Taming Master

< (4). Magical Egg -3 >

* * *

“How did you hatch Selifa...?" ”

“That's right.”

“Oh? Why do you ask? Did you get another egg like that? ”

A gripper that sparkles at Ian's question.

Ian shakes his head and opens his mouth again.

“Well…. It's not the same egg, but I have some legendary sesame seeds, and no matter how hard I try, I don't see any signs of hatching. If it's the way Celipa hatched, I wonder if I can hatch my eggs too... ”

“Hmm, I see. ”

Once he clears his throat, the gripper strokes his beard and opens his mouth slowly.

“But knowing how to hatch Selifa won't hatch that egg. ”

Looking at the neatly cut gripper, Ian's eyes slightly widened.

“Yep…? ”

The gripper leans against the chair and speaks.

“I thought you said it was a legendary grade devil's egg. ”

“That's right.”

“Every egg that is more than legendary, I know, has a different hatching method. ”

“ …! ”

Ian, who heard Gripper, was disappointed.

I feel like I missed all the fish.

But disappointment.

Ian's eyes started flashing again.

‘I knew that the hatching method of legendary mandarin eggs was different... You mean Gripper's knowledge of magic might be more knowledgeable than you think? ’

And as Ian shudders to think, Gripper opens his mouth again.

“Do you know what legendary magic egg that egg is? If you know what kind of magic egg I can help you with. ”

As soon as Ian heard Gripper's words, he turned white.

Ian replied quickly.

“The egg of Behemoth, the legendary beast. It's an egg obtained by killing Behemoth, so I think there's a 90% chance of being hit. ”

“Hmm, Behemoth... ”

Gripper touches his chin for a moment, then slowly rises from his seat.

And I gestured to Ian.

“Come this way, Ian. I'm going to have to go through the Codex for a long time. ”

Ian got up from his seat and followed behind the gripper.

* * *

A dusty backroom in a corner of the steeple.

Within that, Gripper, who took out a very old book in the corner, whispered in an interesting voice as he turned over the bookshelf.

“Behemoth. I've heard that name before, but it's one of the original horses. ”

And Ian's eyes slightly widened when he first heard the word "original magic."

“The original drink? What's that?”

Gripper begins to explain.

“In the current horsepower, there are so many species of horsepower that it's hard to count them all. You've been to the Magic Cube, you know. ”

“I think so, right? ”

“And perhaps most people, including you, know that they are all creatures created by the Creator. ”

Ian was completely new to the story, but he frowned first.

“Well, let's just say that for now. ”

The description of the gripper continued.

“But that's not true. Among all the different kinds of horses, there are not twenty created by the Creator himself. ”

“And the rest...? ”

“They are naturally occurring species, not by the direct creation of God, which was created by the crossing of the beasts. ”

Gripper's story was pretty long, but it was very interesting.

Thanks to this, Ian was able to focus and listen to the story.

“Well, let's talk about the origin of witches... Now to get to the point. ”

Ian clears his ears, and the gripper's voice begins to low.

“Two more kinds of horses were created together when Marcin originally created Behemoth. ”

Gripper speaks and swings his right hand into the air.

Surprisingly, the video came to me as if it were a hologram.

One type of horse that was very familiar to Ian, and two types of horse that were completely new to him.

Three horses were floating in the video, staring at Ian.

At that moment, Ian flinches slightly.

‘Oh, my God. ’

And whether Ian was surprised or not, Gripper's story continued.

“The original horses each contain a symbol, and these three represent the earth, the sea, and the sky, respectively, as brothers and sisters. The symbolism of Behemoth is the earth. ”

Ian grunts and mutters.

“Earth.... And I think it was definitely that feeling. ”

A vibration wave, the unique power of Behemoth, that had the effect of the earth shaking.

When you think of the skin of a guy who was hard as a rock, the story about the magic that symbolizes the earth was accepted.

Gripper also explained the other two horsepowers.

“That seven water-looking head over there is Leviathan, and his symbolism is the sea. It is a symbol of Mahai.... ”

Gripper takes a short breather, pointing to a creature that resembles Griffin in the sky.

“Finally, that marshmallow has the name 'Jeez’, and as you might have guessed, it symbolizes the sky in the magic system. ”

Mass narratives related to Behemoth were very interesting, and Ian's expectations rose in proportion to them.

Behemoth, who thought he was just a legendary sorcerer, was more special than I thought.

‘I've just explained it like this.... You're not suggesting there's no way to hatch, are you? ’

Ian, who tried to swallow the anxiety that suddenly arose, suddenly got curious and asked Gripper.

“But gripper. ”

“Hmm…? ”

“I've been around the horse system quite a bit, but I've never seen the sea in the horse system. What borough is the Maha 'a located in? ”

Ian's curiosity was actually natural.

From the 127 area when he first entered the horse system to the 13th floor, Ian visited more than 100 horse systems, and he had never seen a map worth calling the ’sea'.

Gripper smiles and nods.

“It's only natural that you haven't seen Mahal. The Sea of Magic has a different concept than what we humans know. ”

“If it's a different concept... ”

“The Sea of Magic is a huge bowl containing many areas of Magic System. because it means the dimensional system itself. ”

“Hmm...? ”

Ian looks curious, and looks at him and gripper is lost.

“Hehe, maybe someday you'll understand, so don't look like that. ”

“Well, I understand. In fact, what matters now is hatching Behemoth's egg. ”

“Okay, now about that... I'll tell you what it says in this old book. ”

The essence of all this, and most importantly,

The story of the hatching of Behemoth has finally begun.

* * *

In conclusion, fortunately, it was not impossible to hatch the Behemoth.

I just need some supplies there.

And the preparation was divided into two main parts:

The first is the horseradish, the horseradish flame, which is that it has extreme heat.

According to Gripper, ‘Ultimate Horse Salt’ was an essential element to hatch magical eggs above all legendary grades.

The eggs of common water hatched with only basic horse salts, but legendary horses needed stronger horses and heat.

It is also said that the salt can be obtained easily by offering Margie to the altar of Drinkin.

The second thing that was needed was a sealed seal for Behemoth's soul force.

This condition was a special hatching condition that only Behemoth had, and in fact, it was a very difficult condition.

“It says here that the cub of Behemoth must absorb the mother's spiritual power to break the egg out. But perhaps... the mother of your eggs is already dead at your hands. ”

“Well, right? ”

“That's why I need this Seal Stone. ”

Ian handed over an item called the 'Soul Magic Seal' from Gripper and checked the item information.


- Soul Magic Seal Stone -

Classification - General Goods

Rank - Hero

An object created by a dimensional Madosa Gripper using its own technology. It is an artifact that can seal the souls of certain monsters.

If you process a Sealing Stone that seals the soul of a monster, you can get the adra for that monster.

* Only one soul can be sealed and can no longer be used once.

* When processing Sealing Stone, you can get at least 30 to up to 100 adra at random.

* Not available for Humans or Humans.


And Ian's two eyes were young when he checked the item info window.

‘Oh, this... This item alone would be quite useful. ’

A Seal Stone capable of extracting a minimum of 30 to a maximum of 100 adra stones.

If you think about dropping 10 adra stones before and after killing the magic, it was clearly an artifact that could be useful enough.

After all, Ian took the Sealed Stone and carefully put it into his inventory, followed by Gripper's words again.

“Embrace the spirit of Behemoth in this Seal Stone. Then we can hatch an egg. ”

Gripper smiling as if it's over.

But there's still one problem.

That's also a very fatal problem.

“But... How should we contain the spirit of Behemoth? ”

In Ian's question, the gripper does not seem to have a big answer.

“That's it, it's simple. Hunt Behemoth, trigger the Seal Stone against the corpse, and you'll be able to extract Soul Magic. Instead, it has to be less than a minute since he died. ”

So, was the problem solved?

Definitely not.

If I could have found behemoth in the horse system in the first place, I wouldn't have had to hatch an egg.

Even if it was difficult, you would have kept hunting Behemoth, gathering adra and crafting it.

Ian's expression became more contemplative.

“No matter how hard you search the horse system... if it's not for Behemoth. Then what should I do...? ”

And Ian's question made Gripper's face flinch for the first time.

“Mmmm... The original Horseshoe is a rare creature, but not without it. ”

“… Assuming there is none, is there any way? ”

Close your eyes for a moment and think about it, gripper.

Ian waits for his reply with a anxious look, and after a moment his wrinkled eyes slowly open.

“There is one way. ”

“Well, how do you do that? ”

Ian smiled and asked, and the two eyes met.

And the gripper continued.

“You go directly to the Commandment and find the soul of Behemoth, who is wandering there. Simply put, you can take the soul of Behemoth from the other side and put it in that Seal Stone. ”

Ian looked absolutely ridiculous.

< (4). Magical Egg -3 > End