“30,000, President Huang, you're kidding! Little girl, I'll give you 50,000. ”

“I'll give you 60,000." There's a man who earns the price.



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Everyone shushed, 120,000, a string of bluegrass porcelain bracelets from the Qing Dynasty could sell to 120,000.

Gu Ning was also surprised. She had never come into contact with Ancient Jade Stone. She knew that Ancient Jade Stone made money, but did not know how to make so much money.

She thought it would be almost 40,000 or 50,000. After all, the bracelet's spirit is faint, indicating that the time is not too long, so it's not very valuable.

120,000, much less for her last life, but a huge sum for her now poor.

Ultimately, Gu Ning's bracelet was filmed for 120,000.

While everyone is blaming this 120,000 high price, senior experts know that this clear blue and blue porcelain is on the market, definitely more than 180,000.

Although it is a broken bracelet made of bright blue flowers, the price is not low.

Now a clear blue flower plate can capture millions, so this string of yuan blue flower bracelets will be on the market, at least 200,000.

Without saying that Gu Ning is not an expert, she doesn't know how much this price is. Even if she knew that this blue flower bracelet would sell more than 100,000 yuan on the market, she wouldn't regret today's deal.

Because she currently needs money, there is no time to wait for a seller who can buy the bracelet at a market price.

And she doesn't have access to the market.

There are designated banks in the antique market, and after booking, transfer money directly to the bank.

Gu Ning did not have a bank card, but brought his ID card, so he handled the card on the spot.

After the money arrived, Gu Ning also gave the Yuan Qinghua bracelet to the other party, and then transferred the appraiser's labor fee to the appraiser's account.

Labor fees typically range from 10 to tens of thousands, depending on how much money they earn.

Gu Ning earned this in the ancient circle, it's just mosquito meat, just pay two or three grand for labor.

However, Gu Ning was not stingy, and gave directly 10,000, so Gu Ning still has 110,000 left.

After coming out of the bank, Gu Ning felt he was being targeted.

Also, the ancient playground is so chaotic, everyone has it, she just made a lot of money, it's only weird not to be targeted.

Gu Ning did not make a sound, did not stay any longer, and walked straight out of the ancient playground.

Just out of Ancient Play Street, away from the crowd, the people who had been following Gu Ning came towards Gu Ning, afraid to slow her down and let her go.

Four twenties old, Plankton Plankton men will be surrounded by Gu Ning.

The people around him were scared to run away, and no one wanted or dared to help Gu Ning.

“Hand over all the money you just got, or we'll be damned.” The yellow-haired man standing opposite Gu Ning coldly threatened.

“Oh, how dare you?” Gu Ning's eyes squinted slightly and looked lazy.

They didn't see each other showing fear of begging for forgiveness, and everyone was stunned.

Isn't she really afraid of them? Or are you just pretending to be calm? Or do you think someone will help her out?

Don't be ridiculous, they already have a name around here, who cares about their business!

“Huh! Don't expect anyone to save you because they won't dare. You know each other, just give it to me! Avoid suffering from flesh and blood.” Yellow fur continues to threaten.

When she sees the people around her running away, she naturally knows that no one will come to save her, but she doesn't need help, and these people, she can beat them in minutes.

“If you can, take it yourself!” Gu Ning provoked.

“You..." was belittled, and those people suddenly became angry.

“In that case, don't blame us. You're welcome. Go on.” Yellow fur commanded harshly.

Rumor has it, just two people came towards Gu Ning and tried to catch her.

She just approached Gu Ning and was kicked out by one of her scythes. She kicked him in the stomach. “Ah” screamed, and the man fell to the ground.

Then, Gu Ning swept his legs at another person, who also fell and moaned in pain.

The other two people who had not yet done so stood aside were surprised by the fact that one of the other girls was so powerful.

Without waiting for Gu Ning's hand, he saw a boy rushing from the side, then kicked his foot toward the yellow hair. Yellow hair screamed, and the whole person immediately fell to one side.

Another person turned his back and ran, but because of the hurry, he ran a metre away and hit the pole and was bounced to the ground.

“Pfft." This funny scene made Gu Ning laugh.

At this moment, the boy who kicked his yellow hair ran to Gu Ning and said with excitement and admiration: "Gu Ning, it's really you! I was wrong about myself! I didn't know you were so good, you knocked two grown men out at once. ”

This boy Gu Ning knew, the student of the third class of the Tsim Squad, called Mu Ke.

Mukho is close to a meter and eight tall and looks handsome in the sun.

She met him in different classes from Muko because he was in the same class as Qin Zhen, and she had a good relationship, and knew the truth about Qin Zhen's relationship with her.

However, unlike Qin Zheng and several of his friends, Mu Ke and Qin Zheng were righteous in their hearts, and once implied that Qin Zheng was not a good person for her.

But because Gu Ning was once obsessed with Qin, how could he listen to other people's good words!

Thinking about it, Gu Ning still had a good impression of Muko.

“Mu, thank you for what you just did.” Gu Ning expressed a friendly smile to Mukho and sincerely thanked him.

Though she doesn't need anybody's help, Mukho helped her with an indisputable fact, so this affection, she'll get.

Gu Ning looked beautiful, only he didn't usually have the conditions to dress up, so he didn't do much good.

Nonetheless, Gu Ning smiled, stunned Mu Ke, stunned, and then blushed.

“You're welcome, but even if I don't, they can't help you.” Mukho grabbed his hair with some embarrassment and worried that he was too busy.

“But you helped me anyway! So thank you is right.” Gu Ning Dao.

The more embarrassed Mukho was, but all of a sudden he remembered something very important. He looked at Gu Ning violently and was amazed: “By the way, I heard them say that Qin Qi broke up with you on Friday, and then you had a car accident. How are you? Are you okay?! ”

Mukho didn't mean to poke Ning's pain, he did it out of genuine concern.

He heard about Gu Ning because Mu Ke had not joined Qin on that day.

He felt that Qin Qian was doing this too cruelly and too unconscious, but after all, it was his business and he had no right to interfere.