Blooming America

Chapter 811, Black September (below)

Mosad is chasing Wang Shaoyu. ~~

As a person on the Masad Blacklist, Wang Shaozhen is staring dead by agents.

Even in this place, I know that Wang Shaoyu's identity is not much.

After Wang Shaoyu said his plan, these people were very excited.

They seem to have seen success in front of them.

"We started in September 4." Is Yad said.

So, the whole thing is set.

"Black September", which is also the name of this organization.

Because of the pressure of a good warfare, in September last year, the Fatah Conference held in Damascus agreed to establish a secret force in the abroad of attack and implementing assassination mission - "Black September".

Abu. Iyae was appointed the leader of the organization, with the "Red Sè Prince" Ali. Hassan. Sali for its deputy. Considering that terrorists have never been to the international community, "Black September" is banned from issuing formal statements, and its leaders hide their identity.

They set up this organization to a large extent, they were subjected to enlightenment of mercenaries.

Unlike those big countries, Palestine is a small country, and it is a country that is almost unfounded. Such a country, wants to make a sound in the international, the traditional way is too slow, so the jī grade requires a better Ability to make your own sound.

So they thought of such an attack.

It's just that they didn't think of it, such an attack will bring them the consequences of them ...

"But I will not play." Wang Shaoyu said this.

"I am chasing it now. At this time, I think this should not be when I am playing ..."

Wang Shaozhen shrugged shower.

Iya denotes it.

Wang Shaoyu does not want to get in danger, especially in this case.

Wang Shaozhen does not believe that the sè column may compromise, because the sè column is very "hard",

So this time. Wang Shaozhen left a heart.

If they really want yù, is it a loss?

And the existence of B has made Wang Shaoyu to dispel half of the original mind.

Tolerance, there will be opportunities in the future ...

If there is no B, Wang Shaoyu may also participate, but now. Wang Shaoyu decided to hide himself in the dark. Then wait for the opportunity to move ...


September 4th.

The Munich Olympic Games is this time the largest sports event is the first Olympic Games in the history of satellite broadcast. There are nearly 1 billion viewers in more than 100 countries in the world to watch the game, the Munich Olympics has become the center of the world. It is the most powerful team at the Sigh Olympic Games from 25 people. It is also the first formal Jewish organization that defeated Hitler to visit Germany.

Jews in the world have to show their strength at the Munich Olympics. The Palestinian Arab attaches great importance to participating in this Olympics. Asyli Arafat, Chairman Arafat once wrote to the International Olympic Committee, requiring the latter to admit the Palestinian Olympic Committee and allowed to participate in the 1972 Olympics, but there is no echo.

Tourism believes that this is a despise.

Palestinians must act, let the world recognize them!

On September 4, 1972, there was no event with the Sè colors. Most athletes have a rest in the Olympic Village, go out to watch movies at night. After reading the movie, he returned to the Olympic Village with the sè column player.

However, in this, a coach and a player. But didn't come back, everyone will smile here.

On September 5th, at 0:30 in the morning, 8 blurred spots appeared outside the Olympic Village, they had a heavy sports bag, quietly went to a fence next to 25 Amén.

"Black September" they started acting.

Originally, they were planned to be prepared at 4 o'clock in the morning, but because they were afraid to arrive, they chose to act now.

They took a shot gun and grenade. Cross the fence, go straight to the top 31 of the Sè column player in the Olympic Village. They choose from here. It is because they have seen it before, and they know. Some athletes are drunk outside. When they come back, they often climb this 2-meter-high fence, and the security will not block at all.

The plan is Wang Shaozhen, which is more than these "amateur", Wang Shaozhen's plan is much better than their plan.

The other party has a total of three programs, and each program requires everyone to record, if not, then don't participate in this action.

The security of the Munich Olympics is really a joke: the entire Olympic Village is only stopped with a thin layer of wire, when the athlete is coming late, they are willing to turn over the iron wire and copy it home. In addition, there is no camera in the Olympic Village, the detector, no roadblock, there are several security guards in the Mén, but there is no weapon!

The member responsible for investigation has been building a construction worker in the construction of Olympic Village, and the Olympic Village is like a referredity. The other person has sneaked into the Olympic Village, detailed.

After waiting, everyone put on the mask and then took out a small jar inside.

This is Wang Shaohui prepared for them.

Soon, they came to the destination.

They have a good location outside the 1st apartment suite in a few apartments living in the sè column, and then open Mén with the keys ready to prepare.

There are 11 people with the Sè colors, and now there are nine people.


Suddenly, the sound came out from the inside.

8 people nodded, then took out a small jar.

"it's me!"

When I was discovered by the other party, I dressed as myself. This is also a way to Wang Shaoyu.

Wrap around the tongue, give people feel like being drunk.

"Take a moment, I will open Mén."

It seems that there is still sleepy, but some people are still here.

Just an instant of the other party opened Mén, the small jar sprayed up toward the opponent!


The other party widened his eyes, but he did not say that in the upper half of the sentence, it turned down to the front of the tǐngtǐng.

This jar is diethyl ether. So the other party will recruit it.

"Go in ..."

They quietly went in and then locked Mén.

There is no five minutes, all members of the Sigh team are controlled by them, and everyone is tied up by five huā.

"Get ..."

They made a breather.

Things are simpler than the imagination, and it seems that it seems exaggerated.

In fact. Even these Jī gives. At the beginning, I didn't want to make things big, they just want to express their opinions and dissatisfaction.

In history, because the West German police have incompetent, hard-eracial hijacking case has become a bloody large-scale gun battle. Being luàn numbness, there is a situation in which various tragedy has occurred.

If the West German police can react in the first time, the other party has no chance to negotiate with the other party. If they can kill the other person in a breath, then the last stop will not appear and the hostage is killed.

All in all, a series of issues have led to the emergence of the last tragedy.

Originally, the West German police y strive for time. Prepare for the rescue of the No. 31 building.

At 18:35 in the evening, the two sides conducted a direct contact. The Minister of Inn West Germany, the Munich Police Director and the Village of Olympic Village entered the 31st building, decided to change the plan of the original ruled into the building to rescue hostages.

The police have promised the request to make the gangsters and transfer them with the hostage to Egypt with aircraft. And decided to implement rescue operations at Munich Airport.

At 20:30 to 21, the West Germany sent three helicopters to go.

When "Black September", when I walked through the ceiling of the ground, the commander responsible for this action ordered the fire. Two sniper shè out of the two bullets, surveillance the two gangsters of the helicopter driver. The airport is time Luàn as a group. Then the two sides expanded the Jī war.

However, the Siece police have not given it for more than an hour, and the police have fully demonstrated their incompetence, but also let the United States are more assured to Side ... Well, this will not have Nazi. .

The policeman at the heart of the corpse. There were five gangsters killed, and the West German policeman died. Several police were injured. Nine of the Her columns were killed by terrorists.

Just, history has changed quietly ...

At this moment. Some people have dialed the phone and quickly received a reply: "The car is ready."

Mobile phone.

This thing has also appeared in Side, in order to express the attention of the Olympics, Sidide has installed a mobile phone base station here, and everyone can talk to mobile phones here.

And this, also gives these people to come.

Eight people were tied to death, and they were already in the state of dizzy.

When they lifted a person, the last person dragged, so they sent everyone to the small trucks he greet, and then left.

Originally, "Black September" is not prepared to do this, they just think of just asking for the release of two prisoners in the 234 prisoners and Side prisons in the sè column, as long as they, they will put people. .

But Wang Shaoyu told them that if they dare to stay there, Mosad and Side will come out, they will be in a passive situation.

But ... If you send these people, you don't know how to make Munich?

No one discovered what happened, they would take all these people, let the West German face sweep, and will give Masad a warning.

Even how strong Mashed is strong, in this case, they must also have to quantify.

The car quietly drove out of Munich, and it also contained this hijacked member of the Sès ...

God does not know, the ghost is unknown ...


Saying that the old girl had a cold, but also duck the duck, I really want to spit a sentence ...

Well, the first is more.