Breakthrough with the Forbidden Master

Episode 458: The World Gushed Out

Earth, what will you do?

Ah, anything... I'm going to summon a dragon and take him up to the clouds, but I need your help to get rid of that dragon......

Dragon!? Is that the dragon that often appears in picture books?!

Summon Magic.

It's not so unusual magic for someone who can handle magic.

However, depending on what I summoned, it changed my meaning a lot.

"... the dragon...? I didn't know that Earth uses summoning magic... Well, I didn't know how to fight until now, but... what..."

While looking up at the sky on the terrace of the Empire's palace, Solja, the emperor, had a head for earth that he did not know.

Ground depicting a magic circle on the ground.

Not only Solja, but also the Imperial Knights and Mages gazed interestingly at the shape.

Your Majesty, that's... a twelve-pointed star.

”Not five or six stars... this is quite special again...”

”Sure enough, I'm not summoning the plants and birds around here, I'm summoning the dragons...... but......”

"I have the power to defeat Yamidire... summon a dragon... well, it's not weird... right?"

The Imperial Knights and Mages, too, gradually realized that their sense of Earth was going crazy.

Normally, summoning a "dragon" was something that only a very senior mage in the world could do.

You're going to use the dragon.

However, those who have seen special training, competitions, and battles with Yamidire in Cacrétail.....

If it was Earth Lagan, it wouldn't be strange to summon a dragon.

That's what I thought.

"Perhaps you used your powers around the wild flying dragon... It might be easier to defeat the flying dragon if it were Earth, but it really surprises me that you're using it as a summoning beast."

The Imperial Knights and Magicians nodded at Solja's murmur.

Even in the city.....

"Seriously, Earth-kun." even summoning magic..... "

Summoning magic is something we don't learn at the Academy!

"Ah. You can use the princess or the Hoo of the mage's lineage... but that was like a rabbit or a bird of preaching, right?"

"Yeah, when I showed it to you before." But Earth-kun... jumping over it and being a dragon..... "

"When I heard that Fu-kun and Rival-kun had crushed dragons while studying abroad, everyone was making a fuss... but Earth-kun could summon dragons..."

In particular, it was a shock to the Academy students who were once in the same building as Earth.

Still... I'm really surprised...


― ― The boy who summoned the dragon made a request facing the girl.

The narration of Palipi flowing again.

Earth and Kuron face each other.

Earth. Chi? Blood? Do you need my blood for anything?

--The girl's blood was needed to summon them.....

At that moment, those who knew about the summoning magic accidentally tilted their necks.

I wonder if Earth will summon you? Why... the blood of that daughter called Kron? "

Solja's question arose everywhere in the world.

Why does Earth need Kuron's blood to summon it.....

"W-What, are you going to flush this as well!?" Wait, it's not good enough, but it's really bad enough to summon this thing all over the world! I wish Hillia were here! Oh, really?! "

In the village of the Elves, Earth held his head and shouted aloud.

"Onii-chan, what's wrong?"

"Oniisan, is there anything wrong with you?"

The people of the village, including Espi and Slayya.

"I see... that's how it was..."

Only Shinobu, who had somehow predicted the flow, smiled bitterly.

I was about to be summoned by Earth and Kuron.

It will become known to the world.

”Giggle, giggle, Traina! It's not good for boulders, is it?! And then, Parisi turned into a boulder... blurring it?!"

”... I don't think it's blurry... I think everyone is fussing about it and it seems funny...”

It's ahhhhhhhh!

Trayna is half laughing with a look that says she can't hit me anymore.

Oniichan? Is there anything wrong with being seen?

"Ugh... yeah..."


Nodding to the question, Espi and Slayer both made their faces stronger.

My brother, Earth, is hugging his head all the way here.

In other words, there's something out of the ordinary here.....

"Hey, the sky suddenly turned dark and I couldn't see anything!"


Then, with the voice of Amix's astonishment, the people of the city croaked.

Earth, Trayna, Espi, and Slayer also looked up at the sky in a panic, and the sky was definitely dark.

"Ah, that's right... when oniichan was trying to do something naughty with Sadis properly!"


No way. The scene turns dark.

Both Earth and Trayna were unexpected.

"Hey, maybe it's the palpitations... I thought it was bad for the boulders, so I edited it!"

What the hell!? That's stupid... he's doing something like that...... ”

There's no way I'm going to do that.

― ― We will only send some audio from this point forward.

"... do you have an audio?...?"

Send by voice only. Ground and Trayna, who could not understand the meaning, unintentionally tilted their necks.

And then.....

”I... this is the first time I've done this... if you can, please be gentle.”

"" "" "" "...!!?" "" ""

"... eh?"

The only sound I heard was Kuron's tense voice somewhere.

Yeah. Leave it to me.

Yes... I'll leave it to Earth.

And the voice of the earth.

The only thing that flows is the voice.


In other words, you have to imagine what you're doing with the flowing earth and the Kron's voice alone.

Beyond the dim scene.....

It only hurts at first. Relax and unwind your shoulders...... ”

Is this how it is?... nh, I'm getting a little tougher after all... that's right! Earth... can I... hold your hand? ”

{... well, well... if that's enough to put you at ease...}

Thank you! Earth... it's huge... and it's stupid and warm...

”Stop it, you'll shine......”

What are you two doing.....

"" "" ""............?! "" ""

the two of them....

"I'm a little excited, but... I'm fine now." Earth... hurry up...... ”

Ah, ahhh...

Ah, nnh,......!


It's okay... well, Earth... keep going... please do whatever you want with Earth... nnh!?

Good luck. There's still a little tip--

The two of you......

"Onii, onii-chan!" "... blood is [Soch] 's blood!?"

"Oniisan... said that oniisan, 'It's not good to be seen'..."

”Uu, no, ah, ah, ah, earthlord... earthlord is really... already...”

"Hey, honey! I-I didn't hear that! I wonder how that's going!? What's with the tip, the tip of the dick!?"

"Hah ~...... Wasn't there a virginity?"

"... my children... you must rest at home now"

"Ehhh, Ral-sensei, why!"

At that moment, my face turned red except for the children who knew nothing.

Just the voices of Clon and Earth, imagine if they were making a fuss ─ ─

"T-This is ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Where are you editing that bokeh? Well, this is where Kuron's fingers are pierced with a needle, so just let it flow normally, why do you just use voice? Even though it's nothing, I wonder if you're mistaken!"

Yes, this is the scene where Kuron's fingers were stung with a needle in order to collect the Kuron's blood needed for summoning.

Kuron's shiny voice and the slightly nervous voice of Earth.

It is not a particularly problematic scene if it is even projected.

However, it was a scene where imaginative adults misunderstood just by their voices.

In Cacrétail.....

"Ah, ahhh... noooo... ah, Earth is already...... with Kron? Oh, my God, Thaddeus! Oh, you're doing this... Thadis?"

Fiancée wept....

”... my fetus is beautiful... and so is my fetus...”

Sadith didn't know this scene, so she escaped from the shock or the indifferent emotion that opened her pupils.....

At the construction site.....

"Huh!? Kuron-sama, already, already called Earth Lagan!?"

"Ahhhh, ohhhh, my sister, are you serious?!"

"" "" "Kron-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan-chan chan-chan-chan-ch

Yamidile, Bro, and the tearful workers opened their mouths wide and were stunned....

"Yes? What's the matter, the sky is dark...?"

The innocent Kuron's face was astonished to see why everyone was surprised.

"Kuron-sama! Kuron-sama, at this time, to Earth Lagan, you, you, you!" Did you get scratched?! "

"Huh? Is this the time?" Nfufufu, I remember this time too. I told you not to hold back, but Earth is nervous... ufufu, we were nervous about each other... yes! I was scratched by the earth! "

"Oh, oh, oh, oh?" nnh, nnh, oh my... "

That's right, I thought the two of them might be doing something like that.

The only thing I'm not mistaken about.....

"Shh, don't be so loud!" I can't think straight at all! "

It was only the fox that was in the village of the elves.

"Wait, why is Noja like that?!" Oh, oh, oniichan, oniichan! "

Huh? What is it?

"So, oniichan!"

Noja was supposed to be the first to react to something like this.

But Noja let out a sigh.....

”What? Why, is your son-in-law trying to stab that little girl with a little needle or something?”


"You can't hear any sounds of precum or love juice before insertion, so it's only natural." This is why ignorant people are troublesome. "

In one word, the village of the elves, who were about to panic, settled down and became quiet.

--This way, the boy took blood from the goddess... Please note that this is a shocking occasion where a needle is stuck in a woman's body, so we sent it by audio only. Ask the♪little ones why their father and mother are reddening their faces.♪

"See, that's it."

And the cleansing of the story from Palipi.

At that moment, the whole world mumbled, and the earth was deeply relieved in the only world.

"Ahhh... no way... I can't believe the day is coming when I want to thank Noja for her remarks..."

Ground murmured as he trembled.

Yes, Yamidile VS, quietly and coolly since the time of earth.

"Damn, I'm doing a lot of thinking right now." I know you're surprised about your son-in-law, but if you make too much noise--- "


Amazoraktennuya Hode-Two Hansagar Wayamato Heiters!

"... heh?"

The next thing you hear, Earth's voice. It was a summoning chant.

As soon as she heard it, Noja turned from her cool expression to her dumbfounded face and slowly looked up at the sky.

Everyone looked up again, and the dimmed scene was reflected again, where the Earth chanted with the clon at the center of the magic circle.

Forced Summon Magic Sokuzitsu!


As soon as he heard the sole, Noja erupted and a flash of light ran through the sky at the same time.


"Forcibly summoned? I've never heard such chanting... what's wrong with you suddenly spraying tea?"


Old man?

"... fee...... your p * ssy tastes good......"

"Husband!? Isn't it like you're running away from reality?!"

At that time, Mikado also sprayed.

In addition, all over the world.....

"Blah, blah, blah, blah!"

"Whoa!? Mom?"

"... Kuron-sama... what do you mean?"


"W-Well, I... summoned a monster that can fly with Earth Lagan... Isn't that the hippo?" W-What's this chanting? "

Yamidire sprayed.

In addition.....

"Bhhhhhhhhh! No, what do you mean, elephant!"

Even in the demon world, Liphant erupted.

"Shhhhhhh! * giggle *, * giggle *... hee!?"

Hakki spurted wine.

"N-no, the Earth one, even the summoning magic!?" Hakki... I can't believe you're so surprised... "

"But I was also surprised." When did you learn about her? I've never heard of forced summons... and I've never heard such chanting before. "

Hyiro and Maam are amazed by Earth's summoning magic... but that's not why Hakki sprayed wine...

"... so... so... fuuu..."

Hakki drinks wine again.

"I see... that's why I dared to call that doll... no, I think I need [Kuron's Blood]..."

And then he narrowed his eyes and half laughed like he was dumbfounded.....

”But... I don't think so... whatever it is... the summoning of the sole would be quite irregular...”

He muttered so as he turned to the sky.


Well then? Forcing me to call you during a meal... Where's the hoodlum?

A giant vermilion dragon appears eating the carcass of a ferocious carnivorous beast, the Behemoth.

The world gushed out at the figure.