Blooming America

Chapter 631, changing trajectory

Before the history has not changed, the history book is written like this! "October 25, 1971,

The 26th Purona adopted all the legitimate rights of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations ... "

But now the reality is that it is now 1970 in October.

68 votes in favor, 42 votes against, 18 abstentions, adopted resolutions on the resumption of the United Nations permanent members of the United Nations in the .

It took a year in advance for a year.

"Today's news network is here, welcome your watch" At this time, the program in front of the TV is finally ended. But soon, the TV station will begin to return to the special report of the United Nations permanent member of the United Nations in the Chinese Ruo.

One of the Chinese rules is still in the case!

Catherine sat slightly.

Although there is no advantage in history, it is not necessarily.

However, Catherine's thinking at this time, completely concentrated on the other side after almost everyone was attracted by the NAS, Egypt, has begun to gradually move.

One is not just Egypt, and Syria is all mobilized.

At this time, a big event has occurred in the Middle East.

On October 26, 1970, Global Airlines Bō Single 707 aircraft, Swiss Airlines's - 8 famous aircraft LR, with sè column airline's Bō sound 707 airplane, Pan American Airlines's Bō Sound 747 Airplane A total of 4 machines were hijacked.

After the flight Sī service alarm staff was launched with the hijacker, the rest of the aircraft in Jordan's British Air Force base in addition to the Jordan's British Air Force Base in Jordan, the remains of the incident, terrorists Hijacked again. The aircraft of the HKM, forcibly landing on the same air force base. After landing, all passengers were rescued and practiced the plane to blast. This is a hijacking event that is organized by PL0, intended to save the hijacking incident of the debated comrades.

One PL0, that is, the Palestinian liberation organization N

The liberation of the Palestinian people is one of the eight guerrillas that make up the Palestinian liberation organization, which is second only to "Fatah". It is a Jī into the armed guerrilla organization, advocating the Pan Arabism, the Command, the Mrs. Mustafa, the "Mustafa Travel" planned to plan a variety of terrorist attacks against the Sè column and Western countries.

International scandal jī anger Jordan, Jordan began to attack the guerrillas, and both sides have been continuous at this time, Jī is intertwed.

Catherine didn't remember that there was such an incident in history. If she had an impression, she should know that this should be in September and is called "Black Sè September".

But there is no doubt that this incident is undoubtedly, it is already the situation that the Arab is already the situation is even more caught.

At this time, the entire Middle East is like the ** bucket, hatred and contradictions that are being filled with gunpowder, is constantly brewing.

But from the surface, this seems to have a little paused for the situation that has been tense war.

Arab countries, especially in Syria and Jordan, which have the relationship between them, and the relationship between them has begun, Jordan is not approved by war. At this time, they have more reason. Lack of Jordan's support, Egypt wants to get a sè column, you have to take it.

It can be biased at this time, and there is a sè column ...

October 31st.

Here is Egypt.

Xue Ronghua warms the Arabic who has learned.

Honestly, Arabic is more difficult to Xue Ronghua, but he is now in some common Arabic, at least daily greetings and communication, should be no problem, although it will have some effort.

Employed Xue Ronghua, is an Arab.

What is the name of this person is La Hamman Abdulla, there is a long stroke name, and he is an important head of the Palestinian liberation organization.

However, the other party is to let Xue Ronghua call him "Yasier".

In the Middle East, there is no B, but Yasier said that he needs a person who is best not to talk to the Middle East, and this person can even know the Latin, it is better.

So, as the ace, Xue Ronghua, was found.

At that time, Xue Ronghua was still hesitant, but afterwards, after the superior,

He came to Europe.

The subordinates of Mr. Yasier also hired Xue Ronghua to let the translation tell him that he feels impact on the Palestine's Jī into the organization, kidnapped, hijacking aircraft, etc. Many people are regarded as nail in the eyes, although Mr. Yasier is not afraid of death, but his belongs think he should need bodyguards, so he has Xue Ronghua.

Xue Ronghua has seen the relevant information of the other party.

At the beginning of 1969, an His Justan, who was inserted with Sè, was mixed into the office of Mr. Yasier, secretly installed the driver and Bō-type pulse radar transmitter in Mr. Yasil. Under the car, attempts to guide the target of the Sè column fight bomber. But Mr. Yasier discovered this device in a timely manner.

In 1969, in Jordan's "Fahde" guerrilla camp, Mr. Yasier had doubts about a mailpower that has just sent to his office. When Mr. Yasier's guards just took the Na bag to the office. Na bag was blown down.

One of these two assassins were found because of accidental.

If he is not careful because of Mr. Yasier, he is afraid that he has already seen his allah.

Therefore, people of insight think that professional talents can provide professional protection, so they have b

After coming to Mr. Yasir, Xue Ronghua played his amazing observation.

One drifting is found in a small groove that is specially excavated by Mr. Yasier.

All in all, the reason why Xue Ronghua was placed here, in fact, related to the origin and between Yasser in the country.

In 1964, when Mr. Yasser its comrades is proposed, accompanied by his decision to hire B's first visit to China, in country is [the host organization National Afro-Asian Solidarity Committee. At that time, Mr. Yasier was preparing for armed struggle. He visited Huahuan called Leuf.

And then, Zhou Enlai always Li, Chen Yi, deputy manager total meeting he was, and told each other, in States to support the struggle of the Palestinian people, the Palestinian side agreed to the training of personnel, said it will provide free military aid to Pakistan . At the same time, the total Zhou Li also reminded Yasser, who struggle to pay attention to strategy, not to mention slogans such as "put to sè columns driven into the sea," and the like, because such slogans against the Palestinian struggle.

The attitude of Mr. Yasier and Mr. Yasier is consistent with the top of Palestine. In the country and Mr. Yasser, we are not in favor of including hijacked airliners were extreme action, because do not solve any problems.

Although some unknown, but Xue Ronghua heard that this thing seems beloved Zhou Li personally total indicated.

As they are underground thing, Xue Ronghua did not know whether the Arabs informed, but Xue Ronghua guess, this should not know ... at least not all informed.

Think about it, if your own identity is exposed, then the problem can be big.

But from the other hand, Xue Ronghua think, these people seem to at least have the presence of insiders, who least likely to know about. Otherwise, why should the other party hire from Hong Kong from Hong Kong?

Although the Middle East B, but said the umbrella company for the ace in the Middle East is not very trust in these, many people may have been infiltrated, it is sometimes important task, it will deploy staff to come from the US headquarters.

It is said that the other party is ready for these people to conduct a comprehensive audit, if unqualified people will be repaying In fact, shortly before coming here, Hong Kong has been one such audit, being a trained B was found to be Taiwan spies and repel, although this process is very secretive thing, but later also poke out led to a decline of Taiwan's international image. And Xue Ronghua was also came close to being discovered, he was at the time of the audit, it was almost the other side to find, but fortunately that Taiwan counterparts to be identified, and thus saved his life. Dead Touch is not dead, the world is big, Amitabha ...

To put it, the superior will then go to the Middle East, and may not avoid this moment.

"Mr. Ronghua."

At that very moment, the translation came up: "Mr. Yasser allows you to prepare, Mr. Yasser ready to go to Syria trip, and departure after one hour."

"alright, I understand."

Xue Ronghua nodded and then he returned to his own room.

He began to prepare their own guns, now that is going out, then at least you want to have adjusted to the best weapon state, what firearms, and it is necessary to bring in here, but in the Middle East.

The pistol on the body was taken, after the determination of 10,000, Xue Ronghua reopened the pistol in the suit.

Then the bulletproof vest is in the Middle East, often possible to explode attacks, and the first task to be done is to protect the safety of the employer, so a bulletproof suit is essential for B.

When it comes to the end, B is also a person, it is a person, always afraid of death.

"The eyelids have been jumping ... What is this?" Xue Ronghua is somewhat surprised. Today he feels that he seems to have never come. ! .