Pocket Hunting Dimension

Chapter 78: Wait! What's going on?

Looking at a large wave of reporters approaching, Lu Ze's eyes lit up, revealing a friendly smile to Xuyang on one side: “Xuyang, wait a minute to tell old Li, I will go back to school tomorrow. ”

As he spoke, his eyes sparkled blue, the breeze wrapped around him, and the sky rose.

He slipped away.

Go home and wait for Daddy and them.

Looking at Lu Ze rising into the sky, Xu Yang's face was white. He opened his mouth and made a desperate roar: “Hey, take me with you!! ”

Looking at the situation, obviously, as long as Lu Ze slips away, they get cold.

Everyone looked up at Lu Ze, who was gradually moving away from the sky, and couldn't believe his face.

How dare you sell them like this?

Where's my conscience?

They looked rigidly at the loss of their primary goal and turned their thirsty eyes on their journalists, all MMP in their hearts.

Lu Ze is flying at the moment, after all, it would be troublesome if a reporter didn't drive to chase him.

After flying for half an hour, Lu Ze looked back and found that no one was coming after him.

Hey, hey, I'm such a brilliant little smart-ass, handing over the chance to pretend to be a little fellow.

They must be touched by their behavior right now.

Lu Ze thought that he had done such a good thing, and he felt beautified.

Later, he took out his phone and turned on the navigation. After all, this was his first time here, and he didn't know the way.

After determining the orientation, Lu Ze headed home.

Home ~

More than an hour later, Lu Ze secretly landed in his yard, and he turned around and smiled at the familiar martial arts field practiced every morning with Lu Glass.

I went out to find out, it's better at home.

I, Luisa, am a homeboy!

Lu Ze took out the key, opened the villa door, walked in and locked the door again.

I intend to surprise Papa and Mother and Lu Glass later.

As a result, he just turned his head and saw Lu Glass standing in the lobby with a gentle smile. He said softly: "Welcome back, brother. ”

Lu Ze's body was stiff and looked at Lu Glass with some surprise: "Glass, why didn't you go to school? ”

Lu Li sheared her hair and smiled softly: “Because Glass guessed that Brother would definitely return early, so she took a leave of absence and waited for Brother at home? ”

Lu Ze snorted, his mouth twitched.

Mom, does this guy have a complete grasp of his behavior patterns?

Zhuge is alive?

I feel insecure for a moment!

Just as Lu Ze's eyes flashed and thought about the messy things, Lu Glass naturally came to Lu Ze's face.

Later, Glass gently pressed his head against his chest and grabbed his corner with his hands.

Luzawa: “???? ”

Wait, what's going on?

Don't panic, find the time machine first... my ass!!

Lu Guan's blend of sweet and light scents turned into his nostrils, making him nervous and stiff.

Is this Ground Glass?

The one with the smiling heart and the black heart?

Lu Ze was somewhat unbelievable.

But soon, Lu Ze's face changed.

Slightly returning from shock, he discovered that the body of Lu Glass was trembling slightly, and that his little hand holding the corner of his coat was extraordinarily hard.

“ …… ”

Lu Ze silenced, some stiff outstretched his hand, patted the back of the glass gently, and said gently: “Sorry. ”

Lulu's trembling body was slightly stiff, and then a gentle but somewhat trembling voice came: “Why did you apologize? My brother didn't do anything wrong. ”

Lu Ze's body, stiff due to nervousness, slowly relaxed, his left hand patted her back gently, his right hand followed her beautiful long hair, gentle opening: “Let Glass worry? Sorry... Father and Mother, must they be worried too? Sorry.”

Against the insect herd, Lu Ze didn't think he had done anything wrong, but he worried his family, so apologize.

Lu Guan heard Lu Ze's words, his body slightly relaxed, but still put his head against Lu Ze's chest, whispering: “Now that you know, you have to do it. ”

Lu Ze scratched his cheek: “There are some things that can be done by himself, but let's do it. Isn't it important to be sure? I'll run if there's any danger. And, you see, I didn't fulfill my promise to Mother, did I not get hurt? And your bet, I won, too? ”

Lu Glass was angry: “You still want to gamble?! ”

Lu Ze sniffed and said, “You're not going to break your appointment, are you? ”

If he breaks his promise, he has no motivation.

Lu Glass raised his head violently, and his eyes, which implicitly contained water, glanced at Lu Ze. He took a step back, took his phone out of his pocket, unlocked it, and threw it at Lu Ze: “Nah, the phone is for you. ”

Lu Ze picked up the phone, if you get the treasure, your face is touching!

Find the recording, delete it, blow it!

Looking at the disappearing data, Lu Ze was relieved.

Just as Lu Ze smiled and handed over his phone to Lu Glass, Lu Glass shook his head with a smile: “The phone is yours, I bought a new one. ”

After Lu Glass took out his new phone and shook it, he turned it on, tapped it down, and the familiar recording came back: “My sister Glass is so bright and cute, she is already engraved in her heart for her brother, how can she ignore it? ”

Lu Ze looked at Lu Glass with disgrace: "Wait! Didn't you say you wanted to give me the tape? ”

Lu Glass lifted his hair, smiled and looked at Lu Ze, his voice was gentle: “Glass has already given it to my brother? I even gave you my phone. This is just a backup. Glass is backed up on virtual discs? ”

Lu Ze's body was stiff and he had no love in his face.

He still thinks the glass he was worried about is very gentle and cute...

Sure enough, this guy has a black heart!!

At this time, Lu Glass smiled and said: "Brother, you've had a rough trial these past few days ~ why don't you go upstairs and rest? We're having dinner, and Glass is going back to her room. ”

With a smile on her face, she turned upstairs, ignoring Lu Zesheng's disgusting expression.

Lu Ze pressed down his sour heart and dragged his body upstairs to his room, closing the door.

Begin to be self-contained.

In Lu Gui's room, Lu Gui lay ashamed on the bed, covered his face with a quilt and his chest fluctuated sharply.

A moment later, she cautiously took out her new phone, tapped the video in the phone, and the video showed Lu Ze holding Lu Glass, gently following her long hair.

Lu Glass smiled at the two people in the video, her pretty face appeared red and her mouth slightly snapped up.

After watching it several times, she had to carefully transfer the data onto a virtual disc, set a complex password, and keep it with the recording.

She then leaned back on the bed, rolled the quilt around a few times, wrapped the whole person in the quilt, laughed softly and echoed back in the room.


[I smell tickets ~ (≖ ᴗ ≖)✧]