Blooming America

Chapter 128 in the film

Catherine immediately responded.

Lucas said, it should be the highest level of the boy son.

The Boy Son Division is divided into six levels. After joining the Boy Son Army, members will be promoted by completing the skill requirements of each stage, and the Eagle Army is the highest honor. It is the goal of every boy army. However, it is necessary to complete the skill learning and requirements of the Eagle Army. It needs very enthusiasm to invest and work. In the United States, 25% of the teenagers have joined the Boys Army, and only 4% of them were finally become an eagle army.

In other words, in the whole Americans, only 1% of teenagers can become an eagle army, the real thing is the hundred miles.

"what's your name?"

Catherine began interested in this person.

"My name is Steven Spielberg."

That young man replied.

Catherine took the ear and then looked at him.

"My name is Steven Spielberg, Miss."

Spielberg seems to feel that Catherine has not heard it.

"Ah ... oh." Catherine nodded some numbows.

"What do you think about movies?" Catherine asked again.

"I like movie very much." Spirberg suddenly looked up in front of him, and he is unlike George Lucas, who is going to college, Spielberg, because the results are too bad, and if they can If you seize the opportunity, he will never give up.

"In fact, when I was in high school two years ago, I finished a sci-fi movie" fire "." He said.

This Catherine has seen the life of Spielberg during class, which she knows - 140 minutes of science fiction adventure movie "fire". This cost of $ 400 is filled with $ 100 in the local cinema showing Spilberg.

In Catherine, this is a typical student movie.

"Then why do you come here?"

Catherine asked again.

"In fact, I am preparing to go to California State University's photographic architecture as an intern ..." It is accurate, it is a three-day free interns for a week.

"But this time, I have heard about Mr. Lucas."

Spielberg puts his eyes on the side of George Lucas.

Lucas shrugged, but unfortunately, we can become alumni.

That's right, if Spielberg is really admitted by the Movie Academy, he is the alumni of George Lucas.

"So, I decided to go to DreamWorks like Mr. Lucas."

It sounds a taste of the blood of the blood, but things are true.

"I will talk to Eastwood later, maybe you can go to him to fight, he is directed" radiation 2 ". But the personal style is different, you just have to learn."

Spielberg face is an excitement that can't be suppressed.

"Please rest assured, I will work hard!"

He didn't know how to express his own mind.

Catherine laughed, she knew how fierce in the future of Spielberg.

After everyone left, Catherine was long and relieved, and then Catherine also smashed and looked at Elsa.

"Elsa, do you interested in the work of the secretary?"

"Secretary?" Elsa thought, but it didn't seem to know this concept.

"Secretary is to help me complete the work." Catherine said.

"Can I?"

Catherine nodded.

"Only you can, Elsa." Catherine looked at Elsa with his hopes.

Elsa looked at Catherine's eyes, she almost did not hesitate, and immediately put the head.

"Great, Elsa ~"

Catherine smiled and grabbed each other.

At this time, no one around, Catherine quickly in Elsa's lips.

"The rest, come back at night ~" Catherine's words, let Alsa full red.

"Okay, we are ... Hey?"

Catherine discovered that another piece of film was actually toned at this time.

On the other side, it is exactly the "radiation".

Catherine passed, just saw what I had just arrived here and Li Xiaolong was discussing.

"What are you doing."

Li Xiaolong just returned last month - At the beginning of the year, Li Xiaolong's son Li Guohao is born, Catherine gives him a fake.

"We are discussing some martial arts movements."

Li Xiaolong replied.

"" Broken steel "has not begun?" Catherine asked.

Li Xiaolong, is one of the "Radiation 3: Broken Steel" - "Broken Steel" is a subtitle. In fact, each radiation TV series, Catherine took a subtitle.

It is "radiation 1: relatively dusty", "radiation 2: Eden", "radiation 3: broken steel". The two have been taken before, but the third part is still tight. Eastwood can now say that it is both a director and an actor, and it is too busy.

"Yes, but I feel that some preparations may need to be done. In the plan, the eastern brothers are a very backward organization, so they will pay more attention to the action than the western brothers, we need to fight. But Mr. Li often takes a three-minute fight, solved in three seconds ... "

Eastwood shook his head.


If you are on the ring, many people can despise Li Xiaolong, but if the street fight, Li Xiaolong can make the other party can't find the north.

The famous "Unlimited Fighting Competition" can be said, because there is Li Xiaolong, it will appear.

Catherine nodded.

"But I think that fight does not necessarily want the so-called time, we need fast, fierce, just. Defend the enemy between the instances, this is what we need to do."

"But this audience can't get sufficient visual enjoyment ..." Istrow is still uncomfortable.

Li Xiaolong is actually a director, of course, it is in the future. His self-directed "Raptors" is very welcomed, even created a box office record in Hong Kong. It can be seen that Li Xiaolong is also a good talent in this regard.

Now, two directors that have not yet been fully formed, are struggling for their respective ideas.

"Mr., I have an idea."

Catherine suddenly inserted a sentence.

"You can take two kinds of fighting methods, then give it to the audience to judge, which kind of viewer prefer, when we finally edited, I chose that."

Catherine said.

The two paired each other and then decided.

Everything is determined by the market, which is the strategy of Catherine.

Perhaps Catherine will be able to shoot some strange TV series, launch some strange products, but that is not now, but when Catherine really became a person enough with money.