Chronicles of The Hardships of Komachi in The Sengoku Era

Late December, one thousand five hundred and seventy-one.

Shizuko took herself to Port Street, where she holds a stake, before a big tasting party for the grilled octopus and the large grill.

Shizuko has the right to manage and operate oyster and seaweed farming, as well as some mooring facilities, and can collect taxes from moored ships.

Shizuko, however, has reinvested the bulk of his tax revenues in the expansion of his farm. The aquaculture target, which was also worth it and was initially only oysters, had succeeded in treating clams extensively with scallops, abalone and sawdust.

For the record, the freshwater raw shellfish, Sizimi, has also set up a separate aquaculture farm to embark on production.

In non-edible varieties, he also reached out to Akoyaki, famous as a pearl shell, and began a steady supply of pearl farming.

Sawdust and abalone, which were expected as large edible shellfish, are difficult to raise and a succession of failures, but clams, sissies and scallops came to terms with aquaculture and were off to a steady supply.

Pearl farming, which was expected to be a source of funding, also used natural Aku shellfish, so there was variation in pearl quality, but large quantities of food could be harvested.

The shellfish themselves are expected to be able to produce grained 8mm sized pearls in a stable manner next year and again next year.

"You've got a lot of pearls this time."

"Heh, it looks like pearls are doing well this year"

Parents, pearl farming heads in Shizuko's words, laugh lovingly with their heads on.

Pearls divide grades by their size. Shizuko defined an object with a diameter of 8 mm from the top as A, 7 mm as B, and no more than 6 mm as C rank.

Sometimes large pearls exceeding 8 mm can be obtained, but more than 9 mm was the lowest ranked D instead of A as out of standard.

One thing is that if you try to get pearls over 9mm, you need to extend your fertility period, and the risk of shellfish death jumps and becomes a beating of high risk high returns.

Winning that beating is limited to about 10mm and roughly not commensurate with the risk.

These things had the aim of curbing the consciousness itself of those involved in pearl farming trying to get a large size.

The pearls produced are divided into uses by grade.

The top rank of A and B is used for decorative purposes as jewellery, but those below C rank were used for medicinal purposes (since pearls are of good calcium quality, powdered pesticides are used as antipyretics) and cosmetics and other materials.

Also, Akoroo itself is suitable for consumption, but in principle, catches were prohibited in order to prevent abundance.

Seapillars obtained as by-products when removing pearls were exceptionally allowed to be eaten by aquaculturers and surrounding residents, as well as only by those belonging to the static children management side.

Meat pieces other than shellfish columns are reused as new pearl nuclides, except for the gut, while organic matter is also processed into fertilizer.

Beautiful pearlescent to the shells themselves, the Aku shells were entertained with Kyoto and Sakai as arts and crafts as long as the shells were polished.

"Ugh, the calculation is over. That's about the price, minus taxes."

Those engaged in aquaculture, not just pearls, are not allowed to have a sales channel until aquaculture is on track and the quality and quantity is stable.

This was to prevent the stereotype that farmed goods were inferior to natural ones as a result of the circulation on the market of less than prescribed quality, and to preserve the city-wide appreciation managed by Shizuko.

If the aquaculturer doesn't have more rice seeds than he is human, too, he will starve. Until the aquaculture stabilized, Shizuko bought everything and sorted it and wholesaled it to your merchant.

Only vendors who have built up a steady production track record will be able to take Shizuko's hands off and have their own sales channels.

Nevertheless, completely free proprietary sales channels were not allowed and trading was only possible through wholesale unions managed by Nobunaga.

"Oh, thank you."

Shizuko had given a crate containing gold to the parent of the pearl, instead the parent had wrapped each pearl in cotton and had given the soldiers of Shizuko a crate that was taken care not to come into contact with the outer walls or with each other.

"Oh, with that said, the other day, a kid in the neighborhood picked up a stone if he did anything. Sure, I heard that Shizuko collects those stones, but are they still for you?

When I finished loading 80% of the time, my parents shrugged at me when I remembered something.

"... I'd like to hear a little more about you. It would be helpful to have the real thing if I could."

"Hey, I understand. Hey! Tell him to bring me some help and this stinking stone he picked up!

Parents speak to the young people who were nearby. As the young man stretched his spine, he jumped out in a panic. After a short time, he brought back a stone that was rounded and white discolored with long drifted corners and a boy about fourteen years old.

"Wow, you! It sure stinks."

Pinch your nose. Parents wave to get rid of the smell. On the other hand, when Shizuko receives a stone from the young people that also has a small amount of pickled stone, she carefully starts checking.

Shizuko laughs when the drift exposes the exterior to ultraviolet light on top of the shredded, oxidized but characteristic mouth-shaped objects fasten the prototype to the superficial layer, turning out to be an example thing.

"This is exactly what I'm looking for. In the meantime, it weighs... roughly 700 grams. You have to scrape off the surface, but if you're this big, I'll buy it high."

"Buy it away... you smell that? Not much, by the way?

"How about 60 pieces for now?

"Sixty pieces!?

Sixty pieces is roughly six million yen for modern monetary value. From them, who can spend a month for tens of thousands of yen, six million will be an uninterrupted amount of money.

"Neighbors want this to be unusual. But if a whale doesn't get a particular disease, it's a substitute. We're whaling, but we haven't got it yet, so you're really lucky."

That being said, I refer to the white stone that emits the stench, Ryukyu (Ryu-tanko), which is also the stone of the McCow wwwhale.

Ambergris is a precious natural fragrance of what is stone. There's no other way to get it than to get it from your body when you dismantle the McCowwwwwwwhale, or to accidentally pick up what the excreted stones drifted on the coast.

Ryuba incense is lighter in specific gravity than water and is also a dream material that can achieve a thousand gold grabs depending on luck because it floats and drifts on the sea level.

Although only fish shellfish habitats have been confirmed in modern Ise Bay, there is a record that until about the twentieth century there were large sea habitats mammals that said whales and chachi.

It can be said that it was this dragon saliva that dived through the astronomical odds that a McCow wwhale had stumbled near Ise Bay, and that the individual had gallstones, and at this time excreted to the outside world, drifted without being flown into the ocean, and the child accidentally picked them up before they were crushed by the waves.

Ryuba only smells bad when it is alone, but when it is burned up after mixing other fragrances, it has the effect of adding a plump and heavy fragrance while keeping the fragrance long.

"Oh, go ahead, it's good for 60 pieces"

He was presented with an interminable large sum of money, a kid whose greed went out who might be able to hoist more value for this, but soon noticed a fatal problem.

My parents and young people know that I picked up a stinking stone, and I've sold it for a lot of money.

I don't know what they would say if I raised the value now, and Shizuko is the person giving the job around the area. I don't know what I would see if someone rumored that I wound up with gold from such a person.

We decided that it was the smartest place to give it to Shizuko in the terms she offered.

"Really? Then I'll let you bring 60 pieces."

Shizuko, who had one of the soldiers bring 60 pieces, gives the crate to the aid. And when he takes care of Ryuba to the box, he commands the soldiers who were beside him.

"The errands are over. I'm going back to the inn."

Shizuko, who brings home a crate containing pearls, quickly selects more finely graded pearls in size.

The criteria for checking vary, but the basics are sorted by light, presence or absence of scratches, shape, and color flavor.

First check whether the shape of the pearl is true sphere or distorted. The reason for making sure it is a true sphere is that the true sphere draws a true circle and is evaluated as an edge with the circle on it.

The presence or absence of scratches and lighting has to do with appearance. No matter how true the circle is, it is scratchy, or diminishes in value with dull pearls.

The reason for checking the colour is that pearls do not only form white, but can sometimes produce pearls with black or red colour flavors depending on various factors.

The pearls that can be removed from the Akoroof are considered white as the top and coloured as the bottom.

In this way, the pearls that have been checked are characterized by the highest quality, and are further subdivided into high quality, low quality and lower quality.

Among the pearls, the highest quality is set to "Extra 8A (Tokoko) (8mm top quality pearl)" and "Extra 7A (Tokoko) (7mm top quality pearl)", followed by "Upper 8A (Kami Hakoko)", "Upper 7A (Kami Chikoko)", "Lower 8A (Shigeko)", and "Lower 7A (If Chiko)".

Those of good quality are treated as jewellery, while those below are turned to processed goods.

"This is the pearl necklace that was made with only XVIII A. This is silver and pearl shavings."

The pearl necklace is lowered from the neck, and Shizuko points to a pearl embedded in a delicate silverware on the head.

The necklace simply connects 8mm pearls, but the pigeon is a dynamic and challenging motivation inspired by plum flowers, delicate silverware representation of flower petals on branch leaves, large grains of pure white pearls for a luxurious feel, and a coral orange pearl with a daring taste set on the flower core and surrounded by gold flower columns.

The calm silver and white gave it a luxurious feel and the not too large decoration created a moist adult atmosphere.

"Ha, ha. It looks good on you."

But the reaction between Colour and Xiao was subtle. But that's a story we can't help.

Xu has been popular since the Edo period, when various hairstyles became popular, and we can't help but react subtly during the Warring States, when long, lustrous hair is considered beautiful without extra decoration.

"You're unresponsive. I don't know how to do it."

Both Colour and Xiao wear hair decorations, but they do not tie their hair. Shizuko, by contrast, is a heretic child from warring fashion, such as tying hair and wearing hair decorations.

No matter how the position rises, it is inevitable to be seen with strange eyes.

"No, that's not why"

"Ha, ha, well, the dripping hair (sagging) isn't bad either, but it doesn't look a bit good on me,"

Shizuko laughs bitterly when she sees Xiao rush to follow her. Shizuko decided to think positively, in the Warring States period, when drooping hair was supposedly good, but all the world was treated oddly as a new epidemic.

"Ma, leave that. The tasting tournament is in a few days, but are the beans and sugar hauling done?

"Ah, yes. We have finished carrying all the ingredients. We have also finished transporting a set of all the tools you have specified from the technical district. After that, the day before yesterday, Goro will just go and cook the filling."

The flavor becomes familiar when you let it sleep overnight, resulting in a mellow sweetness. Although there is also a process of putting them to sleep during cooking, the task of putting them to sleep overnight after completion is very important.

The reason it takes time and effort is because the flavor of Akoto is life for Japanese confectionery. If your taste is poor, the confectionery itself is often ruined no matter how fancy ingredients you use.

The only grills or large grills I want to make this time are skins and acorns for the most part. It's not too much to say that your taste is everything.

"Kelp and bonito for octopus grill don't seem to be a problem either. Still, I regret not being able to make kelp in Ise Bay."

Cultivation of kelp is possible per se, but to do so, Nagashima is always interrupted by a crowd. If we don't get rid of Nagashima, we won't have full control of Ise Bay.

But Shizuko wasn't that pessimistic. As with the Takeda Army, the operation to subjugate the people of Nagashima has been progressing steadily. If we go well, we can eliminate the Takeda Army and the Nagashima people at once.

In that case, Isehwan will be entirely under Nobunaga's control, and Shizuko will be taken into kelp farming.

(So far so good. Shingen, as planned, has become obsessed with Tokugawa, invading Far River Country (and Ohmi no Kuru)

Oda and Takeda, Oda and Tokugawa, Takeda and Tokugawa are mutual allies. However, in the twelfth year of Yonglu (1569), the alliance was unilaterally destroyed by Takeda, and Takeda and Tokugawa (Takeda and Oda broke the alliance a few years later) became hostile.

Since then, there has been no revival of alliances between Oda, Tokugawa and Takeda until Takeda's demise. Jiayang's relocation to Hamamatsu Castle also reinforced his defense against the Takeda family.

(I didn't expect to leave those two at that time of year. Well, after the Tripartite Gahara Taiji Survey, I left)

It was an unexpected event, but from Shizuko's plan, it was a minor problem. The plan was easy to track without madness.

(1,500 for plans...... no, 1,300. The bullet is 40,000, that's 15 rounds, the blast is about 3000, but I guess it's about 1500 that can be used. In any case, the results calculated under Lancaster's law are excellent. After that, as planned, if they go out in formation. That way, we can grab 80% of the way to win)

No matter how much you know about history, it doesn't necessarily mean that people move as they have in history. Shizuko was forced to modify the orbit of the plan slightly because Jiayang now took unplanned action.

But Jiayang's behavior was more desirable for Shizuko. He clung to the advantage of knowing history and tightened Shizuko's mind unconsciously.

I couldn't thank Jia Hang enough for giving me a good feeling of nervousness.

"Dear Shizuko, I am satisfied."

"Oh, I wonder if there's an urgent report. Oh, you two can go back to work."

Shizuko, who understood that there was an urgent report that Satisfaction was coming from the other side, told Cai and Xiao to take their seats off.

When the two give their regards to Shizuko, they leave the room behind. Satisfaction came into the room so that I couldn't get in.

"That's unusual, I can't believe you're visiting me from that side."

'Cause I'm finally done with my last job.'

The expression of Shizuko moves slightly in the words. Satisfied to learn about modern technology, Shizuko had asked for a variety of jobs in top secret. In it, when it comes to the last job, it has a very important meaning.

"It's done? That hard guy."

"I struggled with the hydraulic system and maintaining the temperature. It would be quicker to see the real thing than to talk."

When the black lump is removed from the nostalgia, Satisfaction throws it toward Shizuko. Shizuko, who receives a black chunk with one hand, brings it in front of her after holding it several times to make sure she feels it.

After carefully quantifying, Shizuko grinned at the garlic.

"Yeah, that's for sure. It's the biocoke used in our time and it's not a bad substitute."

"The boulders are not as rich in materials as they were in those days. But now the fuel problem is clear. We can finally build a blast furnace."

Biocoke is a substitute for coal coke made from vegetable waste.

For the most part, the pressure and temperature when natural coal is made should be applied to plant waste. However, a hydraulic press was essential to obtain the prescribed pressure, and a great deal of effort was devoted to making this system.

If the heat also exceeds a specific temperature, the plant waste that becomes the material burns and becomes charcoal, and if it falls below, there is no chemical reaction to produce biocoke.

But maintaining the prescribed temperature was not as troublesome as hydraulics. Simply because water was applied to what was heated, and the current temperature could be inferred by the water reaction at that time.

"Right. Later, I import coal from Nanban to make cokes. Sulfuric acid, ammonia and sulphur are available in by-products. If Cokes gets it, Steel can refine it."

The downside of biocoke is that it does not stand alone as a substitute for coal coke. Coal coke can produce more than 1500 degrees of heat, but Biocoke alone is the limit of 1400 degrees.

Unlike coal coke, it also does not have a reducing action and thus acts only as a fuel needed to maintain temperature.

But in the Warring States era, coal cokes are precious things that would not exist if they weren't made in front of themselves. There is a desire to use as little as possible.

"If we get this far, we don't have to do this anymore. Takeda will be ready to crush the Oda family."

"I've looked into it, but I'm responding to a letter of request for enlistment sent by bald men at the main prayer temple. From now on, Takeda's baldness will reinforce his invasion of the Black Belly Raccoon."

"No, I don't have hair because they're both shaved. Leaving that aside, that's a good trend. If you go out in battle, almost winning is what you decide. Don't be alarmed."

Satisfaction with Shizuko's words laughs quietly. The longer I saw it before, the softer a grin I could never imagine from him.

"I'll take care of the supply route. I know a few routes that can transport pistons to Hamamatsu Castle."

"Kudosa will eventually win if he eats a lot of delicious rice. Especially since they say it's a caged castle at first, it's important to know how much delicious rice you give them to keep them stressed out."

"Canning is not possible, but bottled is possible. It has also been verified that rice can be stored in bottles. However, I still don't want as much preservation as a can. You don't have to worry about it this time because it'll fit right in the belly of the soldiers."

Bottling has two meanings: the act of filling a bottle with vinegar, liquor, vegetables, etc., and the method of boiling the bottle and preserving the food inside for a long time.

The latter later turns into cans made of metal, but that has been since the nineteenth century.

"Like stewing fish or pickling oysters in oil, it's good to have something made of seafood. The beauty of the sea will look like a treat because it's caged in the castle."

"We need to make a mass production of miso cubes with dashi. Ordinary miso soup is a luxury in the castle itself, but the time is right, and miso soup that you drink when it's cold is hard to replace anything."

"Whoa, the food problem is almost solved. I guess the time is right and you don't have to worry about corruption. I'm a little worried about summer."

Shizuko relied on satisfaction in the sense of the barracks. During the Warring States, no, the Japanese have a strong tendency to underestimate the barracks.

That is vividly said to be one of the factors favouring stories that can be settled in a short time. But a vibrant victory is also the result of a pile of authentic work.

Instead of winning in battle, it's important that you win before you fight.

"I told you to procure food locally, and I told Sun Tzu to write to you. Well, logistics is hard. I've done a lot of research, too, and I've read several professionally written books. Because they face problems that they don't even think about."

"Well, I'll take care of the problems around here."

"Okay. I'll give you full powers at the barracks, so do as Uncle Satisfied pleases. I don't care if you report me afterwards."

"... right in front of you, but you'll admit it easily"

"There are occasions when instant execution is needed, and it's a waste of time to ask permission from me one way or another. As long as we know the results, we'll be fine. It's my job to take responsibility for something."

Satisfaction with Shizuko's reply laughs thinly. He thought that the Hordes would be very confused because they did not have to give power to the generals in the lower times and even escalate their reports.

(It's like a bunch of snakes being released from a mother named Shizuko. If you keep an eye on the snake, it will be eaten by the static child, and if you stick to the static child alone, it will be eaten by the snake. It's a nasty situation when you turn it over to the enemy.)

Celebration, Changkao, Talent Zone, Takati, and his own five. Takati is still another, but each is now growing rapidly to be a warlord at one end. Furthermore, the elite soldiers lost in the battle of Uzayama Castle are also being reclaimed.

In the next year, it will be an army capable of fighting the Takeda army enough.

Okay, I'll take care of the barracks.

I'm looking forward to it a year from now, my satisfaction grinned thinly as I thought in my heart.

It was very noisy around Nobunaga's garden on the day of the Takoyaki and Wanted Grill tasting party. Because Nobunaga invited the main ministers, their main rooms and even their children.

I can see Nobunaga opening an event by calling a minister on something and understand that rumors that he likes festivals are true.

Because of the number of people this time around, soldiers from the guard were placed as far from the entrance and exit as on New Year's Eve.

"Shizuko is here -!

A soldier in the welcome role shouts out the names of his visitors. Two hundred meters from the soldier at the end, with armed foot soldiers lining their shoulders.

Shizuko glanced at it with a grin that caught the look. She didn't think it would be such a big event that she thought this welcome would be excessive.

But bent over, the invitees recalled that it was all heavy town and decided to reconsider that it was not excessive security.


After coughing up and changing his mood, he squeezes his expression and walks forward.

He was wearing the usual men's clothes but had a large bag flat on his hips. It's a delicacy that I put out of the warehouse a long time ago because I thought it would be foiled rather than beaten a few times. The short knife in front of my stomach is a Damascus knife I always carry.

The henchmen are Celebrations and Talents, the people of the horses. Though Jingzao was dressed in formal attire, Keizai also followed his own style in this setting. In other words, it is the perfect fit of every inclined person.

(I don't know... it's a great welcome. I knew I wanted to be takoyaki on the back)

Shizuko, who remains calm on the surface, but inside she felt like going home early. That should also be true, the tasting that Nobunaga is holding touching the fold is not so ambitious so far.

Usually, when working with ministers, Jianmae entertained them with novel dishes as tastings sponsored by Nobunaga.

There is no precedent for gathering so many people and putting guard at the same level as in the formation until we had a tasting.

(He told me to show my face because I would give him the knife of Kwong Chung's work, but he wasn't going to catch me on bait)

There is no need for an intellectual property, except for the bounty. Shizuko, who is not interested in gastronomy or tea tools, is the only passionate hobby that collects specialties.

I can't get Nobunaga's love knife like the Zosan Left Letter (Sazamonji) on the boulder, but if I can get it otherwise, I'm trying to get it in full distress.

That's only from the story that Nobunaga owns of the knife of Kwong Chung will be given to him, and it's also clear from the fact that he made a mushroom face at this hand event, which he usually dislikes.

(Shizuku Kunimitsu on the boulder) Then you don't. Maybe they called him Candlestick Cut Light Chung in the afterlife. No, Yoshihui gave me the possibility of Mitsumomo Mitsumi.

The most famous of the Kwangchung knives are the Candlestick Cut Kwangchung, whose owner has changed from Nobunaga to Hideyoshi and Hideyoshi to the Dada Sect.

But there are several other types of Kwang-chung swords. Nobunaga is unusually obsessed in it, and it is said that the last sword he wielded in the weird part of the main temple was Shin Hu Guangzhong.

Ultimate Kwang-chung is a specialty owned by General Akali, but given to Nobunaga by Yoshihui. Nobunaga then ceded his supreme glory to him as a souvenir when he appointed the supreme prosthetic light as the "Hangover".

Happy Ultimate Yoshimitsu, but then Hideyoshi confiscated Ultimate Mitsuyoshi for various reasons.

After crossing from Hideyoshi into Hideyoshi's hands and further between Jiayang, Hideyoshi and various figures, he finally returned to the top house. However, both the knife and the owner are now unknown.

Other optical loyalties were also collected by Nobunaga, the total number of which is assumed to have been more than thirty (30) mouths. The reason we have collected so far is because Nobunaga was attracted to the glorious knife of Kwang-chung.

(Well, okay. Maybe I can't do Heshi Nagatanabe or something, and I think I'll be caught about this time. I would rather know about the outside world than be concerned. For once, I have prepared various materials.)

Although she does not know, Nobunaga owns a number of specialties given to Shizuko when using Shizuko, such as Tsurumaruku-naga (Toruku), which is unclear on what route she obtained, and the Japanese issue (Hino Toru), which holds the position of the third best position.

I'm simply understated in putting it out and making it look like Shizuko doesn't have a number.

Entering the garden changed the scenery. Instead of the killing landscape of dead trees, the lush landscape spread in front of me. Few but flowers were blooming, and that added color as the winter scenery.

"Oh, that's amazing."

Seeing the sight in front of him, Shizuko raises an exclamation. A large wife folding umbrella (also known as a claw folding umbrella) was erected in a long chair with hairs laid all over the garden.

The red lover Nobunaga, both hairy and his wife folded umbrella, were red. Many humans had already colluded here and there, not even with the winter cold.

"What can I say? You don't know what grain is!!

"That's why you're so stupid. After a monkey who doesn't know how to say this, he has a great mouth!!

"The grain taste is not the same until the end, like Koshi. I can't believe it tastes different every time I chew it!

"Idiot. You can use the rest of it after rubbing to make another piece. It's the extreme of stupidity to mix it up like grain!

"What the fuck!

"Do it, monkey!

During the stroll, Shibata and Hideyoshi were working together as usual with Grain Ain and Koshi Aan. After I took my gaze off the two of them, Shizuko, Ginzo and Kyung-chong turned around and decided not to look.

Shizuko gets nostalgic when she sees the sight of a roasted octopus, wanting to roast, and a large roast here and there. Since there is no modern sauce in boulder, the octopus was to be eaten with soy sauce stock.

There are other things like lemon soy sauce, mayonnaise, and ponzu. It would be best to have a sauce dedicated to octopus, but the sauce is full of spices and herbs.

In warring Japan, it was difficult to collect spices and herbs, so this time they were eaten with a different seasoning.

"Ho ho ho, the octopus grill served with stock is delicious. It's hard to throw away the grill you want, but it's good to enjoy the various flavors of the octopus grill. My concubine can do anything, but I prefer this pond vinegar."

"My concubine prefers miso. Are you still soy sauce?

"Ho, I can't smell the soy sauce. Recently, my husband has a troubled face due to biased consumption, so I am thinking of using Miso once in a while."

"What, if it's not enough, you can take as much as you want from Shizuko's barn. I kept my mouth shut about this delicious thing. I wouldn't complain about that."

(We're having an awesome conversation... but let's get out of here before we realize it)

The warlords' wives, led by the princess, were also gathered to blossom into conversation.

Shizuko has occasionally had disturbing conversations in her ear, but at the end of the day, if she gets involved, she makes a strategic retreat because she doesn't know what to say.

"It's like an edge date."

I hear a conversation there that sounds like fun. I'm still in a cautious situation, but forget about it. We all enjoyed it now.

"I don't know what the edge date is, but the baking I want is delicious inside"

"Kyung-kyung, it's inadvertent as a samurai to hold both hands and cheek."

"That's not what the guy with the onion on his mouth said."

Soon Celebration and Talent Zo held a takoyaki or wanting grill in their hands. Shizuko, who also thought she was getting tired of enjoying the garden, sits on an affordable bench.

"Have fun"

He was discovered by Nobunaga in good time where he exhaled. He had Hideyoshi Hori and Hideyoshi Ikeda, then a younger surname to see.

Shizuko intuitively understood that Mori Mimaru, the son of Kasei Mori from time to time (Shinagaku describes it in chaos, not orchids, but emphasizes clarity and uses Mimaru).

"This is the hall. Of course I enjoy it."

"It's good as it is. Well, it seems to me that the two of you behind me are more enjoyable than you."

Celebration was eating a grill that Nobunaga didn't even care about when he showed up. On the other hand, the talent store stood upright and immovable, but the area around his mouth was full of leeks that were in the soy sauce stock of the octopus.

Nobunaga laughs magnificently, glancing at Shizuko, who held her forehead by her hand. It turns out that Nobunaga is in a good mood right now.

"Let's clean it up before we forget. Follow me."

I realize that Shizuko, who thought for a moment, will soon give me the knife of Mitsuko. Shizuko follows behind Nobunaga, who started walking.

Occasionally, Kumaru looked back at Shizuko only at his neck, but several times he noticed a moat poking Kumaru's head small.

After that, they exchanged words several times, but that looked more like a moat scolding Jimaru than they said to each other.

Shizuko, who had no idea what she was doing, turned her gaze to the Celebration and Talent Zone behind her, but she shrugged her shoulders, not knowing that they were both moat and maru.

"From here on out, it's just Shizuko. Don't do anything else."

After glancing at nothing but Shizuko and stabbing the nail, Nobunaga enters the room without waiting for anyone else to reply.

After shrugging his shoulders, Celebration broke his posture when he deposited his back on a pillar that was nearby. Talent sighs at Celebration Next Freedom.

But to see him sit down beside him, it seems like he's going to wait for Shizuko's errands to be over, just like Keiko's. Hori and Hengxing also imitate the talent and lower their hips near Keio.

(Is this good...?

"Maru, don't stand there. Come here."

The only one whose last name was Akimaru was grated. Did you see such a circle, the moat sighs and calls out to the circle? After wandering his gaze several times, Kumaru also lowered his back near the moat.

(Oh, I knew it was Morimaru)

Shizuko enters the room with that in mind. I felt a strong gaze of circles from behind me, but the sound of my fist bone swinging down my head just before closing the circle reached Shizuko's ear.

Not hostile or murderous, but not sure why he would take that kind of attitude on the pills, Shizuko tilts his neck.

"(If I get a chance, I'll ask myself or Mr. Mori) Thank you for waiting."

Through some empty rooms, Shizuko reaches the desired room. Even for security reasons, repeating entry and exit can be as static as possible.

"It's late, Shizuko"

I'm going into the room. No, Nobunaga's voice flies from the upper seat. He didn't look as angry as the words, but rather sounded like a fun voice.


"I'm not blaming you for anything else. Besides, I'm not going to bind you to formality, so you can take it easy."

Nobunaga was very relaxed, as he put it. It looks a little sloppy, but it can also be taken as allowing Shizuko to be distracted.

Shizuko didn't really care that Nobunaga was distracted because there were more concerns than that.

"Um, what the hell is that knife lined up in front of you...?

Between Nobunaga and Shizuko, there were ten knives lined up with decorations on the machete hanging. Shizuko is confused that there are as many as ten knives in front of her, although it is supposed to be a piece of Mitsuyoshi that is given down.

"Pfft, if you want Kwong Chung work, let me guess with my own eyes. Brilliant, if you choose the knife of Kwong Chung, I will give you the knife you chose."

Nobunaga answers Shizuko's questions as he steps back and forth. I couldn't help but show people my collection and I wanted to boast that I had so many of them together.

In front of the collection, Shizuko takes out a mask and gloves, then a cloth to hold a sword, wondering if anyone will be childish.

Since the mask does not salivate on the sword, gloves and cloth are tools to keep dust and debris from sticking to the sword, and to soak dirt if it does.

Shizuko also removes sword oil and other sword maintenance tools.

"... you're well prepared"

"I've prepared it in case"

Answering Nobunaga's half-hearted grunt, Shizuko looks at the sword in turn from the left. After seeing it all, Shizuko found out that only six Mitsuyoshi works and the rest is another sword.

(Tsurumaru Kuniyoshi, Hashikai Hasegabe, and Sosan Left letters in the Great Club of Hiroshi. Steady, why did you think to try it? Well, okay, let's get this)

After he had finished looking at everything and behaved with tools, Shizuko took a knife in his hand once he thanked Nobunaga.

"Then we look forward to a sip of this glorious work."

Nobunaga's face changes before I finish saying it to the end. It's also natural, because Shizuko's chosen Mitsuyoshi is Mitsuyoshi Mitsuyoshi, who Nobunaga will not love.

There is a way to distinguish between Mitsuhu and Mitsuhu. The blade spilled a little when Sanho Shizuhu, from whom the name came, slaughtered his enemies at the end with Guangzhong. This is the way to separate Mitsuhu Mitsuhu from other Mitsuhu loyalties.

This method of determination was not conceived by Shizuko, but has a similar record to historical facts.

When Nobunaga told Sakaki's fancy merchants to line up Mitsuyoshi's work and show it to Mitsuyoshi Minato, the appraiser and the famous Kizuya gave it a brilliant Mitsuyoshi.

At this time, a blade spill in Minoru Mitsujo is the story of how Kizuya attacked Minoru Mitsujo from Mitsujo, who has more than 20 mouths.

As a result of the Mitsuhei Mitsuhei game played at Antu Castle, there was also a blade spill in Mitsuhei Mitsuhei before that, and there is no other evidence of blade spill in the Mitsuhei work owned by Nobunaga.

"Don't rush, Shizuko. Why don't you take a look at some other swords? You see, this is a really brilliant trick!

That said, Nobunaga takes the Great Klugligaro Hiroshi and gives it to Shizuko to urge him. I know Nobunaga is upset in everyone's eyes, but Shizuko returns the words calmly.

"It would be rude to take any more time for the Hall. Like me, this blade spilled bite is enough."

"Gu... you don't know"

"What can I do for you?"

A regular gift would have ended Shizuko with something affordable, but unfortunately Shizuko is also given a sword that turns on heat. I couldn't give up all this because of it.

"Come on, Shizuko's starting to say it."

Nobunaga, who hastened for a while, smiles invincibly at the pretense. Some will have settled down, but others have liked Shizuko so much for letting me through.

"But you have a weakness. Shizuko... by order. Dedicate yourself to me, Mitsuhei! I'll give you two sips of your specialty instead."

"Wow, it's cowardly!

Shizuko's weakness is that she cannot disobey Nobunaga's orders. While he had managed to solve the impossible problem, Shizuko had become unconscious in reacting to Nobunaga's orders.

Shizuko holds her head and thinks. In her, the spirit of loyalty to the dog and the spirit of collecting specialties at best coincided. After a while, Shizuko sighs and at the same time shows Nobunaga the compromise.

"Then... instead of offering Mitsuhu Mitsuhu, I would like one bite of Mitsuhu and two other swords!

"Yeah, I don't mind."

After all, it was a compromise that I said, but Nobunaga fully agreed. From him, I suppose it's okay to let go of the other swords if you return the actual Hugh Gwangchung. No, slightly different.

"... and at some point the knife is down!

At first, there were six Kwangchung and four other swords, but now there were only five in total with two Kwanaga Tsurumaru, Hasekai Hasegabe, and Kwangchung.

Soon Nobunaga had cleared the knife. Furthermore, the only knife now lined up in front of Shizuko is the one that Nobunaga plans to give to Shizuko from the beginning.

"I didn't know you'd come here and show your stinginess."

"He's rude to be stingy. It's an advanced rush."

"Stuff. So, we look forward to Hiroshi Nagakurigaro and Hiroshi Hasegabe, and then to this light allegiance."

"Let's be good. Take all three bites."

Seeing Shizuko surrender, Nobunaga looks victorious. Shizuko, who thought he could win, is Nobunaga, who kept running politically with the Korean court, generals and the people on the boulder.

There was no victory in measures to the extent of Shizuko. Shizuko didn't really want Shizuko either, so I decided to think positively about being happy to get three bites.

Since the three mouths could not be carried by hand on the boulder, he decided to carry the candlestick cut light Zhongshi and the chopped long valley, and carry the Greater Klugligaro Hiroshi by hand.

"It's also a hundred million robberies to go back and worry about ministers. Stay with me for a while."

"(For once, I'm a minister too...) Yes, I understand"

When he nods satisfactorily at Shizuko's reply, Nobunaga takes out a bag containing the baking or large baking he wants from his nostalgia and spreads it in front of his own eyes. When I removed the lumbar bamboo water bottle, I opened the lid and sipped the tea inside.

"Well, what are we going to talk about from"

This becomes a long street, Shizuko nodded small, even though she thought so.