Blooming America

Chapter 119

"Los Angeles have a fighting incident, it seems that we don't put it in Eden, and it is a wise choice, Kate."

Elsa looked at the news, which said in Los Angeles today.

In a bar called "Black Sè Rose", there are people there, everyone is fighting, and the reason happens, the reason is now, there is no clear.

It's a mess.

It can only be described with a chaotic word.

But Catherine doesn't care about this.

"Of course, I am very impatient ..." Catherine did not hesitate to give his face on his face: "But they don't have a gun?"

"It seems that there is no, but this time is a serious Tǐng." Elsa worried about watching TV.

"More serious things, every day, take the rumor guns to sweep the hotel, don't take too much in the hotel, don't be too much ..."

Catherine said things, almost every day, but the reality will never know what people know.

Why do you have such a case without pop-up window No ad? / No one knows?

Because they are things that appear in the slum.

Today, this news has been newspapers and news because this happens in the bustling section of Los Angeles.

"Speaking, Elsa, turn off the TV first, try to see our new game console."

Catherine took the GA game console on his hand and smiled and said.

Although I have tried to have such a game console, I tried and truly played, it was two things.

Now Catherine is ready to play with the GA game console and play on the Internet.

Golden age.

The GA game machine is called this name and can be said to be a score.

1976. It is the golden age of the game console.

"Okay." Elsa looked at the GA that appeared in appearance,

Then turned off the TV.

- But the two don't seem to realize this at this time. A series of questions caused by this fighting event today ...

Connect the game machine. Catherine landed "Super Mario 3D".

Although the GA game machine is still a little bit less than the PS game console in history, it is nothing to do with such a 3D technology.

And this "Super Mario 3D", the "Mario 64" in the history and history is almost. And "Mario 64" is the same time.

Electronic games. It is a new type of game that is a historical compensation, but it is necessary to trace back.

- Imagine a scene with an ancient tap game with a ton of "Computer": Players closes a few calendars in a small light. Then "Computer" selects closes a few lamp. Close the party wins the last lamp. To overcome this heavyweight computer, the only way is to summon the "two-way god 1 and 0 power". In the event of a robot player, it will generously provide a bonus coin to human players as a reward for their wisdom.

This is the earliest game machine device - this is still what Catherine knows in this era.

This "game console" is called Playful-Ne, and the development time is December 1940. However, from the idea of ​​the input, this computer has surpassed the later punch.

of course. The true "computer game machine" may not be on, because there is no electronic management game machine that time. Catherine's memory of the video game inside, nor is it wrong.

Now, the most advanced "game console" of the concept is the cloud system.

- From the cloud system of cloud system.

The so-called cloud game is a way of cloud-based game. All games are running on the server side and transmitted the game screen after the rendering is compressed to the user through the network. At the client, the user's game device does not require any high-end processors and graphics cards, and only basic video decompression capabilities can be required.

Whether it is in the era, or now the current computer era, it is.

Catherine has always believed that the cloud game can be achieved.

In the 21st century, the cloud game is a new concept, and its development is facing many problems. Some famous network and software engineers in the world are not very optimistic. However, the cloud game service provider VE has opened up tens of millions of game users in the United States and the United Kingdom, which proves that the cloud game can still be implemented.

In this era, Catherine's approach has developed a lot of users.

Although there are still tens of millions of users, millions of users are still there.

Of course, Catherine's cloud game is facing the public, not the ashes game player.

For bone gray players, 150-50ms on the ULD platform delay, TV-level pictures, undoubtedly they want their life - on the current, 85Hζ and 16-bit sè and high resolutions that the computer can achieve, There have been many TVs that have surpassed the TV.

Catherine also didn't satisfy the current TV.

However, FED TV is in research, there must be a TV set, and you must wait until Fed TV has been studied, Catherine is ready to change.

As for now ... Let's take it together.

"Matching mode ..."

Mario 64 allowed two people to connect, so Catherine chose the matching mode, soon, she found a teammate.

Then both start the game.

Elsa looked at, Catherine came online, starting the game, but the other party is obviously a dish, soon, I will die, and then I will exit.

"The same teammates like the pig ..."

Catherine couldn't help but feel a sentence. In the process of avoiding the enemy a few times, Catherine's Mario was almost stepped on each other - that could not play.

So in the end, the other party completely tragedy, Catherine is more relaxed here.

"Let Jenny is good."

Catherine shook his head.

Jenny decisive is a game master. At the earliest time, I will go to the Emma square for the first time. It is not a general person.

More powerful than Jenny, it should be Ruibeika, but Ruibeika is now an experiment. Every day, it is experimenting, Catherine wants to play games ... I have been a hundred years old.

"Right, Elsa, do you have a more important South Pacific Island, the last time to buy island, it seems that it is not fixed ..."

Because I didn't find the right island, I haven't set it now until now.

"Well ... There is. Pad View Water has been investigated, he told me that Pakadoa seems very good, the island in New Zealand. The scenery is pleasant ..."

Catherine rushed.

To be honest, Catherine is most desirable is the island of the Great Barrier Reef, but although there is a sī people, I bought the island there, but I don't very cool - you want others to come over the big Barrier Reef, follow Do you see your island like a monkey?

So Catherine will take the first object you consider as yourself unless you have a tourist.

But it is obvious that it is unlikely.

"Well, then this island, let Pagguan Water send me this island's information tomorrow!"

Catherine hit a saying, then picked up the "alloy warhead" game disk, then stuffed into the game console.

Soon, the picture became more and dynamic "alloy warhead" screen, and there is a picture, the picture in this, has surpassed the "alloy warhead" in history, and Catherine is playing, and it is very cool.

Waiting for a while, Catherine will put the game console.

"Oh ... tomorrow go to the hive laboratory to see it, maybe we can have any new discovery ..."

Catherine hurts yawn, because there is a relationship of repairing proteins, so now, the technology and technology developed by our hive laboratory are already very powerful.

So Catherine also wants to see what extent to which the following technology is developed, and they are doing their minds ...


Gregory is very depressed to lying on Chuáng, because fighting a fight is grouped into prisons, although it is released, but Gri Gaoyi's current mood is extremely good.

- Well, I only hate that I have no more boxing.

When Garyi knows that when the person is the head of the network monitors, Gregory is an angry. He can't wait to pick up the other side!

Originally Greeley may face a series of questions, but the warback, but unexpectedly gave the opportunity of Geyi Gao Li, a water Mō fish, although the bartender has already explained things, but the fight at the time, It seems that it has become a racial contradiction, this and the problems and relationships between them are not big.

Grid Gaigi also knows, the two people who fight, one is, the other is a ... are not a good person!

Grid Gao Gao is angry and thinking.

"How is the material of the prosecution?" Gregori desperately hurt his face, so called the following employees.

Gregori has decided that he wants to be full-time to engage this website. I will be a professional webmaster. Now I have faced the enemy, that is, I have, I'm doing it before. .

"Head, we can feel more than the group with the group, we have to make the group of guys have an unforgettable experience!"

The opposite sound is also indignant.

"Good! Don't be too late, we invite some media to make things big!"

This is Geelegi and Catherine.

Some things should be big, after a lot, yīn is no longer valid, it is like now.

Grid Greery knows that you should make this matter bigger now ...

Then, you can make these people's yīn institutions can't show it!


Today is fourth!

There is another!

~! .