Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 640 Unexpected Situation

"Finally won!!"

Yalin panted and leaned against a broken wall to rest. In his mental consciousness, he could feel that the countless body fragments of the enemy had all been frozen. They lost their vitality and were in a dormant state like suspended animation. As long as you maintain this dormancy, the other party will never be able to recover.

This is probably the only weakness of this immortal enemy.

"Did you wipe out the other party? Senior!!" Kamijou Toma also showed an expression of excitement as if he was a survivor. After all, being able to survive the most dangerous moment is a sublimation of life.

Yalin nodded hard, regardless of his body's ability to withstand the human form, he has used the Frost Domain twice in a row. The price now is that his body feels like cramps and painful, but thanks to the'panda' for losing three times. The guy has strengthened his ability to feel pain and bloody things. If it is the usual severe pain like cramps in the whole body, he must have made himself rolling on the floor and wailing, but now he feels that he can continue to talk about it. .

The dragons in the sky also landed one after another. Looking at the calm city, many people were still in a trance, and they seemed to be unable to believe that tonight's nightmare was over.

"Has it been completely wiped out?" Jaboffica sighed uncontrollably as he looked at the devastated scene.

"To be precise, it should not have been destroyed. The monster was just frozen and in a state of suspended animation." Yalin pointed his finger at the fine ice crystal powder on the ground not far away: "┉┉ Although the body has become Powder, but it should recover quickly as soon as it is thawed."

If it becomes a powder and can survive, how could there be such a creature in this world!?

Even the Golden Saint Seiya couldn't help but feel terrified, and subconsciously stepped back and dared not approach the ice crystal on the ground.Levli also recovered her human form at this time, but as soon as she recovered, Lei fell exhausted into Yalin's arms.

"Lei Chan~ Are you okay?" Seeing Lei recovered, Aluru was the first to rush forward and fell on Lei's body. The two little girls lay on Yalin together like kittens In his arms.

"I'm fine~ Aluru! Don't rub my face, okay?" Lei, who was rubbed by Aluru, said with a little pouting.

The surrounding crowd gathered around, and the injured Bailong guard was also escorted down for emergency treatment.And facing Miss Tosaka with a worried look on the side, Yalin reluctantly showed a smile to indicate that he was okay, and Yalin inadvertently glanced at the elf girl Erojiel standing at the end of the crowd.The other party still remained silent and did not speak, and seemed a little awed, but those beautiful eyes revealed a gentle look that had never been seen before.

Yalin turned his head and didn't want Erogel to know that he was watching her, but although he had won the nightmare battle, Ulduar City, which had just been built, was almost half destroyed.And the worst thing is that not only the soul energy is scarce, but the material energy is also consumed by oneself in the battle to exchange for the frost crystals. It can be said that it is really an overnight return before liberation.

In any case, we must first clean up the mess, and then I am afraid that some of them will be busy.

Looking at the starry sky, Yalin couldn't help but sigh, although the situation was terrible.Fortunately, at least no one died in this disaster┉┉

After lifting the two little girls who were glued to her body, Yalin stood up and patted the dust on her body. Suddenly Yalin found that Lei was staring at her with an inexplicable look, as if she wanted to say something. He didn't say what he wanted to say.

"Lei~ Did you really make the sword just now?"

"It's incredible. This is the first time I have seen someone who can become a sword."

However, everyone next to him started talking with Lei. It seemed that a group of people were surprised that Lei, as a holy war angel, could be turned into a weapon, and Lei, who was surrounded by a large group of humans, began to feel a little hesitant and at a loss. stand up.

Yalin looked at Lei and patted her on the head: "Thank you just now~ Lei!"

When she was stroking her head, Lei seemed to be surprised. Soon the girl blushed and nodded: "Yeah~"

It seems a very warm scene.But the other lady on the side brows a little.

"Lei~ How old are you this year?"

Suddenly Yalin saw Miss Tosaka ask Lei a strange question, and the asked Lei also looked at Rin curiously, and then slowly answered it after a while.

"Um~ I forgot, but it should be several hundred years old."

Several hundred years old!?Miss Tosaka almost didn't lie down on the ground. How could she be a non-human with the appearance of a young girl, but in fact she has lived for hundreds of years. Suddenly, Rin suddenly felt that the people she knew after coming to another world seemed to be Few normal ones.

After struggling for a while, Rin showed a gentle smile and said to Yalin: "Senior! Although Lei is hundreds of years old, she looks like she is only thirteen or fourteen years old. I think you should not be senior. ┉┉Isn’t that kind of person┉┉"

Looking at Rin with a violent expression of sweat, Yalin already knew what Rin was thinking. Did I say that my image is so bad in your eyes?

"Wait a minute, the player. You are my partner~"

"What are you talking nonsense at this time! Saber!!"

Nero on the side rushed up and hugged Rin. The eldest lady had to look away from Yalin and entangled with Nero. Yalin was relieved and secretly thanked this one who was full of vitality all day long. The Roman emperor who has harassed his master as his only interest.

Looking at the everyday farce in front of him, Yalin was also relieved, no matter what, he still had to work hard.No matter how difficult it is, try to continue to protect it.

Beside Yalin, there was a beautiful female elf watching Yalin in another unknown realm, her beautiful face showing a gratifying smile.

"Well, everyone has a lot of things waiting tonight┉┉"

Suddenly Yalin noticed that Lei, who had just stood up, suddenly clutched her chest and fell to her knees. Even Aluru, who was supporting Lei, was dragged off and fell.

"Ha~ha~ oooooo┉┉" Lei's breathing became quick, as if she was a patient with an asthma attack.

"What's wrong, Lei Jiang~ okay?"

Aluru hurriedly lifted up Lei who fell on the ground.However, the girl showed an expression of pain and grabbed her chest, and her breathing became even more rapid.


Lei's painful scream cut through the night sky, and everyone who was discussing how to deal with the endgame in front of him focused their attention.

"What's wrong with Lei!?"

Holding up Lei, Yalin found that Lei was kicking her legs desperately at this moment as if she was suffering some kind of great pain, and her hands frantically began to tear her clothes.

"What's wrong with her senior?" Even Rin, who was arguing with Nero, couldn't help but asked nervously.

"Lei~ what's wrong, tell me what's wrong?"

"Ah ah┉┉help me ┉┉ ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhh

Yalin also hugged Lei anxiously.However, the pain made Lei seem unable to even think. Seeing the girl constantly grabbing her bodice, Yalin couldn't help tearing open Lei’s chest clothes quickly. The girl’s fair skin and that had already begun to take shape. All of his chest was exposed to the air.However, a black spot on Lei's chest was spreading rapidly.

this is!?Part of the monster's body!

Yalin saw what it was at a glance. The biological tissues that were constantly bulging with satisfaction were constantly eroding Lei's body like vines. Wherever he went, Lei's body began to be assimilated and turned into the same black. Matter, that scene is so weird and terrifying that people seem to be plunged into a new nightmare again.

What time is this!Did it just now┉┉

Yalin suddenly recalled that when the opponent was finally struggling to death, he used the bud turned into a weapon to fend off a small piece of debris that flew towards the hemp.It must have caused Lei to accidentally contaminate a small piece of the opponent's body tissue.

Damn it!!

"Help me┉┉Lin! It hurts┉┉"

Tears have already welled out of Lei’s eye sockets. At this moment, the girl desperately sent a call for help to Yalin, and the foreign body and pain spreading in her chest made Lei constantly scratching, even the skin was scratched and began to seep. Blood came out, but Lei was still scratching her hands, the girl in pain seemed to have no sense that she was destroying her body.

"Don't move Lei~ Suzaku, help me hold Lei's hand so she doesn't move."

Yalin also hurriedly grabbed Lei’s hand and let Suzaku help to hold it down and prevented Lei from continuing to self-mutilate. Jabofica and Manigot hurriedly grabbed Lei’s kicking legs, Tosaka University The young lady also tore off her sleeves and wrapped it into Lei's mouth desperately, if Lei continued to scream like this.Maybe she would accidentally bite her own tongue.

"Don't move the buds, it won't hurt right away."

Desperately suppressing the frenzied struggling Lei, Yalin put his hand on Lei’s chest in spite of the danger, trying to inject the power of frost to freeze the opponent, but Yalin instantly remembered that this was Lei’s body, and the opponent had already merged with Lei. , If the opponent is forcibly frozen, Lei will be killed together.

What can I do?

When Yalin hesitated, the area of ​​Lei’s chest that was eroded became larger and larger, and as the eroded area became larger, the rate of spread of this biological tissue to the surrounding area also doubled, and soon some black blood vessel-like tissues It has spread to Lei's lower abdomen, and it is estimated that Lei's whole body will be completely swallowed in less than five minutes.

"Try it with my right hand! Senior Yalin!" looked at the suffering girl in front of her.Dang Ma couldn't help but rolled up the sleeve of his right hand.

"No!" Yalin refused for the first time. Originally, the target of this monster's attack was Dang Ma. If the fantasy killer didn't work, Dang Ma could take the opportunity to corrode Dang Ma when he touched the infected part of the bud.I can't let Dang Ma take this risk.

Dang Ma also yelled anxiously: "But now there is no way, please, senior, let me give it a try. It all started because of me."

Yes!It was all because I had summoned Dangma from the summoning system, and then whimsically trying to get Dangma to unlock the chain of sealing, it turned out like this in the end.

Summoning system ┉┉ right!Summoning system!

"I almost forgot!!"

Yalin hurriedly opened the summoning system, and Levli was a second-dimensional special summoner born from the system.Not only can the system help her repair her injuries and transform her bloodline, but it can even bring Lei back to life. Since the opponent is parasitic on Lei's body, the system may be able to eliminate the opponent.

On the attribute panel of Levli in the system interface, unexpectedly, there was a message corroded by an unknown force, and Lei’s special abilities had a lot of negative states as a result, and Yalin didn’t even want to take away the few souls left. All the energy was used on Lei, and at this moment a voice suddenly rang in Yalin's mind.

Nemo, who had been silent for a long time from the beginning, suddenly said.(To be continued.)

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