Maou Gakuin No Futekigousha

The First Divine Choice has begun.

One hour later...

Screens of various sizes were deployed in the garden theater.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the bell echoes far and wide.

First prize, it's a sign to start.

Candidates for the Barracuda prize - the barons on the stage of each base sing together.

The unique voice of the Singing Spirit Clan, combined with the order of Wispwens, will certainly reach the world.

On top of that, each sings a separate song.

However, their songs never played out in discord.

Even though everyone sings aloud and delivers it to the world, there is only one kind of song that can be heard by individuals.

The girls of the fan union heard the singing of Theta, the # 1 singer in the series, the Blue Flower singer.

The biggest screen of the garden theater reflected the vivid singing of Theta.

"... wow..."

Yes, Ellen exclaimed.

It was a more sophisticated song than I had heard before.

Her jewel-like voice sparkled, filling the underground theater where she was based with light.

Beautiful enough to sigh and radiant enough to see.Ellen's ears were asking for the singing without even hearing a single sound.

"The more people are listening to the song, the bigger the candidate will be reflected in the Remote Perspective?"

"Yeah, I heard that."

Ellen and Jessica interact in the audience seat.

So now Theta is the most popular?

It's legitimate because it's the number one sequence.

At Whisperwens, I hear a song that resonates more with my heart.The high number of people listening was proof of that.

The size of the screen is still indicative of the support rate of each candidate.

"What's your number now?"

While saying so, Ellen looks around the screen.


Jessica had the same magic eyes.

"Oh, my God! The smallest one over there."

Himka points her finger.

"You haven't sang yet...?"

The screen shows a lonely square.

The phosphors appeared in the red star choir.

Each audience is packed and full at the base of the Aoi Hana singers and other teams.

There is not a single person in the audience seats of the phosphors.

"Nobody's here to see this."

As you sharpen your lips, the phosphor slaps you lightly.

Ilya answered with a light violin on her shoulder.

"Of course, the Red Star has just arrived in the capital.There are no drunken people who come all the way to the base to listen to the psychic songs of the vessels who are not bards. "

If we go back to the village, we'll be full.

And Nao smiled bitterly.

"It's the same thing because we sing all over the world, and..."

With a serious look, Ilya says.

"You knew that.The barrage prize is overwhelmingly unfavourable to us who don't even have a sequence.Until now, bard priests have been chosen only from the first to the third place in the series.There are fans all over the world, so it's almost like it's been decided since before it started. "

It was a faint word of fact.

But it's never going to get there and it's not going to get real.

Ilya is blasting.

"We can't close this gap unless we show them what we can do."

Instead of telling her what she wanted, Rinfa laughed and went straight ahead.

Turn around and everyone's face will change.

Ilya and the others held each instrument in perfect fashion.

Ilya, Nao, Sonata, Miray.

Linfa speaks to the members.

"Guys, I know there was an invitation from the singer."

Nao and Sonata looked slightly surprised.

Ilya was solicited by the Blue Blossom singers.

Ilya heard it with a calm face.

"Everyone shut up and refused to let me think of anything extra."

Lean slightly, she says.

"Thanks for hanging out with me."

I don't even know what it means to accompany a red star singer who is not a bard but a phosphor.

If the Red Star choir is not recognized, no matter how powerful it is, it will not be accomplished as a companion.

For accompaniers, a singer must be a bard.

Still, they were with Rinfa.

I was fascinated by Linfa's song and followed the dream with me.

"I'll give it back to you today."

The size of the screen remains the same.Still, for some reason she looked big.

Breathe in and hold your breath for a moment.

Linfa spoke out loud enough to break through the sky, as if he were declaring war on Wispwens.

"We are the best in the world!"

Underneath them was depicted the magic of Gard Ask - a dream of Rinfa that was judged impossible in Wispwens.

Become a bard as a spiritual family of vessels that are not good at singing.

They are now on the stage of this bard god selection because they have stubbornly believed in the dream and the song has beaten through the hearts of the ears above all else.

There must have been a lot of difficulty coming here.There would have been big conflicts and deep setbacks.

Still, there are other fanatical thoughts that I kept trying.

becomes a red spark, covering the entire area of the square.

Their magic swelled up to a girdle.

"Lana Shea."

A magical formation is drawn near the mouth of the Red Star Choir.

They were integrated with the magic team of the Rinfa so they could be synthesized.

With the help of the magical Ilyas to compensate for her voice, a spiritual family of vessels, her songs can reach the world.

Still, the burden on Linfa's throat has been huge so far, but the magic increase from < Gard Ask > will alleviate it.

When she breathed again, it was as if time had stopped at that moment.

The sharpened concentration of the lympha makes even one second of the viewer's color darker.

Such a phenomenon occurred.

The song rang.

A passionate song that makes you sweat in your hands just by listening.

There was her youth in it.

I met a song.

Being on stage for the first time.

I learned that I was ineligible for the singing school exam.

Still, I couldn't give up and entered the examination venue.

You have been told not to pass.

No matter how many times she was crushed by reality, her passionate thoughts that had risen hard still filled her chest.

Students at Wizard King Academy and the fan union girl Arkana also had to listen to the song and hold their fists.

An unspeakable impulse arose, and when they noticed, they were shouting loudly.

To support the Red Star Choir.

Like a phosphor dream.

They scream with a dying throat.

Carefully, the students at Wizard King Academy weren't the only ones screaming.

People in the audience speak up.

And it gradually increased, and when I realized that the garden theater was caught in a vortex of enthusiasm.

No, it's not just the garden theater.

The biggest screen footage of Theta on the evidence switched to Rinfa.

The bell rings loudly.

Nobody, lonely square.

A girl opened her eyes.

A carpet of red light was laid in front of the phosphor.It leads to the Fountain Theater, the stage of the Second Divine Election.

"First prize, first pass is the Red Star Choir - Rinfa Assis."

A voice echoed in the garden theater and a loud cheer rose.

The voices of the singing spirits are delivered to the square, which is the base of the Red Star Choir.

Rinfa, who was supposed to be full of confidence, turned to Ilyas with an unbelievable expression.

"Your song is great, so I turned down the other invitations."

Nao, Sonata and Mirai nodded.

Now, let's move on, Ilya and the others complain with their gaze.

Again facing forward, Rinfa walks over a carpet of red light.

While desperately enduring the tears that are about to spill.

I just passed the First Prize.The barrage god selection is now live.

But the girl who had never been recognized finally got it, it was the crown of the dream.