Maou Gakuin No Futekigousha

Thunder of Doom

Cruelly, the dragon rang and began to fly around Naya.

"Oh, come on, come on... no, please don't... don't..."

Naya flees frightened, but the little dragon does not leave so that she can snap at her.

"Don't be so frightened, stay. It's Omae's summoned dragon."

says Yale Domed.

"Well, but, Doctor, this dragon, I don't hear anything at all."

"Kakaka, for now, stop"

"What... so..."

"Fine, stop. From what I've seen, isn't there any hostility? Or are you willing to keep running away for the rest of your life? Hmm?"

Naya stops on her feet as she decides to.

As the little dragon flew towards herself, she closed her eyes all the time.

One grunted, the dragon clung to Naya's shoulder.


Relax. She exhales and strokes her chest down.

"Didn't you summon an interesting dragon, stay. A dragon-eating dragon, a dragon not even the Demon King has ever seen."

Yale Domed approaches the dragon and stares at the Devil's Eye.

That's how I did my own fingers to that mouth.

"Do demons eat too? Try the magic ball earlier."

"What, what!? Oh, it's dangerous, sir."

"Cuckoo, why don't you just try eating your fingers"

When the Death King gently slapped the dragon's mouth with his fingertips, Peroli and his little tongue licked it.

"Right, well, the Demons don't fit your mouth, Tomoguy"

"And what's a tomoguy?

"It's his name. You want an Omae on?

Blurring, Naya shook her head left and right.

Conn, and Yale Domed cane and peek into her face.

"No, no, it's not getting interesting. Stay, now why don't we try God's summons?

"Oh, yes............... eh? Or God? Is it god?

With a bewildered face, Naya gave back the King of Death.

"Oh, wait. There was no fate. You have earned the priesthood of this Geordal. But when it comes to God's summoning, it's not that easy."

A frightening bishop spoke out as if in a panic.

The consciousness, which had been dead until earlier, would not be clear yet, but he begins his explanation in order to perform his duties in full.

"Upon arrival, he learns various doctrines, survives trials, and finally learns about the ritual of < ServiceSummon (Literde) > to summon God, and is able to receive the righteousness of the Covenant. Having advanced to the righteousness of that covenant, only a handful of chosen believers can actually summon God. Now you are not even allowed to know about God's summons."

The bishop continues his explanations, doing prayerful tricks.

"I know enough about how much God loves you. More faith than this will necessarily result in a covenant with God. Learn together and walk this path of faith together."

Bishops with pious expressions.

The dying king laughed with pleasure.

"I don't mind, I don't mind. I got the Alliance Pearl, so why don't we do this later? If you can't teach me the magic ritual of calling God, you just have to make it from scratch."

"... you should be able to do that..."

The bishop says in amazement.

"No matter, I can't! There's no way this dying king can do that."

The bishop caresses his chest down with relief.

Niyali and Yale Domed laughed.

But if you're the Demon King, you don't talk about it.

As I say, the King of Death turns to me.

"Aren't you curious? Hmm?"

On the side, he gave Naya his gaze.

Certainly. As the dying king put it, I am curious.

That co-eating dragon. Obviously it has a different nature than a normal dragon.

Naya, who summoned it, may have something suitable for summoning magic.

"Hmm. Well, give it a try."

I let them draw a magic formation there.

"This is the magic ceremony that calls God."

As soon as I saw it, I opened my eyes to what the bishop had just called astonishment.

"… ma… ma, sa………………"

A squeezing voice leaks.

"... where did you get that formula... no, it's supposed to be known... so, really, did you make it on this occasion...?

"It's not a big deal. If you know that you need the magic ceremony of this Alliance Pearl and the Dragon, and then the covenant, then the optimal solution to the ceremony is limited."

Summoning Arcana doesn't seem to change the basic structure of the procedure.

"For once, this is the possessory summons."

Draw and show another magic formation.


The bishop leaks his words as he breathes.

"This is happening... no way I'm really going to summon you... oh, no, but no matter how much magic ceremony you know, in order to summon God, you have to have a covenant with God before you do. Unlike a dragon's summons, if you use magic, it will appear..."

I'm walking straight to the Alemade.

I gently raised my right hand and pierced his left chest as it was.

"... hey...!

"Ah, Master Anos... uh, how could you have a teacher..."

Naya says as confused.

"... kakaka, don't make a scene, stay. It seems that this death-king's body cannot be unleashed unless there is a crisis in order..."

Yale Domed laughs, spitting blood.

"O fool who spits in heaven. Take punishment for disobeying order. Look at God."

It is the Word of God that performs the miracle once spoken by Nousgaria.

The body of the dying king was enveloped by the visible light, and his magic swelled up in the digits.


Yale domed body changes.

Unlike in Nousgaria, with his body as a vegan body, his hair stains with gold, and the demonic eye (meh) emits a burning red glow.

On the back gathers particles of magic, which pictures the wings of light.

It makes a shitty earthquake, and the ground trembles.

Just because he exists there, the air blows up and rocks the world.

A true figure of God appeared there as if the immense magic had mass.

"... this is, the hell... < possessory summons (azept) >... no, no... He doesn't use magic..."

The bishop turns his eyes to the figure and speaks out to fight fear.

"No way, no way, no way...!?

An uninterrupted shock was piercing his mind.

"Are you saying it's God......! God, used from heaven, descended upon this earth... oh, what a miracle...! What a surprise...! Ex... please tell us what a god he is..."

As he said he had witnessed the greatest miracle of the day, the bishop knelt, just praying.

"Because, first of all, there are feathers..."

Naya sees Yale Domed and leaks that sentiment.

I focused solely on her appearance, probably because, with her demonic eyes, she cannot discern the magic of the dying king now.

"Kakaka, stay. I seize the power of a certain god. Quick story, this dying king is like a god."

"... what, Dr. Death King, is God...?

Naya looked like she couldn't keep up with the story.

"Exactly. Let me show you the evidence."

Yale Domade holds the silk hat and gives it a hand job.

Then the silk hat split into four parts.

"Kakakakaka, you should go"

He flies it one after the other.

To some extent, after flying, the silk hat stopped in space perfectly.

"In accordance with the order of God the Heavenly Father, Yale Domed, the King of Death, commands. Be born, keep the four orders, keep the reason, O god."

From the four silk hats, paper blizzards and ribbon-like light pour down in large quantities.

As if by magic, they shape a miraculous divine body.

It is the four gods who were born.

An unusually long haired toddler with two canes in her hand.

Nutella de Hiana, the god of regeneration.

A lady with wings.

Raise na eel, the god of the sky.

A formidable big man carrying a giant shield on his back.

Zeo La Opto, patron saint

Black shadow with dozens of blades including spears, axes, swords, arrows and sickles.

Atro Ze Sisterva, the god of death.

"... or... or... ah..."

With awe and reverence. Not so much, the bishop doesn't even speak well.

"... an order that gives birth to order... the god that emits the most light of Ex... Heavenly Father God NOUSGALIA........................!!!

Hmm. Looks like that bug's been treated a lot in this basement.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I didn't know there was going to be a day to live, live, and worship with these eyes............ OOOOOOOOOO!!

As he was impressed, the bishop knelt down and spilled tears from his eyes.

"Kakkaka, didn't it work? Now, stay and make a covenant."

"Meh, covenant, this... this, and...?

The dreaded Naya turns her attention to the Goddess.

Red eyes float in Atro Ze Sistava, the god of death, and she trembles in awe.

As he fled, Naya hid behind Yale Domed's back.

"Mm, I don't think I can..."

"No, no, I can, Omae should be able to. Because you're my goddaughter. These gods are my children, so to speak. I've told you a lot. There is no way I will not respond to the covenant of Omae. Come on, try to think you've been fooled."

Without fear, Naya nods, pointing the Alliance Pearl ring at the gods.

"Duh, what do I do...?

"He and the others don't solve words. Keep in mind. Such as to exchange covenants and become their own summoning gods. I may come up with something, but, well, just take it on with a double reply."

"... Wow, I get it..."

Naya takes a few steps forward and says in remembrance of the gods.

"... hey, I hear everything you say, will you be my summoning god,?

A few seconds of silence.

Then a vast amount of magic began to rise from the bees and the gods.

With the light, the contours of the four gods were distorted, and disappeared from the spot so that they might be summoned to heaven.

"... uh...?

I don't know what happened, Naya is flabbergasted.

"Cuckoo, isn't it a success? Summon me."

Kokuri nodded, and Naya put magic into the ring of the Alliance Pearl.

"Ri, < ServiceSummon (Literde) >......!

Her alliance pearl is lit with fire.

The 3D magic formations depicted inside it summon the covenant god to the occasion.

Four lights gathered in front of him, sounding bees and fierce noises.

"... here, this is...!?

The bishop was also severely stunned, even if he wanted to use up his whole life's surprises in one day today.

"Holy crap... not only have you exchanged covenants with the four gods, but you summon them at the same time...... that should only be possible about the eight gods chosen by the chosen god...... in the first place, the Alliance Pearl should be the limit to summon one god, and more than that, it should be broken and scattered without stone......!?

What the bishop expected was that the light would become tangible on the back, and four gods had appeared who had earlier exchanged covenants before Naya's eyes.

"... there's a miracle... God... how many times in one day do you mean to show me a miracle... ooh, ooh..."

The bishop is crying again, as if he had come down even in heaven.

"... so did you..................?

"I see. I see, I see. All right, stay!

Yale Domed had an unprecedented and livelier look on his face, pointing to Naya as bishy with a cane.

"Hey... what's so great...?

"There's a possibility of Omae. Sure, Omae lacks magic. If you use root as a vessel and magic as water, then the Omae vessel is, yes, just as empty! Because the water that should overflow from the roots doesn't overflow either!

"………………… Yes…"

With the look of Naya's disappointment, lean down.

The dying king did his hand to her mandible and forced her face up.

"Kakaka, what are you depressed about? I don't know. Aren't you complimenting me? Certainly there is no magic overflowing from the roots of Omae. But the vessel at its root is so vast, so large, and so superior. Summon the four gods, and there's a gap."


"I'm saying it's for subpoena magic. My magic is scarce, but if that's all you have, you can pour it out from the outside."

As the King of Death put it, what underground summoning magic needs is like a gap in the roots.

Therefore, when I summoned the dragon earlier, there was no significant change in adjusting the magic.

Because my vessel didn't change in size.

In ServiceSummon (Literde) or Possessed Summon (Azept), the vessel at its root, so to speak, which is not full of magic, is filled with the technique of covenant with God or during summons. But most people don't have that kind of vacant space, so they use alliance pearls as vessels.

The more covenants you make, the more you summon, the less empty the vessel will be.

But Naya didn't have to use alliance pearls, so she had the roots to just accept them.

"Naya, make a covenant with this dying king. If Omae is to be under my command, I will be the God of Omae, and I will grant you my wish."

"Hmm. That's an interesting attempt, Death King."

Walk out in front of him, I said.

"Sure, that might get you out of my contract"

Using < ServiceSummon (Literde) >, or < PossessiveSummon (Azept) >, if his power becomes that of Naya, the order of God the Heavenly Father will remain as she thinks.

Naya doesn't have a problem trying to defy me because the contract doesn't work.

"Kakaka, is there something wrong, the tyrannical demon king? Isn't she a student at Demon King's College when my powers become Naya's?"

Says the King of Death as provoking.

As long as Naya does not betray Dilheid or the tyrannical Demon King, there is nothing wrong with her being able to summon the order of Heavenly Father God.


The Death King has repeatedly spoken that the Demon King needs an enemy.

Maybe he thought about raising Naya to be my enemy so he wouldn't break his contract.



"... yes..."

Naya startles to correct her posture like she's nervous.

"What do you think of the dying king?

Thinking for a moment, then she mouthed the answer.

"... that, I think, is a very good teacher... If you keep up with Dr. Wang, the day will come when I can be of help to Dilhayd..."

Nod, I told Naya.

"Exactly. No teacher is better than the King of Death in Dirheid. Follow me around in death. They'll take you where you want to be."

She gladly broke her cheek.

"Believe him and encourage him as a student. And if you feel grateful for it, you can reward it with growth."

"... yes..."

Naya raised her voice brightly.

Seeing how it goes, the King of Death distorts his lips with pleasure all the millions.

"... kakaka, kakakaka, kukakakaka! KARKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA!!"

His laughter echoes far into the underground sky.

"That's right, that's not a tyrant demon king! No way, instead of overlooking it, I'm trying to push this dying king's back! Oh, that's why, that's the word of the king of this world, who easily surpasses even the power of this god!!

Grabbing his fist all the time, he raises his voice in exasperation.

"Never retreat, never be frightened, screw everything straight down, and victory. Exactly tyranny, Exactly the Demon King, Anos Voldigord! Yes, yes, yes, I have to come, after all, Omae is the best!

Let the wings of the light gather on your back shine, and Yale Domed glorifies me divinely.

"Then I wonder if this dying king, with all his might, will meet his expectations!!

Yale Domed caned and looked at Naya.

"Come on, Naya, pull those gods. Exactly. I can't make a pact with you without subpoenaing the Soytes."

"Uh, well, go home."

Naya speaks so, but the Watchgod doesn't even move.

"... Oh, that? Or go home..."

Is there such a thing as a vessel that summons God and the magic of manipulating it is still immature?

"Let us give you the word of God, stay. Omae can. There's no way Omae can't do that."

The word of the dying king possesses magic, and it blesses Naya.

Then, as soon as the alliance began to shine, the gods drank by the light to carry out their earlier commands, and vanished forever.

"Come on, that's it. Make a wish. Why don't we exchange covenants?"

"... eh, even if they say wish...?

Leaning like trouble, Naya laughs.

"Kakaka, don't hesitate to say it. Let's do what Omae wants."

"... er, bye..."

Naya raised her face and said to the king of the dead.

"... well... will the teacher be my teacher forever...?

Niyali, and Yale Domed laughs.

"Let's take it on. Naya, let's not slap this dying king into Omae's brain and body from every truth to a useless miscellaneous!

When the King of Death says so in an exaggerated gesture, his body is enveloped in light.

If that light had gradually subsided, there would have been an aledmade back from the divine body to its original appearance.

The covenant between the dying king and Naya was fulfilled.