Blooming America

Chapter 55 Sales Frenzy

"Is that is 'Kung Fu'?"

Lily is sighful.

Listening, it is a magical.

"Can you show us a look?"

"OK, no problem."

Li Zhenyi is very simply.

Then Glouveo also stood up and came to Li Zhenyi.

"This called 'inches", through the proximity of the proceedings, defeat the opponent in the first instant. "

Li Zhenshan's martial arts is practical to the upper and throwing everything is unnecessary, Huawei action, directly defeating each other in an instant.

Li Zhenquan put a horse step, and Glouve was ready, his hand was put on the other side, straight straight, then he suddenly held a fist, and suddenly took Gloliver a few steps, see Lily They are all surprised.

Then, Li Zhenshan came to the place where the boxing sandbag, and then performed again, the sandbag flew.

Li Zhenyi's movement can be said to have been subverting everyone's view.

The fist is not the longer, the longer the distance, the longer the distance?

Why did he be able to make so powerful strength?

Lily ran to the sandbag, and then tried to play two punches, but the other side did not move.

However, Catherine knew that Li Zhenyi's fist is very powerful, but even more, it is his leg method.

Li Zhenyi jumped up, it was able to play three times in a row, and the strength is large enough to kick others out of ten meters.

Lily suddenly asked: "Can we learn martial arts?"

Li Xiaolong didn't think that Lily would ask, but he quickly replied: "The problem is not, if you can suffer, you can practice."

Catherine turned a white eye against Lily.

"Forget it, I just talk about it."

Lily doesn't want to suffer.

"I think you can learn some self-defense technology ... You know, sometimes ..." Linda shrugged.

"Will it be very bitter?"

"No, if you learn some self-defense skills, it is actually very simple, I am writing a book, maybe it will help you."

Li Zhenyan has a book that has been published in his birth - "Basic China Boxing".

However, in Catherine, the leg method is the essence of Li Xiaolong.

And she doesn't think the fist of a girl can have a lot of impact on a strong man.

"Can you teach us some legs? It is the kind of ."

It's really straightforward.

"Then I will teach you some basic self-defense skills."

Li Zhenyi said, began to give them some basic skills.

Until the sky has gradually dressed, Li Zhenyi also stopped.

"Mr. Li, can you give me your phone?"

I forgot last time, Catherine felt a little unfortunately, although there was no mobile phone this era, but the phone is already very popular.

Li Zhenyi reported the phone to Catherine, this time, three talents and Li Zhenyi farewell.

Come to Bruce for the hotel for them, Catherine is that Li Xiaolong is so unfair to death, always feel somewhat pity.

The other party is not just a celebrity, but also his own savior.

Maybe ... can you find a way?

Catherine is thinking about this problem, but this is not the truth that has not been found for decades. How can you do it?

But soon, Catherine was attracted to the past by another thing, that is Gametv.

At the Expo of Seattle, all the latest inventions can be said to be full of jealousy.

And very quickly, people are attracted by a color TV.

This TV called Gametv is not just because of the magical appearance - although the full screen TV is rare, it is because of the magical "video game".

Emma, ​​table tennis, although there are only two games, but this can play games with TV screen, and no one has experienced, such a game, I attracted everyone.

Especially Emma.

This magical game is praised as "the world's first video game".

In the original world, the Russian square is a magical game, known as "can play for more than 100 years without greasy" game. From this, the popularity of the game of the Russian square can be explained. It can be said that the vast majority of people who have exposed their computer have played this game, especially in Japan and Europe.

Soon, one pass ten, ten pass hundred, gametv was familiar with people, and the business that heard the news, more and more. Bruce is a busy group.

At once, Apple's GametV shipments reached 300,000, it can be said that Catherine's goals have been initially realized.

Because of the class, Catherine just went to a rough look, then returned to Pennsylvania.

But fortunately, only more than a month, just have a holiday, wait until the holiday, everyone has enough time.

However, this for more than a month, Catherine is not idle, although it is also reviewed, but she still wrote "radiation" second part and the third part.

Then, with the end of the test week, it means that Catherine has reached the nine-year, which is the first three. Lily, has also risen to the high one, Jenny and Lisa have Eida, and has also reached the high.

Catherine's total sales have now reached 30 million, and the profit has been more than 10 million.

With the launch of Gametv, Catherine will become a millionaire.

Catherine has decided at this time. On January 1, next year, he will start selling his little fighter game.

Catherine believes that with the sale of the game console, its market will be more good. After all, she mainly locked the child market, and this market is very stable, at least relative to adults, it is easier to attack. After all, now, the trend of the hippie has already had a sliver, she doesn't know what will happen later.

Catherine's company has also begun to develop a personal computer.

Since there is a CPU, then don't let the personal computer appear, that can't, and the portable computer will appear soon, Catherine can not be behind.

She has even already designed the shape, this computer is a integrated, inspiration comes from the original "radiation" - in the Radiation of the Catherine version, the computer is very futuristic.


The following is an image of a computer in radiation.

[[[[[[[[[[[Cp | W: 340 | H: 303 | A: L | u: /chapters/20116/5/1968442634428768185518237714528.jpg]]]