Martial Peak

Chapter 5461

These domain masters with huge body and bone helmets showed up immediately, and the power of inkjet, the power of ink was condensed and not scattered, and gathered in their hands to form a huge bone shield, forming a strong protection, covering the rear. .

Judging from the aura of these domain masters, these guys obviously belong to the innate domain masters, all of them are powerful and unmatched, and the average level is a bit stronger than the domain masters encountered by the human race before, and they are basically at the level of .

The attack of the human race came from the pass, hitting their bone shield, and the damage was greatly reduced.

In the wild roar, these domain masters dispersed in all directions, taking the lead in launching an impact at the major passes. Behind them, the tide-like Mo people army followed like a shadow.

Among the major passes, the buzzing of the array became more and more fierce, the city walls shook, and the pass began to shake the mountains.

Bone shields were constantly bombarded, and the domain owners behind the bone shields were staggered. The flames of the bone helmets splashed all over. Often they didn't last long, and the beaten bones disappeared.

The simultaneous attack of hundreds of human race passes is unbearable even for the king, not to mention these domain masters.

Without the protection of the Bone Helm Domain Masters, the Mo Clan who rushed out with them were often exposed and suffered numerous deaths and injuries.

However, the situation is still not optimistic. The power of the magic circle and the secret treasure is obviously not enough. Relying on the hard work of the domain masters holding bone shields and wearing bone helmets, the Mo army easily pushed forward the formation to unprecedented levels. To the extent, step by step towards the human race pass.

There are countless corpses along the way.

Many powerful humans can't help but move.

Mo has prepared for this day for a full million years. Its background is unfathomable. At the moment, although the Human race has an absolute advantage, as the war progresses, no one knows what the final outcome will be.

It was another few days of fierce battle. On the battlefield, the number of deaths under the Mo tribe's domain master is already difficult to count, and the domain master alone has killed thousands of people.

This is a number that makes your scalp numb.

You must know that these are all innate domain masters, who were given extremely powerful protective power when they were created by Mo. Their own strength should also not be underestimated, and each of them is not inferior to the eighth rank of the human race.

There are only eight levels of Human Race, and among the major passes, on average, each pass is at most 40 or 50, and there are more than 100 passes, which is less than five thousand and eight.

Thousands of domain masters are basically equivalent to the eighth-rank background of the twenty passes. Such a force is unmatched. If the human race does not occupy a geographical advantage, it would have to pay a huge price to kill them.

At the gap, the Bone Helm Territory Master and the Mo tribe army continued to flow out.

The value of their existence is to get out of trouble for Mo, and death is their ultimate destination.

There is no way for Terran to clean Mo Power anymore. The entire battlefield is enveloped by chaotic energy. If the Mo Power Cleaner team rushes deep, it is very likely to be injured by one's own side. Even if it is not accidentally injured, it is difficult to be like this. The situation makes a difference.

Ink should still be recovering ink, because near the gap, the scale of Mo Hai has never been expanded.

However, even if it can easily create some miscellaneous soldiers, the territories, lords, and even those upper and lower Mo races that have fallen on the battlefield cannot be produced at will.

Therefore, every time the human race kills a domain lord, it is a loss to Mo.

The kings still disappeared, hovering in the depths of the darkness, and had never been dispatched, just like a dangling sharp blade, which made people vigilant and jealous.

Exactly a month after the outbreak of the war, in the battlefield, a Bone Helm Domain Master roared wildly, with a spear condensing the power of ink in his hand, and threw it at a gate ahead.

The ink-colored spear broke through the blockade of space in an instant, blasted on the protection of the pass, rippling the protection of the pass.

Although the hands-on domain master was quickly torn into pieces by the countless attacks of the human race, that blow was a breakthrough in the Mo race's attack.

There are nine-tier ancestors who said in a deep voice: "Do it."

Relying solely on the protection of the pass itself and the attack of the secret treasure of the magic circle, it has been difficult to effectively prevent the advance of the Mo tribe's army. If this continues, the Mo tribe will soon attack the pass.

The Terran army should be dispatched.

When the words fell, among the gates, there was a sudden ups and downs that made the void tremble, and from the major gates, a ray of light was cut out.

Where the rays of light passed, those domain masters who were holding bone shields and wearing bone helmets could hardly resist their power, they were directly broken into two halves, and the ink and blood spurted wildly.

The magical mystery skills played in more than one hundred passes have ploughed more than one hundred vacuum zones that penetrate the void in the entire battlefield, and the Mo Clan along the way suffered death and injury.

The noisy battlefield was strangely quiet for a moment.

The ancestors of the Ninth Stage have taken action!

And taking this opportunity, among the major passes, the warships that were already ready to go, turned into streamers, guarding each other, and rushing toward the battlefield.

Before these warships set off, the eighth ranks had already swept into the battlefield, staring at a domain master, the magical powers were deployed, and their opponents were brought into the battle circle.

Dayan Pass, Chenxi Team also rushed out with the army.

And it is the fastest one.

There are not many people in the squad nearby, and the performance of the battleship is not strong. In such a battlefield, you may have to watch and help each other, but as a member of the elite squad, Chen Xi has always been single-handedly rushing in the battlefield.

Yang Kai took the lead, Shen Ao Blood Crow guarded the warship left and right, Ren Zhenbai, fish roe swimming, Miao Feiping sitting behind, Bai Yi stood on the bow of the warship, his longbow poured into the power, bursting into light.

Countless times fighting side by side, life and death together, there is no need for Yang Kai to specifically order anything on such a battlefield, everyone knows what position they should be in.

The team members who cooperated with each other were ready for the battle in an instant.

The Canglong spear came out, and Yang Kai snorted thunderously: "Kill!"

There seemed to be a dragon roar, the Canglong spear turned into a boundless spear shadow, and under the envelope, the Mo people who blocked the way in front burst and died.

Occasionally, the fish that slipped through the net were also killed by Shen Ao and the Blood Raven who were guarding them.

On the battleship, the magic circle secret treasure began to buzz, streamers blasting everywhere.There is no need to deliberately lock, and all around dawn will be enemy chiefs.

Bai Yi's arrow splits up, and the Mo people in the distance fall down like straws.

As for Ren Binbai, Yuziyou and Miao Feiping were guarding the rear of the battleship, trying to save power while not allowing the Mos behind to attack the battleship.

After rushing out of the Dayan Pass, the Dawning Battleship instantly turned into a sharp knife and cut into the Mo army, struggling horizontally and horizontally, without any opponent.

And after the army rushed out of the human race, the Mo army also changed its countermeasures. They no longer attacked the major passes, but surrounded and killed the warships of those human races.

Mo obviously knew that if he wanted to get out of trouble this time, he would have to resolve the human race from the expedition first. As long as the human race was killed, those gates would be dead after all, so what's the use?

The vast void battlefield became extremely noisy in less than a stick of incense, but the scene seemed chaotic, but in fact there were still traces to follow.

Especially the warships of the human race, although not to the extent of killing the enemy side by side, they still watch and help each other, so that they can ensure their own safety while killing the enemy.

The speed of death and injury of the Mo people suddenly accelerated.

Although the Human Race used the arrangements on the major passes to block the Mozu army for a month and killed countless Mozus, those arrangements were dead after all.

Now that millions of troops rush out, the killing efficiency is naturally faster and higher than with the help of those arrangements.

On the contrary, it is the Mo ethnic group, who has no experience in arranging troops. Although the number is large, it seems to be congested and messy, making it more convenient for the hunting of Terran warships.

I don't know how long the battle has been, all the soldiers of the race were mad, and the battlefield was full of stumps and pieces of meat, and the scene was terrifying.

Until a certain moment, there was a continuous roar from the rear of the army.

That is the agreed retreat signal.

All the Terran warships that were rushing on the battlefield quickly and orderly retreated to the rear, while at the same time, a group of intact warships were ready for departure among the major passes.

Since this battle is destined to be a long time-consuming battle, how can Human Race put all its troops in the beginning?If this is true, although it can kill the Mo Clan more quickly, once one's strength is exhausted, there will be no way to fight back.

Only half of the first human army rushed out of the pass.

The other half of the millions of troops were not dispatched.

It's time for them to fight.

The high-spirited army of one million rushed out from the major passes and met the other half of the soldiers on the battlefield. They passed each other on the battlefield, and the Mo people who were chasing from behind were quickly intercepted and killed.

Warships braving the flames rushed into the pass, and the array masters and refiners who had been waiting for a long time became busy instantly.

In the depths of the battlefield, Yang Kai turned his head and said: "You go back!"

Shen Ao laughed loudly: "No, I can wait and fight!"

After all, it is an elite team, which makes the battlefield where ordinary teams are under great pressure, and Chen Xi can still hold it.

Indeed, as Shen Ao said, Chenxi today has not yet reached the time when she needs to go back and repair it.

Yang Kai shook his head and said: "Go back, I don't know what to fight in this battle, try to maintain the best condition."

Shen Ao didn't insist anymore, nodded and said: "Then you are careful!"

Yang Kai only asked them to retreat, and Shen Ao didn't need to ask more to know that Yang Kai himself must continue to stay on the battlefield.

His Little Universe has a strong background, has the condensed power of the World Tree Tree, and more creatures to replenish the mighty power of heaven and earth. In terms of sustained combat capability, it is far beyond the ordinary Seven Ranks.

Perhaps the general Seven-Rank battle is to the point of exhaustion, Yang Kai can still live and live.

Soon, Shen Ao and Yang Kai exchanged positions and led Chenxi to retreat towards Dayan Pass.

When the surrounding Mo people saw this, some went to chase Breaking Dawn, and some urgently rushed towards Yang Kai.

Previously, this human race had a strong army, and they had no power to fight back. Now there is only one left, and they will naturally not let it go.

Being alone in the enemy's formation, Yang Kai was not only not afraid, but grinned.

Time to kill the Quartet!