Trent lifts his root leg diligently and flees the impending flock of Fenrills.

"Why, why are you doing this...!

... That's because Trent was jumping at a large size in the middle of a dangerous land, even though his HP was critical.

I stepped down between Trent and a bunch of Fenrills.

"Lord Hall...!

Trent stretched his trunk perfectly and rocked the giant left and right as touched.

I shook my front leg, and with my nails I put a big scar on the ground.

"What do we do, Fenrir? I'm tired right now, but if you're gonna do it, I'm gonna deal with you, okay?

When I glanced, Fenrill shook his body and disappeared in a different direction.

I sighed.

I know there's nothing you can't do, but I'm glad you left from the other side.

I don't want to have an extra fight with HP and MP right now.

"Lord, wow! Well done, well done, you're safe!

Trent rushed over.

'... can I have you in a wooden spirit state for now?

"Ah...... yes"

In response to my words, Trent became smaller and smaller using [wood spiritualization].

A little green penguin haunt appears.

Um, now we don't have to attract extra demons.

"The Aros..."

When I was about to say it, Aro was peeking into my face from the narrow area of the nearby dirt wall.

When you look at me, Aro shines his face.

"Ryu, dragon god! Atlanat, dragon god! Dragon god is back!

Aro is followed by Atlanat.

"A, Atlanat!

I had guessed from Trent's condition that he was safe, but when I actually saw it with my own eyes and confirmed it, it made me feel so much easier.

Great...... this way we could all get everyone together without missing anyone in one piece.

"Lilixilla, kill Setanoka?

Atlanat calls out.

I nodded slowly.

"Oh...... yes, I killed him"

Atlanat lay down his face to see what was going on with me.

"... Souka"

"Dear Dragon God... Um, what is the voice of God?

Aro touches my front leg and keeps his weight and looks up at me.

He looked anxious.

I shook my head quietly.

"I thought I'd say something, too, but it's like I haven't heard from you."

Is it even happening to him that was unexpected?

I knew it was odd that you haven't said a word since.

"Go to the mountains? You should also keep him informed of the current situation. '

"You're going to see him? I would have appreciated your help in the fight against Lilixilla, but now you have the advantage of coming into contact with him?

Volk asked me.

"That's what you said you wanted to fight the voice of God. If we come into contact with that demon now, will we surely turn the voice of God and his doings to the enemy?

'That's true... God's voice seems to care so much about me. Which way, don't get involved with the voice of God for the rest of your life, for God's sake, it's impossible. Then I think you should lend your knowledge and strength to the sea urchin. "

"Right...... Well, if it's one of those demons, even in the worst case, you wouldn't be able to lose. In the unlikely event that we become less convenient and hostile to each other, it won't hurt that much."

... hostile with the sea urchins, huh?

It also means killing sea urchins.

I didn't even think about it until Volk pointed it out to me.

But there's no chance of a conflict of interest with a sea urchin. Bye.

It is fully conceivable that Umkahime will take radical measures in doing so.

Lilixilla said they would never be enemies because of their different dimensions.

But Umkahime seemed to intend to kill the voice of God.

Meer, the brave man who was once Lord of Umkahime, also carved 'It shouldn't be impossible to kill the voice of God' on the stone tablet.

But honestly, it just seems to me that Meer challenged me to a reckless battle by causing me to raise grudges.

Meer and Umkahime's determination to carry on her thoughts seemed considerable.

If you run away from wanting to avoid fighting the voice of God, it could lead to buying a great deal of objection from Umukahime at that point.

We decided to take a break.

Go straight to Umkahime and stay exhausted and in case you are engaged, it will be troublesome.

I played with Aro and the Black Lizard and played with Trent in the sun.

Then I found Atlanat enjoying fishing with spider yarn as he walked along the sea with Aro, so I made a pole and the three of us went fishing side by side.

Back in the evening in front of the waterfall cave, Volk invited me to do a sword mock fight.

There is nothing that cannot be done with [the technique of humanization].

Apparently Volk cared a lot about my ideal weapon-generating skills, [Ideal Weapon].

I played a simulated sword battle with Volk for a while as Aro and the others watched.

Most of them were my overwhelming victories because of their exact different statuses.

But with every increase in the number of times, I felt Volk's movements get sharper and sharper.

I don't know much about swords, but Volk seemed to be getting a lot more skilled as a swordsman after his battle with Howgley.

"You're really strong... that's Ilsia. Because of this, [the technique of humanization], the power is greatly diminished, so the bottom is unknown."

That was satisfactorily zeroed as Volk slept on his back on the meadow.

I got stuck and got to do it more than twenty times.

Whatever I am, is Volk really out of fatigue tomorrow...?

At least he should have just fought Howgrey today......

But it's Volk who doesn't know the bottom.

Though Volk has his share overwhelmingly in swordsmanship, I didn't think he was going to get one.

Will it be like howgray one day if I go extremely like this......