Blooming America

Chapter 565 Earth Day and Environmental Protection Public Welfare Reception

At the beginning of April, the situation in the United States became very delicate.

The United States entered Cambodia, starting to bomb Ho Chi Minhi, because of this small

Tao, Vietnam's resistance for Americans feel extremely difficult.

Now there is such a good opportunity for the afternoon, who will let it?

But accordingly, because there is such a thing, the US domestic anti-war mood is also more high, especially in college students.

Students are always the least stable group of people, they have the vitality of Jī, but they are often blind, especially after a variety of brainwashing and distinguishing education.

Over the speech on the network can see that now college students are indeed anti-war against a crazy realm.

Yes, you can use "crazy" to describe these people.

On the network, it is a slaughter version of these people, all kinds of chat rooms, and some people are constantly brushing messages. Moreover, it is also constantly organized a gathering in the network, calling on everyone to act ...

In the reality, the parade among each university is also the most common, although Catherine always thinks that these people are reasonable strikes in the law ...

However, the situation in the world does not change because of these blind people, maybe because people who have to do too fire, there are many people who support students , they have begun to calm down.

Although it is said that there is anti-war, many people have been getting used to this.

Three minutes of heat, this thing will happen, and it is no exception in the United States.

Not everyone is keen on anti-war , in this, the number of soy sauce is absolutely a lot. As for the most likely what the soy sauce, it is undoubtedly a lively.

What's more, the current theme is no longer a war. People now most popular topics should be "pollution" and "environmental protection".

Even the soy sauce, their living environment around him, is also very concerned about what this kind of thing will be more important for them, but Catherine is not very concerned about these anti-war.

As Cambodia's coup, everything will change.

Nixon has not yet told other people who are about to enter Cambodia but it is obvious.

The Nixon government will not give up this excellent opportunity.

At that time, it was the signal in the stock market.

"Kate General Electric Company is very interested in paying our mobile phone. Our next talks will begin on April 30."

Elsa and the other party passed away, Catherine nodded.

"We should now make a practical planned."

The OP phone payment business is necessary. At this point, Catherine should stick to it.

"Specifically, wait until the time ..."

Catherine also didn't determine if universal electrical agreed with his opinion if it was feasible, then it was a good thing to himself.

If you don't agree, Catherine can only start single.

"But now the most important thing is still this"

Catherine took out the invitation of Soros.

Yes, a public welfare of environmental protection xìng.

Because there is also a name on the organizer: Dennis Hays.

It seems to be a bit familiar, but for Catherine, this is indeed a stranger. But it seems that this guy is not very famous. At least Catherine seems to have not heard this person.

In fact, this Dennis Hay is in the later world, the name can be very large.

Dennis Hayes is the first Earth day event in 1970, which is the invitation.

The organizer of the 22nd, created the Earth Day Alliance, is known as the famous environmentalist known as "Earth Day". His Earth Day activity initiated in 1970 is regarded as the beginning of the American modern environmental protection.

But to say that he is more famous, it will undoubtedly organized the first "Earth Day" event in 1990, and 200 million people in 141 countries participated in this global celebration.

Dennis Hais is also bonded by the Brett Foundation, the Executive Director, and the Energy Foundation '

"I don't know how environmentally friendly solar enterprises supported by the entrepreneurial funds. ........."

Catherine suddenly thought that it seems to have supported some solar enterprises from the beginning of the beginning of Tǐng "Environmental Protection".

"The information of the Elsa Entrepreneur Fund gives me."


This is fearful in addition to the material in addition to energy, especially the storage capacity, so Elsa has quickly turned it out of recent data.


Some companies have begun to make profits, which seems very nice.

However, Catherine is the nose of the solar environmental protection.

It is not to mention that the pollution caused by the manufacture of solar power generation devices (the same amount of power issued in this device life period) is more serious than the pollution caused by the thermal power station.

It is mostly the case until the 21st century, so the solar can be so easy to make "environmentally friendly" products.

Of course, if you want to develop with the progress of technology, it is probably not much.

On April 22, 1970, about 20 million people in the United States participated in the vast paragrant parade and various ralts, designed to evoke people's awareness of the environment and reasonable use of resources.

This event got the first of the United Nations. In the future, the "World Earth Day" is determined on April 22nd every year.

"Earth Day" activity originated in the 1960s, the Americans at the time proposed a controllable and accused, criticizing the government a series of policies that caused environmental pollution.

In 1969, the Senior Senator of the People's Lord Garynolson proposed to hold a workshop on environmental issues in all campuses across the country. Dennis Harvie University of Harvard University of Harvard, Dennis Hayes quickly became a context of Nielsen into a large-scale community, and received enthusiastic support from Nelson and many young students.

For the final exam, the final exam is a Nielsen proposal to April 22 in the following year.

As the world "Earth Day", environmental protection activities were launched in the United States.

For the current Americans, the Vietnam War is not so concerned that at least now this activity is concerned.

No matter who, who doesn't want you to live well?

These Americans are naturally no exception.

At the same day, Catherine also drove to the Beverly Hishan Hotel in Los Angeles.

When Cairn's luxury car came to this side, I was already able to see a lot of luxurious cars.

Beverly Hill Villa has the title of "The World", which is the most famous city in the city of Los Angeles. Here is the world's fastest business street, but also gathered the many luxury homes of Hollywood movies, and also as a world movie. Holy Land.

However, Catherine is still not understood by why the public welfare wine is located in Bverly Villa.

At this time, I used the 21st century thinking to solve the thinking of thinking than the 1970s.

The environmental protection of the 21st century is nothing more than some people who have been full. It is "how long it is" with various means? "Catherine asked.

"Here is Rodi Europe, not far from our destination."

"Rodi Europe's Avenue" Catherine took the mouth.

If it is in the novel, this place is definitely a contradiction and conflict of the protagonist.

Because Roddo Avenue contains the most precious stores in Southern California, each famous store has its own unique architectural style. What is this is: "Buy things don't ask the price. If you ask, you can't afford it."

All brand-name jewels and apparels are found here, and each store is equipped with a magnificent, and the air is like an art gallery ...

"The feeling of this place is really enough ..."


Lyrila's epithemock is obviously incorrect.

"..." I am really vulgar. "


I am afraid that Catherine can only know what they think. "But we seem to have business here." Elsa seems to think about anything.

"Is there still business here?"

Catherine stunned, then relieved.

The Internet and personal computers are good, and they don't like the rich people.

However, Erdo is obviously not this: "We also have Tanzan's sales here."


It turned out to be a jewelry business that he was old.


Tenzan, who is very expensive, history of Tanzan, is probably waiting to come to the century, but now, because "I am" change propaganda, and Tanzan stone real mining only has Tanzania's Kilimanza The small place at the foot of Roshan is.

There are other influences in publicity strategies, so that Tanzan stone has become a star of the world, this is a matter of history.

"Arrived. "

It is said that the speed of the car has begun to slow down.

"Miss Edson, welcome you!" Just from the car, Catherine saw Soros, which seems to be a relationship between this thing and Soros. Maybe because Sorros's support has this wine.

"Hello, Mr. Soros."

Catherine still greeted the opponent.

"Miss Edson, this is my friend Dennis Hais, and he is also the initiator of this event."

Things are really like this.

"Jingnis, this is Miss Catherine Edison.

"Hello there."

"Hello there."

... so say, why Soros will come to the environmental protection! @.