Blooming America

Chapter 241 New Novels - "Hacker Empire"

Chapter 241 Xin said - "Hacker Empire"

As Elsa said, La Ruira has come back in a few days.

When you come back with her, there is Keyne.

"Oh, God, I can't imagine that my brother will be so embarrassed ..."

At this time, Lairila is complaining to Catherine.

She looks black, giving people a feeling of weakness.

"what's happenin?"

Catherine asked curiously.

Because this day is busy, Catherine did not carefully understand the other's things.

"Every morning, it is a three-kilometer cross-country barrier running, then it is to target practice and freehand ..."

Lyrila will fall out of this month.

Kane's training is very strict. He brought Lairai to the bodyguard training center of the United States, and then began to train the military training of Laira, not only to strengthen training every day, but also tuned the theoretical knowledge at night, including how Proper and safe protection for your own protector, how to control the situation and lock the position of the gunner after being shot.

It is most appropriate to use "unbearable back" to describe Lyrila's mood.

When a bodyguard, can't talk about it, Although Lyrila is very good, there is almost no professional skill, and Keyne is different.

Although she only trained for more than a month, Catherine noticed that Lyrila's mentality seems to have changed, no longer playing with the same one, but there is a bit of just seeking, very serious.

Keyne did a bitter heart, Lai Rulan now has a professional bodyguard, and Keyne is still a personal bodyguard of Catherine, so there is a protection of these two brothers and sisters, Catherine's security is guaranteed - At least Catherine is now Mén, basically don't have to worry about rogue, as long as there is no eye, it is guaranteed to have no return.

"Maybe you need a holiday?" Catherine said.

"Oh, don't, I would rather be working day every day."

Lai Rura jumped up.

"Is there any problem?" Is La Ruira mad? Catherine is really not now.

"If you give me a holiday, my brother will pull me back and train me again ... Oh, God, this is too horrible."

"It turns out."

Catherine shrugged, which is indeed a trouble, it seems to make Lyrila's adjustment status.

Catherine will not go against Keyne's training for Lairai, and Catherine also knows that Keyne is for yourself. In the West, in general, the relationship between the bodyguards and the owner is very harmonious, and there is little problem.

Lai Rura came back, and Catherine's papers have also been done.

Catherine's seven-layer model of the network - this is also the first papers of Catherine - a strong response and huge sensation.

The entire computer industry, including Silicon Valley, is talking about this network model.

Catherine plans a practical plan for the network and then presents the future of the network to all people.

"The electronic computer will tend to type and miniaturize. At the same time, the price of a computer that is constantly falling is, which will make more and more people favors the use of computers. Computers will gradually replace the vast majority of TV sets The function is replaced to a certain extent. At this time, the network will become important, the network will become an important thing that is irreplaceable in our society ... "

In Catherine's thesis, he tells the future of his own network.

Because it is a rigorous scientific report, it is not advertising, so the language should be as simple as possible and to focus.

Catherine's narrative about the future computer, if you put it a few years ago, perhaps everyone would think this is a delusion of jīng. But now, no one thinks.

The computer is still a expensive luxury, but the situation is big as the appearance of the PC.

Now, hundreds of thousands of units, even millions of personal computers are enough to explain this.

And this is still when the computer is not showing.

"Network", most people also know this thing, and it is impressed, because Catherine's science advertisement on the network, it can be said that every day, the TV station will take turns to the audience, but only her own TV station, there are other The TV station is already.

For this reason, almost everyone knows the Internet, and all experts and enthusiasts interested in this also understand the web.

In this paper in Catherine, she introduced the narrow of the future, even throws the concept of "Internet of Things" - of course, this concept is only involved, even in Catherine's era, the Internet of Things It is also a pretty advanced technology concept.

The model is now the intensive type of Catherine's P / IP, which is also a need for the Internet architecture.

With the construction of the Internet's lines, more and more people are beginning to realize the benefits of the Internet, especially after they see the university Internet.

The most online place is now California and New York.

Just in these places, especially Manhattan and Los Angeles, the backbone network in the city has begun to build.

The network's exhibition is so rapid, which makes many people have interested this emerging.

And Catherine's model, can be said to open a Mén that leads to the network world, if it does not cause sensation, it is strange.

The prospect of the network is not just Catherine to think that other people can see that they can't see it deeply like Catherine.

Note that it is to pay attention to it. In addition to a small number of people, most people just use the network as a talker - but not a thing that really affects the future.

It's just a small number of people who really have a sensible, thinking about how to make money on the Internet, but these people have not active.

After a sensation, there was no pop-up window novel network, things seem to have recovered, and the whole world did not have a major thing.

At this time, Catherine suddenly appeared to be free.

It seems ... Is there a paragraph time?

It seems that it seems like this, it has been done, it is doing it, it is also in an orderly, it is a big * OSS, and it doesn't need to go to these jīng. NetBSP; The son is free, and Catherine is something that I don't know what to do.

But very fast, Catherine thought about what he should do - Write

Catherine had not been written for a long time. Although Catherine is very interested since the "Harry" and "Spirit Shè", Catherine is very interested, but what do you say?

I haven't written for a long time, Catherine is a little itchy.

But ... what do you say?

Catherine is thinking.


Very good, but this article is already, so Catherine can't write.

Speaking of "1984", this is a very interesting book, is the British left-wing writer George. Owell, is a piece of his trilogy.

Many people know that "1984" is the irony of socialism, but few people know that "1984" has been embarrassed with capitalism. As a result, many people have not understood this meaning, and many people have not understood this meaning. The free world will also be held in the banner , Big praise, but I don't know that I am giving yourself.

In the text, the capitalism will move a scene of the end, it can be said that it is graphic to jīng.

But the key to the problem is that when Europe and America gave himself face, the Soviet Union thought that their slap is on her face, so I am angry.

... In short, this is a very strange thing, but the total theme of the article is the reverse power, this is not wrong.

Thinking of "1984", Catherine thought that he would write a satirical saying, ironically, today's US?

However, Catherine suddenly thought of the current investment or Hufo, "political correct" is necessary, so Catherine can only be dismissed this idea.

She doesn't want to "commit suicide" with an indecent posture.

So ... how about writing a book about your own?

This seems to be a good idea?

Yes, Catherine immediately looked up.


Suddenly, Catherine has an idea - "Hacker Empire"

Yes, it is a famous "hack of the empire" ~

This movie is very profound and is also a box office killer.

Although there is no way to shoot such a special effect, I wrote a computer that I don't seem to be good.

Just ... this seems to be a little back to the original intention of our exhibition network?

"Should you?"

If a hacker, there is no appearance, write an article, it seems that it doesn't matter?

"Take him, big in order to put it, first put a few years, and then publish after the network is popular."

Catherine can now be said to be a mentality of playing tickets. She has not cared more than one such sales. Anyway, even if she is only her own, it only needs a little funds, hundreds of thousands of funds for Catherine. Words, it is simply, the same, she has no pressure at all for she can be published.

Catherine's most influence on the "hacker empire" is the first, she believes that this is the world's world of "original" hacker empire.

As for the second part of the later, Catherine also felt good, as for the third ... that is potholes.

The third part of the "hacker empire" to the end, SS is not the legendary mechanical emperor, but it is the Smith.

And what kind of "prophet", what is the emergence of "Savior", but also to make Catherine feel this is the potholes in the potholes - there is no way, Catherine at that time is under the world of life in materialism, and the United States It is a person who believes in God's existence.

In fact, Catherine has always feel that many "egg hurts" are very "eggs".

When Catherine saw some American large piece, in the end, the protagonist was entered in the case, but this time, because the protagonist "devout", the god appeared, then helped the protagonist to kill the enemy.

Even if it is not a god, there may be some kind of force majeure, even if there is no resistance, the enemy camp will also have the second five-five help the protagonist.

For example, "Transformers 3", the opposite is working hard for his own planet, but the faction is for humanity - accurate, it is the United States - and try to ruin your own farta. What is this? Jīng God?

Since it is no longer planning to make money, then it is good to say, of course, how to write, how to write.

For example, Nio is originally because it is considered to be a "savior", but it is guided to the real world, but Catherine can't do it.

Catherine can choose to let the "savior" are the U bait used to launch those survivors from the mother.

There is also a mysterious prophet, which can also be a trap.

Catherine said that it is also ready to divide it into three.

In the first part, you can use the plot in the movie, but you can modify it.

For example, Nio's "anti-virus software" (Smith) agent kills by the matrix, and the result is that Nio has got new power, and resurrected, and truly became the savior, killing the special industries in the matrix. (Deleted).

Here, Catherine can completely copy the awareness of Nio itself, and then add some strange programs in this copy conscious, this is not very interesting?

As for the second part, the Nio, which has become a level hero, starts to kill the quarter, then Mí lost ourselves, and the mother is ready to use the "prophet" U bait, and the anti-anti-person. At this time, Catherine added the "hack of Empire" animation version.

"Hacker Empire" animation version is a series of X (matrix / matrix) this same theme but and its own independent animation short collection, a total of 9.

This 9-way dianse is a short article, which is "Renaissance", "Juvenile Story", "Virtual Program", "World Record", "Detective Story", "Battle" And "the ultimate battle".

Catherine believes that the "hacker empire" of these 9 anime work is very perfect, although it is a short, but it can also be added to the inside.

In this part, Catherine uses the biggest possible, describes the darkness of the virtual world, and the tenacity, firm and unyielding.

And Nio is also finally, got rid of the bondage of the mother, became a real "savior".

However, after the third part, Catherine has begun to start "shabling" in the robot, "the" shackle "" Animation version of the "The Renaissance of the Machine" is placed here, but not the second.

"The Renaissance of the machine" describes how humans depend on the robot's labor, and how much does not respect the robot, and the final robot has struggled to cause their human owners to die, and they are sentenced to death; thereby attracting discrimination against robots and hatred, all over the world Explosive to destroy the riots of the robot; a part of the robot has to concentrate on refining the new state, and sent representatives to mankind, the result is framed ...

All in all, the original people, Xìng, becoming ugly in the third part, and human beings are complete because of their own presence, so they get the final retribution.

And there is a plot, Catherine has also made some modifications.

For example, in order not to allow the machine to get energy, it chooses to release nuclear bombs, causing nuclear winter, and robots began using human bioelectrics as energy ...

And don't say any energy conservation, this reason is very ridiculous. Catherine simply sets it to the machine itself or is in the "protection" of human beings, and the nuclear winter has also become a national confrontation - then planted things on the robot.

As for the mother itself, it is based on geothermal, nuclear energy, and the like.

The reason why the mother is supporting human beings is because the machine cannot create new things, so it can only be in place, and organic life such as human beings can create unlimited possibilities, so the mother needs human "creativity" for their own labor - - This is a real reason.

The three sides of the three have been in the first, introduced this terrible future, then, then show everyone the will of humans in the dark, and finally, but the stroke turns, and puts the people from the Sī , Stupidity and ignorance, it is exhausted.

At the end of the story, under the leadership of Nio, kill the parent, then brought all the people to this real world.

However, the average person who lost the support of the mother returned to this world, then because of the relationship of nuclear winter, the land truly survived is not much at all, and the land is everywhere in the earth, and finally, most of these people. All live starved, then the human beings have exploded conflicts and wars ...

At the end, Catherine thought that the ending seems to be too dark, and changed to human beings finally established a real country, and then stood up on this land ...

Of course, the last human beings are just a tragedy.

"Hey ... can you really?"

When the combo is listed, Catherine suddenly, this seems to have a large phase of the "hacking empire" in history, especially the second and third, this and the original plot has produced a lot.

Moreover, Catherine has a written habit of the future generations. If you don't write a little more, she always feels that you are in your heart. If you write according to the outline, finally, the whole work is expected to have millions of words.

"Forget it, write it first ..."

But how said Catherine always felt that the outline of its own is much better than the "hacker empire" of the Brothers, and is not a problem.

This is a thorough play of the emotion of the NG reader, foreseeable, if this is really written, how will it be a pothole ...


The new round of strict starting, cough, you have to harmonious ...

Incident, the new ticket ticket ~