Blooming America

Chapter 654 pictures, videos, digitization

" has also begun to publish advertising ... D-

! "

Catherine was very good at hearing this news.

In this case, a relatively large website that is basically Internet has begun to accept ads.

The emergence of Internet advertisements represents the deepening of commercialization. This is definitely a good news. In terms of last year, the total amount of advertising and capital published on the Internet last year has reached A $ 100 million.

Although there are not many dollars, it is absolutely no longer good news than the Internet that has just developed.

Tianya Net is a more modern website in the Internet forum. If such a website began to accept the Internet, that is, the future of the future is definitely bright.

Now, the beast is in the future, once this beast is growing, the pattern of this world will change.

(At that time, my "hacker empire" can also be sold ... Catherine is looking forward to the little in the heart.

"Hackers" has always been a heart disease of Catherine, although it is well, but now it is absolutely not a good opportunity to sell, and maybe it will also move the stone to smash your own feet.

"Unfortunately, the Internet is good, but it is not able to display pictures. If the Internet can have a picture of the picture, then it is good." Elsa complained.

"There will be, there will be, the next generation of computer, we can provide pictures to enjoy ..." Catherine is now in a good mood.

But this is also inevitable.

The next generation of computer uses 32-bit "Operation" system, from profits, open a web page with pictures, is not that troublesome.

And the current market, has also appeared 2MB of memory, the development of a memory market is very prosperous. It is increasingly become a system bottleneck, which is now the most developed component.

Because Catherine's creative, people now use a computer do not have much no more demand for hard drives, because all content is stored on the disc, and the hard disk only needs to bear the basic storage user settings, this point change It is very easy.

Even if you want to reload the system,

It is also very simple. It only needs to delete the information in the storage space. It can get a new system. In fact, even if there is no hard disk, there is a small part of the software that has a demand for the hard disk, absolutely Most software can run in a diskless state.

In other words, this is also a "green" color "software.

"But how do you see pictures?" Albessa asked again.

"Hicup" Catherine is hung.

For Catherine, whether the website can store pictures, have become a common sense "sex" problem, how can some websites can't look at?

"It is a thing through hyperlink." Catherine found that this found thing, I really don't know how to explain, but she then said: "Future webpage, not only can watch pictures, but also Games and watching videos, these are all able to do, at that time, the Internet completely transcends the current traditional media ... "

"Put the video? Are you talking about the digital video?"

Elsa also went to Catherine to have seen the digital video.

"Yeah, but the capacity is definitely different." Catherine said like this.

"One one, right pictures!"

Catherine suddenly jumped from the desk.

"Kate, what happened?" Elsa looked at Catherine.

"It's a picture, I didn't expect this ..." Catherine shakes his head.

"What do you think of this?" Elsa expressed its meaning.

"Because this is the trend of future development, if we can't get the format we need, after the computer develops, it will definitely" chaos "."

Catherine is the leader of the Internet, or that the entire Internet is gradually developed under the pulling of Catherine, and the development of the computer is not worth mentioning relative to the future.

Catherine suddenly felt funny, it was clear that it had already started to develop video images, but ignored the more basic picture format.

In general, BMP, PNG, and JPG are the most common three-picture format. For Catherine, her favorite is BMP's absolutely lossless format and PNG can bring transparent. The pattern of layers.

But in fact, the most widely used picture format in the world is JPG format. This powerful format has a compression ratio of up to 10: 1, some pictures can even be easier at 10: 1 to 20: 1. Concinded files, while the picture quality does not drop one JPG compression, it can process realistic photographic works well. However, for the less colorful "color", the comparison level is strong, the solid border or pure "color" is more simple, and JPG compression cannot provide the ideal results. Sometimes, the compression ratio will be low to 5: 1, and the picture is complete "sex". The reason for this loss is that the JPG compression scheme can compress similar "color" adjustment, but the JPG compression scheme does not have a strong difference in brightness or treatment of pure "color".

Take Catherine a novel website to take a novel website, the name "- Green @ &net - network" website, only support less than 20KB when the cover is uploaded However, in general, the size of the picture just created is generally around 200kb, and it is necessary to perform 10: 1 compression at this time. It is magically that after using JPG compression, the loss is not too big, this is the magic of this format.

If it is JPG, then it is certainly not bad.

Catherine wants to develop the Internet, she must have JPG format.

In one, Catherine is now taking this display mode.

"But we can display the picture now?" Elsa is skeptical about the "sex" of the current computer.

The current computer is the highest "color" number is 4096 "Color", but when using, it is 16 "colors", it can reach 256 "color" is not impossible, but the requirements for the system are also very high.

Because of this, Catherine will ignore this very important part of the picture.

"Color" is not a problem.

When you wait 32, you can run at 640x480 resolution 256 "Color" in 640x480 resolution, 60Hz, if you add a Thunder, "Color" is not one by one. Although the system has high requirements.

Of course, this is only in general. If it is a hard video, the system will enter a special mode. In this mode, the system will become a similar to the existence of the television device.

The so-called "soft solution" is to make the CPU to perform video decoding processing by software: and "hard solution" means that the video decoding is not dependent on the CPU, complete video decoding by dedicated devices (subcaranades), such as D

DVD decompression card, video compression cards are crowned with "hard solution" title. Now that HD hard solution does not require additional subcards, no additional investment is required, because the hard-decoded module is integrated in the GPU inside, and the vast majority of those graphics cards in the 21st century are support hard solution, but in the tablet market Hard solution technology is more skilled.

For example, 2160P video, this video even the quad-core computer is very difficult, but a 299RMB simple tablet can be smoothly solved, which is the power of hard solutions.

"Hard solution" is actually more supported by software, but there is basically no CPU to participate in operation, thereby saving a lot of resource overhead for the system. In China, the development of hard solution technology is better than Europe and America, and all kinds of ferocious hard solution format can be found in China ... but the development of hard solution in history is too late, so although hard solutions Advantage, but with respect to the soft solution, it is not enough to force, if in advance, hard solution technology will definitely escape the market. For example, Catherine is now in this now (the version is lost here).

"You can you, the big husband, Meng big" milk "!"

Catherine feels good. "But it is also, the digitized video is also getting ..."

In fact, Catherine is more likely to improve the new display of the current display, it is best to raise to 85Hz. Catherine now doesn't like to look at the computer every day. This is related to the current computer of the current computer. Now the computer refresh rate is not high, so when it is displayed, the picture is often flashing, although the phosphor powder of Zhongyu Hui, but this It's hard to eliminate when the refresh rate is not enough.

Although the current Internet has a common "sex" in the future, it is in fact, because the low "sex" energy of the current computer, many ideas of Catherine cannot be implemented.

This is the easiest to implement the resolution and JPG image, then the video audio and video, the last is a large-capacity hard disk ...

"Well? This product?"

Catherine, who is looking at the annual summary, suddenly found a place where the new product was found ... How to see how this thing is familiar.

"... This goods are not a notebook ... wrong, should it be a portable computer?"

Catherine saw something, Hed is the laptop that is being developed!

"Elsa, this intelligence ... is right, there are this person, let them come over!" The SED screen with the board of the board, this person really dares! "


The second is completed, there is another, ask a ticket ~
