Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Lesson 22: Time to Rise to Height II

Continue with the animal pair.

The first thing was the eagle, Vida.

Evolve into the Waldo Eagle, following a path of modest enormity.

The wingspan was large enough for the capital to be shaded.

Compared to the sea demon that tended to be huge, it was quite a lot.

It's like a garden if it's on the continent.

Next, the bears.

First, the red and black bear who bears the name of the genocide.

The target of evolution is an unidentified monster called Voloveres.

Upon closer examination, it was almost identical in nature to Nero.

Claws and fangs dwell in darkness and death in red and black hair.Probably a mythical creature of the underworld.

The red spot of the Bear Group, the Demon Prison Bear, evolved appropriately into a species called the Demon Prison Bear Emperor.

Although this person is similar to Volovélez, it is completely different in terms of reason. If Nero and Volovélez are clusters of darkness, this person is a person who uses darkness.

Next, Regalia Bear, not the bear.

Kinky Kinky's body with the big jewel on it has evolved... it's amazing.

The big jewels and the shimmering gold and silver high metal crust shrunk and the quality rose sharply, and the flesh that could be said to be the contents of the treasure chest is now like a kind of idol.

The race is an unidentified species consisting of Vergheon.

The vast amount of magic power holding capacity would be comparable to even the Machine God.

The Big Bear had two evolutionary routes.

One is the Waldbear of the Wald family, a giant evolution in the same order as Vida.

The other is Kimun Kamui.

At such a time, it was necessary to consult, and I wanted you to walk the path of enormity in preparation for the Giant God War, but I became Kimun Kamui because of my own wishes.Kamui is like a god.

The evolved Big Bear has become a gigantic bear with a certain dominion over its own species.

Its size may be almost mountainous, and if it had been a Waldbear, it would have been bigger than this.

... that said, it was only about the ankle of the Giant God.

... the Giant God is a giant evolutionary monster at the divine level.In fact, if I pull the mallet up and down, that's about it.

Next, the deer.

Omiya-kun's evolutionary routes are Deer God and Airlay.

As the latter evolved, the horns grew enormous, and body performance rose sharply.

The silhouette is similar to that of Divalois, but the muscles are peeling, and this way is smarter than that.

Deer-kun who can continue to manipulate gravity.

Evolved into a deer called Akris.It has the power of an extremely good gravitational manipulator, and its strength is comparable to that of Geo.

However, Geo is also connected to light and spatial magic... so I think Geo is more user-friendly.

I don't know if it has anything to do with being able to operate by gravity, but my body, which was relatively smart, changed to muscular, and I think I have a high ability to fight with meat bullets.

Mr. Tenzuki evolved into Kerruneia.

Originally, it was faster to run in the sky.

My body is also very smart, and I can say that it is beautiful because of my aesthetic taste.

Masayuka-san evolved into a kirin.

The monster had scales and horns similar to dragons and was smart and beautiful.

Simple combat power is a bit inferior to the Dragon Sleeping Hall's top combat power, but it can be said to be almost the opposite.

Specializing in subordinate creation, duplicates and phantoms, Perudon Lord evolved into a frightening fool.

From a feathered deer, it became a semi-human type like Baphomet.

Its legionary abilities have been greatly enhanced, and it is possible to deploy an army that is filled with the falsity of filling the sky.

Carry on, Mr. Risericorn.

Evolving into Eksurunil, it became a powerful plant magician comparable to Scaraf.

Let's send them to Arnan's place to help us cultivate the crystal tree, not the peaches.

Second, the pigs.

Porcupine, who was following the evolution of enormity, went to the latter because it had two choices, Waldo and SafeReem Nil.

A blue and white pattern ran through the hair of the lead, becoming a super giant pig with spear-like fangs.

In terms of abilities, it is a monster that can be said to be an iron wall of the Shin dynasty, with enhanced physical performance and an ultra-regenerative type.

The Great Immortal Boar evolved into a Divine Boar.

Since it is now possible to manipulate divine powers and complete many tasks in one go like I did, I want you to train your multitasking abilities under the guidance of Black Fog.

Dragboa evolved into Zuron.

Originally, it was a pig with dragon scales and horns, but its body stretched out and it had a long tail, and it became a pig dragon with wings.

The influence of the Dragon Sleeping Hall was also significant, but it could be said to have evolved appropriately.

Adamasboa evolved into Adamantboa. Most of the flesh metallized into the spirit, gaining extremely high strength.

Safely Nil is a combination of regeneration and strength, but it is a specialization of strength, and there is no gap with simple viability.

Moreover, it is simply hard, so the power per body is not stylish.Blocking was the biggest attack.

Kalamitiboa evolved into Kalyudon. A monster of the Nero type that carries out slaughter through the forces of darkness and death.

Threezlgtanni evolved into a marech.

Suitability for the divinity of the sun and moon, and the ability to use divine powers.With the power of speed and fantasy, I dodge the attack and strike at the rush... Maybe it's the original Mariachi, but I need to educate everywhere because I'm a speedster.

In addition, I became able to become a person, and the figure of a person was a beautiful woman with dark hair.

Hildisvini evolved into Henwen.

I specialize in healing and regeneration through raw attributes, and while I have the power of the subordinate generation system... I need education because I'm a speedster.

In addition, humanization was becoming possible, and the figure of the person was the same as that of Mariachi, with black hair and a look similar to that of twins.It seems that there is only a difference in the chest, but since Henwen, who is a legion generation system, is more related to the mother nature, it is irrelevant.

Next, the snakes.

Dilva evolved into Malm Aji Dahaka.

It was a reasonable evolution, and the power of various sorcery and legion generation systems did not allow other followers... well, it was because it infused the tools of that system.

Nuisé evolved into Del Pune.

It did not acquire any new power in particular, but it was deeply adapted to the theocracy and was simply powerful. In addition, it absorbed the power of golden equipment and became even stronger.

Continuing, Wind Heavenly Snake evolved into Quetzalcoatl.

It almost looks like a dragon, and has a level of dragon attributes that is not as bright as the top fighting force of the Dragon Sleeping Hall. In addition, it has high suitability for wind attributes and can control the weather.

Each of the two Grand Snakes had a Waldo evolutionary route, but Vritra was the Snake.The Viper has evolved into the Midgard's Olm.

Vritra has the same power to manipulate water as the basic Dragon Faith, and Midgard's Olm is highly qualified and resistant to poison.

Second, the fox.

After a reasonable evolution, the child evolved into a Nine-tailed Fox.The child who was progressing through the fantasy route evolved into a Dream Underworld Fox.The flame child evolved into a purified flame fox.

Everyone had nine tails, but the Nine-tailed Fox was physically good at true qi manipulation and divine powers.

Dream Underworld Fox seemed to have a lot of tails through illusion and the power of dreams.

Purifying Flame Fox specializes in flame, sacred, and raw attributes, and is by its nature good at generating subordinate systems such as fox fires.And the tail looks like it's full of solar flames.

Next, the wolves.

The couple evolved into Fenrir in blue and purple respectively.

The silhouette has not changed significantly except for the enlargement, but the hairline is shiny and beautiful, and the brain muscle has a high level of simple physical combat power.

My brother evolved into an unknown race consisting of Ruko Worth, a forest wolf.

The type is close to Aix-sur-Neil, and has the ability to control the forest as well as using the tough body as a weapon.

My sister evolved from Nightmare Wolf Road to Marcosias through a black dog-like object with the attributes of Darkness and Death, consisting of bar guests.

I got a black reed-like wing and the tail of a snake who was a deputy personality.

This will reduce the chaos that will follow your wife, brother, and siblings.

The younger brother of the younger siblings, Rupert... Could it have been influenced by his sister, who is a Light Attribute?Or perhaps because there was a predecessor named Nero, the suitability of the Death Attribute of Bulbegar evolved strongly.

Of course, physical performance is high, and the death attribute that impregnates high-quality offensive intentions is powerful.

My sister evolved into one of the saintly poles, the Great Sacred Werewolf and Asena.

The bluish white fur is beautiful and suits my taste...... but Muria is on her way to the bad side when she's in shape, so I'll silence her and then stroke her.