Naruto Star Shadow World

Narrow Star Shadow World Chapter 1117

"It is the moon and the moon, the moon and the moon!" Some people were shocked, and some couldn't believe it. The two women broke out were not weak than the ten crowns.

"How is it? They are so powerful ..." Many of the first generation, it is incredible, and once again heard a huge blow.


At this time, this world earthquake, the void big crack suddenly became a sound, and the expansion of expansion will be exploded, and it will affect the stability of the ring.

"What, the outside world is coming in!" People are shocked.

Aboriginal people are even more earthquake, and the hearts are in the heart.


The big cracks spread, rushed from the platform, with a fierce collision with it.

The, the ring is shining, quickly form a portal, open a transfer array, a light sweeping to Shi Hao, to take him away.

"Select him!" People clenched their fists, and the crowns and others are more changing.

There is an external interference, the change will be generated, and this is unstable, it makes a choice.

Because Shi Yu wins the most, there are more than 700 games, and this is the point of this, far from others.


However, too much is faster than that, step by step, and rush into the door, disappearing in front of everyone.


Chapter 251 Xian Dao Jade

External, unmanned area.

The big crack is in the air, the bloody clouds are blooming, black flash, sight, sighter.

At this time, the group of people stood here, from the son of the people, and then to the teacher, they are monks that teach.

"It can be sent in, the strongest can only go to the heavens, and one of the people in the field of God will not work." Have a man.

The lady in the scene was silent. When they didn't want to go, but after repeatedly, they all got a brow, and they were unwilling.

"For, I can only let me wait for the gods under the door to compete for the opportunity, I believe that they will bring out."

"I can only be so!"



"I am not willing ..."

"Waiting for the number of people, what?"

Xian Guzhong, Ten Chambers, Yu Xian and others, after seeing Taiyi to enter the door, it will not help but lose, hate can't hurt, vent the heart.

"There is also hope ..."

In the end, the same some disappointed Shiwei saw that the portal did not disappear, the heart was a move, showing the law, the double wings, the first, let the rest of the people, the hopes, I saw hope.

The ancient freaks are moving, each show the means, the big monopol is endless, the light glow is full of light, the law is interleaving, and the rule is crackled.

The strongest person has come in, but when stepping into the light, they find that the treatment is different from the Tooh, too, there is disappearing from here, reaching the destination.

And they are along a channel to build a law, need to run, all the way, rush to the mysterious land.

"Fast, must be fast!"

Don't say that it is a person behind it, it is a fairy, and the ten charter king is silent. It has used the most powerful power, burning mana, consumption of the source, regardless of everything.

Waiting for several, what? It is this moment, they have burst out, which is terrible than a long time!


The ultimate ancient places after the imaginary in Xiangu.

Too many people stand alone, calm, look at the distance.

The darkness is dark, and there is a soft light from the front, and the spirit is like a water wave. This place is unusually sacred.

Falling in Ying, in this holy flow of crystal petals falling, with fragrance, there is a vitality.

Too quiet, as if he heard the sigh of the real fairy, just like the Bai Shi Ren, I saw the difference between Xiancao, he was quiet.

This feeling is very strange, once, I saw the thousands of pictures, there were some creatures, and there were some grass, and some battle pictures.

In the meantime, he saw the sky to be bleeding, and a strong man was falling from the domain, smashing in the land, the blood is reddish mountain river.

However, it seems that someone is full of weakness and big sadness, like can't help but tell some of the people who are desperate, and rack the second half of the picture.

"With despair, if you don't know, I am again again, and the one era is another episode. This is like this."

A wall, the front of it.

Gray, vicissitudes, block the front road.

"Stupidity, the practice is in the sky, there is no strength of the boat and the momentum of my weight, how can I go to the contest ..." Staring at this wall, too cold and cold.

His right arm glows, three fairy, one, a Qinglong vain, self-emptive, and smashed a dragon boxing.


Three immortals were filled, like what was confirmed, got recognition, the wall of the wall cracked, there is a humanoid hole.

At this time, a sadness, anger, and shocked emotions were filled, more strong than earlier.

Too unbearable, walk in, walk through the desperate wall, see a ladder, it is made in another star.

This ladder is too mysterious, and each stage has been piled up by nine stars, and it is refined by the person.

Stepping on the ladder, surrounded by a virtual, no end. Only such a stone step, leading to the end of eternal and unknown.


In the end, Taiyi arrived at this secret earth, came to an area.

It is very broad here, the road is very long, it takes a lot of time, and it takes a certain amount of time, and finally arrived.

The front of the front of Xia Guangtun, and the aura was transpired.