Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School

Chapter 20: Hitting Chen Ziyao


Before Chen Ziyao finished his speech, he was interrupted by a slap, and this slap was not light. It immediately became red and swollen. It could be said that it was heavier than the slap given to Shawfi.

Because of Chen Ziyao's words, Gu Ning was more angry than Shawfi's words.

Not only did she humiliate her, she humiliated her mother, which was unforgivable.

Chen Ziyao was deceived and did not react for a while.

She couldn't have imagined how dare Gu Ning hit her.

People were appalled by this slap, but they didn't feel anything was wrong.

Although someone heard that Gu Ning's mother was pregnant unmarried and despised Gu Ningsheng, they felt that regardless of Gu Ning's mother, Chen Ziyao humiliated people like this and called them Gu Ning wild species, that was wrong, so it should be fought.

Because not everyone looks at people with tinted glasses.

“Gu Ning, how dare you hit me?” Chen Ziyao reacted and questioned angrily. At the same time, he raised his hand and called Gu Ning.

Just when his hand raised, Gu Ning grabbed him, and he grabbed him very tightly, so tight that Chen Ziyao could not struggle, and there was a feeling that his bones were about to break.

“Gu Ning, let go of me.” Chen Ziyao's face was painfully distorted and his voice almost squeezed out of his teeth.

Gu Ning did not let go and looked at her with cold eyes. It was like an ice blade on her neck. It would pierce her at any time. Chen Ziyao was suddenly frightened and frightened.

Moreover, she blew out heavy air and surrounded Chen Ziyao, making her tremble intolerably.

It was not only Chen Ziyao, but also everyone, who was deterred by such Gu Ning, and the atmosphere became strange and quiet for a while.

Gu Ning said coldly: "Chen Ziyao, I have no quarrel with you, but you have repeatedly come at me, humiliated me, and humiliated my mother. Do you really think that I am a sick cat? ”

Come on, Gu Ning dumped Chen Ziyao so hard that she could almost fall down. If it wasn't for the girl who was with Chen Ziyao,

The girl was also frightened by Gu Ning, so she did not dare to speak for Chen Ziyao.

And Chen Ziyao, because Gu Ning was not too scared, could not return to God for a moment.

At this time, Gu Xiaoxiao's pedestrians and others appeared in the restaurant on the second floor. He saw a lot of people in front of him, and a few people were curious and walked over.

After approaching, he saw that the surrounding crowd was Gu Ning and Chen Ziyao, who were confronted.

Gu Xiaoxiao immediately peeled off the crowd and walked in. When he saw that Chen Ziyao's cheek actually had a red patchwork imprint, he was shocked and then angry: “Ziyao, your face... who hit you? ”

When he heard Gu Xiaoxiao's voice, Chen Ziyao returned to his senses. Although Gu Ning was really scared, he was more angry.

However, also because her heart was too strong to allow her breath to pass for a while, so she could only speak for a moment and stare at Gu Ning with a poisonous look and give Gu Xiaoxiao a response.

Now, Gu Xiaoxiao knew that Chen Ziyao had been beaten by Gu Ning. Although he was shocked and incredible, Gu Ning dared to beat people, but had no doubt, so he immediately turned to Gu Ning and said: “Gu Ning, you dared to beat Ziyao, you are tired of living! ”

“What, Gu Ning beats Chen Ziyao? Gu Ning would dare to beat Chen Ziyao? Stop being ridiculous. ”

As soon as Gu Xiaoxiao said this, Zhang Yangtong, a boy with Qin Xiao, shouted out loud, expressing absolute disbelief.

It is also true that Gu Ning is of such a nature that they know very well how to beat people, especially Chen Ziyao, because he is despicable, cowardly and cowardly.

“That's right! Neither do I.” Another companion, Fu Liang, followed the Way of Peace.

Qin Qin, however, believed.

“Chen Ziyao is me. How about it?” Gu Ning admitted, but also looked at Gu Xiaoxiao coldly, aggressively asked: “But I hit Chen Ziyao, what does it matter to you? What's it to you if I'm impatient? ”

Hearing Gu Ning admit, Zhang Yiming and Fu Mingliang were both surprised.

Did she really hit Chen Ziyao? How dare she?

“You..." Gu Xiaoxiao knotted, although not frightened by Gu Ning, but never dared to speak aloud to her, Gu Ning now dared to yell at her, which made her angry, "Ziyao is my friend, naturally it is my business. ”

“Oh!” Gu Ning smiled coldly. "It's none of your business if it's your friend? You're so wide! ”

“So what? What do you care?” Gu Xiaoxiao didn't feel anything wrong, suddenly his eyes were harsh and he complained poisonously: “Gu Ning, if you dare to hit Ziyao, you will have to pay for it. Either kowtow, apologize to Ziyao, or slap ten. ”

It was said that the crowd was forced to suck in a cold breath.

Ten bangs and ten slaps? This Gu Xiaoxiao is too harsh! This was Chen Ziyao's mistake first.

Suddenly, people looked at Gu Xiaoxiao and their eyes changed.

Qin Qingxiao also couldn't bear to frown, revealing his dissatisfaction, and felt that Gu Xiaoxiao's approach was too much. However, Qin Qing still remembers his hatred for being humiliated by Gu Ning this morning, so if he wants to see Gu Ning learned a lesson, he has no intention of stopping him.

Zhang Yiming and Fu Mingliang were even less sympathetic. They already had a happy and happy heart. Now Gu Ning is in trouble. Naturally, they enjoy watching the play.

Moreover, Gu Ning dared to beat Chen Ziyao, so they were also curious how bold Gu Ning became and what else could be done.

“Tsk, Gu Ning, Gu Ning, how come there are people and you can't make it anywhere! You must have failed! ”

Gu Ning had not yet made a sound, but had been preceded by a ridiculous female voice. Ironically, there was no malice.

It doesn't look like people only smell their voice, Gu Ning will know who the visitor is. This tone, this voice, besides Chu Peihan, who else can there be!

Yes, it's Chu Peihan.

Chu Peihan put his hands in the trousers pocket, his mouth rubbed with a smile. Hanging Lang came in and looked like a punk.

Everyone saw that it was Chu Peihan, so they immediately gave her a way out, as if they were afraid of her.

Also, Chu Peihan was a bad girl at school. She was famous for fighting and was able to fight, so few people dared to provoke her.

Even Gu Xiaoxiao and Chen Ziyao are unscrupulous to Chu Peihan.

Therefore, upon seeing Chu Peihan, Gu Xiaoxiao and Chen Ziyao's flames dropped a few points.

Qin Qi and Zhang Yiming and Fu Mingliang several people, although not afraid of Chu Peihan, because they knew that the background of Chu Peihan was not simple, so for no reason, they didn't want to proactively mess with her.

Although Qin was humiliated by Chu Peihan this morning and hated Chu Peihan in his heart, he did not mean to pursue it.