Blooming America

Chapter 326 Prequand Knowing the Dismarks Strategy

Chapter 326, pre-knowledge, dismissal strategy

The UK and France have also begun to establish an internet!

Although this news has been there for a long time, but when the other party really started construction, the Soviet Union is still a little nervous.

The eyesight of the eyes are natural, but KGB is moving in this time.

Androv is the future Soviet General Secretary, but there are very few people who know that in the leadership of Androv, KGB has become one of the most terrible intelligence agencies in the world.

About the Internet's information on the Internet, the source is beginning to have been passed to the table of Androv's table.

Although Androv is very busy because of the various plans in the United States, and the "Net" of Prague is very busy, but he is still U-air to see these documents.

"The British French will be HUA for a year, laying a cable route from London to Paris, and then use this as the internet of the Internet ..."

Androv gently read the analysis of the information.

"The Internet is worldwide. This means that our current network is currently used, no matter who it is, it is all human ..."

Androv remembered an article in the United States in the near future.

Have to say, many Americans are very innocent, they all believe that the Internet should be a "freedom" of the country's supervision, but this is impossible.

Androv thought I had a farce in the United States.

A large number of letters were seized in the customs, then a secret investigation was conducted, but the result was nothing.

The reason for this problem is that after the Soviet Union published the "Dabei United Network" plan, many American enthusiastic users are all sent to the Soviet Union to the Soviet Union - the risk of being investigated But in fact, it is really now - requiring the Soviet Union to use the same network agreement as the United States.

If there is no cold war, this is a good idea, but Androv knows that if the cold war is not over, this is impossible.

For a country, the Internet's military significance is more important than "peaceful use", and if the same architecture is used,

For the subsequent Soviet Union, this is disadvantaged, they are champions, and the United States also has a lot of network security technicians. If they come over and attack the Soviet network, steal the Soviet information, what should I?

The "Niu and Bread" team can set off a bloody rain in the United States. The Soviet Union will not allow such things to be in their own country, and public opinion monitoring must be done, this is no doubt. But if the Internet is opened, public opinion will be very difficult.

The idea of ​​the Arctic Bear has always been solved with a simple method, and never wants a complicated method - so, the best way they can think of, undoubtedly no open internet of civilians.

The Soviet's network will only be used in the Soviet Union, and it will never use American hún.


In mid-March, the Ark Group began to implement a new strategy for the sake of nety:

According to this strategy, all subsidiaries of Ark will adopt policies that extend the fire in January.

Once the company's employees are dismissed, they will be notified one month in advance.

This news came out and caused a sensation.

"The gospel of the job seeker? Prequand knowledge of the angel or devil?" - "New York Times"

"The Ark Group will pay a price because of their ignorance." - "New York Pioneer Forum"

A variety of news began to lay out.

In the United States, if the staff is fired, it is often dismissed on the same day, and it is often only a few hours.

After unpredictable employees, they will face a disaster, especially those who have no deposits.

Of course, after being fired by corporate, the dismissal compensation is also given, and the bank transfer or a Bai Xinfeng check will be sent to the fired employees. However, since the US middle class life is connected to the bank, this employee is unemployed, his credit card, medical insurance, pension insurance, etc. will automatically stop.

- These are also the most troublesome things in the United States. In addition, most of Americans like overdraft consumption, the result is unemployment, the credit card will not be said, the bank will ask him to pay back now.

In this way, the rent of the apartment is not, the property tax will not be paid, so if you don't find a job for a while, it is true that there is only sleeping street - even if you bought a house, property tax can No matter if you are unemployed.

So for an American, if there is no job, it means that he will lose everything that has been got, and immediately becomes extreme from a middle class - in the 1x Wall Street incident, this contradiction is the total explosion of this contradiction. .

So Catherine's measures were launched in advance in advance, they immediately attracted the eyeballs of job seekers.

With a month's turnover, even if you were dismissed, there is also room for this month, you can use this month, go to find new work, don't worry that you will be in the day after a few days, it is on the street and bankruptcy. fate.

The American people are very hardworking - at least relative to high-welfare, Europe, Europe, etc., Americans are very working positive xìng. If the work is not completed, the employees will stay in overtime until they will get all the things all.

Dedicated, then be exploited by capitalists, this is the life of ordinary Americans - of course, because the Soviet relationship, the US current policy is being adjusted, and a lot of propaganda "American Dream", tell all Americans As long as you work hard to have the opportunity ...

But in Catherine's view, what is the opportunity, is limited, the vested interest group has been divided into interest, but why do you want new vested stakeholders?

A lot of YY novels, the protagonist comet is generally rising, and when other people are fools?

Even Catherine, she suffered a lot.

The only thing that is worthy is that Catherine chooses that the industrial industry has not yet been launched. In this industry, there is no interest group, so Catherine can run so smoothly, but will not be blocked - But even then, when Catherine Cha Hand IBM and the traditional field, it has also been strongly resistant.

For Americans, they believe that employees have made mistakes, they should be dismissal, compensation, should not, and after this employee, these people have never considered it. This can only be said that Americans' "slaves xìng" is too serious.

In a hundred years of capitalism, this inferior root xìng has deeply entered their soul. If you want to transform, unless you have completely push down the current US big capital society, it is possible to make a complete revolution.

So Catherine's pre-informs the dismissal policy in advance will be so concerned, but in just a few days, the company received countless resumes - high salary, good treatment, who doesn't like it?

But the same, the debate on this policy is also very big.

"I really didn't expect to cause such a big response."

Catherine put down the "New York Times" and shrugged.

On the "New York Pioneer Tribune", the black big headline is the most prominent "price" word.

Catherine also knows such a thing inevitably, this is no doubt.

In the United States, people usually think "people xìng the evil". If the employee is notified in advance, maybe the employee will leak the company's confidentiality? But if it suddenly dismissed the employee, did not give him almost let him bring the company's confidentiality out of the company, this will it be?

For those who are fired, the company will prevent them like a thief and will not give them any opportunities.

"How can this policy will lead such a big move?" Elsa is also a little strange.

"In fact, this is okay."

The current economy is still a boom. If you wait until the economic crisis ... that is called horror, once it is fired, it is a disaster!

"Is the British welfare?"

"At least I know, much better than the United States ... but if you really want to work hard, I think I am still possible in the United States, but the English thing ... Although there is high benefits, It is very difficult to really become a rich man ... "

Elsa said out his own analysis.

Catherine laughed.

The European side is a bridgehead of the Soviet Union, so capitalists have to use high-welfare to cage workers and the underlying people, but the atmosphere of Europe, but there are many more than the United States, and there are often one night in the United States. My words, so people who embrace their dreams always want to come to the United States.

"But why Americans often lose their jobs will be bankrupt?" Elsa still didn't understand.

"Because there are very few people like savings here, and they often like to swipe over, basically is in Hua tomorrow's money today, once they didn't work tomorrow, they couldn't hold."

Catherine said the blood said that Americans caused problems due to their own xìng.

"There is nothing wrong with a slight purchase of money? If there is anything in the future, you will not have a busy foot 1uan?"

To say people like savings, most of them are Asian - especially Chinese. The people in Europe and the United States don't like to save money, but in general, Europe is really a strong item relative to Americans.

"How did the capitalist make money? Is these people or Americans?"

Do not overdraw from the United States? This is really strange to sound ...

"What do others say, let's say, we just have the big flag of 'humanitarian'."

Catherine finally decided to discuss this problem.


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