Maou Gakuin No Futekigousha

The beginning of the feast

Agarofione Sword Imperial Palace.

The ballroom is lined with lavish dishes and large quantities of liquor, mainly dragon meat. It's a standing meal format.

On the table for the feast were us Demon King College, Diedrich, and the knights of the Sword Emperor, the Agaha Dragon Knights.

"Let me introduce you again"

Diedrich said.

"They are the great demon kings and their subordinates who reign over the land of Dilheid on the other side of that ceiling. That is, the heroes of the earth whom we taught and which were in the prophecies of Agha.

To the words, Dragon Knight Nate spoke as he roared.

"Ugh. So what stopped Geordal's prayer, < Divine Dragon Flatulence (Behelom) >?

"Ouch. Anos the Demon King and Arcana the chosen god. These men left the Fantastic Knights of Gadesiola, kicked the followers of Giordal, and broke Pope Golroana's prayers."

A voice of surprise is uttered.

"... the Knights of Fantasy means that purple electricity demon...?

I guess it's about Celis.

Diedrich nodded loudly.

"How brave..."

"Even though he was already dying of the disease, even Lieutenant Sylvia said it didn't extend to that demon..."

From the knights, the exclamation leaks.

"But these are my bellies. Sooner or later, the heroes will defend Agha. There's only three of us now, not enough."

The two of them would be Ricardo and Sylvia.

"I don't have any details. Let's deepen our interactions and have a drink till this morning."

Diedrich puts up a glass of liquor poured.

"For the visit of the heroes on earth!

The knights brought their right hand with the liquor cup to the centre of their breasts and saluted them.

"" "Bless our sword!

They can raise their voices to welcome us.

And all of them poured the liquor into the cup at once.

Because of the dragon man, everyone has a face like this that is nothing in particular.

"Hmm. Sometimes I'm just a drunk"

I drink the liquor in my hand, too.

"Mm-hmm. This is sober. About 40 degrees?

With that said, Eleonor is drinking very much by making a quick change.

"Gahaha, do you like it? It's a substitute for dragon tooth liquor (rice noodles), passed down to Agaha. Let's stain this guy with guts."

Saying, Diedrich drinks.

"Staining with gatun doesn't seem like a delicious expression at all..."

Sasha stares at the dragon tooth liquor in the glass.

"Shouldn't you stop?

Ray says.

"Haha - right? Sasha is so weak."

"It's okay. That's about it. Hey, Misha."

Misha blinks with her pussy and puts on her little neck.

"What if I just lick it?

Sasha pointed her lips in dissatisfaction and stared at them.

"Look, Sasha, there's fruit water, fruit water"

Eleonor serves Sasha squeeze juice of fruit in the liquor cup.

"... Zesia and I... are serious..."

"Already, guys. Don't worry about it. Since then, my magic has improved a lot, and my resistance to poison has grown stronger. Even lethal poison can be tolerated, but you can't get drunk with alcohol."

As he thought, Sasha looked up, tilting the glass and stirring up the dragon tooth liquor all at once.

Watch as Misha and the others look worried about her.

Sasha puts a drink cup on the table.

So I smiled gracefully in such a way that I had no problem at all.

"Oh, the stars are beautiful tonight. I wonder if it's like a river at night with starscraps all over it."

It is midday.

"Sasha, you're drunk in a second! I can't see the stars from the ground. Shit!

"Oh? Samari Urara"

Lu Rhythm hasn't turned.

"Hmm? What did I say?

"Something final."

Misha explained.

She drinks pepper and dragon tooth liquor, as she licks.

"You know exactly what I mean."

Mass says as impressed.

"But it's not the end of the story. Instead, Sasha, it's a big pinch right now."

Eleonor takes the dragon tooth liquor naturally in Sasha's hands and gives it fruit water.

"Ugh, what... Treat me like a child."

"Oh, you can't be so cute, you can't be nasty."

Eleonor gets his index finger up.

"It's not cute..."

It was just one drink and I was totally drunk.

"It's okay. I will destroy alcohol with this eye of ruin."

"Ah... Sasha, no!"

With a gap in eleonor, Sasha grabs a bottle of dragon tooth liquor and a bottle of fruit water.

"I'll show you the power of the Witch of Ruin."

Tilt a bottle of dragon tooth liquor and pour the contents one after the other into a number of liquor cups.

Where the liquor bottle was emptied, Sasha poured fruit water into it vigorously.

"What do you think? In no time, alcohol quickly turns into juice. I destroyed him."

I just moved the contents.

"Yeah, yeah. So, Sasha drinks the alcohol she destroys with her ruined demon eyes."

Diedrich told me he was watching it sideways.

"It's something with a delightful subordination. As much as I envy you, Demon King."

"He never tires of watching. But with your hero, it's funny."

I'll flank my gaze.

It is Nate, the dragon knight, who drinks with a serious face, a little further away.

The speed with which the man switches and Kaihilam, the cursed king of dual personality, are startling.

"Agha has a saying like this."

Laughing lavishly, Diedrich cut it out.

"At one point, a mighty dragon attacked the country. The knights of Agaha are forced to disadvantage themselves against that dragon, which does not pass through any blade and which does not work any magic. The knights who stomped on the idea that they couldn't win if they fought properly, come on, what the hell do you think happened?

"Well. Did you even give him a drink?

"Oh, you're right! Eight or one, I tried acting like a booze. Then the dragon was a liquor lover. The knights thought to keep him intoxicated and put him to rest. That's how we started the booze war."

"Is this a dragon and a booze fight? Interesting story."

Diedrich raised his voice and laughed luxuriously.

"Well, I know the truth. But according to the legend, I was intrigued by the dragon and the booze battle, and I knew what an enemy I was trying to defeat."

"Well, that's quite a masterpiece."

"It will be. Since then, Agaha has been born with a feast known as the Dragon Battle."

Drinking, Diedrich empties the glass.

Hold a bottle of dragon tooth liquor and pour it on him.

"An early story compares strong drinking to competing for victory and defeat. It's a substitute for drinking, competing for alcohol, and figuring it out."

When I drink up, Diedrich tips the bottle over the empty glass.

"I'm here because of Agaha. It's not bad to taste the culture of this country. Why don't you give it to me?

"I just want it. Let's make it perfectly clear."

Diedrich laughed niggardly and raised his hand.

Then some knights, with a number of barrels of liquor, come to the center of the ballroom.

It had risen slightly there and set a little stage.

Placing the barrel on stage, the knights return to their seats.

"Then let's fight and spill it in. Pick a man to fight for booze."


Well, who do you pick?

"This one, I see. Nate Ammilion."


To Diedrich's voice, Dragon Knight Nate went up to the stage in a resolute pace.

"My belly in my heart, I'm the leader of the Dragon Knights. Fighting, drinking, the Knights of Agaha."

"Well, we'll have to pick him up with the right person."

Then Nate turned to me and lowered his head.

"Many in awe, demon kings on earth. If you'll excuse me, Nate the Dragon Knight, I'd like to offer you a gift."

"Forgive me. Tell me."

Then Nate pointed at Singh with that hand.

"Doing without a minute's gap, a gaze without alarm, a standing act that protects you, a liquor seat, but always a king. He would undoubtedly be the best user of dillheid. I've been watching from earlier, and he said he'd had seven more drinks, like a bottomless unknown amount of alcohol without any sign of drunkenness. As a knight carrying Agaha, I want to try it with him"

Hmm. Did you put your eyes on Singh?

"That's quite the devil's eye, a hero who saves Agaha on a day of disaster. The man is my right arm, Sin Reglia. The most powerful swordsman of the Demon clan and the best alcohol of the Demon clan."

That's what I said, and I gave him my gaze.


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Singh went straight up to the stage.

That cold look makes you feel the power of never getting drunk.

"Then let's go with the outpost first"

Diedrich said.

"The rules are simple. What about drinking alternately, crushing, or surrendering if you can't drink anymore means losing?


Nate says it with a serious face and hands the liquor cup he had on stage.

It was of considerable size.

He shrugged his barrel of dragon tooth liquor in a glass.

"Take it. Let's stand."

Singh also shrugs dragon tooth liquor with a drink cup.

"I'll tell you in advance"

Nate spoke to Singh.

"This dragon tooth liquor is a specially ordered item, roughly triple that of a regular dragon tooth liquor. Be prepared."

"Is that Agaha's chivalry to dare abandon one's own advantage? That's what I looked up to."

Calmly Sin returned the words.

"Do you prefer to drink first?

"Help yourself."

The two scatter sparks of gaze.

"Well, let me go first"

The two pull the liquor cup closer and make a noise with Kang.

"Hmm. A triple degree means 120 degrees? That's a tough drink."

"I thought alcohol was up to 100 degrees."

Misha, who comes next door, spills her words in wonder.

"That's a new concept made in an era of magic. Maybe it's because of the increase in the number of demons vulnerable to alcohol. Two thousand years ago, it was different."

Nate never lost sight of the dragon tooth liquor, which he would be sorry for.

Exclamation leaks from the surroundings.

"Sa, that's Captain Nate...! Same face, hammer. Drinks plenty..."

"It's 120 degrees, 120 degrees... Even Dragon Man said he was sorry if he drank like that..."

"Oh, look. It hasn't been ten seconds yet, but it's in the sky in no time..."

Drink up the dragon tooth liquor and Nate puts the glass on the table.

"Now it's your turn."

"By daring to drink early, do you mean to swallow me under heavy pressure instead of just drinking"

"Oh, my God."

In a serious tone, Nate said.

"This is my usual dinner."

Drink 120 degrees of alcohol in less than 10 seconds.

It was such a big drink that it was difficult for a regular person to understand.

"Come on, don't talk, it's your turn. The Dragon Battle has just begun. Let me show you how much warriors drink on the ground."

Nate forces Singh to drink.

"... the captain is also a bad person. If they show you all that drinking, don't pull..."

"How many fierce men on earth doesn't necessarily mean drinking..."

"No, no, that guy can't be serious. You really think you can drink that?

"Even if you say so, look. I'm not even trying to drink it."

"Exactly, you can't. I don't even want to hang out with the captain."

"Hey, swordsman on the ground. Yo! I can't do it. Come on. You can stop. This is just a game."

It was the moment when one knight put out such a helpship.

"I'm sorry. Were you a little too fast?

Nate gave me a harsh look.

"No way..."

Buh, he steps out and peeks into the barrel of liquor that was on Singh's side.

"Let me go in a barrel"

Nanami and the barrel containing the dragon tooth liquor was already empty.

"Become...!? Bullshit, stupid......!?

"Did you see that, now!? I drank a whole barrel of liquor in a flash......!?

"No......! No, I didn't see it. It's not just the alcohol. What breathing power! Incredible suction......!?

"Even the Legendary Dragon should drink so much......!? What a man, Sin Reglia!

As he steps loose, Singh lifts the barrel gently.

"It's been a long time since you've had a booze seat. Please, don't worry about it. Every time you take a snack in that glass, let me take a drink in this barrel."