Morning class is over, lunch break.

We were looking for a restaurant to eat and walking to and from Gailladite.

On the left and right side of the road, there are a variety of restaurants that smell appetizing.

Sometimes it's just noon, and every store seems pretty crowded.

"After all, when it comes to Gailladite, I think you should eat your specialty brave grill. It was a little out of season when I was in college, but now I'm putting it out in all kinds of stores."

Eleonor will lead us in that, with that being said.

"Brave baking... that's a nasty name..."

When Sasha blurred, next to her, Misha shrugged her little neck.

"Bake what?

"... meat of the brave..."

Zesia grabbed both hands and said with a serious look on her face.

Misha blinks her eyes.

"It's a joke about Zesia."

"Zesia... jokes, likes..."

Heh, Zesia laughs.

"That, absolutely, Eleonor taught you..."

As frightened, Sasha sends her gaze to Eleonor.

"So what is it really -?

Mass asks, Ray said.

"Brave baking means it's made with ingredients that require courage to get it, so that's the name. Alpine medicinal herbs that you can't get without climbing a steep cliff (which looks like this), lotus fruit (hakashi) fruit that grows in poisonous swamps, and then, two thousand years ago, it was the meat of dragons that you can get by crusading dragons...?

Exactly, I don't have the habit of eating dragon meat in these days.

When Ray turned his gaze, Eleonor said.

"It's beef now. He's hunting a beast called the Horned Bull. Oh, so, this store is the destination. Let's serve the best brave roast in Gailladite."

Eleonor stops his leg.

In front of me, there was a rice restaurant, "The Flavour of Meat".

"I'm often in line, but I'm free today, so I might be able to eat right away. Let's go."

Following Eleonor, Ray and Sasha enter the store.

As I tried to get inside, a familiar voice flew in the wind.

"... Ugh, why won't it open...!!

Looking back, if you turn your gaze, it was Emilia.

She sits a bit on an unpopular square rock and sends magic to the can.

It would be a magic can.

It's a mechanism for sending magic and opening it, but it seems to be struggling.

When she realized she couldn't open it with her own magic, she finally started pounding guns and cans on the rocks. But the can is sturdy, and Emilia's fine arms cannot force her to open it.


When I said so, Misha just walked into the store and gave a glimpse of her face.

"Will you properly order what I seem to like?

Kokuri and she nod, once, giving Emilia a glance.

Then he looked at my face again and smiled.


Misha enters the store.

I didn't go to the store, I went to Emilia in the square.

She doesn't even bareback noticing me, she's desperately pounding cans on rocks.

Even so, he grumbled, "I'm busy with canned food," etc.

"Lend it to me."

Speaking up, Emilia looked up strangely.

"... uh... sure it was you, Anosh Porticolo?

"That's right. Its magic cans do not respond to the magic wavelengths of the Demon Clan. Although, the decision is not very strict either. Somewhat, you just have to fake magic to the humans."

When I give you my hand, Emilia puts the can on there.

Grab the top of the can and I'll pull through with strength.

"It wasn't a disguise of magic. So awesome!?

Speak as Emilia was surprised.

I offered her a can with the lid off.

I thought this one was faster.

Emilia says, as she receives the cans.

"... thank you..."

Lie down, Emilia stares at the can.

Inside, there was salted meat.

"Is that all you eat?

"I've bought a lot of things."

Emilia draws a magic formation and puts her hands inside.

What I took out was cans, cans, and cans.

"Absolutely, I won't open it."


I send magic to magic cans.

Then the lid opened.

Inside are fish oiled, stockpiled bread and boiled beans.

"Is it good to eat cans and stuff? It would be as much there as there is in the diner."

"I hate the noise. Put it in your mouth and everything will be the same."

You're a funny guy.

"Do you have a guy who eats cans outside, even though there are stalls?

"Until yesterday, I bought it at the stall. But I'm tired of talking to people when I buy them. So I realized I couldn't buy a can for a year."

"Can't you open it?"

Emilia skewers salted meat with a fork just to say it's loud and throws it into her own mouth.

He chewed on it so that he could hate it.

Hmm. Well, if you don't want to talk to people, do you want to leave them alone?

Nothing more, I decide to give my heels back.

"Anosh, you..."

Turning around, Emilia stares at the boiled beans.

"You're also good at magic."

Yeah, she squeaks like a solitaire.

"You're good at dice, you've got eyes, you've got powers, you're that age, you're a real genius."

"Hmm. I can't deny it, but I'm not even proud of the power of being born."

"... envy..."

When not, you're being honest.

Because you're dealing with a kid?

"... ah..."

Face up, staring at me, Emilia missed her gaze to embarrass herself.

"Sounds delicious."


"Salted meat."


Emilia looked at the can she had and offered it to me without fear.

"Do you want some?

"Let's get it."

Grab the can and pinch the salted meat.

I carried it to my mouth and ate it.

"What are you doing? No clue."

"Unfortunately, there's no fork."

"It's not a beast. Come here for a second."

I sat there as Emilia slapped the rock I was sitting on.

She takes out the handkerchief and wipes my fingers. Then I let him hold the fork.

I'll skewer the salted meat with it and bring it to my mouth.

A little salty, but in harmony with the flavour of the meat, the more you chew, the more flavour you get.

"Kids are good. You don't seem troubled."

"Does Emilia have a problem?

I'm Dr. Emilia.

Saying pizza, Emilia sighed, oh.

"Anosh, you should reuse your words."


"The way you talk, the best in the world, you look just like a disgusting man."

That's why it's so pure and biased.

Emilia puts the boiled beans in her mouth and eats the mogi.

The gaze looked at the universe blurry.

"... Anosh, you're royal, aren't you?

"Seems so."

"Teachers used to be royalty, too."

With a sad look on her face, she shrugs.


"I don't think you believe me, but I became a mixed demon because of a bad wizard. The teacher was proud to be royal. I've lived happily ever after. But they took it away, and everything changed."

Listening to Emilia's words as she eats morsels and salted meat.

"The people you meet, the people you meet, they all look down on me. The words I have spoken are taken lightly, and they are not put on the teeth. I lost my job, I was embarrassed, I couldn't even see my family anymore. Even if I try to work, I can only be as good as a teacher, but there's no way I can be allowed to work as a teacher other than the royal family..."

I reach for the canned stockpile bread and carry it to my mouth.

Hard, no moisture, and quite edible.

Well, two thousand years ago, I sometimes ate bread with brick hardness.

Not my teeth losing as much solidity as this, but it's not very tasty.

"... it was a miserable day. Even if I worked to make money, I felt hostile because I was immediately mixed up, fought, and only got a tiny bit of money, and I felt like I was desperately just breathing, not knowing what I was living for, in a poor, dirty place to eat..."

"But now you're a teacher, aren't you?

"... right..."

Eyes down, says Emilia.

"But happiness doesn't come back."

I guess so.

If you're a child, why don't you spit it all out?

Sometimes that will make it easier.

"Hmm. Why?

"... I came here and found out something..."

In a dark voice, she says.

"Normal people without demonic eyes only think of me as human. But the way they treated ordinary people was the same as the way the demons who were in Dirhade treated me..."

Emilia realized that normal relationships between humans were the same as when she thought they were being looked down on as mixed blood.

It's not like I don't know what that means.

She nods at the spot and buries her face on her knees, she says.

"... that gaze that I thought was looking down on me was the gaze I used to have toward mixed blood..."

I didn't think that explanation would tell, or Emilia added words to supplement it.

"I was the one who was looking down on me... I was just threatening to be looked down on myself... and no one was looking down on me..."

Slightly, I hear a grunting voice.

"So what do you say...! Even the guy I suck at, ugly, scumbag, can't help it, it just stuck... nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing has changed..."

As she held herself, Emilia made herself even smaller.

"... Anosh, you've seen it too, haven't you? Teachers are just names, and I don't have anything. Even though it's still shallow to be here, the students can't even call me a teacher, making fun of me..."

Tears crept into Emilia's eyes, slightly raised in her face.

"I guess this is the curse given by that bad wizard... What a name the royal family is, I was nothing... I wasn't even a teacher...... She's a tiny little girl with no power whatsoever... she was always frustrated and stupid just looking down on people..."

She did, spit out the pain.

"It's not like Dr. Yale Domed or Dr. Singh...... I'm not a good demon like I can teach people..."

Biting her lips, Emilia said in a fine voice, squeezing out words.

"... but even if I know, I can't be good now..."

She hugs herself.

"... I can't be good..."

"I'm not sure what's hard"

When I said so, Emilia looked at me.

"... right..."

"More than that, this meat salting is a little too spicy"

"... you're an idiot. I eat this with bread."

"That bread is stiff"

"So we use this oil."

Emilia soaks bread in the oil marinade of the fish.

Emilia throws the bread into my mouth, eating the salted meat.

"What do you say?

"Delicious. The bread is softer and the meat is salted just right"

"I guess so."

Just a little, Emilia's expression soothes.

"One, I learned"

"Everyone knows this."

"I didn't know?

For a moment, Emilia hardens.

She was staring me in the eye.

"I guess a year's worth of canning means there's a lot of different ways to eat it."

Laughing like a shudder, Emilia said.

"If you don't mind that crap, I'll tell you again."