If it's a regular exam, a full score is just amazing. It's not unusual, but because it's a national competition, the questions are much harder than the general exam questions. So besides Gu Ning, the best score is only 96 points.

And of these 108 students, more than 90, 36, more than 80, 67, the rest are more than 70.

Though they are all at the top of the city, and their scores are usually close to 100%, there is a slight gap between 70% and 100% for this exam. But usually good grades, not necessarily every question will be done, not necessarily every question teacher mentioned, so the gap will be so big, it's not surprising.

There is also the possibility of dysfunction.

The score was released at 1 o'clock. When everyone saw Gu Ning's grades, they were shocked, worshipped and shouted at genius.

However, this is simply unacceptable for Song Siyao, because she has only handed in half an hour, how could it be a full score!

Because of jealousy, Song Siyao questioned it.

“I think Gu Ning and I should have bought the Bureau of Education and got the answer. Otherwise, how could it be done in half an hour! And a full score. Guys, come to the competition. That wasn't selected! Everyone is the best. It took 80 minutes to get a full score. Why did Gu Ning take half an hour? Do you think it's science?” Song Siyao said.

Song Siyao really dared to say that he dragged the Bureau of Education into the water.

However, although Song Siyao said that the words were somewhat unspoken, they were not rough, and the matter of Gu Ning was really questionable for the average person.

“What, half an hour? ”

“Impossible! So soon?”

“Yeah! Forget it, it's all answered and you scored full score? ”

“This isn't science! ”

“Yeah! Even if it's any better, it can't be that good! ”

“ · · · · · · ”

Not many people knew that Gu Ning had handed over the paper in half an hour, so when he heard Song Siyao say that, he was surprised and then doubted.

“Song Siyao, don't talk nonsense here. Gu Ning is powerful. Why? Aren't you good enough to let her be bad?” Zhang Zizen was the first to stand up and defend Gu Ning. Although she was also shocked by Gu Ning's achievements, she trusted Gu Ning very much, because Gu Ning is a scholar!

Su Anya naturally doesn't want to show weakness either: “That is, Ning is ranked first in their school, and all subjects except the language are full score. ”

When you heard this from Su Anya, you were surprised once again that all subjects except the language were full score? So amazing.

“I also believe in Goddess Gu, Goddess Gu is a scholar. ”

“Not bad, I believe in Goddess Gu too. ”

“ · · · · · · ”

Those who knew Gu Ning's identity immediately expressed their belief in Gu Ning, which surprised others, why even they called Gu Ning a Goddess!

But even though they said Gu Ning was a scholar, so what? Song Siyao simply didn't believe: “Do you believe that you believe that? ”

Not only Song Siyao, there are many people who don't believe it. Some of their people here are not bullies! But the distance from Gu Ning is too great!

“Not bad, we don't believe it either. ”

“I don't believe it. Even if Gu Ning is a schoolmaster, he can't be this powerful! ”

“That is, if she had the same time as us, she would have done it in a few hours. ”

“ · · · · · · ”

Song Siyao saw so many people and his own heart, he got more exhausted. He looked at Zhang Zizen and said provocatively: “Zhang Zizen, you only know that Gu Ning, do you believe her so much? Be careful what you find out and get hit in the face. ”

“I just want to believe Gu Ning, so what? Since you said Gu Ning bought the Bureau of Education and got the answer, then give me proof! Otherwise, it is slander, defamation and legal responsibility.” Zhang Zizen's trust in Gu Ning is unwavering. Even if she only met Gu Ning, she has not known Gu Ning positively.

“Even if I don't have proof, I still don't believe in Gu Ning.” Song Siyao said, because he assumed that what he guessed was the truth, he ignored what was slanderous, what was defamatory and what was legally responsible.

“Song Siyao, you have gone too far.” Su Anya was angry and blushed and almost didn't come up.

“Too much?” Song Siyao questioned, looking like he didn't feel it.

“Song Siyao, that's enough. ”

At this time, the harsh male voice came from outside the crowd, frightening everyone.

The one who talked was the one who brought the teacher from the capital, but they came together, but all the teachers who led the team, and then the students immediately gave way.

“What else can you do besides piss off?” Jingcheng's leading teacher looked heavily and stared at Song Shiyao in a panic, but did not retreat.

“Teacher, it's not just me who doubts, it's everybody who doubts.” Song Siyao said.

“Doubt, with your unfounded suspicion, make up rumors and slander? Have you thought about the consequences?” The leading teacher was angry and said sternly: “Or do you think that if you can enter the math competition, you will feel terrible, you should be the best? There are people outside, there are days outside, do not question people's strength with your eyes short. ”

Gu Ning's achievements, he is not surprised, but no further surprise will call into question the falsification of the Bureau of Education.

“But..." Song Siyao was unwilling, but before he could say anything, he was stared at as coldly as the teacher who led him. At once, Song Siyao was frightened to silence.

At this time, a dignified middle-aged man came out and looked sharply at Song Siyao and said seriously: “This classmate, I am the deputy director and director of the education bureau, our education bureau is fair and impartial to this competition, you have no evidence to slander and slander, we have the right to sue you. We can accept any accusations and criticisms if you have evidence that we have falsified them. ”

Deputy Director of the Department of Education?

It was said that people were frightened, especially Song Siyao and those who expressed suspicion about the Education Bureau.

Despite their suspicions, they only dare to speak here. Never dare to fight with the Education Bureau! But what a coincidence, the deputy director and director of the education bureau are here.

“I, I, I...” Song Siyao is now finished, scared by the deputy director of the education bureau, even if I still doubt, I dare not say it.