"That's not bad for a day," Ellie said.

The next morning, we were gathered in the living room to talk about the money. You've already gone to the Alliance and received your reward. The deputy guild manager was surprised to see the request completed yesterday today. But there is no question in testifying in front of the Alliance Card and Tirica. I received exactly double the crusade reward.

"It's not a bad place. Adventurers make money."

The clergyman is extremely poor. I was quite surprised by the price when I bought the armor. I think the Knights' armor is higher.

"I guess this would be normal. One harpy at a time isn't that rewarding."

To one oak, 28 harpies. Harpy's crusade reward doubled. It's certainly the income there, but when it comes to dividing it by the number of people, it's not so much.

"Except for the cost of living, you can have five equal parts. I think we should split the cost of living into six equal portions."

"I don't know what to do."

"Um. I don't go that far. It's not necessary," says Sati.

"I have savings, too, if it's money, and I don't think I need it that much. It wasn't very helpful this time," Ann also says.

Tirica watched the interaction blurry. There is a larger carpet set up that I would like to but can roll over to sleep for, and Satti and Tirica are sitting together with Takeshi on their backs.

"No. This kind of thing needs to be decent. If you don't want to spend it, save it. Don't worry about losing it if you keep it in your guild."

"Yes, yes. No one can be very active from the start. Satie's with Anne Mochi at last."

"That's very convincing, says Masaru, who got into a match with a rabbit in the field."

"Can I say that? Now think about where Ellie's fried chicken comes in."

"Become!? I can't believe you shielded the fries from!

"Kukukuku. If you spare a fry from this..."

"If I spare you, what do you think?

"I'll let you out whenever you want, right?

"Yes. That's fine. Good boy."

"Yes, I'm sorry for being so busy."

The wand Ellie has is putting together a patch of electric shock. Looks like he got to level 5 and somehow opened his eyes to how to use lightning strikes. I manipulate thunder quite freely.

"Money is fine, I'm talking about training. Even the woods aren't close enough to the city."

Looks like Ellie fixed her mood for now and decided to continue the conversation.

"That said, this forest. The level of the enemy is better."

I know I can defeat the dragon now even if it came out, but I don't want to take too much risk.

"You shouldn't be near the city. We could go deeper."

"Right. There's a gate."

"That's why I registered the transfer points at Harpy's place yesterday."


"But it's okay to go too far back?," said Ann.

"Right. Sometimes there's an oak settlement or something, but our reconnaissance capabilities don't strike me as surprised. Hey, Tirica."

"Hoku doesn't overlook anything"

"Right. If you think it's dangerous, you can run away at the gate, and you can go home at night."

"It's really convenient, isn't it, space magic? Masaru, you're so sweet."

Ellie smiles when she sees me like that. That's cute.

"Anne and Tirica want to learn some new magic soon."

Ellie and Tirica got one level up on this expedition. We need to discuss that as well.

"I'll save you some points. Raise your space magic."

"I wonder what level five spatial magic is?

"I don't know. But it must be amazing!

"Right. I wish I had some amazing magic."

I just wonder if I could make the transition to Japan at Spatial Magic Level 5. It seems unlikely to be possible to return to Japan to that extent, but I don't think it would be nice to be able to travel freely with Japan. But if I go back at the current time, does that mean I've been missing for three months? It still seems easier to leave it to the god of Ito even if you go back.

I have already inquired in my journal regarding my return to Japan. They're going to let me choose whether to stay or return when that happens. However, only one answer was given. Whether I can take my daughters or not is not answered. Does it mean there is hope not to say that we can or cannot? Though my mind is inclined to stay, my untrained to Japan is not so easy to cut off.

"What about Tirica?

"Take Summoning Magic"

I have 8P to give summoning magic to 4. Is this one on hold?

"That's the end of the story. Take your time today and go back to the woods tomorrow"

"Well, let's do Ellie's cooking training today."

Ann laughs and says.

"Huh? Oh, have a day off..."

"No. It's time to do it for real, right? I need to at least get the food to level one."

"Shit, I don't think we should waste our ingredients."

"I'm fine. I can see more or less the reason for Ellie's failure. Leave it to me, you'll be fine."

Ellie is grabbed by Ann and forced into the kitchen. Satti and Tirica stuck to it, too. Well, what about me? It must be fun to watch my daughters cook soothingly.

Be alone in the living room and think slowly about your plans starting tomorrow. There were slightly fewer demons yesterday but Harpy. I'm sure that area was after the passage of a massive group of harpies that raided the city. Further into the depths, there should be more demons. The level will go up in a way that feels good if you leave the city with a transfer every day and spend about half a day in the woods.

That's when I realized. I go outside the city without going through the gates and crusade. Isn't that a little suspicious? Even though cards are checked when passing through the gates, records are never taken. So if it doesn't fit somewhat, I'll be fine, but I'm close to the gatekeeper. Think that far and head to the kitchen in a hurry.

"Hey, my God!

"What's going on?

Ann looks at this one with a decent face. The other three pay attention here as well.

"We went out of the gate, but we didn't go through the gate. You can talk about the Transfer Magic Formation!

That gatekeeper soldier cares a lot about me. If I don't hear from you for a few days, I could really form a search party.

"Hey, that's not good."

Ellie, who was practicing knives, also came over here.

"What do we do? You want to go outside and go back with a levitation or something for once?

"It's a bad idea. I've already reported it to the Alliance, so if they look into it, it's gonna be extra weird."

"Forwarding magic is a little bad, isn't it?

"Right. Maybe a scout will come from the country. I'm an Imperial nobleman, so if I can say no when I hear from you."

We all think about it. If it's about a long distance transfer, the user is there, but if it's also a user of the transfer magic team, it becomes an extremely small number. A few of them are surrounded by states and organizations whose real numbers are unknown. Any of them will be impossible to hide, but I don't care what you think right now.

"Let's do this. Masaru, show your face to the East Gate. You just have to decide you're back from the West Gate."

"Is that okay?

"There's no reason to doubt it, and I'm sure you'll be fine"

"Okay. I'll be out in a minute."

Fortunately, it was yesterday morning that I left the gate. I haven't had time to worry about it yet. Normally if you stop by the gate and say hi, you'll be fine.

"Panya, do you want to take me?

It has proven very convenient to have a subpoena when you are parting hands. I can only tell you the details from here, but even from the Tirica side, yes or no, so that I can show it in motion. You won't even need it all over the city, just in case. There's nothing cellular in this other world.

"Welcome aboard, Master Masal"

"Be careful."

Keep the rat in your jacket pocket and everyone will drop you off and leave the house.

It's pretty cold out of the house. The date is December 21. It's been three months and ten days since I've been here. When you ask about the climate of a year, it doesn't seem very different from Japan. I wondered why the calendar is exactly the same as Japan, but there's something like Ito-jin, so I'm sure I imported it from somewhere. Because it's convenient to have an accurate calendar.

Out on the boulevard, close to the gate under the guise of a casual wind. There was just the usual gatekeeper. I think I noticed this one right away.

"Isn't it a masal? How long have you been back?"

"From over there during yesterday," he looks over at the West Gate. You have a home. I didn't lie.

"Oh well. So how's the new party going?

"There was a harpy who attacked the city, wasn't there? We found that leftover nest and wiped it out."

"Well, you did a good job."

"Yeah, I'm pretty fucked, too."

"But a nest at a day trip distance? It's that size of a group, and there might be others."

Come to think of it, maybe it doesn't end with one of those nests. I haven't explored the neighborhood that much.

"So is that. I'll look that way again."

"Oh, please. I'm sure we should do this."

"I'm well paid."

"Right. I have four daughters. You have to make money."

"Yes. Then you're just here to report your return, so you'll be back."

"Whoa. Say hello to your daughters!

That's it. Shall we go shopping at last? I've read all the books, and I just want a new one.

"The mission has been successfully completed. I'm gonna go shopping and then I'm gonna go home."

Talk that way to the mouse in your pocket. Then the rat shook his head.

"You mean come home?

Now the rats tend to squeal.

"Okay. I'll be right back."

Is something wrong? Run a little short to the house. But if something happened, the signal should have come sooner.

Back home, everyone was at the dining room table.

"Welcome back, Massal. We've been discussing the transfer magic team ever since," Ann says.

This is how the story goes. When you fly and hunt directly from here to the woods, it means how you hunted when there's absolutely no sign of you leaving the city.

Then you can set the transfer point outside the city and leave the gate and return home from the gate. Because prey in the back of the woods is not a prey that can be hunted at daytime distances, no matter what you think. If a large number of demons can be hunted at daytime distances from the city, it will be enough for an investigation team to be dispatched from the Alliance again.

"That's why I don't think there's a place called Nojuku in a dangerous forest where you can go home."

Yes, Angela says. Wildlife in the woods is very dangerous. Many adventurers lose their lives with it.

"You're gonna drain yourself all night on alert and stuff. I don't really want to do this."

Ellie agrees.

"Why don't you just go back in time and sleep at home"

The point is, shouldn't I be able to stay home?

"I'm sure you won't be able to do that, but it's going to be hard to deceive me when it's broken."

"That's why I told you to make it a big house. If you have a big house, you're not in much danger."

"I don't know about that either. It's not a fundamental solution, and I don't have that much money right now."

I spent a lot of it at the wedding, and there's some money to give back to Mr. Nania.

"Why don't you leave a voicemail? It's weird if you're unattended, but if you stay alone, you can probably sneak a bath, cook or something."

"Who's gonna stay?

"You don't actually have to leave it. If you set it to stay, it's not weird if you're not home during the day."

"So is that."

"How about Nojuku? You can make it in the basement with dirt magic, and you can keep an eye out for the entrance."

"That's not bad either. But that's tough every time, isn't it?

Maybe it's okay magically, but it sure doesn't seem like a hassle.

How about digging a basement in this house?

"Don't you think the basement is silly?

"I don't know. But only during the hunt. Isn't it better than Nojuku?

"I think it would be a decent room if you put so much effort into it"

"But you haven't solved that either. Hey. Shouldn't it be great?

"No. You can't be an S-rank if you start working as a metastatist."

"I might be able to help you with the potato ceremony."

Ellie, who didn't like space magic, suddenly used it up to the transfer magic team. How? It's not strange to talk about it.

"Do you keep it hidden all the time?

"Ideally, it's S-rank, but not until it's A-rank. As an adventurer, I think you can jump that kind of invitation."

The point is, you just have to show that it's more useful to fight as an adventurer than to use metastasis. Ellie's idea is that as long as we have a track record, we'll be able to clear that area.

"What do you think about creating a base somewhere away from home? We need to talk about a wise man building a tower on the western border of the Empire."

Tower. Sounds like it could be made of dirt magic, but I wonder what's going on here with earthquakes and stuff. It would be dangerous if there were as many of them as Japan.

"Wouldn't this be an earthquake or something?

"Earthquake? Oh, that one. Not around here."

Is that going to work out? Build a tower, fence around it, and think about the interior. But that's going to take a lot of time.

"What about staying in another city?

"That's subtle, too. You've been staying in the city all this time, and you have a record of bringing in a huge amount of prey?

Does it still mean that wild accommodation is the best way to avoid it? It's a waste even though it's a transfer I remember because of it. If you don't need money, I hope you keep your guild card in the item box and hunt. All you have to do is save the prey and release it somewhere that doesn't seem to have legs.

"Let's just dig in the basement"

Let's just see what the basement is made of and decide. I'll put it on hold until then to go hunting.

"Why don't you come here?"

The living room was floored, and the area in its corner was pulled about 2m square and the soil was revealed.

Use dirt magic to carefully dig up dirt. Turn the soil out into a large rock with smelting and store it in the item box. If I dig it downstairs enough for my body to soak in, now I dig it diagonally downstairs. Smelt it hard so that the walls don't collapse and at your feet build a staircase. Just digging in about 3m and switching parallel.

The soil is a little damp. The city is just around the corner with rivers flowing, and wells if you continue to moat. It seems better not to dig too deep.

While illuminating with the magic of the lights, Shigeru expands the basement. I don't need to worry about height because all of our members are short. I kept my hands up 160 cm to the point where I couldn't reach them.

Over the night, he built one hall about the same size as the living room, three other small rooms, and one for the toilet. The basement is positioned to fit directly under the house and in the garden. I don't feel like I'm sticking out on the road a little bit, but okay. And then if you put a vent somewhere, there shouldn't be a problem. The walls are not particularly well smelted and marbled, but they have a better touch than concrete. I was afraid of the collapse, so I was disappointed, including the ceiling.

"Oh, that's better than I thought."

Ellie, who never came to see the work since it moved underground, came to see it when she heard it was done.

"You will, you will. I've been through a lot."

Still, the work was done in the morning and finished at night. Neat, who doesn't even know the letters of architecture, can create such a splendid basement. Magic is so convenient.

"This doesn't seem like a problem for you to live in while you're hunting."

"I can stay here tomorrow. I have to go buy a bed or something."

"More than that, Masal, it's muddy. Come on in because I left you in the bath."

I usually take a bath, but it looks like you took care of it. Ellie, that's sweet.

"Want to come in with me?

"Uh, yeah. Fine. I'll wash you for a well-worked reward."

Oh! That's what I'm gonna say.

The next day you buy in furniture or fine-tune the structure while listening to everyone's requests. The entrance to the basement from the living room is also disguised and usually hidden under the couch. The moat mouth, which was 2 m wide, was also almost blocked and made narrow enough to get off with a hashigo. Sometimes we'll be less worried about finding it if we block it here too with dirt magic. I don't know what kind of emergency it is.

The hunt ended up meaning we were all together. The conclusion is that if we leave it entirely only in the basement during the hunting period, we will not find out first. Walk out the gate and take the transfer magic formation to the woods. The rest will go for Fort Gorbus while hunting during the day, returning to the basement at night to sleep.

It's time to live in this house for three months. I renewed my contract and kept the rent for six months. That's what I've built a secret base for, and I'm going to be looking after you in this house for a while yet.