Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 304 Another Side of the Creator

"Come on! Do you want ice cream?"

"Thank you┉┉No! What the hell did you get me here!"

Yalin slammed the ice cream to the ground. Now it's not the time to go to the amusement park to eat ice cream. When I come to this, the pink cute thing that has been determined to be the creator is not like the last time it was a communication projection.

"Hey~ Don't worry." The panda let out a black-bellied laugh that was not commensurate with Mengmeng's appearance: "This time it's my body~ Mi."

"Ontology! That's great┉┉" Yalin also showed a black-bellied smile, and then pinched the cute panda's neck in an extremely violent way.

The'panda' whose neck was almost pinched into a straight line danced and said, "Quickly, I'm almost out of breath. Mimi!"

Five minutes later┉┉

In the rest area of ​​the amusement park, a certain creator showed a rejoicing expression: "It's so dangerous~ I almost died~ Mi!"

Yalin sat on the opposite side of the table with a sullen expression and complained to the'panda' who almost turned into the roaring emperor. It seemed that sitting opposite was not a noble creator, but a bad friend who had not seen him for many years.During the period of being thrown into another world, although I experienced a dreamlike story, but the total incidents that happened were also on the other side of pleasure, which made Yalin accumulate a lot of resentment in his heart, especially recently because Faced with the war that may be encountered after the end of the novice protection period, Ulduar City was destroyed in the flames of war, and all of its companions have completely become the fuse of resentment.

After Yalin made a lot of complaints, the panda didn't care at all and said with a smile, "Huhaha~ My! Didn't I say it from the beginning! I hope you can use your wisdom to turn passive into active. Nothing. May become possible to deal with everything that may happen~ Mi."

"You go and ask a kid to fight with boxing champion Tyson, and then tell him to use wisdom to make up for the difference in strength. There is no room for skill to intervene in front of absolute strength, not even wisdom!" Yalin lowered his head decadently: "Also, can you change it, don't be so malicious, can you?"

"Could it be that they are not cute now? Mi~ So sad~ Mi!"


Yalin feels that he can’t get up anymore now, forget it~ For the off-line creator, just do whatever he wants. Looking around, Yalin confirmed from the text on the signboard of the store in the amusement park that this place should be Japan, but I don’t know if it is Japan in the real world or Japan in another animation world.

"Relax, this is an amusement park in a fantasy world. The real world and your original body are still frozen in time." The panda seemed to see what Yalin was thinking, and said triumphantly. .

"This is the anime again? I really don't have any impression of this amusement park."

The panda magically took out two crepes.Passed one of them to Yalin: "The new show titled "The Savior of Gancheng Brilliant Paradise". It was only broadcast in the future after you crossed. I really can’t wait, so I extracted it from the timeline in advance. Look."

The new fan after I crossed?Because I can’t wait, I extracted the animation from the timeline in advance and watched it first!

Yalin was completely speechless for a while. This noble and great Creator would actually use this kind of power against the sky to do such trivial things, twisting the timeline just to take a look at the new anime first.The current situation is that the creator feels that watching anime is not enough.Go to the world of this anime to experience life yourself.In other words, the cute pink dog-shaped panda now becomes one of the main characters in this anime.The name is Tiramis, and he is the mascot responsible for the amusement facility "Tirami Garden Adventure".

Because it was affected by the curse of the magician's "lack of soul power", and there was a vicious curse of "the body's growth and memory will return in one year".A princess in another world who can only survive in an amusement park.In order to rejuvenate the near-defunct Ganhui Amusement Park, the actor Keer Jiangxi was selected as the manager using the gods, and the number of visitors reached 500,000 before the arrival of August 1st!

"Oh~ the plot is good, then?" Yalin lay deadly on the table listening to the panda's spoilers.

"It seems you are not interested, Mi! Don't you like this new show?"

"Do you think I am still interested in visiting the amusement park in this situation?"

Perhaps Yalin will definitely not miss this new show before crossing, but now Yalin has personally traveled to another world to establish his own power, and naturally it is an amusement park where most of the employees are residents of another world. interested.

"No~ Mi! Now the amusement park is facing a crisis~ Mi! If the number of admissions of 500,000 people cannot be reached before August 1st, the amusement park will be forced to close down, and I will be unemployed. And Princess Latifa may also ┉┉"

"You are unemployed! As the creator, let alone 500,000 people, 5 million people, you can just call in casually, or you can directly break the dimension wall and believe in the thousands of dead houses in the real world. We are for the heroine, who is called Fifty~It is estimated that it will not be a problem for them to come here every day to do their daily routine." Yalin glanced at the panda, and vented his grievances viciously.

The panda smirked with his furry pink paws covering his mouth: "Isn't it boring to change the plot casually? Mi~"

Yalin raised his head and stared at the panda and said: "Okay~ Stop the nonsense. You suddenly got me here. Maybe it was just to introduce me to the new fan?"

"Of course not. In fact, the main reason for calling you here today is to update the summoning system and say goodbye to you by the way."


Yalin hurriedly sat up and looked at the panda in confusion: "Farewell~ What does this mean?"

"It means that as a reader, I can't wait for the update of the novel written by the author named Yalin, so I am going to sleep for a while, and wait for hundreds of years to see how Yalin writes the novel. !" The panda's tone changed abruptly, and he never uttered Mi's mantra, which formed a huge contrast with that cute appearance.

"You mean you are going to leave for a while."


Seeing that the panda changed again and nodded with a smile, Yalin covered his forehead and said helplessly: "Hey~ That's the way it turns out, you've been watching me before that."

"Of course, you are like a living novel in another world. It really helped me pass a lot of time, but after all, you would really have a strange trick. In such a disadvantaged situation, you remember This means of nuclear self-protection."

"You forced it from time to time. Fortunately, Schneizer reminded me that I have established a deterrent force to deter opponents. Otherwise, I can't think of this way." Yalin shrugged and said helplessly: "By the way, can you The novice protection period has been extended for a few years, and there is only a little more than a year left. I simply can’t develop enough to compete with the strength of the Green Dragon clan. If it doesn’t work, at least the Black Core Crystal can be exchanged directly, otherwise the novice protection period is one. If the black core crystal fails to be made, then I will game-over!"

"Sorry~ The Black Core Crystal cannot be exchanged directly. If this big killer can be exchanged directly, then you will definitely exchange a bunch to play with fireworks. It is estimated that I will be busy cleaning up the mess of that world." The panda is not polite. Rejected Yalin's'unreasonable' request: "Moreover, the current situation can't be said to be a dead end, it's just a little bit dangerous."

The Green Dragon Legion, the Dragon Alliance, the Emerald Dragon Queen, the King of Magic, the Dragon of Order, the Guardian of Life, and the five supreme gods above the sky. These powerful beings that should only appear in legends and stories are themselves. The enemies you will face in the future, even if you call tmd, are slightly dangerous!!

"Yalin~ I know the worries in your heart. You are afraid of failure. You are afraid to see everything you have built up to be destroyed in an instant. You are afraid of the tragic death of your companions who get along with you day and night or becoming slaves. That's why you have to think of ways to get in. Try to distort the situation as much as possible to win in danger, just like a game. It’s happiness to level up and grow up. It’s not interesting to modify the money and level directly~"

"The problem is that I am not playing games now┉┉"

Seeing the panda still looks like a leisurely and leisurely appearance, Yalin has nothing to do. Although the panda is always off-line, he is also the creator. He can survive cancer and travel to another world to experience this dreamlike experience. The adventures are all thanks to the pandas. Although they seem to be good friends emotionally after knowing each other for so many years, in any case, the identity of the other party is still pressed on Yalin’s head like a big mountain. As long as the panda is not happy Maybe it's over by myself.Just as the high elves got their promise but still angered themselves carefully, they were also afraid of offending pandas.

"You are playing a game, anyway, even if you accidentally game-over, there is no loss for you."

As soon as this sentence came out of Yalin’s face, how could he treat all of this as a game? Let’s not talk about familiar anime characters like Tosaka Rin, Feili, Moon Sea, and Hiking Yes, those elves and dwarves who were summoned from the summoning system were 100% mechanically loyal to them, and Yalin had a deep affection for them after having been with them for so long.

Suddenly Yalin discovered something. This creator who is usually off-line, likes to do some pranks, and has a bit of house attributes is really cold-blooded, or the panda does not have a normal human way of thinking. He is serious and cheerful for a while. , To save today, you can start killing tomorrow, laughing and cursing seems to be in a single thought.(To be continued...) ()