It is different from usual just to add weight to both hands and feet. Furthermore, it is uneven if you put even a little girl on your shoulder. There shouldn't be any problems with having a child as small as Amae. So it wasn't too early on road work. However, he immediately realizes the weight. Further ...

"Oh, more!"

The balance changes randomly when I hit my head, pull my hair, or lean my weight back and forth while being shouldered by me. Running without dropping it is quite tough. Balance and legs. Certainly this may be a good workout.

"Huh, huh, huh, awesome ..." "Oh. I wear so much, I'm going to take the kids and run ahead of us."

Well, even though I have a handicap, the people behind me are still following. However, it is from here to be shaken off.

"Now, dash! Thirty seconds! 』

A little outside the city, a path is opened and you reach the sandy beach outside the island. The beautiful sandy beach with no garbage and the continual open sea gazed at the endless sandy beach. There was no other island on the sea, and at the moment I was so impressed that this island was a truly isolated island nation, I was instructed by the trainer.

"Oh, dash thirty seconds!"

I also speak out to tell them behind. For a moment, I can't even care. I'll do it with me.

"Gu, sprinting from here!" "Ola! You lose!" "Hey, hey, hey, hey!"

Dash for 30 seconds. Run on the sandy beach. I can't step on my feet more than usual! This is, oh, I'm too tough..That's the toe I just said ... Tough toe.

"Okay, stop! Intervals are 10 seconds for shadows. "" Sh, shadow ... Imagine a virtual enemy on the spot and punch! "" ぱ, Punch? Poko, this is it! "" O, ora! "Wow, it's fast ... I can't see my hand, it's beautiful ..." "Ze, oh, ze, hey ..." Darsh! ] "Dash!" "" "Eh, now, already !?" "

I put my weight on my feet and train my legs and balance, and my thumbs on the sandy beach ... this works ... it works every day, and I can train a lot ... but I'm so tough, the other guys ... …

"Huh, huh, huh ..."

Although his speech has been reduced, the motirage is still available. My physique is normal, but I'm sure my motor nerves are good. Indeed, I feel like I'm an honor student who grew up in a good place. The punch is pretty polite as far as the shadows look. I feel like I'm doing the basics with the techniques I learned at school.

"Ola, will you lose? Ura, Ura, Oraaaa!"

Oratsuki is still up. It was fast, so I probably don't have much physical strength, but it's gutsy. His physique is quite blessed and he seems to have power. At school, I'm not really serious, but I feel like a fighter who loves to fight. As far as you can see the shadows, the punches are rough and rough. But with a little improvement in the form, it looks pretty good.

"Hey, oh, good ..."

Although late for them, Mobuna is trying to keep up silently. Speed, physical strength, physique and power are all normal. Anyway normal ... Yeah, that's normal.

"Vow, yeah, no, no, what, oh, yeah, yeah."

I'm squirming by mouth in the sea without being early. Already, that is out of the question in many ways. The highest weight class among the four. But that doesn't mean it's power, it's just obesity, Budeo.

"Hey ... trainer ... what's the stimulus?"

It's still the first day, but isn't it sifted by this? Well, then I can concentrate on myself ...

"Budeo, let's do our best. He's so embarrassing that he's so heavy that he can't keep up with this." "But, hey, uh, uh, uh, it's tight ... "But we'll change?"

Eventually, Budeo stops his feet and turns down on the spot. Mobuna rushes over and calls out, but is unlikely to move.

"Budeo, it's no use if you stop! If you don't do your best now, we'll stay the same forever!" "Ola! Budeo!

Both the motriage and the oratsuki desperately cry, but Budeo shakes his head.

"No, no, no! No, I'm losing since birth! I'm just present, cool, sick, and seen by girls as garbage ... I don't like it, I don't expect it from anyone ... I just watch, see, see, that's it, I can't do it ! "

Finally he stopped and cried. …… No… I have n’t started so much yet…て Are you going to leave this guy?

"... Hey! I don't know if I cried! I'm so glad I look back at the fucking guy and the fucking girl!"

For now, I'll call out. And if it doesn't seem to stand up ...

"Budeau ... Gamba!"

"That! ??"

It was that time. Amae cheered on Budeo on my shoulder, probably because everyone was calling out or thinking it was like that. Then how about?

"Oh, Amae-chan ..."

"Oh, Gumbar. Flaffle Flaffy, Budeo-Gumbar"

"Ah, Amae-chan, you, me, oh, cheer, give me, give me ... oh, oh, oh"

Both eyes, which had a crying face, wide open, and the mouth, which was only exhaling things and weak sounds, was strongly bitten. Budeo stands up and glares in front of her, whipping at both feet.

"Uoooooo, it's burning, it's burning, oh, oh, oh! Oh, the angel cheered me on!"

Budeo dashes violently like the stupidity of a fire place. I've already forgotten both the dash seconds and the shadows, and dashed anyway.

"Oh, hey ..." "Oh, Budeo is fast."

Budeo has begun to run because of the support from the girls.

"Hahahaha ... Okay, can we lose!" "Oh, we're we! We're!" "Wait, wait! I'm ...!"

And if the bad guys showed their guts and tried to push the limit, they would have felt something.

"Oh, everyone is a gun bar"

"" "Yoshisha Oh!" "

The motriage seemed to say that they could do more.

"Fufufu, not just Budeo ... I'm glad this is it." "Oh, I thought I wasn't in the world anymore to support us ..." "Yeah ... I'm glad ... … Something's coming up …… ”

Despite being a young child, there are people who purely "support" themselves. I'm just happy ... I'm so excited ... I felt like that ...

"That ... simple people ..." "Oh. It's the same as you when you were working hard on your maid's breasts ... "

When I'm amazed, Traina smiles and squeezes at me.

"I don't mind why I work hard. Rather, the reason is simpler. Do you remember saying that shortly after you met, that people would be more honest ... and devoted? 』

Desperateness ...?

"Child. In the first place, are you going to be so high that you can look down on things you can't do better than you? "" Well ...

I'm doing the training I've been told by Traina, and I'm not thinking about doing that. But he certainly did the menu he said recently, without suffocating. First of all, there are guys in this country who have more power, those who have quicker feet, and those who are more talented than me ... OK!

"That's right, it's hard! I'll train and train ... I'll look back at the fucking fucker and the fucking girl, and imagine myself saying" Mika Takako! "

"" "Wow!" "

"Oh, Gumbar!"

"Fuhahaha, well, the simplest is you ... but a child ... but if you're going to be a big guy ... you'll attract everyone, not just yourself, and lead everyone And sometimes we need to get everyone excited ... "

It is troublesome to put on your feet. If not, leave it. I was thinking so, but I was screaming.

"Well ... no problem with training. The policy is also decided. But if you can spend three months in special training ... I still want one thing that can be upgraded significantly ... "

Looking at us as we run, Traina folded her arms as if thinking about something.

"Hmmm ... Do you remember" Giga-class magic "... or" Summon magic "... No, but what do you sign up for? ... As expected," Hell Dragon King "is too heavy ... In the first place, the magical power of the child ...

Then close your eyes once, open your eyes again as if you decided something ...

"After all, first of all, it's" magic breathing "... to enable a long breakthrough ..."

Something seems to have been decided before I knew.