Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School

Chapter 1202 Seizure of a Suspect

The dragon's long body stretched directly out the window, her upper body to the tea booth on the third floor, picked it up, then wrapped her tail around Gu Ning and dragged her up.

Easily, Gu Ning reached the tea pavilion on the third floor.

After retrieving the dragon, take out the rope and tie it to the guardrail above the target's room. Before preparing for action, Gu Ning took out the micro camera, tied it to his wrist and opened it.

At this time, Le Zhongwei and others had already arrived at the parking lot at Pier 7 and were waiting in the car.

Although Le Zhongwei did not have much hope, of course, Le Zhongwei was surprised when the display of the connected micro camera opened.

Not only Le Zhongwei, but everyone was surprised.

“No way! She was bringing in the microcameras. ”

“Oh, my God! We really blame her. ”

“Suddenly I feel so guilty..."

“ · · · · · · ”

The person who questioned Gu Ning the most was Du Tong. Now he sees the link to the micro camera. He sees the image launched by the micro camera, and Du Tong's face looks awful.

Gu Ning did not turn the camera against himself, but took out his phone and texted Li Zhongwei.

At the time of his arrival, Gu Ning's mobile number was for Le Zhongwei's, but Le Zhongwei didn't know Gu Ning's mobile number anymore.

Therefore, when texting, Gu Ning said his name.

Gu Ning said, "I'm Gu Ning, see the video? Everything's ready, and I'm on my way.

After the text message is sent, Gu Ning turns the camera to himself and lets him know it's him.

When Gu Ning's text message was sent, Li Zhongwei heard the prompt sound and saw that it was from Gu Ning. Li Zhongwei was a fool. Gu Ning didn't just bring the microcameras in, he even brought his phone in.

While it is obvious that this is not the time to get involved in how Gu Ning actually brought in the microcameras and phones, and while it is surprising why Gu Ning moved so quickly, he is impressed with Gu Ning because of the cameras and phones.

So I didn't waste any time. I immediately texted Gu Ning and said that I saw the video and everything was ready.

Then, immediately use the walkie-talkie to let you know, get ready, and stare dead at the display.

Gu Ning received a text message from Zhongwei Le, then took the phone into space, pulled the rope, turned to the guardrail, took a breath, jumped directly, accurately entered through the window, and immediately shook the people inside.

Gu Ning appeared too suddenly, leaving them unprotected. When they made their defense, Gu Ning seemed like a wind, walking towards the target.

By the time they pulled out the gun and were ready to deal with Gu Ning, Gu Ning had already pinched the target, and with a gun in his right hand, he was pointing at the target's brain.

It all happened between the flames, not only by the target and the bodyguard, but also by other people. The people on the camera were foolish, and they felt it was all fantastic.

It was the target suspect, who was good at what he was doing, but in the face of Gu Ning's attack, he was useless and had no chance to resist or hide.

Those bodyguard guns pointed at Gu Ning, but they didn't dare shoot because their boss was in the other hand!

Gu Ning turned the camera to himself and let Le Zhongwei and others see that the target was already in his hands.

When Le Zhongwei saw that he had lost consciousness because of the shock for a few seconds, Le Zhongwei immediately reacted, ignoring the continued shock, and immediately ordered everyone to act.

At this point, it's five minutes to 8: 00, so the cruise ship isn't on yet, so they can rush right in.

“Who the hell are you?” The target suspect asked.

“The man who caught you," replied Gu Ning.

“Who sent you?” The suspect asked how he knew he was here, knowing that he had many enemies! He comes here, but the closest people know, is there someone around him who betrays him?

Or did the host betray him?

Though he didn't know who leaked it, the suspect was angry. If he knew who leaked it, he would have killed him.

But now is not the time to be angry, but to think about how to get away with it. If you don't get away with it, even if you know who leaked it, he can't avenge it!

“Come with me and you'll see.” Gu Ning said, then pushed the suspect towards the door.

Because the gunpoint was on his head, the suspect was afraid to leave, and he also wanted to know who was after him.

Bodyguards, follow along the way.

As soon as he went out, the two bodyguards guarding outside the door saw his boss being held hostage by a woman. He was shocked and immediately pulled out his gun, pointing at Gu Ning, but was afraid to shoot him.

“This place is full of my people. Aren't you afraid you won't get out?” The suspect asked, attempting to deter Gu Ning.

“Unless, you don't want to live, their guns are faster, can you have mine?” Gu Ning sneered coldly.

If she were to conspire with these people, would she still rush in at this time and hold him?

The suspect choked, yes, his bodyguard gun was faster, no gun for this woman was faster, this woman's gun was held against her head!

The fact that this woman can hold him while they haven't reacted is enough to show that this woman is amazing. She is as desperate as he is, and naturally she dares not mess with it easily.

“You guys, go ahead.” Gu Ning told the bodyguards to walk in front of him and didn't want to get hit back and forth.

The bodyguards hesitated for a moment, and the suspect immediately ordered, "Do as she says."

He can't joke about his life!

Listen, the bodyguards just did it.

They came to the stairwell on the second floor, where the two bodyguards saw each other and immediately took out the robbery, as did the one at the stairwell on the first floor, but they didn't dare to shoot, retreating all the way to the lobby on the first floor.

The lively atmosphere in the lobby was interrupted by a group of bodyguards who withdrew, because Gu Ning had not yet been seen holding the suspect, so he wondered what was going on.

Of course, when they saw the bodyguards with guns in their hands and Gu Ning holding a man in his arms, they were frightened and hid in the corner.

“Oh my God! Isn't that Ellie? She actually held people hostage. ”

“It's horrible...”

“Didn't you say downstairs you knew who sent you to hold me?” The suspect asked who he wanted to know who had sent this woman to hold him, but now the main purpose was to distract Gu Ning by talking to her so that he could find a chance to escape.

“Take it easy, it's coming.” Gu Ning did not mean to be distracted at all.