Blooming America

Chapter 68 Intel's New President

"Harry Potter and Flame Cup" and "Radiation 2" have started selling at this time.

"Harry Potter" series, it can be said to be a household name, and "radiation" also became a high reputation because of last year's Cuban missile crisis, and Catherine's $ 20 million. Now keep the box office record, it is a "Bing Gu" 15 million US dollars, and now this record is Catherine.

At this time, Catherine is rarely sitting in the office, she is preparing to interview one person, this person is Bruce discovered.

In fact, it should not be an interview. Catherine just wants to see if this person is in the same memory. After all, Catherine is just known about the name.

A man with a collapsed nose came in. He is actually very good, but the scars on the face and the nose, but give him a lot of minutes.

"Jerey Sanders?"

"Yes, Miss Edson."

Sanders was born in Chicago in 1936. When he was still in kindergarten, his parents were married, he was raised by my grandfather. He is very smart, the results have been very good, and the secondary school is jumped. But he likes to hug, so he often involved in fighting. At the University of Illinois, he reads engineering. Once, he was a dispute in a hooligan called Jim's classmates, and he took Jim to be beaten. He walked to open the rogue, Jim ran away, but he was hit by bouting, so that it always broke the phase. His nose has a shape, a bone is saved, and the rib is also broken, and it will die.

After a few years, Silicon Valley, Sanders will become a prominent figure and get a title of "Clown Prince".

But not now.

He is now working in Motorola, but he has always been dissatisfied with his work.

At this time, Bruce stretched out the olive branch toward him.

At this time, Sanders' s talents have just been reflected, but Motorola has not paid attention.

"I want to know, what do you think of the electronics industry? I heard that you have always had a unique insight in this regard."

Sanders is a very strong person, he has met the development of the electronics industry very early.

"I think that the development of personal computers is explaining that the computer is moving towards civilianship and industrialization, and it is no longer an industry of IBM and other companies. After supercomputer, it may only appear in certain research institutions, for general companies This will become unnecessary. I think our company should truly face the personal computer. We should let them rely on our products, as far as the earnings should be in the second Bit, and first, we need to expand the industry and occupy the market. "

The other party did not see the other party because Catherine was a little girl, but talked about his opinion.

Catherine laughed.

"Mr. Sanders. Now I want to congratulations, start today, you are the president of Intel."

Sanders also scared a jump, before this, his position should be the general manager, now he suddenly became the president of Intel ...

Bruce's current experience is not enough, Catherine feels that someone should share his pressure. And Sanders is a strong person, this time, don't let him come over, who is looking for?

Catherine took a contract out.

She hired Sanders with a 2.5% of Intel's shares, and $ 500,000 (and increasing 100,000 to 1 million year by year).

Because of this speech, Catherine also decided to develop a second-generation Microsoft computer.

This time, Catherine made a decision: open hardware standard.

In other words, it is to allow third parties to set up plugins to their computer!

Just like the future motherboard, CPU, and graphics cards have countless manufacturers to make.

Catherine decided to open this standard.

Just, the manufacturer sells a product everywhere yourself. After all, I have a patent of the product, and the standard is also your own company.

However, Catherine did not sure how to think about this idea.

However, IBM has already noticed the market's market. Some other companies seem to have an prepared to develop personal computers. Catherine doesn't want "the former waves in the beach", so, can open their own standards, for themselves Market share is also very helpful.

Microsoft Type II computer is a bomb that Catherine.

Catherine opened the standard, CPU, graphic display card standard, and also reserved several sockets, allowing other companies to configure plug-ins, such as sound cards.

Catherine's current computer, using 8kb memory, originally this memory is on the motherboard, but now Catherine decides to independently, at the same time, the original display output device is also replaced.

At the time, Catherine used the monochrome display card and color display card, which although the so-called color, only 16 colors, but it is already a big cost. This is why Catherine will use Microsoft's Microsoft with Monochrome.

However, Catherine is not open to the standard of the motherboard. Every hardware must include a protocol of Catherine to replace hardware to your computer.

If someone wants to develop motherboards and their own standards ... Sorry, this is a subpoena of the court.

However, the electronics industry is in the sprout phase, wanting to really wait until the flowering results, still take a while.

Now, Catherine has more than 10,000 funds, and she immediately put it into Intel. Xian Tong is the old brother of the semiconductor industry, but even now it is in powerless, its internal contradiction has begun to convey, Catherine is preparing to wait for the opportunity, and all the best semiconductor engineers in this year will dig all. Even if you can't dig all, Catherine also hopes that he can dig most.

Catherine's own ideas for Microsoft II computers, and was written as a plan and then handed over to the technical department.

In order to keep confidential, she also made the technical department signed a contract to ensure that they did not discret during the study.

Catherine believes that up to two years, new computers will appear.

The electronics industry is in the stage, and the movie TV industry is soaring, and Catherine's Gametv's footsteps are getting faster and faster.

The penetration rate of TV has risen, leading to the prosperity of the TV industry.

So Catherine's TV station has also been established.

Angelbeats, Angel Day.

"AB TV", or "Angel TV Station".

If there is no accident, Catherine's TV station will be broadcast on July 1, 1964. And "radiation" TV drama will be the main show of Catherine ...