Breakthrough with the Forbidden Master

Episode 406 (Pleasant Audience)

Since the end of the war, I've been wandering around to ruin my time.

Ironically, however, it was more fun to forget about time after getting seriously injured.

"Hihahahahaha, I'm here, full of demons ♪"

Reflected in the magic crystal in front of you is a hideout or a landscape that reflects the settlement from the sky.

And there's nostalgic augers floating around.

Hee hee, hee hee hee ~

Hahaha, it's stupid!

"Ah, I'm hungry!"

Sitting on the ground everywhere in the settlement drinking and laughing.....

"Uu... rub it... oh, please..."

"Dad... mom..."

"Guhihi, hey, it's about time you ate one. I'm fucked!"

"Patience, idiot! Captain told you, too?Because the women who collect taxes instead of taxes have a certain period of time, and if they're not paid, they can eat it. "

It's pretty cool. Besides, it's the pig king who eats the women first, right?

The young human daughters who were taken away from their homes in Japone instead of paying taxes due to forced collections.

Around the women caught crying in fear, demons without salivation want to devour their lust immediately.

"Hihahaha, 'Magical Drone with Magic Crystal'... you're flying well."

"Really? Ehehe"

"Oh, I can see the whole thing.It's a huge settlement... 300 demons... "

Auga is one of the most powerful demons in the race.

There are dozens of powerful poor people on their own.

But that's just an ordinary person level story.

"Even though Earth and the Seven Heroes are unconscious, one of the Six Heights... the others are also at a high level... and it's going to be easy.That's not funny. If Sinob-chan gets half killed, it might be interesting... Earth-kun... how does it react? "

"Hihahaha, it's impossible to bring people who can beat those men to the boulders, even if the ground and the magic world are turned upside down ♪ And then, as always, you say Eggy ~, Commander.But... I wonder if it'll be easy... to do it? "

"Huh?... but right now, that settlement... doesn't have the worst people, does it?"

Commander, who is looking at the same magic crystal beside me, is right. As far as this situation is concerned, I can't help thinking so.

The biggest reason is....

"Wow, you guys! Don't mess with me!I don't know how many parents are gone!

At that time, a full-bodied yellow demon lives in the middle of the settlement.

Um, I forgot my name, but I'm one of the hundreds of demons...

But I can't believe I'm free, Captain.

Yes, I thought there would be more rebel samurai on the Japone collection mission.

Looks like we don't know where the owls and cozillos are, and they're dull ~

Where did Hakuki's parents go in the first place?

The words spoken by one of the demons who laughed bitterly even though they were alive.

Yes, there is no postcard husband in this settlement right now.

"I don't know. My parents..." I think I can catch something big, so I'm going to catch it in the ocean for a while "... laughed and left..."

Hee, did you like fishing as a parent?

I don't know, but I think I'm going to be away for a while, and I left Japanese-style to them! Shut up!

When I checked here, there was no postcard husband.

That means you can't see a battle called Hakuki's husband VS Boss Team.

That's a bit unfortunate. But it's not like I'm no longer enjoying myself.

"Of course, since this hideout doesn't have a postcard husband, it might be a racket show if it's normal... but... hahahaha.There are still two monsters in this settlement... "

Yes, because there are still interesting elements to see in battle.

"Oh, is that so?Who is it? I saw... this yellow demon? "

"Nh ~ That's right, nnh ~, I don't know ~, but I'd better save it for fun ~"

"I'm concerned."

"Nh ~... after all, I won't say ♥"

"Uhh... so mean... I want you to tell me... eh"

"Nh?... woaaaaaaaa!?"

The next moment, you slipped something through my right eye!?

"I won't show you to such a mean person...Um... let's do one more thing for you. "

"No! That's enough! If I crush both, I won't be able to see the fun anymore!"

I was surprised by the sudden and severe pain, and I raised my voice. When I looked carefully at it with my left eye safely, I saw the commander holding the bloodstained whistle on his tip.

Wow, that's a great one. My body, which is playing back little by little from the sky world, has relentlessly crushed its right eye against me, who can't even fight yet.Regenerating your eyeballs is troublesome... and painful...

"This is outrageous... oh my god... you have a reward for going to see your boss later to collect magic crystals..."

"Hmm!? But, it's embarrassing... ahh... What are you going to do about collecting it?If you possess it, you can catch sights and audio of the owner's surroundings. You can't peek into Earth-kun's personal life anymore. "

"Hihaha uses it more interesting than that.There's a trick called "memory"... just use it ♪ Commander, do you know what a projection magic ephony is? "

"Eh, pussy? That was used by that fat fucking pig king of Japone?That's something..... "

"Hihahaha, wait and see.You can meet him and play with him for a while. "

"But even if I go to see him, I can't do anything right now... and even if I try to do something, nothing will happen to that member... I want to do something because I'm really upset about that big chest elf... ah, please don't distract me from the story.Mhh... can I close another eye? "

"No, no, no!"

The bloodstained whistle stops snapping in front of my left eye.Ah, I really wanted to crush this kid... hey, when I get back to my original body, I have to teach him... right now...

"Shut up, I don't know how many years it's been since I've seen him fight... but... I'll never let the bosses do that!That monster... ah... kita "

"Huh? Ah, Earths...."

A staggering souvenir of a staggered husband, even without him.

Now, let's take a look around, boss... and...

"Hihahaha, did Ralwife-chan use metamorphosis magic... I've certainly been to that place... during the time of the Demon King Army"

Appearing Boss, Espi, Slaya, Kojiro, Ralwyev, Sinov, and Pet Noja-chan.

Six and one... no, what if I put in the invisible one and seven?

The bosses who emerged from the distortion of space outside the settlement are unaware of the demons who are rattling.

Do you think they're still attacking us?... hmm?

No, oniisan. I want you to let me do this Japanese-style thing. "

Is there such a culture?

But, Kojiro, don't do that, let's just punch him right in ~

I don't think I need to bother telling my enemies....

"It moves discreetly... it's complicated as a ninja warrior..."

Even elementary school students understand......


Are you rubbing something? I mean, Kojiro took something out... that's definitely Japone's traditional instrument... the drum?

Oh, you've seen that before?

Before Kojiro starts his biggest fight, yeah, play the instrument.

"These oils aren't break-ins... well, they've been like this for a long time, so I hope you'll forgive me"

That said, even though Kojiro was hardly noticed, he slapped the drum in his hand.

The sound echoed, and naturally the demons who were dazzling looked at the hit.

Guys... I'm not in here!