Taming Master

Best Magic Softness (4)

* * *

“Serbian, it's been a long time! ”

It's been a long time since Ian came to the 107th Borough of the Marble and greeted Serbian.

And Serbian, who found Ian, also smiled brightly and greeted him.

“Oh, Ian, it's been a long time. Why haven't you stepped up in the meantime? ”

“Oh, there was a lot going on. ”

“If you're done with your busy business, stop by often in the future. I've been so bored lately because you haven't been around. I thought I'd lost my neck waiting. ”

Serbian looks exaggerated and trembles.

Seeing him like that, Ian smiled bloody.

“What are you waiting for? ”

“It's natural for a teacher to want to see his disciple. ”

“You didn't want to see me, did you want to solve the last question I threw? ”

“Haha, haha. Well, there's no reason for that. ”

Ian and Serbian have a pleasant conversation and moved to Serbian's lab inside the lab.

And Serbian began to question Ian about his impatience.

“Now tell me. ”


“Giant Behemoth. ”

“Hehe, my master must have been curious. ”

“Could it really be that you're... soft? ”


“Did you really put two Behemoths in there and create that useless magic? ”

Ian nods slowly, watching Serbian speak like a quicksand.

“Of course. Why else would you get the recipe? ”

“ ……! ”

“I put in a top notch magic box to keep it from failing. ”

Serbian hears everything Ian says, and sits flat on the lab couch.

“Crazy……. You must be really crazy.... ”

Behemoth was a legendary class of magicians with the title 'original magic'.

It is the finest horse-drawer with enormous combat strength in itself, and is even more top-class with mason softener.

Besides, there's no way to get it from the horse system now.

To sum up, it is behemoth that can't even be valued for gold.

‘But I put two of those incredible materials into the garbage. ’

Giant Behemoth, on the other hand, was a useless summoner with only a high total stat.

It might be different if Ian had a special ability like 'Thor.’

A unique ability to use that enormous canister.

However, this Giant Behemoth's unique ability was even worse than normal Behemoth.

In short, a friend who has no room for rehabilitation.

Ian opens his mouth in a gentle voice, looking at Serbian with a hollow expression.


“Why do you call? ”

“You want to know?”

“What do you mean? ”

“Why did I do this crazy thing? ”

“I mean it now.... ”

Ian opens his mouth again, looking at Serbian with an absurd expression.

“You'd be surprised to hear this. ”

“ ……? ”

“I found something really revolutionary in the magic system. ”

Ian scrapes his insides like a pill.

Eventually, the Serbians exploded.

“What the hell is that? Don't just keep me curious, tell me something cool! ”

And this was the moment Ian wanted.

It was because you must maximize Serbian curiosity to get what you want.

Ian's words continued again.

“I'll let you know, Serbian. ”

“Come on!"

“Instead, I have one condition. ”

“ ……! ”

“Serbian horseshoe. I'll trade you for that. ”

“Th-that……! ”

At Ian's last words, Serbian, who was very excited, became stiff.

Ian asked for it because it was his favorite.

Ian takes a quick look at the Serbian sights.

"As expected, it was too much to just ask for a veterinarian? ’

After Serbian was unable to respond, Ian decided to concede a step.

“If that's a little hard, I'd like you to copy one. ”

“Blessing… buy? ”

“Yes. If you go to the nearest steeple and ask for a copy, you'll get a copy in 10 minutes. ”

“Hmm……. ”

“If it bothers you, I'll take it and copy it for you. ”

Serbian closes his eyes and falls into agony.

It was because I felt like something was getting carried away by Ian.

‘But I still wonder why I made Giant Behemoth...' ’

Serbian, who had been in his mind for a moment, eventually lifted up his gaze.

“Good. I'll take that offer. ”

Of course, Ian's expression brightened when he heard the answer he wanted.

“Khh, what a teacher! Wise!”

But Serbian was the man behind the teacher.

“But if that's not the case, it won't be fun. ”

“Hehe, don't worry about that. ”

As soon as Ian received the algae from Serbian, he began unraveling the sled he had studied.

In fact, Ian wanted to share his findings with Serbian as soon as possible.

It was because no one but Serbian could understand the value of this story.

And Serbian began to get even more excited than Ian had hoped.

“Oh, is that true? ”

“So my plan is……. ”

“Oh, if you do what you say, you'll have a crazy horse-drawer! ”

“Hehe, right? ”

“Khh, I knew it, Ian, you're amazing! ”

* * *

The reason Ian tried to get the 'Madagaceae’ item from Serbian was actually simple.

'We need to find the best stable number. ’

Ian was now more than a big mountain.

You have successfully created Giant Behemoth, the base for crafting the best horses.

Now that the bass hand is set, the second thing Ian needs to get is the main material.

And Ian was going to put a lot of heart and soul into it.

"Regardless of rank, we need to find out which number has the best stat rate. ’

Although I explained earlier, the water source for the main ingredient must also be of the 'legendary’ grade.

That way you can create mythical grade horses.

As long as it is the way it is, Ian has to find the ingredients among the ‘legendary’ grade of horses.

However, Ian was perfectly able to figure out the 'formula for formula for water softness', which he was confident to produce to the legendary rank while maintaining the 'ratio’ of all ranks.

If the ‘lowest' grade of horseshoe had a good stat ratio, he would have evolved one step at a time to make it a legendary grade and then used it as a material.

‘Still, if it's cool, I hope some of the highest-rated ones will like it. ’

Ian, who was immersed in Serbian laboratory couches, began to read the 'Madua Papae’ from the beginning.

Ian had built a wall with books, but he could do as much as he wanted to make the best magic.

“Hmm, this one is fine too, but it's a bit too bad.... ”

Ian mutters to himself, carefully handing over the bookshelves one by one.

It was running out of time, but I didn't mind at all.

In fact, setting the percentage of the steady state of the water to be completed may be the most important task in terms of the softness of the water.

And just like that, how long has it been?

“This is it!”

Ian, who was sitting on the couch like a rat, handing over the bookshelf bay, stood up with his fists clenched.

* * *

Ian seeks a very clever combat style.

It meant preferring efficient combat where you can get the most impact while taking minimal damage, rather than a force stamping style.

There were two styles that Ian was looking for:

First, a magic spell composed of stats based on aggressiveness and agility.

Secondly, it was a magical device composed of a stat based on intelligence and rapid movements.

‘High speed is essential for the best efficiency in battle……. If all the rest of the stats are possessed by one of their attack and intelligence, they will be able to use their strength. ’

Attack stats literally refer to summoned water's attack power.

But to be more precise, it meant "physical" aggression.

On the other hand, the 'Intelligence’ stat has two effects on the summoner's combat ability.

The first is the literal meaning of the summoned 'intelligence'.

That is, affecting the AI of the summoned number.

The second was the ‘magical attack power’ of the summoner.

Ian's most-wanted stat configuration was the highly intelligent and aggressive type at the same time.

It is because both physical and magical attacks are more efficient on one side than medium-high ones.

"Can't either stat of aggression or intelligence ever converge on zero? ’

The total sum of the stats having a softened dimension is determined by the total of the stats of the dimension being the base.

And the lower the efficiency of one stat converges to zero, the more likely its capability will be to move to another efficiency good stat.

After several hours of searching the boreal encyclopedia, this is the guy Ian found.

- Magic fairy.

Level: 4-7

Classification: Human

Rank: Lesser Magic


Not Evolvable

AP: 0-6

Defense Power: 14-27

Agility: 34-49

Intelligence: 37-52

HP: 590 - 770

A cute magical elf who lives at the entrance to the Blue Magic Garden Forest.

Unlike their cute appearance, they like to fight.

Uses pretty strong energy balls.

‘Phew, that's good. I can't find a better one than this guy. ’

It was the only regret that the ratings were too low, but it was something to overcome as Nogada.

The proportion of this thing is a hundred times, a thousand times, until the legendary grade of horsepower is born.

‘I need to go to the Blue March Forest right now. If we catch about 1,000, we'll get what we want... "

Ian's most ideal horse fairy station was as follows:

- AP: 0

DP: 14

Agility: 49

Intelligence: 52

HP: 590

“Haha, with this stat ratio on Giant Behemoth's stunt, we should be able to draw out mythical summons that are smarter and more agile than Rye. ”

Ian hurries out of Serbian Lab.

His destination was the ‘Forest of the Blue Scarf', which can be referred to as the ‘Hunting Grove for Beginners' by Mahjong users.