Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 19-The Second Team

"Erogel, you also go in and rest."Several elves picked up some wood and said to the female elves who were still placing their compatriots in the wind and snow.

The cold wind blows over the thin windbreaker of the female elf, which is blown high. The female elf has long hair that is as dazzling as gold silk. Her eyes are bluer than the sea, and the simple and plain robes are even more vivid. Her snow-white skin is like a princess that would only appear in a fairy tale.

Ai Luojieer turned around in the wind and snow and shook his head to his companion behind him and said: "Let the injured and the children go inside to avoid the wind and snow. I just need to stay outside."

A tall male elf grabbed Elrojel's white wrist and said worriedly: "Go in, you have been exhausted from exploring the road today. You must rest."

"But ┉┉Gresel, I can't leave the wounded and the children just ┉┉"

The male elf known as Gresell said with a regretful expression: "Erogel, now you are not only our leader but also the light that supports everyone. If you fall here, everyone will be lost. The last hope".

"Go in, Aerogel, don't hesitate"!

"Yeah! Go into the cave and take a break, let us deal with it here."

Quite a few elves followed. As a last resort, Elrogel had been dragged into the cave by his companions. As soon as he stepped into the cave, Elrogel found that it was still dark, only many elves hugged each other. Keep warm.

Frowning, Erojiel stepped forward and asked loudly: "Why hasn't the fire been raised yet?"

"It's weird, Erogel, we can't use fire magic to come"!

what?Hearing these words, Erojiel was a little bit stunned and walked to the wood pile. These wood and branches were picked up by the elves from the nearby snow, and they were still covered with cold snow, although It is not easy to be ignited, but it can still burn as long as it is continuously burned with flame magic. However, no matter how the elves on the side chant the spell to concentrate their magic power, they can only produce a little spark between their hands that seems to disappear at any time.

Ai Luojieer pulled up the windbreaker and squatted down and said, "Let me try it."

Although the young Elrogel, who had mastered a very high level of magic, chanted every magic spell slowly and clearly, the result was still the same!Elrogel's expression has undergone a subtle change. This is just an ordinary cave without any anti-magic enchantment. It is even more unlikely that his own spell will go wrong, but it can't produce flames.

Could it be!?Aerogel suddenly reacted, and after stopping the movement in his hand, Aerogel fell silent, exuding magical power fluctuations, sensing the elemental aura nearby!

"How could this be"?

Suddenly, he said in surprise, the elf beside Elrojel looked at her anxiously: "What's wrong with Elrojel, is there anything wrong?"

Ai Luojieer stood up and looked around and said in disbelief: "The other elements here are rarely mostly water elements, and fire elements are even less pitiful."

With the words of Erogel, all the elves face each other in shock, and the element density will change according to the region. The natural fire element in the snowfield area will be much less, but it is by no means as small as even fire. Can't click.This is really abnormal!

"Then what should we do? If you can't light a fire, everyone will freeze to death"!A purple female elf curled up on the ground and said nervously.

"Although there are few fire elements around, there are still fire elements.

As long as the fire can be lit, the burning flame can attract more fire elements from the spiritual world to the world, so that everyone will be saved!After several elf wizards gathered the fire elements, a small flame finally burned, and the first bonfire was lit after the wood and branches were quickly dried.


When the elves were happy to light the first bonfire. Behind them, Gretel, the court mage of the Kingdom of Saxony, was leading a team of more than 40 people through the snow-covered forest.

Her student Leilis has been in the forest for more than a month. According to reports from the Belika fortress garrison, Leilis seems to have never returned to supply supplies, although the fortress has been reclaimed from time to time by the birds formed by the ice element. The message came back, but Gretel was still a little worried about himself as a student who was too persistent.Fortunately, Reilis left a lot of magic marks along the way. With these marks, Gretel and his party were quickly advancing towards the storm area where Reilis was located.

When the skies near the storm zone began to float in the starting point of snowflakes, as a water magician, Grete Ming Rui felt that the element density in the front area became unusual.

The water element ahead is much denser than other areas, which is simply too unusual.Gretel signaled the marching team to stop temporarily, thought for a moment and said to the two fire mage behind: "Do you feel it?"

Damir and Adis, who have 13 and 14 magic levels respectively, felt a little, frowned and nodded.

"I am afraid that the flame magic we are best at here will be considerably weakened."

"It's unbelievable, this is simply the violation of the law of the four elements, it's just like ┉┉"

"It's like someone deliberately concentrated a lot of water elements in one area."Grete smiled faintly and added: "Each magician will set up a battlefield that is beneficial to him before the start of the war. All of us will be able to concentrate on this magic.

Damir walked a few steps forward and said uncomfortably: "But no magician can cover such a large forest. Even the star archmage Hillia probably couldn't do it hundreds of years ago." .

"It's not that it can't be done'presumably', it's definitely that it can't be done'!Grete replied with a positive tone and said to the two of them: "Two, it is better to store some while the fire element is still dense. According to the current situation, I am afraid that the deeper the forest fire element, the less."

The two nodded when they heard the words and took out the magic device they carried with them and began to slowly collect the scarce fire elements in the air. The team continued to move forward, and the wind and snow became bigger and bigger as it went into the forest, as Grete expected. The density of the same fire element is rapidly decreasing.The snowstorm in the forest has been so big after everyone has moved forward for a few days. It is hard to believe that it is still summer, and I am afraid it is even more terrifying than when the snow was the biggest in the cold winter.

The last mark!Even though Grete is a water mage, he had to put on a heavy wool coat to resist the terrible cold. He touched the mark with his magic wand lightly, and the magic wave passed along with the mark, looking at him. The sky full of snowflakes, Gretel stood in the snow, waiting for the response from his students.

Suddenly the trunk of a big tree in front of Gretel shook suddenly. A piece of white snow fell to the ground. A unique wooden door appeared in the center of the trunk. As the wooden door slowly opened, a figure in a heavy windbreaker appeared. Before Gretel's eyes.

"Teacher you are finally here"!

Fortunately, she took off the hat from the windbreaker, and the blue-haired woman with a ponytail happily summoned Grete!Leilis Shafei!At only 21 years old, he has a genius magician with a magic level of 12, and the most respected student of the water archmage Grete.

After seeing his students, he looked at the sky again. Gretel gave the command to the soldiers in the team to garrison. The people who had been fighting for a day in the wind and snow hurriedly pulled the long-haired cotton-bell sheep close to the big tree and tent cooking utensils. It was taken out in the same way. The tent built in the wind and snow was easily blown away, but Grete also thought of a good solution. After the tent was set up, he directly used the frost spell to condense a layer of ice on the tent. It is strong and not suitable to be blown into the air. Soldiers can effectively resist the severe external cold by hanging windbreakers around the inside of the tent.

After setting up this kind of magical ice armor tent, Gretel and the two fire mages were naturally invited by their students into this peculiar tree house. After entering the tree house, Gretel felt a lot of warmth all over his body. The tree is quite tall and the center of the trunk is ingeniously divided into two layers. Below is the place where Reilis studies and stores food, and the upper room is used for sleep and rest.

Surrounded by the trunk, there are dried butcher shops and some wild fruits. In the center, a table and chairs are pieced together with a few logs. A magic lamp is placed on top of it. A small stove is stacked with stones on the side. The branches and wood were burning cracklingly, and the small iron bucket filled with water was steaming on the stove.

"Haha! You are really amazing, you deserve the first place in the wild survival assessment"!While admiring the ingenious tree house of Reilis, Gretel took off the snow-covered windbreaker and put it on the stove to bake.

"You praised the teacher"!Reilis also took off the trench coat and set it aside.

After Damir and Addis also took off their trench coats, Reilis had already taken some food, poured three cups of hot water, and put it on the table. After a few sips, all three of them lifted their internal organs warm and comfortable. Up.

Gretel picked up a piece of meat and stuffed it into his mouth and asked, "Relith, you have lived in the Forest of Mist for almost a month."

"To be precise, 41 days"!

"I read the information you sent, and even the Teacher Faluoen of the Sage's Tower felt incredible about what happened in the Forest of Mist."When Gretel told his students, he also concealed things that shouldn't be said.

Reilis patted her hand and smiled happily: "Teacher, do you mean that the old magister, Mr. Faroen, read my research materials"?

"If it weren't for the busy work, Teacher Faroun would still come here in person."Gretel smiled and nodded and then continued: "Apart from the unending wind and snow in the Forest of Mist and the unusual density of elements during this period, have you found anything unusual?"

Relith seemed to have thought of something suddenly and hurriedly said, "Yes, teacher, when I was gathering food outside some time ago, I found a huge team of elves. It seems that there are at least thousands of people marching deeper into the forest. ".

Regarding this incident, Gretel and the other two wizards are naturally aware of this. Looking at Reilis’s worried expression, Gretel slowly told her about some major events that have happened in the mainland recently, including The riots and escapes of the elves in the Eastern Karut Kingdom.

"No wonder ┉┉" Relith sighed sadly: "Those elves don't have any supplies for the winter. If the blizzard doesn't stop, they will not be able to walk out of the forest alive. I knew this was the case. I should ┉┉".

Gretel knew that Reilis was kind-hearted at ordinary times, and most disgusted with slave merchants in the capital of freedom, patted Reilis on the shoulder and said comfortingly: "You can't help them, now I can only pray for them."

When Gretel in the tree house asked Reilis about something, the camp outside the house was already busy. The soldiers started to make fires after they set up the tents. Because of the fact that the wood in the snow-covered forest was basically beaten. It is not easy to be ignited when wet. The whole team has prepared igneous ore and coal before setting off. After igniting the coal with a small amount of ore, the wet wood is put in, and the bonfire in the camp soon rises one after another. Put some snow water in the iron pan on the rack and wait until it boils and the food is thrown in little by little.

"Lead all the long-haired cotton-bell sheep down to the tree on the right side of the camp. Don't forget to start the meal in an hour"!A big man with a big beard patted his companion and shouted loudly. When the snow was flying, he could only hear him by shouting to his ears.

The rigorous soldier who wrapped himself in a trench coat led the long-haired cotton-bell sheep and turned his head to the big man with an OK gesture to indicate that he heard it. The big man nodded and walked away with confirmation.

After humming the little tune and leading the long-haired cotton-bell sheep to the tree and bolting it, Princess Luo Jiean, who was disguised as a soldier, breathed a sigh as no one took off her hat.Looking excitedly at the flying goose feathers and the towering trees, Princess Luo Jie'an clenched her fists happily!

"What a beautiful view! I didn't expect that I was already in the depths of the misty forest now"!