Pocket Hunting Dimension

Chapter 826: Their Honor Alone

Autumn Moon and Yarn opened a star map, pointing out the location of the Veit galaxy.

It is a galaxy close to the northern border.

Blinked his eyes, sensed a little bit, and then said, “There are a lot of insects over there. Should I eat them? ”

Speaking of which, her little round face wrinkled.

She doesn't like the smell of insects.

Autumn Moon and Yan heard the rumors, silenced, then exhaled, rubbed the rubbing little round face, smiled and said: “Forget it, I used to be fine, this time I don't know how long the insects will last, I can't let you keep an eye on it. ”

If there's nothing they can do about it, it's better if they do it themselves.

After hearing the words of Akizuki and Saya, Nangong Jing asked curiously: "Is it your side of the house? ”

Autumn Moon nodded slightly with the veil: "Hmm. ”

Alice smiled and said, "Then let's go together. ”

Lu Ze reached out and played Alice's forehead, suddenly letting her cover her forehead and watching Lu Ze with pity.

“Senior, you're bullying me again! ”

Lu Ze turned his eyes and said, “What about the border? ”

It's only a little while before we have three star-grade worm families, and maybe not long after that, there will be more star-grade worm families.

Listening to Lu Ze, Alice threw up her tongue: “I want to help Kazusa-san. ”

Lu Ze silenced and said with a smile: "Me and Teacher Akizuki will go over there and help you here. ”

Lu Ze's strength is the strongest here, and he doesn't have to worry about any accidents with Akizuki and Saya.

If there's any clutter here, it's even more unlikely to be an accident.

After hearing Lu Ze's words, Nangong Jing several silenced, then nodded: “Then be careful yourselves. ”

Lu Ze nodded: "Hmm. ”

Then Lu Ze pulled the autumn moon and the veil and looked at him with a smile: "Send us there. ”

He nodded with a glimmer of starlight in his dark blue eyes, one wormhole appeared, and Lu Ze and Autumn Moon and Yarn stepped across the wormhole to the other.

This is outside a small galaxy, far away, where insects with dense numbness are fighting the ethnic fleet.

Some insect warships have even begun to enter the galaxy.

Lu Ze frowned slightly and glanced at Autumn Moon and Yarn: “Teacher Autumn Moon, go see the planet at your house first, I'm here to clean up these insects. ”

Upon hearing Lu Ze's words, Akizuki and Sawa nodded: "Well, Lu Ze, be careful with yourself. ”

If it were just the two of them, she would definitely make a good fool of Luzawa, but now she's still thinking about the little guys and the old Dean, and she's not in the mood to do that.

She had black fog all over her body, the magic explosion magic was running, and her body instantly disappeared and flew towards one of the planets.

Lu Ze, on the other hand, turned to the distant battlefield area of intense fighting, and his body was similarly bursting with black fog, disappearing in place.



Many insect warships have fallen on the planet Vit at this moment, and the low-level insects of dense numbness have gushed out of the warships, as if they were black tides, sweeping through all living objects.

This scene is very similar to what Lu Ze saw in the Southern Windstar Floating Forest when he took part in the graduation trials.

Bugs are such horrible creatures.

They devour all the lives that can be devoured and used to strengthen themselves.

Cities on Viterstar have been surrounded by dense, numb worm seas.

Martial fighters in various cities, including the strong martial arts students in schools, have spontaneously organized themselves to resist insect herds.

The murderous murders and violent hissing echoed through the streets and alleys of every city, the battles of one or more powerful or weak fighters and insects, the blood stained the city red, the limb broken arms and bodies scattered everywhere, there were people and insects.

Viterstar, West Yuecheng, Sunshine Home.

This is an orphanage for war orphans, where war always comes at the expense of too many unknown and heroic fighters dying on the border battlefield.

Their children will be cared for by the federal government, and these war orphans will be given institutionalization, free of all costs of schooling from childhood to age, and, if they have good martial arts talents, subsidized resources for martial arts cultivation.

At the same time, the homes are even guarded by guards.

Although security is now fairly good in federal cities, accidents can occur in the end.

This is where war orphans live and no accidents are allowed.

This is the final tribute of the Federation to the dead fighters, providing the best environment for their children to grow up in.

At this moment, outside the nursery, dozens of guard troops in armor are watching the sea of worms pouring down the streets.

The Guardian Army is not strong, except for a Dan Wu realm martial arts fighter, the others are high level martial arts fighters.

Although these insects are also common insects around Xuan Wu territory, in the face of such dense numbness and abusive breath of worm sea, all are pale and their eyes flash with fear.

A middle-aged man with a long sword and a pale face looked at the nursing home behind him.

He could see a pair of fearful eyes in the nursing home building looking this way.

Turning around, he took a deep inhale, bit his teeth and growled: “The old Mother and the children are looking this way! Cheer me up and forget who you are! ”

Hearing his words, all the guards shocked themselves and turned to the nursing home behind them.

By the time they turned around, the fear in their eyes had been crushed to the bottom of their hearts, and their eyes were full of stiffness, growling: “Yes, Captain! ”

They were similarly war orphans coming out of the Sunshine Home and, after becoming the Guardian Army, applied to be transferred to guard the Sunshine Home.

In fact, they are not the only ones left alone in the war that came out of the nursery, and it is not known how many envy them as guardians of the Sunshine Nursing Home.

This is their only honor.

The middle-aged guardian army chief held a long sword and growled: "We are the guardians of the children! Don't let these bugs step into the nursery, not even one step! Defend!"

Hearing the roar of the middle-aged guards, all guards took out psychic weapons or long swords and roared as well: "Dead guard! ”

The howling bugs eventually collided with the guards, violent spiritual fluctuations, roars, hoarseness all over the sky, and blood stained the red sky.

In the nursing home, a tall rooftop room, a child up to fifteen years old, is watching the battle at the door with fear.

After seeing a young guard force being penetrated by a group of insects with sharp worm limbs and then swept by several sharp worm limbs, his body was torn apart, many children were red in their eyes and tears turned their heads to open their eyes.

At this point, an old voice sounded a little harsh: “Don't turn your head! Look at them! ”

Among these children, there are several young grandparents and grandparents, talking about a white hair in the middle, still got a lot of wrinkles on his face.

His eyes stared dead out the window, looking out of the nursery, the guards who blocked the bugs with their bodies, and his eyes flashed with a complex color of pride, pain, and sadness.

But he never moved his eyes.

And he said again, "Look at them, remember, they fought to protect you, and they fought for you." ”

The atmosphere was so heavy that some of the children, who had turned their eyes away from the window again, opened their eyes and died watching the blood fighters outside the care home.

Although the tears have blurred their eyes, they have still not removed them.

Another young guard was torn apart, and before he was torn apart, he desperately inserted the sword into the head of an insect family, despite his wounds.

At this time, a boy around the age of fourteen or five with linen hair choked with a firm voice: “Grandpa Dean, I will be a warrior in the future! Like my parents, like these guard uncles! ”

Tears streamed down his tender cheeks, but his face was full of perseverance.

“Me too! My mom and dad are heroes! They have blocked the attack of the Blade Demons! I want to be like them! ”

“Me too! I want to protect the old Mother and her brothers and sisters! ”

“ …… ”

A gentle voice sounded resolutely and constantly in the room.

Hearing these naive voices, the old Dean and several other elderly people laughed and the wrinkles on their faces were crowded together.

The old dean said, "Well, then you have to study and practice, and then guard our people. ”

At this point, a two-ponytail little Lori with a black hair said, “Is it like with Sister Sawa? ”

Her big black eyes were red and tears filled her eyes. Not long ago, these uncles laughed at her and gave her sugar, but now they lost their lives for them.

When he heard little Laurie with her ponytail, the old director laughed: "Yes, like a gauze. ”

At that point, the guards outside were already halfway dead, and a number of insects entered the care home through the gap.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged guard army chiefs and other guard forces, already surrounded by insects, were covered in red eyes.

“Motherfucker! ”

“Damn bugs! Kill me!! Come on!”

“ …… ”

They screamed, but only helpless insects rushed into the nursery and rushed toward the building.

Watching this scene, the flax-haired teenager shook his body and stood up and opened his eyes and said, “Grandpa Mother, I'm going to stop these bugs! ”

“Me too! ”

“Me too! ”

A 14-15 year-old teenage girl stood up and said.


Of course!

They also have fear on their faces and their bodies are still shaking slightly.

But before their brains could move, their bodies stood up.

The old director looked at several teenage girls with a smile and said: “We are not dead, even if we want to, we are in front of you. ”

They are all the strength of Danbu, only because they are too old to play full strength, but at least they can stay in front of these children for a while.


Just do as God commands.

Just as they were going out, a mighty aura covered the whole of Vit, and all the bugs suddenly froze.

Subsequently, all of the insect families flourished and lost their livelihoods.

At one point, the warriors in battle in every city watched their opponents suddenly lose their livelihood and were stunned.

Then someone reacted and suddenly smiled excitedly: "Here comes the strong! We're saved! ”

They survived.