Taming Master

Lots of Sadness (1)

“Hap, so, the Sergeant...?" ”

A smile leaked from Harin's mouth, who had heard many stories.

Then, a lot of people's lower lips opened the story with a serious look.

“What's a lot of sergeants? I'm very serious right now. Don't laugh!”

As if the last meatballs were taken away, many people were impressed with a furious expression.

Of course, it was just adorable in Harin's eyes.

Harin smiled and said.

“Oh, I get it. Lots. I'm sorry.”

“Phew - Phew! ”

“So where were we? ”

Harin, who was a rowdy man, calmed him down with a gentle voice and began to reconnect.

“He saw the most beautiful turtle in the world in a place called the Frost Cave in the Spirit Realm. And then he got sick. ”

“Oh, I was.... ”

Seeing many who closed their eyes with a pitiful look, Harin seemed to burst out a smile.

But she desperately endured the laughter because she knew that smiling here would hurt a lot.

And after a while, I opened my mouth in a serious tone.


“A lot?”

“If you close your eyes, do you just think about a lot of people? ”

“Abundant?! ”

“I keep coming out of my dreams. ”


“If you think about it a lot, you'll be heartbroken, right? ”

“Phew! How do you know so much? ”

A lot of patients were surprised by Harin's perfect paperwork and began to dream with their eyes wide open.

I couldn't help but be surprised because Harin had a lot of shells and felt the pain of his first love.

In the eyes of Lot, it seemed as if Harin had mastered reading profiling.

Harin was excited by the customer's violent reaction and continued to diagnose.

“How do you know? ”


“I can tell just by the look on your face. ”

“Great, great! ”

The eyes of many who admire Harin.

Much of her attention seemed to be unaware of the fact that there were still meatballs left on the plate.

Harin, who took a moment, spoke in a gentle voice.

“This bottle……. ”

When Harin got lucky, many people drowsed down his throat.

Tick, tick.

Lots of gaze was then fixed on her mouth.

“There are only two ways to treat it. Besides, those treatments are very difficult. ”

“Phew! What's that? Tell me more!”

And in her mouth, the same story as the Blue Ceiling.

“Make a lot of turtles like you, or a lot prettier turtles like you. ”

“ ……? ”

“You have to do either of these things to cure it. ”

Earthquakes started happening in many of the pupils.

Like Harin said, it was really too difficult treatments.

A lot of shells opened their mouths helplessly.

“This disease called Sergeant……. Was it an incurable disease?”

Poor face, eyes without focus, staring blankly into the air somewhere.

In response, Harin was rather embarrassed this time.

It's because I thought many people would be motivated to gain the heart of many.

Harin opens his mouth again with a trembling voice.

“Lots of them. There are two treatments. Why is this incurable? ”

A deep sigh came out of his mouth.

“Phew……. First of all, it's impossible to find a turtle that's prettier than many. ”


“Because she's perfect. ”

“ ……. ”

Harin's silly face shakes his head.

‘Whew, the clicks are tickling. ’

Harin gave a pitiful look to many people without realizing the existence of clicks in his eyes.

She said it again.

“Yes. Let's say that.... Then why is it impossible to win the heart of so many? ”

As soon as he finished speaking, Harin was embarrassed again.

It was because many faces were almost ready to cry.

Did I... did I say something wrong? ’

Lots of people look up at Harin with a long face.

Then, through many lips, a trembling voice leaked out.

“That's impossible too... ”

“Hmm…? ”

“For a lot of people... ”

“ ……? ”

I can't keep my mouth shut, and I stare down with my embarrassed eyes.

“There are other turtles. ”

A lot of words popped out of his mouth that I never thought of again.

* * *

Rock to grass, then ice.

Ian went through three phases with the name ‘Chamber of Attributes’, and was utterly single.

“Khh, this was the honey patch! ”

It was because I gained an immense amount of transcendent experience while passing through the phase.

If it had been the same, almost three or four days would have been enough to fulfill the amount of experience you could have achieved in just half a day.

Thanks to this, Ian's EXP was almost at its peak even at transcendent level 7.

And the reason it was possible was because of 'attributes’.

The second phase and the third phase's property fields were the best stage for the Fire Spirit, Agby.

The ‘grass’ and ‘ice’ attributes were the most vulnerable to fire, and Agby and Ian literally flew away.

“Well done, Agree. ”

Then, in Ian's encouragement, Agby replied with an impressive expression.

- No, Master. Amazing.

Agby, a lesser spirit, has yet to speak well.

But it wasn't that hard to understand what he was saying.

In his face, there was infinite respect.

"Hehe, you rascal, you have a crush on my fighting skills. ’

Ian looked satisfied and smiled.

Ian's idea was true, even though it might look like a dog.

Evidence of that raised Agby's loyalty to about 100.

“Now, let's move on. ”

- Yes, Master.

Agby is a Spirit of Flame, but not a common spirit.

As Charlon said, he was the wood of the King of Letters.

And Ian didn't know it, but the monarch in the legend of the Spirit System was a very aggressive monarch.

That's why I like the fierce battles with Ian.

Ian takes a step toward the next section and mutters as he looks around.

‘Hmm, it can't end like this……. Will another room of attributes appear? ’

The difficulties of the second and third rooms were never easy, but a quest with a hard difficulty called A + +.

It couldn't have ended this peacefully.

‘There seems to be a different boss phase……. ’

Ian checks the dungeon information that appears to be small in the corner of his vision.

- Current progress: 92%

Then I had a beautiful face.

It was because the percentage of progress was very vague.

Too much has been done for Boss Phase to appear, but not enough for the dungeon to end this way.

Then, before Ian's ears, I heard someone's sharp voice.

It was the voice of an old man who seemed to have a slight mix of mechanical sounds.

- How dare you come into my lab. I won't forgive you!

Ian's gaze turned back to the direction in which he naturally heard a sound.

Kung-kung - kung -!

With the heavy footsteps, three mysterious shadows emerge in the darkness.

And Ian's eyes slightly widened, confirming their appearance.

To be more precise, the figure in the middle of the three was astonished.

“ ……! ”

It was almost as if he looked like the mechanical watchman Ian was dealing with.

The only thing that was different was that he was much smaller than the one in the Abyssal Canyon, and that his coat had a dark red glow.

‘What is it? Machine Watcher...? ’

Gigging- equipment ging-!

With a loud hiss, it raises a huge body.

A new system message appeared before Ian's eyes.

- Tyring!

- We have a mechanical engineer, Charles.

- A new quest will be created.

‘Er...? ’

The moment Ian sees the message, this time the quest window is white.

- Charles' Lab (Burst) (Hidden)

While investigating the contaminated mine, you find a mechanical engineer, charles, in the depths of the mine.

And Charlie's lab is set up with a big machine.

It is presumed that charles' mechanical facilities are the source of producing machine monsters.

Defeat Mechanical Engineer Charles and enter his lab, stopping the machine facilities from operating.

If the mechanical facilities stop working, the contaminated mines will also be cleaned.

Quest difficulty: A + +

Quest Requirement: 'Contaminated Mine at Spirit Mountain (Epic) (Hidden)' Quest Progress.

Timeout: None.

Reward: Unknown.

* * *

Harin fell in love with many stories.

Lots of stories were like watching a well-written movie.

The story begins like this:

- Come with me. Lots. There's not much good here, lots of cold, lonely places.

After Ian enters the Contaminated Mine.

Lots of people snuck to Ian's Frost Cave.

It was because I couldn't forget the beautiful face of many.

Many beautiful women who met her again hated to be left alone in this cold and lonely place.

I tried to persuade many people.

I'm a little embarrassed, but I want to be with her more.

But she cut off a lot of offers and refused.

- Sorry, a lot. I can't leave here.

- I could eat tons of yummy meatballs with me!

- But I can't.

- Why so much...!

There are a lot of committed turtles who don't give up.

He decided to persuade a lot of people somehow.

It was because she believed that even if it took a little time, she would be together eventually if she felt true.

But the decision didn't last long.

It was because of the shocking story that followed in his mouth.

- I've got turtles to wait here.

- ……!

- When he gets back, I need to be here.

- A lot?

- In a hundred years... No, even if it takes a thousand more years, I'll be waiting here for him.

For Lot, this story brought a shock I had never felt before when I lost my meatballs.