Alchemist Yuki's Strategy

Kazuhiro Tabernacle offers his sword

The Wacheng family was doing a dojo of swordsmanship.

Because of that, I...

- I met a man of destiny.

"Huh! What the hell!! 'Cause you're a little good!... My master is my master too! I've been doing this longer!!

"Thousands of miles are still rough today ~... are you that good? That Miyagi, you're a man."

That day, my heart was rough and rough, zeroing stupidity on my closest friend Yumi.

Yumi is a very cute and gentle, princess-like person, unlike me, who is completely flat and unattractive.

So you listen to me for some stupidity, and it's always sweet and zero stupidity to it.

"A little bit, huh? Hey... I'm much stronger."

It was about a month ago. The man started going to the dojo.

I was always the best until the man arrived, and in my age, I had no one to beat me, even older.

Since the first game when the man came, the master, your grandfather, has always stood by the man.

I treat the other kids the same way.

Really, he's a little strong.

"Hmm, but Chiri-chan's not in a game with you, is he? How do you know Chili is stronger?

"... Huh?

To that word, I felt kind of betrayed by Yumi, so I stuck my mouth out and rumbled.

"Huh! Yumi, I hate you!!


I was really a kid when I thought about it.

All I had at that time was swordsmanship, and I thought Yumi's question, it was just a question, and I felt as if she had denied everything about me.

By the time I realized it, I was walking alone on my way home.


Walk with depression on your way home.

I don't really know why I'm crying, but I was so sad and sorry that I couldn't believe I said that.

I may have hurt you gentle Yumi, I feel sad and sad when I think about it, and my anger came in.

That man, Takuya Miyayo, wouldn't have happened without him.

"... never..."

Definitely defeat.

If I win, your grandfather will tell me like he did before.

... I'll apologize to Yumi if I win. Yumi is kind, so I'm sure she'll forgive me.

I came home.

Takuya Miyadai is coming to the dojo as soon as possible, so she should still be at the dojo today.

I immediately changed to the road and headed to the dojo.

"Huh! Huh!

There he is. Takuya Miyadashi is acting alone.

As soon as he entered the dojo, he approached Takuya Miyada-kun.

"Hmm? Wa Cheng Chi Li, or even today. - Huh!

It was slaughtered.

If you're going to learn Wacheng's swordsmanship, you have to be able to handle surprise attacks at all times.

Definitely defeat.

... I'm embarrassed and I think there's a fire coming out of my face.

When I was a kid, I admired a pretty princess like you in a fairy tale.

But that longing soon turned into a knight.

I wasn't as cute as a princess for some negative reasons, but above all, I admired the pride of the knight, fighting for those to protect.

That's what I was supposed to say.

And that hasn't changed yet.

"Ha, ha..."


Even using the swift slaughter technique and phantom sword, which I have finally been able to do a bit of lately, I was given the same moves back and lost.

I ran out of everything and lost.

More importantly, he waited until he got everything out, ran out of strength and lost.

I regret, regret and regret, but I was convinced.

I was strong, my grandfather, as much as my master obsessed with teaching...

"... why didn't you attack me?

"Ha, ha... Well, you can't hit a girl"

"... Huh?

My chest rang out at the words, how.

That day, I didn't show my face to the dojo.

I had an emotion I didn't understand well, and for the first time in my life I skipped training and slept infidelly in my own room.

Then it was about two months ago and I went on summer vacation.

After that, Yumi was properly apologized and forgiven, and we became closer than ever.

Takuya Miyadai and I are good competitors and have come to work well together.

Then we had a lot of conversations, and that was fun and fun. But...

"So, then Yuki..."

Also, Yuki.

In what Takuya Miyadayo pleasantly talks about, a person named Yuki emerges from time to time.

Takuya Miyadashi was very happy when she spoke about the person named Yuki, and she felt so sorry for what it was that she would be slaughtered at all times.

"Hello, again!

"He who learns the swordsmanship of Wa Cheng..."


Takuya Miyayo and I are alone only while the swords are crossed.

"Ha, ha."

"Ha, ha, don't do it"

I was able to stand around well.

Sometimes we have been dealing with each other for a long time, and this is why Takuya Miyayo came to learn how to move.

Uh, uh, don't move like this next time. I thought I found out, so I tried to deal with it and it worked.


Takuya Miyayo's, don't do it. I was happy to say, I felt a little closer, and that smile, which stuck zero, froze in the next word.

"- It was like a Yuki move, huh?


I didn't know what that meant.

Takuya Miyayo, who is supposed to be fighting me, gave me that name.

Yuki moved like this, so I could deal with it like this.

Takuya Miyayo, who speaks so happily, gave me a ghoulish look the moment he saw my face.

I didn't know why.

However, when I feel my vision has been distorted and I wipe my eyes,

- It was damp.

I'm crying.

The moment I realized that, I threw everything out, ran out of the dojo, out of the house.

Anyway, I wanted to be alone.

When I sat in the shade of a tree that was not visible from anyone in the park where not too many people came, with a bitter, painful chest and a little far from home, I pushed my voice to death and cried.

"Ugh... uhh... gusu..."

I have no idea why, I just can't stop crying.

Sad and sad, he leaked a whimper and kept crying until hours.

The light on a hot summer day did not strike me as I sat in the shade of a tree and that was greatly appreciated.

"Are you okay?"


I heard a lovely voice.

There's no reason to be okay.

Because for some reason my chest hurts and I can't stop crying.

I raised my face, but on top of my distorted vision, my opponent's face is in reflex and invisible.

I could barely see anything like a skirt, so it would be the girl who came calling me.

"Gusu...... uhh"

"All right, all right."

The girl held my face tight with tears and runny nose, even if she didn't mind getting dirty.

Sweet smell, gentle warmth, hand to stroke.

I can't even flatter you. I buried my face in its chest, and while I was touching the warmth, the tear jetty that was forced to stop and virtually stopped was decimated.

I cried aloud for the first time in years after clinging to that little body.

I didn't want to be alone.

I understood you wanted to get away from someone who knew me.

That's why I overflowed with tears when I touched the tenderness of this child, who doesn't know me.

The child, who didn't even know his name, kept gently stroking me, and I kept spitting out my extended dark feelings.