Chronicles of The Hardships of Komachi in The Sengoku Era

Late November, one thousand five hundred and seventy-two.

On October 3rd, a severe earthquake ran to the Oda family.

Takeda moved. We received reports that 22,000 troops led by Shingen came out of Kofu, where they are based.

Before Shingen came out, Changjing and Akiyama Tiger Toyotomi in Yamagata were marching with 5,000 soldiers each, making it clear that Takeda was coming to mobilize the power he could possess.

Tokugawa is not the only target, as is evident from that formation. Everyone understood that they were looking to the Oda family behind it.

Nobunaga left Gifu and received a report from Takeda at Yokoyama Castle in Omi to confirm the situation of Asai and Asakura.

"Due to the number of horses and the size of the small baggage, we are on a great expedition over the winter. It is not a skirmish with Tokugawa from the number of soldiers, but a total mobilization of the Takeda family's power!

All Takeda family power. The expression of the generals tightens to the word. And the doubts they had turned to certainty.

Why Asai and Asakura have been caged in the castle for so long, and why General Yoshiaki disconnected from the Oda family, the activities of Hondo Temple that have been kept silent have become active. The answer is the Takeda family's great expedition.

The well-researched understood that once the broken Oda siege net was about to be closed again. It is Takeda who drives his prey and stabs him in the stomach.

All you have to do is wait so that your prey can't escape the battle against the Oda siege net. It was a good reason for them to be active in their activities.

Nobunaga alone is tattered, but even the fierce general and the famous Shibata were either out of extreme tension or in cold sweat.

"Oh, I'm afraid I do. With this fact, Takeda's friendship with Oda was broken. I know we need to send backpacking to Tokugawa as soon as possible."

"I'm not sending backpacks"

I affirm the common sense measures that Mitsuhide could take in the current situation, but Nobunaga dismissed them with immediate disruption. Upset also runs upon the generals with the word.

"But if Tokugawa tore, our Oda family would be next. Then we have no chance of winning. Let's limit the number of soldiers we can get out under this situation. But Tokugawa alone must be defeated."

"Don't make a scene. I didn't say I'd abandon anyone."

In the words of Nobunaga, the generals were more wolfish. But Nobunaga said nothing more.

Reports that the Takeda army had emerged from Kofu had also reached Shizuko, who is in Ozhang.

"Oh, yeah."

But in contrast to the reported rush of color, Shizuko had the same attitude as usual. Seeing that immovable standing, I was more surprised by Celebration Next, who was referring to Shizuko and Chess.

"That's right, it's not! It's Takeda!!

"How about, calm down. Things haven't changed in a hurry. Oh, tell Uncle Satisfied to come here. Can you finally tell me that you want me to bring you an example from Zao?

"Uh, ah, yes"

"When this whole station is over, Keiji calls in his usual face. Well, if Uncle Satisfied doesn't get there, we can't go into details."

"Oh, wow."

Colour regained some calmness like Shizuko's unshakeable. As soon as I replied, I quit the place to give instructions to the various places. Stinking bitterly at his hasty footsteps, Shizuko points to his hand number.

"I hope I don't fall in a hurry."

"I don't understand quiet calm. The guy who didn't move one eyebrow when he heard Takeda was quiet."

"As I said earlier, if things change in a hurry, I'll show them in a hurry at any cost. But the reality remains the same. Then wouldn't it be a loss just to panic? All the time!"


Celebration was also due to inner agitation, or the unusual overlook took the flying car, the big pawn, lightly.

Since it was a policy to take Shizuko's flying car in exchange for his horns and deprive Shizuko of his ability to act, the war situation was driven to a state of devastation rather than disadvantage.

"... no, I can't do it properly in the present situation. Surrender."

"If you get upset, you'll make a gap. Well, Kyung-soo. Please contact your usual face."

While playing chess pawn with one hand, Shizuko asks for a liaison at Celebration. Celebration followed the room with a head full of jealousy.

Shizuko is convinced in the room where no one is anymore. The watershed has been crossed already, the livelihood is only ahead of breaking Takeda.

"Phew, I'm not anxious... not really."

Human emotions also manifest themselves in body odor. Vitmans sniffing out Shizuko's anxiety creep in.

Shizuko strokes all the time saying she's okay, but the Vitmans didn't try to leave by Shizuko as they were.

Satisfaction arrived first after a while, followed by Celebration returning with other faces. Asako is a warlord as usual, Keio, Nagaka, Takazo, Takati, Satisfied. It's Genroku, Kinsuke, and Shigi, who lead Shizuko's army.

There are other people in Shizuko's main army who are captains, but Shizuko decided to tell the story first with these eight people, so it was fixed in this face when it became the first military council.

"Well, I'm sure you've already heard, Takeda's army has gone out from Kofu"

Shizuko Takeda told everyone that Operation Nishigami had been started.

Those surprised by the Takeda army's appearance, on the contrary, those who burn fighting spirit, those who are unusual, reacted differently. Except to be satisfied, however, he had certain common questions.

"My lord, I understand Takeda's appearance. And what does that have to do with what we've been gathered?

Takeda's presence is such a threat to the survival of the Oda family. But Nobunaga doesn't know why to open a military conference without a directive. That was the common question of all.

"Uh... can I say it already? It's almost certain, because we're the ones going to pack after Tokugawa."

"Yes, no!?

"Whoa, calm down. I'll tell you more now."

In a hurry, Shizuko instructs Colour to pay. The Vitmans also ran out to monitor a predetermined range at the discretion of Shizuko as the color moved.

After a while, people's signs disappeared from the mansion. At a stage where there was no longer any risk of confidential leakage, Shizuko took a deep breath and spread the map out of her pocket.

"It's a map around the big Hamamatsu castle. Takeda is mobilizing all the power he can have. Whatever you think, it's not a skirmish with Tokugawa."

"What is the approximate number of soldiers?

"Inspector Samuro (Saburuhi-ji) led Soldier 5000 from Shinano to Mitsugawa. Akiyama Bejinomi leads Soldier 5000 to Higashi-Mino. The Takeda main army is leading 22,000 soldiers out of Kofu and marching towards the Three Rivers. Autumn Mountain is 27,000 soldiers, if you think of it as an impounder of Higashi Mino."

"Is it roughly 30,000? We're not alone in dealing with all those soldiers..."

Xuanlang's expression clouds with despair. There's no point in him sinking either.

If we mobilize all the troops of the Shizuko Army by about 10,000, and Tokugawa's formation is unknown, but it is also 10,000 in total mobilization from the national power, the two armies together will be close to 20,000.

Upon losing in a number of stages, the opponent is a strong and incomparable Takeda army who will double their ranks to say they are one another. I'm not talking about where we don't win.

"You can't overshadow the number of disadvantages. So make up for the number with the quality of the weapon"

At the same time as I finished saying it, Shizuko put the new firerope gun on the table that she had satisfied herself with.

Everyone's gaze pours on it, but from what I can see, it just looks like a volcano gun with some unfamiliar parts.

"Hey, there's nothing you can do with a fire rope gun alone. Or what, does this have awesome performance?

Nagako questions Shizuko while pointing to the fire-rine gun. The other faculties did not speak, but thought the same as the longevity.

"Because it only looks like an odd fire-rine gun. It's not a flash gun because I stopped using it. In the meantime, we're going to call it a new kind of gun, so we can name it later. Anyway, it's the first piece of equipment to cover Takeda's disadvantage."

"Is it something that only weapon performance can handle?

"No problem. How much is legal? Skip the fine theory, but use the weapon performance multiplied by the squared number of troops as your combat capability. When applied to that calculation, the only way to overshadow the advantages of numbers is to greatly outperform them with weapon performance. Katsuzo may have some questions about you, but the Hundred News doesn't seem like it at first sight. If I saw that performance, I'd blow my mind."

Shizuko's reference to the law of richness refers to Lancaster's second law.

In modern times, it is used in business strategies and so on to broil (shake) the population, but it is originally a mathematical model of combat.

Nevertheless, bringing up Lancaster's second law presupposes a weapon capable of attacking more than one human being by itself, like a machine gun.

Thus even a new gun is single-shot and somewhat unacceptable to apply Lancaster's second law with how much with the Takeda Army.

In other words, it is a hatchet to remove everyone's anxiety.

"Evidence over theory. Uncle Satisfied will show you his performance now. Then please."

"Okay. Guys, follow me."

When he took the new gun placed on the table, Satisfaction stood up in solidarity with everyone. The remaining faces look at each other before turning their gaze to Shizuko.

Shizuko, who received everyone's gaze, smiled and waved as she swallowed the water from the water bottle in her mouth.

No matter how many words you overlap with your mouth, the fact that you saw it with your own eyes is more convincing. Shizuko urged me to follow after each of them satisfied.

"Well, I wonder what they all look like coming home"

A dry gunshot sounded high as I squealed and breathed a sigh of that. Shizuko thinks whether everyone is taken aback or surprised.

Imagine the reaction from each personality. Shizuko giggles one damned person.

"When the Battle of Takeda is over, can we introduce Operations Research?

Shizuko shrugs with a distant eye. Operations Research - abbreviated as OR - can be referred to as "problem-solving" to solve problems using scientific, or "muscular," methods.

This was a discipline created before World War II when the United States studied to gain an effective victory over Germany and Japan.

Lancaster's laws and game theories were combined to explore ways to gain an efficient victory.

The 'simulation' that everyone has used on a daily basis in recent years can also be described as a methodology consciously covered by OR.

Although OR emits an edge on the military, it is not just a discipline that stays there, but is capable of application in a variety of fields.

Because history itself, solved using OR, becomes property.

Methods for analysing problems in various areas and connecting them to decision-making, accumulation of so-called 'good ways'. That's what makes OR a stone.

There is even an "OR Society" in modern times where OR researchers from all over the world are digging up new problems every day and researching and presenting problem-solving methods for them.

It is said to have extremely wide application power that this "analysis and decision making" can be effectively approached.

"I don't have to go right now, but I'd like to make it a standard idea sooner or later. It inspires all kinds of areas, and it just builds up and becomes a fortune."

There are various aims to spread, but the most important is the stimulation of various industries through the spread of OR methods.

The industries developed by the Oda family are of different colours and are very rarely stimulated from the outside.

Even if it solidifies internally alone and problems arise, it is captured by stereotypes that say it is that way, and eventually bursts sooner or later like a stuck arteriosclerosis.

I also had an OR in place to open them up and wanted them to actively work on solving the problem.

As I was thinking about how to spread it, I could see more than one rushing footstep approaching.

I wondered if he had rushed back, and the moment I wondered, the entrance was flying in a direction that wasn't clear.

"Shizuko! What is that!!

It was longable that he jumped in first, as expected. Celebration, talent and other faces follow behind it.

The parabola was drawn and dancing, piercing the other side of the pole and exposing it to an unbroken state.

Shizuko sparked a word showering cold water with water from the water bottle as she thought she would have to re-buy a set of these.

"For now, we'll deduct the cost of repairing the crap from everyone's salary."

"Huh!? Oh, it just flew away on its own."

"Just kidding. Everyone will have questions, but sit tight."

Everyone sits in place while glancing at the entrance that has been opened. I asked Colour to set up a spare jar, and I was satisfied when I hit the steeple field.

Shizuko resumed the conversation after making sure he sat down.

"Well, as you can see. You don't have to explain the details, but you know what I've been up to."

"As it were, well. I have no idea how I made that stuff, but I just know that Shizuko is ready for something."

"That's all I need. I only prepared the situation. It's up to you to grab the last one."

We didn't have to tell everyone. We all understood. Externally, it's a hindsight, but Shizuko is thinking something else.

"The Takeda Army is undefeated on the expedition. We'll put that first and last black star on it. What do you say? It's the greatest Venus anyone could possibly have done. Victory over overwhelming disadvantage, isn't this the pinnacle of hindsight?"

The Takeda Army, which is mobilizing and expediting all troops without taking Oda, is, on the contrary, taken over by the Oda Army - the Oda and Tokugawa coalition forces, to be precise.

In a situation of overwhelmingly inferior troop numbers and proficiency, the name of the Oda family rings in heaven if this operation succeeds.

"Seung-zo, it's time to test your powers. Therefore, you will take Lieutenant Sanro of Yamagata."

"Yamagata...... kah!

Shizuko was willing to hit Nagako in Changjing, Yamagata Prefecture, a pioneer warlord of the Takeda Army and leading the Takeda Army's strongest red preparation.


"Naturally! But more than that, I have the energy to snap the neck of the mountain prefecture!

The long-capable army has a lot of young people and little experience. However, because of the large number of young people, there are many fearless people, and the fear of red preparedness is weak. I mean, even if you look at the red gear, you can still fight with the momentum.

"Mr. Giorzo wants us to take over the stable. Thinking about the current situation, I think the best way to counter the stable is with Mr. Giorzo's army. Keiji, Yoshiyoshi, Satsumi will only signal the assault, but after that, you will be free to move at your discretion."

"But then around Shizuko..."

Shizuko understood what Talent was trying to say. Understood, she shook her head sideways.

"We're all going to risk our lives this time. Even if I'm the only one in a safe place, my morale just drops. No commander-in-chief is required once instructions are given first. Takeda, if I don't get ahead of them, no one will follow me. Because the Admiral is ahead of the line, and soldiers can believe in excitement and victory."

"Dear Shizuko... Ha! Some will risk their lives to take over the stable!

"Nice to meet you. And Grandpa Xuanlang, gather those you can trust."

"Ha! How about we collect them?

To Xuanlang's question, Shizuko offers Xuanlang that when he takes the new gun that Satisfactory used.

"This Battle of Takeda, it will be the artillery crowd that will change the momentum. Grandpa Xuanlang's role is to lead the artillery crowd. The same goes for Rensuke and Shigi, but I wonder if the hairs are slightly different because they use guns while manipulating horses."

"What? Huh!?

All three raise their barbaric voices. When it comes to manipulating artillery, like the Miscellaneous (Sake) and Root (Sake) masses, it is enough to form an armed group as a mercenary group.

If I were to lead it, I could say it was a big birth. That's not just in the static army either. It can also indicate a certain name externally.

"All I give is opportunity. It's up to you whether you raise your name or laugh."


"I believe in you. Be a pioneer in handling this gun. There are enough people left in history."

It's good, Kyung Kyeong thought. Xuanluang and the others are more eager to live up to Shizuko's expectations because of their long history. That's why he had emerged well in the static army.

Until now, he remained appreciative within the Shizuko Army, and in other Oda armies, his treatment was that of miscellaneous soldiers. I can't help but treat them differently in total anonymity from the ones who inherited their position from a named parent.

But this time, if you show the presence of the artillery people, the fame will be known to all.

Depending on the outcome, your allies will be relieved to hear its name, and your enemies will even be trembling with their name in their ears.

From them, who have ever spoiled the treatment of misadventure, the option of not responding to Shizuko's trust does not exist.

"So much about me... I understand, my lord. I will respond to the Lord's letter!

"Wow, so are we. My lord, we fight together to meet you!

The three are extremely impressed and lay deep flat towards Shizuko. I felt a little too exaggerated, but instead of anonymous, it was them who started with a negative and came this far.

This is a big battle for a generation. It's an unprecedented chance to raise martial arts, and if you miss this, you don't have the earliest hope. The three of them understood that it was the biggest of all.

"When you're done gathering people, Uncle Satoshi will teach you how to handle new guns."


"Tell me if you have any other questions. I'll answer as best I can."

I ask as I look around all of them, but no one spoke of any doubts.

There was a fighting spirit in the eyes of all, and a hegemony that was peculiar to those who grasped their role. Shizuko nodded small when she felt enough response.

"All right, everyone's in a good mood. So today, we're breaking up, training and resting, and waiting for the time to come."


All responded with a temperamental voice to Shizuko's tightening words.

At the end of the meeting, the chief executive left the room first. This is followed by Xuanlang, Rensuke and Sigi.

But only Celebration didn't take a seat, watching Shizuko as she sat down. Shizuko, who felt there was something to talk about, asked her to take her seat off to the satisfaction she had been asking how it was going.

I thought about it a little, but I took a seat quietly, and I had to talk to Celebration about something before Satisfaction left the room behind. All that remained were Shizuko and Kyung-suk, but Kyung-suk didn't try to open his mouth right away.

"I've been wondering for a long time, why does Jing Chi value Grandpa Xuanlang so highly?

After a lot of cleaning up, Kyungju opened his mouth to the lid. When she stops her hand and turns back to Celebration, Shizuko smiles small.

"It's more important than the one who can speak to his master, the one who pokes the most spear on the battlefield."


Shizuko's words are based on Tokugawa Jiayang's famous quote: "The old man who sees his husband's evil deeds and speaks his words is far more of a mood (about) than he wants to burst into the ground of battle."

The higher my husband's position, the stronger he is, the easier it is for him and his surroundings to overconfidence his power. In that state, it is difficult to point out the evils and mistakes of my husband and to accuse him of them.

Also, the thought of my husband's side being shamed came first, and I became oblivious to the words no matter how correct my opinion was.

"I'm also allergic to saying it myself, but the more your position rises, the fewer people will point out your mistakes, right? And if there's no one to blame, just listen to me, for sure, what a spread of consciousness. To prevent that, Grandpa Xuanlang is a valuable man. What's wrong with not reusing it?"

"I see. Was there such a reason?"

"Surely Grandpa Xuanlang's martial arts are subtle. There must be a lot of backlash about this promotion to the head of the artillery crowd. But, once the Takeda war is over, the presence of the artillery will become visible to the powerful. When that happens, there is trouble for those who can only be strong. If there's a mistake, it has to be someone who can point it out."

"Because you don't look at yourself and you can judge the absolute necessity of using it"

"That sort of thing. Of course I don't get all the opinions, do I? But, you know, being spoken of means that you have a lot of problem consciousness. So stop and take a step back and look back at yourself. That way we can change direction before it fails, right?

Celebration deepened its grin at Shizuko's words. Anyone who slaps at their mouth is annoying.

You start to weigh the people who are in tune with you and line up the good words around your ears, and eventually the words are out of reach of your ears.

(I see. Grandpa Xuanlang is most appreciated by reason. Others do not speak wherever they think because they are born. But Grandpa Xuanlang prefers quiet to preservation. Do you understand the difference?)

I thought it was simply sympathy knowing Xuanlang's condition, but Celebration was relieved that it was not.

Shizuko has a sweet side that is ruthless and indelible, so I always wondered if it would produce bad results.

I thought that Xuanlang's promotion was a passion for past devotion, but I could understand that it was not so when I heard inside.

I was a little relieved, but I can't say for sure that I won't be in the future, so he thought I'd keep an eye on Shizuko's behavior.

"Oh man, I thought it was just sweet, but you were thinking out loud"

"Why do they think I haven't thought about it?"

"I don't have a choice. Quiet behavior is often the first time you see results. If we don't get to know each other well, it looks like we're just moving with momentum."

"Yeah, I think it's moving for the sake of clarity"

Shizuko zeroes her dissatisfaction with the following words: However, it is easy to understand from the standpoint of static standards, and it is difficult to understand from a normal human being who cannot have an overlooking view.

"That would only be quiet. Well, I've cleared up my doubts, and I was wondering if you'd like to play in the city."

Do whatever you want when you want. No matter how much I refrain from working with Takeda and how desperately I train around him, I play because I wanted to. That is the presence of Keiji Maeda.

"If you're late, you won't make it to the evening."

"That's tough. I'm going to play to the point where I'm not playing too much."

Celebration leaves the room flickering with Shizuko. Shizuko, who smiled bitterly, waves at the celebration and sends him out.

When I couldn't hear the next footsteps of the celebration, the only thing left in the room was Shizuko.

After I finish cleaning up, Shizuko also leaves the room, and I head to my room with that leg. Arrange to send the text to Nobunaga in advance upon return to the room.

Has the race been thrown?

It is no longer acceptable to stop at Shizuko than Operation Westward has been carried out. There's only one way to get to the end.

Either Takeda will perish, or the Shizuko army will perish altogether, or the future to visit is within two. Whatever, I'm not going to beat you to death. I'm ready to strike out more than Takeda has made out.

(I can't help thinking about it, but I'm going to have to lie to all sorts of people. That's a little melancholy considering that)

Sometimes it is necessary to deceive even your allies in order to succeed.

The higher the position of the person who obtains and deceives, the proportionally higher the effect obtained. But Shizuko's ordeal continues as to whether she can deceive others into lying poorly to herself.

The laying was a high challenge for Shizuko, who did not appear on the expression, or whose story fits, or who consciously did not deceive people less.

"... can you handle it"

Having concluded that it was useless to think, Shizuko gave up thinking.

The Takeda army was invading with the momentum of the bamboo. He drops one castle every three days and is rushing toward Jiayang's castle.

Apart from Takeda's main army, the Yamagata prefecture was unable to move the army of the Three Rivers because it had also invaded from the Three Rivers, and Jia Kang was only able to use the 8000 troops of the Far River.

Jiayang, who feared that the people on his side would fall back to Takeda's side even while he was arching his hand, defeated Takeda's army because of his inferior strength, even though he appeared on October 14th to fight in the Mitano River and One-Word Slope.

But there was also loyalty, such as loyalty, and the warlord, who was the Lord, was able to escape from Sawasa Field and retreat to Hamamatsu Castle.

Shingen and Takeda family ministers admired the loyalty at this time, and were told that Honda Takeshi was just a Tokugawa.

The momentum of the Takeda army has not stopped since then, and the war situation has still not improved even in November.

"Don't you have a hitter"

Jiayang vomits desperate words. There was no one left to answer that question. He was made to understand my difference in power in a single battle on one slope.

There was no prospect that Tokugawa would win against Takeda.

"I have nothing else to ask Oda for backpacking."

"I can't. Oda is also surrounded by enemies on all sides. There's no room for us to send soldiers."

One of the ministers will come up with a proposal to request backpacking to Oda. However, there is no room to send soldiers to Jiayang to Nobunaga, who is under obstinate attack from Asakura, Honma-ji and those involved in the Oda siege net to Asai.

Because I know that, I thought the proposal to request a post-stuffing for Oda was unrealistic.

"My lord, Tokugawa is over as it is. I was wondering if it was better than falling to Takeda."

"I can't even talk about it right now. Takeda will not loosen his hands until he ravages the Three Rivers and the Far River."

There was also a proposal for surrender, but they thought that surrender would not be accepted now.

Even if the surrender is granted, it is visible that it will be used as a spike to Oda in the claim that the land was taken. Going or going back to hell. Hell is exactly what this is all about.

"My lord, there is one thing that concerns me."

Hanzo advances to Jiayou in the bitter air. Anyway, Jiayang, who wanted to change the air, permits Hanzo to speak.

"Shizuko, who is obsessed with Honta, has not moved while placing all his troops in the tailgate."

"Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well!

A visible and upsetting loyalty, but Hanzo doesn't fit in. In a way, the ministers smile unexpectedly at the hilarious sight. Jiayang thought the severe air had only lightened a little.

"That's a strange story. I can't afford to let Oda play soldier right now. But the fact that the army doesn't move even in that situation is aimed at something...?

"Aren't you a soldier to Iwamura Castle?

Faryama Jingren, the castle owner of Iwamura Castle, who wielded authority in Dongmino, died of illness in May. Nobunaga does not miss this opportunity and sends ministers to Higashi Mino to occupy Iwamura Castle.

Otsuya, Jingren's wife and Nobunaga's aunt, adopted Nobunaga's fifth son and later President Oda.

He himself took over the throne of the Lord and became the guardian of President Oda.

However, when Takeda's Operation Nishimi began, Natsuya responded to Takeda's army move and drove Nobunaga's army away, which was at Iwamura Castle, back to Takeda.

Nobunaga raged at this sudden betrayal. Not only Nobunaga, but the betrayal of the snappers rebelled the Far Mountains in Dongmino.

It is said that the Uemura match took place in December of the same year, but the Uemura match has two theories: the former Turtle New Year and the former Turtle Three Years, which are still unclear.

"It's a betrayal within you, so you'll do it thoroughly. Because you can also establish control over Higashi Mino."

"Do you have definite proof?

"Yes, there are reports that the Shizuko army is getting ready for how much. We also train our soldiers, so I wonder if there's a mistake."

It's a story that seemingly goes through, but Jiayang couldn't believe it cheaply. From Hanzo's report, Shizuko Army is an army raised by Shizuko and Nobunaga on hand salt.

With the imminent threat of Takeda in front of me, it was very unlikely that I would put a static army into the butt plush in my body.

"Okay. Anyway, do something about Takeda. Let's think about it first."

But behind the words, I couldn't think of anything to do with Takeda.

Even in late November, there was a pressing atmosphere spreading within the Oda family. All I can hear is the Takeda Army fast-forward reports, because none of the other bright topics were there.

As it is, everything is swallowed up by a monster called Takeda. Fast-minded humans had feelings similar to despair. Even by this time Nobunaga clearly showed no willingness to fight Takeda.

At first glance, Nobunaga's behavior looks weak. But we all understood that if they were Takeda, even Nobunaga would have to be cautious.

In the meantime, Shizuko was fighting the paperwork. I had a crush on checking supplies that were carried in one after the other. But because of all the important supplies, I couldn't do one thing.

(Not enough gun parts yet. If you go with the calculation as it is, you're about 500 short)

After worrying, Shizuko decided to give more bounty than usual to those who had achieved it by doubling the norm.

Some skilled craftsmen will meet expectations, this is expected to reach the required number of critical parts.

Shizuko worked on the next document when she threw the keys to the stash where the gold was stored in the lowest surname along with instructions to increase production.

Although the production itself was on time for the equipment to be worn under the armor, there was no room at all.

After worrying about the problem, he still decided that he needed spare and instructed him to increase his production for a few weeks. I also promise a huge bounty to those who have achieved double the norm for this one.

"It's going to be a little bit of a black labor, but there's nothing else you can put up with these past few weeks."

The faster the bad rumors, the faster the legs. Takeda is attacking Tokugawa territory with total force, the rumors were quickly spreading. And next to Tokugawa, it was impossible for the people to think that it would be Oda.

Therefore, the inevitable showdown with Takeda was an open secret within Oda territory.

Since it makes no sense to hide it now, Shizuko was instead using it to push for impossibilities equal to wartime mobilization.

I understand you're forcing me to, but there's nothing better than dying if Takeda ravages you. That's what I had to ask you to work for in dying.

"Ahhh, maybe this will make it... it's harder over there though"

Shizuko stuck to her desk after deciding on all the paperwork. Kasei Mori was in charge of training soldiers, so he was savoring hell in a different way there.

Even the units under Shizuko's direct command, who are usually subject to rigorous training, blurred that the training that can be done hangs on killing rather than training.

Chang Ke and others usually say he is fine only at night, but what I say to attend the training of Kasei. When I went back before sunset to finish the bath and rice, he was falling straight into the futon.

"Grandpa Xuanlang is struggling, yes."

Xuanlang picked out 1,000 potential soldiers and organized them as an artillery crowd.

Unlike the lifeless and cohesive bow cavalry, however, it was a stopover zone pulled out of various units, so at first it could not operate its troops properly as a gikshak.

Around this time, I finally started showing the tie, but I still have a constant problem. Sometimes there was a huge delay in training. There were still more than half of the training that should have been completed on schedule.

Shizuko was worried about the matter, but a proposal came to mind. Shizuko, who also thought it would be an intermediate measure, rewrote her training schedule greatly.

The opposite is true of poor progress. Fortunately, there was little impact of switching the training contents.

"Later only wait for time to fill, or"

I modified the plan a little, but it is expected to be around December 10 that it will take shape if it stays this way. By then, Takeda would have no other choice but to head to Sanagahara.

Later, if the Victory Goddess smiles here, the Oda family can pick up the win.

But something unexpected happens. That's all I cared about was how we didn't do it and modify the track so it was convenient for us.

(Oh, with that said, November is over. Sounds like it's time for you to talk about sending backpacks to Tokugawa)

A rushed footstep reached Shizuko's ear when she thought about it.