of the resist. Neither can it be shown that the organization that worked as a minist is a resist.

"... I'm just supposed to do what I did. I've been put in."

Maria decided that it was impossible to threaten Rion in connection with the underworld, and immediately switched to the original method.

"No evidence"

"There's evidence. All orders are out of Lancelot. It's confidential, but you'll know if you look up."

This evidence exists, as Maria says. It's just a falsified proof at Maria's direction. This is Maria's last trump card.

"... Even if there is evidence, it is impossible."


"Arnold wants to help Lancelot. To do that, Lancelot has to be deceived and the true mastermind must be different."

"... is that me?"

Despite being a mastermind, she is seriously shocked by Rion's words.

"Nothing else. You must know. Regardless of the facts, the kingdom of Grandefra will execute you, so the truth is in the dark. Only the facts that are convenient for the kingdom of grandefram remain."


It doesn't matter. Vincent was put on the execution table for innocence. Maria knows that.

The more she claims that she is not guilty, the more she becomes a nuisance to the Grand Flam. There is no way for Mary to save in the Grand Flam Kingdom.

"It's a bit poor, but it's my own job. Give up."

"... I hate it. Why do I have to die in this place !? I ..."

The game is over. You are no longer the hero. Rion's words cross Mary's head. However, it is Maria who does not give up. If you're not the hero, you're thinking who's the hero.

"Please. Run away with me. I'll do anything for you."

"Where do you run away?"

"Everywhere is fine. It's okay. If you and Rion are teamed up, you'll be invincible in this world. Combat and politics. Let's create a new country with us and live happily."

And Maria swallowed the word to conquer the world in that country. This is a quick decision that Rion dislikes. This judgment is correct. Unfortunately for Maria, however, it is fundamentally wrong.

"... Maria, I understand your feelings well."

"Did you understand?"

"Oh, I guess you've understood. You've been tricked all the time, and your nature has been."


Leon talks about a third party. Who, Maria, knew immediately.

"... Oh, I understand. How stupid I was."

The voice of a man different from Rion. The more you know who your opponent is, the more you know Maria.

"... La, Lancelot"

Lancelot emerged from the pillar's shadow. Its face is purplish red. Both anger and despair are scorching Lancelot's chest, knowing that everything he believed was fictional.

"Now the disturbers are gone. This is my offer to them."

Rion picked a bottle of wine from her pocket. Place the wine on the table, approach Lancelot and offer a dagger.

"If you like, please. That's not a woman who is toasting calmly."

Maria should know that the contents of the wine are poisonous. And Maria isn't the one who chooses self-harm as the taste of the noble.

"... Oh, let me use it."

Lancelot received the dagger obediently. As Rion says, she knows before she knows her nature that she is not a woman who gently accepts death.

Rion leaves the room without looking back. Even when the door is closed, the noise in the room can be heard. Maria's yell, which eventually ceased and the room was silenced. The subtle breathing is from Lancelot.

Considering that Lancelot will not be spared, Rion leaves and goes down the hallway.

Someone is waiting for Rion, behind a bar grill that blocks the corridor, so that captives cannot escape.


As he passed through the door of the lattice, Rion told the waiting man, Arnold, the story.

"... I'm sorry. I've relied on you for this."

Arnold utters an apology. Arnold is not the one who wanted to take advantage of Lancelot and Maria. They are the ministers led by Prime Minister Sade.

"There's nothing like this. Just ... I'm sorry. What are you going to do with this?"

When it comes to killing Maria and Lancelot, Leon isn't going to give favor. I didn't do it directly, but I'm glad I was able to get involved in their death.

But the king, who can't command the deadly sinner to die, is another question whether he can.

"Find a person you can trust. I'm not without it. I just can't give you strength."

Of course, there are minions who are purely loyal to Arnold. Lambert, the commander of the Guard Knights, is one of the representatives. But Konoe has no authority over state affairs.

Many state affairs ministers have been in that position since Arnold's father. That is one of the problems.

"... Well, don't be impatient. As a result of the war, the Houses of Three Houses were destroyed, and the royal family lost their authority. Absent"

Leon also knows the problems of the Grand Flam Kingdom now. The ambition to make up for the perished Hou creates a quiet confusion.

"Oh, I know."

There will be a quiet but intense battle for power in the future of the Grande Fram. Until a new order solidifies. It is up to Arnold to make sure that the order is topped by the royal family.

"... The first thing I find is a guy who can do dirty work. You're too sweet."

"Rion, is it my self that I want you to be?"

It's not just a plot. Lion's ability is high in other fields as well. Above all, the royal authority is resurrected in a blink of an eye only with the presence of Lion. Arnold knows it.

"I am selfish. I only have a grudge against the Kingdom of Granfram. I may not have been allowed to be born. This country is too cold for me."

From birth, Leon, as Frey, has been denied existence by the Kingdom of Granfram. There should be no attachment to such a country. Rion is resentful of the kingdom of Glan Flam, more than the kingdom of Glan Flam has thought of Rion.

"But I still think you're a brother."

"... I'm sorry, but I'm not sweet. I'm still a sloppy king, and if the kingdom of Granfram becomes a terrible country, I'll ruthlessly crush it."

Conversely, it's like saying that you won't do anything else. Arnold was a little surprised at Rion, who did not reject the word he thought was a brother.

"... I'm a tough little brother.

"I'm not bad, because you are a bad brother."

"... I see."

I don't know Rion's feelings that he even called him. Even so, Arnold feels his heart shaking.

"Oh, there's one more thing to keep in mind."


"Take care of your favorite woman. If you give up easily, don't propose from the beginning."


"Don't fall. It's Charlotte."

"... Oh, why do you know !?"

Rion knows why she has made a suit for Charlotte. Arnold is upset by the fact.

"Don't look down on my espionage network. Oh, well, don't worry about the future. I won't pry privately, because it's just frustrating to hear that you two are flirting."

"Oh, you ... eh?

Rion's words contain information that is important to me. And Arnold noticed.

"Mr. Charlotte remains in the Grande Flam Kingdom. I struggled with persuasion, but managed to convince me. Well, I just didn't want to break up with Frau. So don't be jealous."

"Well ... will it remain?"

"I'll lend you one more time. Well, you don't have to return it. She returns to Charlotte. She has a big debt."

He wasted Charlotte's precious time to protect Aeriel and Frau. Charlotte would not have thought so, but Rion is sorry.

"... Okay, so let's do it."

Perhaps Charlotte opened Lion to himself. Arnold thought so. And I thought I had a big loan to Charlotte.

"That's all I want to say.

"Oh, this is ..."

I don't say we'll meet again. Being able to meet is not always a good thing. I know that.

This is the moment when the two are the closest. And the distance between them goes away again. The two take a different path, not for feelings, but for each other's protection.