Blooming America

Chapter 488, Gu Quan couple

"It doesn't matter, look at this above entry, there is no provision that doesn't let men participate, diamond law, I am the most familiar ..." When I didn't take pajamas, when I walked down from above, Guquan and Aquarium Talking.

"Whate, I don't care, if I don't agree, I will stop you. And, you can't force the sound." Said the unclean.

"Your voice, you come down ... Oh, the bathroom is over there."

Looking at the sound of the pajamas holding pajamas, uncle stopped.


At this time, the sound is not reacted, and the pajamas are still taken by themselves. The result is now mistaken will become a bath ... but it seems to be like this now.

"Just here."

"Thank you……"

Looking at the other party left, there was no need to get the door of the bathroom, and then took off the sister's clothes.

As for the adjustment of underwear from the angel clothing design company, it is a bit troublesome. Because it is afraid of the stuffing, the sound is not selected is "strong payment", the clothes are very tight, although because there is a zipper relationship, it is very convenient to go to the toilet, but it is very difficult.

Unlock the ribbon on the neck, then take off the clothes without starting, there is a feeling of liberation.

"Swelling ..."

The sound is unbearable, although the clothes are very tight, but it has made him feel comfortable, but once it takes the clothes, there is no constraint, I feel some uncomfortable, then take off the stockings, this The feeling is more obvious.

"Forget it, take a bath first ..."

Will take the false, and the sound is unhappy to enter the bathroom.

"Avia, it seems that you are still very comfortable in Europe." Outside, Guquan is sighing uncle's home improvement.

"In fact, there is nothing, but in Europe, the price of the TV is really cheap, and the TV there is a rectangle, the picture is flat ... This is much better than us ..."

Buy a TV set in Japan, it is probably ~ the US dollar, and the same brand of TV, in the United States and Europe, only need ~ US dollar.

This is because the Japanese market is a monopoly market. The Japanese companies will block the exotic manufacturers, and the Japanese consumers will make them their blood supply machines, let them enter Japan.

Although the Japanese consider is very good, in fact, the ordinary people in Japan feel uncomfortable.

"I really don't know when we can change it to Apple TV ... , when you say into the country, my three Apple TV still have a lot of trouble, really ... harm I haven't found a lot of relationships, I will bring them back. I can repair it ... "

Uncle complained.

"It's almost a cool child, should it be?" Gu Quan looked at time.

"Ah ... the soup of the roar sauce ... I really miss it." Uncle is also revealing a look.

Dynasty bed, or now the ancient spring, it is the lady of the ancient spring family. He is a good friend who is self-suited to a big friend. It is the delicious steep soup that is the delicious stew of her.

Uncle's house is ancient spring to buy, next to the ancient spring family, the two are neighbors.

"That one……"

At this time, the sound has not been gone from the bathroom.

"Uncle, do you have any clothes?"

This is really comfortable from the high-end pajamas bought from the angel clothing design company, but only the skirt to the thigh is not awkward, because he is empty, and there is a small tent, and the sound does not cover the hand. At this moment, his continued.

"It doesn't matter, the sound is not. This is very cute ~" The ancient spring next to it is open laugh.

(How can I not matter)

"But this pajamas is really suitable for you, no." Maybe because of the relationship between Guquan, Uncle will also focus on other places.

" ..." This is the sound of the doorbell is ringing.

"It's probably a cool child?" When you said, you came to pirute, then open the door.

"Good afternoon, Avia." Outside the door is a gentle voice.

Then, a beautiful long woman came in, she was still a big pot on her hand, and her soup was a strong soup.

"Ah pull, a beautiful girl ..." After putting the soup pot, the temper noticed the sound of the side, "Hey, why cut the head ..."

The temper seems to be unfortunate in the tone.

"Yes ... it is a boy." Uncle has to correct it.

"Really?" The temper suddenly lit up, and then the past without a pop-up novel network, there was no sound: "So cute, really a boys ..."

(I should say ... I am really a husband and wife ...)

After being graced by a woman, there is no more embarrassment, and my hands can be tighter.

"Opening." Fortunately, I went out this time, and I didn't let the sound.

"There is Xi, today is also very voyage ~"

Yuanqi is in Japanese is the meaning of spirit.

For passionate, there is a good answer, but it is very cold.

"The sound is not, ready to eat."

At this time, Uncle is also greeted.


The state is very embarrassing, he can only run the past without a pop-up novel network, then sitting next to the table, clamping with your legs, at this time, the tent can't be seen, the sound is not a breather.

(What is this ... Women's clothing ... I hate it hates)

Although it is very comfortable, the physiological response makes the sound are extremely extreme.

"... It turns out this ... The sound and sauce is really a good child. For the sister, you can do this."

After the uncle, the sound is quite emotional after the sound is introduced.

"But if you go to the stage, will it be stuffing?" The temper did not appear, "although the appearance couldn't see, his one fell like a boy ... If you don't correct it, you may really be Now ... "

"Yes?" Uncle is strange to see the sound: "I don't feel anything, if I don't know if I know in advance, I really don't have a girlfriend.

"But the appearance is also very important, the light is wearing a false, is it easy to stay, do you want to stay?" Gu Quan is squatting.


The sound is not touched to touch your head.

(That maybe it's fun?)

"Right, the necessary maintenance is also needed." The temper seems very enthusiastic: "Skin care products, sunscreen, it is necessary"

"But those things ... very expensive?" In the face of enthusiastic, there is no obey. "

"But if you can enter the 32-strong, it seems that there will be a special makeup artist on the side of Super-GR1. If you can become a championship, the money is not a problem?" Uncle drunk the water.

"Say, the first thing seems to have a lot of bonuses ..." The slap is so thinking, "it's right. Avoid, sound can't borrow me for two days?"


The sound is not scared, and he is unbelievable to look at the temper.

"It depends on his own will, and tomorrow I have to keep things well." Uncle is an exact look.

"No, do you still have a woman?" The temper asked again.

Maybe there is

"That day, I will take you to buy some clothes? I am working on the angel costume design company ~" Although the look of the temple is very kind, there is no illusion that I will be eaten by the monster.

(Really ... just an illusion?)

"Does the slabs are also working? And there is no need to go to class tomorrow?" I watched her glance.

In Japan, people who participate in work are really small.

"Ah, we decided to have children in two years later, so the temper decided to work again." Gu Quan added: "Moreover, please feel a little bit of falseness?"

"Yes, this, then have a child's burden and a little ..." I nodded by uncle, "But the sound is nothing to make him decide ..."

"Angel Clothing Design Company ...?" The sound of the sound is not bought in the angel clothing design company.

"Yeah. Just recently they have been lobbying schools, I hope that the schools from all over the space can use their adjusted school uniforms, so the time ago is really busy."

"This ... I seem to have heard that it seems to be a comprehensive replacement of school uniforms since the spring of next year."

Japan's school started starting from spring, summer vacation is just more than a month, and there is a big difference in other places.

"But I think this is quite good." Gu Quan seems to know these things: "The children will always have a variety of problems in the classroom, hunchback, spine bend, high and low shoulders ... If only just put a suit If you can prevent us, there is no harm to us. "

"Yeah, everything is for children." Education is a hundred years ago. It is only a set of school uniforms, and it is possible to show that Japanese people pay attention to education.

It's just that the Japanese seem to have been overkill, so the stress of Japanese children is very large, even when we don't have a holiday, it is only one day.

"Right, there is a new product in the test, no sound, maybe those new products are very useful to you" "The roots seem to think about.


In the face of the temple, the sound is not really feeling big ...

"Well, we will have no pop-up window novels tomorrow ~" When leaving the uncle's home, the temper repeated it again.

Things seem to tell a paragraph, and the sound is not in the life of uncle's house ... just started ...

However, the small voice doesn't know, because his love of his sister has led to the future of Japan, it has changed ...


It seems that everyone is still very supportive ... Well, then you will accompany your gentle ~~

The next chapter returns to Catherine's visual ~. .