Blooming America

Chapter 111, new script: "Killing the original shape"

Because the mood is happy, Catherine does not know, suddenly there is a new movie script idea.

Well, simply create an invincible anti-hero's protagonist, in the movie film, all the way, isn't this a very hot thing?

Just and your own mood is good.

"Elsa, I suddenly thought of a new script ~"

Catherine suddenly smiled so.

"Don't just think about it, Kate, I can't keep up with you."

Elsa said no good luck.


Catherine screamed.

"But if I can control the whole beauty, I may not have to worry about such a thing."

Catherine also shook his head.

In Catherine's view, it is not enough to sit in flatness with the top ten curves.

Catherine wants, it is to control the entire US.

This is probably ambitious ...

Oh, or say, after the control of the entire US, Catherine can transform these Omei Ghosts more, livestock - yes, this is the original intention of Catherine's ideas.

Hey, to say great goals, there are probably.

Catherine is now probably trying to improve this era to the extent of "attacking the housing".

Catherine believes that the shell machine has made very vivid thinking about the highly developed future of technology, it is very valuable.

If the detailed manifestation of the human man is removed, the average person is hard to imagine that society is the future performance. The urban ecosystem was unlimited, and everything was separated, if it was in the theater version, this kind of natural meaning is stronger. However, Catherine does not like the story of theatrical version. The existence of science and technology mysterization, religion, and Catherine are embarrassing: Putting a company's headquarters into a church appearance, the details of the church or steel composed of steel . Isn't this a religion?

But this is not a representative.

Catherine is to establish a future similar to the "attacking machine".

For the theatrical version, human life is still depressed, crowded than the 21st century. The appearance is tall. The masses live in the pool of inferior buildings. From the depiction of various indoors, everyone's living standards basically belong to the dark version of the 1980s. Although the anime version is much better, Catherine believes that such humans can be able to be controlled by the machine, some dangerous.

However, in terms of scientific and technological levels, for Catherine likes to access the Internet, people who like to use the computer are huge.

Catherine really likes the existence that is able to access the Internet anytime, anywhere. People don't need a phone, do not need a computer, as long as you have your own brain, you can go online.

There is also the development of the environment - Catherine's inspiration of the body, it is from this.

Think about it, control your own body, is this a very sense of things?

"Kate, you have to control the US, you can go to the president. This is the fastest way."

Elsa said casually.

"You know. The president of the rice is not what, I don't think I can suppress these capitalists like Roosevelt. More importantly. The president is a term of office. And I want to do it is a big dictator."

"Can I see this as a big dictator?" Elsa laughed.

"You can call me for the 'big dictator Catherine'." Catherine said with a smile.

This kind of confusing of the general woman is probably a reason for driving Catherine's driving force.

"Well, the big dictator, you want to control this country, then what do you want to do?"

"Then, I have to let people around the world listen to me, when it is the whole galaxy, all universe ..."

Catherine said weird and unrealistic words.

"... Maybe I should call you as a" Miss Cosmo Catherine? "

Elsa is quite interested.

"Perhaps, but the universe dominates this name is not strong ..."

Is OAA called this good? But OAA itself doesn't make sense?

"Change one."

Catherine said this.

"I can't think of the name of the meat ..." Elsa ridicule Catherine.

"Hey, Elsa. This is not enough."

Catherine said with his mouth.

"Well, okay, the universe master, I would like, if you are fighting against the Earth's Jedi Samurai?"

Elsa said.

"Just join a setting, just enter the Milky Way, enter the solar system, or you want to attack the earth with any direct or indirect means, these people will hang it."

Elsa said that Catherine is set inside "Star Wars". Catherine is more shameless - directly changed ...

Catherine doesn't like to play cards according to rules. She always wants to get some other actions, not as if they are the same as the flag.

Catherine's favorite thing is that when you play chess with others, replace the rules of Go to five sons, or tell each other, in chess, every chessman can be used as the Queen ...

Well, what is the shameless thing, Catherine likes the most ...

"Say, have you just have any inspiration?"

Elsa will lead the topic.

"Well, a story."

Catherine thought about it and started organizing the language.

"Death Fantasy" is already going to be released. Catherine also felt that this year may have a new film, combined with Catherine's thoughts, Catherine wants to shoot films, suddenly calls out - "Killing the original shape".

The original shape Type is an open science fiction action adventure game, released by N company. The game is set in modern New York, the protagonist of the game is a cartoon anti-hero role -, infects the protagonist of the virus, or says, infecting human viral protagonists, commonly known as A brother.

A brother wakes up after waking up, I found out what I did at all. Players need to use the protagonists to find his past.

"The story should be said from the Second World War II in 1945, the US Department of Defense and the Senior Program Drapa secret established a special force, named 'black Watch' h; its original intention is to use the biochemical war against all threats of the United States and Overseas hostile forces, all the actions of the unit belong to the secret. "

Catherine is giving story background.

"In 1946. The black-watch researchers discovered a virus, experiments conducted on a primate animal show that through DNA fusion, the virus can greatly improve the intelligence, strength, etc. of the species on the genome level. They named the virus DX1118. Subsequently, the 'black light' GHT plan for this virus is expanded ... "

"In 1947, the black light plan officially started, and the black Watching Force established a small town in Idaho, Idaho, named 'Hope', and relocated the family of a group of kiliers. They lying this is used for simulation. After the nuclear wars, the experimental venue of the human grouped area was not known to the real plan. Black Watching the residents injected a virus. At this time, the virus seems to have no effect on the infected people. ...... In 1948, I hope that the first baby in the town is born, and the mutation generated by the virus in his parents has no effect on the baby itself. However, all the calm is broken in August 1952, It is hoped that the town suddenly broke the disease, and the black watch immediately blocked the town. The residents of nearly 70 were infected, and the remaining people were isolated in the town. Take the day in the past, in July 1969. In addition to one person, it is hoped that there are more than 400 residents in the town to die. The only survivor is the mother of the virus ... and the black light plan has stopped. "

Elsa heard here. The words of Catherine were interrupted: "The next episode is probably a person who does not know the high-grade thick, then causing a series of trouble, and the protagonist is ... Hey, the hero is official, of course, is right with 'surface justice 'The party of the fight, right? "

"Hey? How do you know is 'surface justice' ?!"

"Because of your setting, one is like a big reversal ..."

Elsa did not hesitate to spit Catherine's ray.

"Well, let's talk, the protagonist Alex is a virus. The whole story is also human beings just cover the mistakes. It can't hide it. If you can't hurt, you can't heal for 18 days. The virus 'alex' knows to protect some things: protecting their own 'sister', protecting human civilization is not destroyed, not in the tragedy of hopes to hopes ... "

But in Catherine. The original plot does not seem to be enough.

In Catherine's view, the best ending is that Alex finally protects human beings, and then set the trap by "Just", and then caught by these people.

The whole story is cool, then in the end, I will abuse it ... B!

What is the feeling!

This idea is very good, Catherine is attracted by this plan.

"This script is very good ~ um, just like this ~"

Catherine smiled.


"Well ...... There is this script below."

On the other side, Spielberg has completed the "shaped" after shooting, and the second script of Catherine is handed over to himself, which is the script of World War II.

Spielberg has not yet filmed two-war film, and this time, as a bitter force to Catherine, Spielberg has to start shooting new movies.

He probably he didn't know, Catherine, no festival, and new film ...


report! Temporarily not dead, can also code!

It should be updated tomorrow!

Working hard……(..)