Taming Master

< 671Currency 2. Crisis & Opportunities >

Ian, who came across an unexpected tip, immediately held a party chat and asked about the situation.

Ian was a little confused at the moment.

‘I told you not to confront me... ’

If you run the battlefield defensively, as I said before, the defensive tower's power is absolute at the beginning, but you can't beat it.

- What the hell is going on? I told you not to fight too hard.

Then a message flew in from the party members on the battlefield as if they were waiting.

The first thing I said was that I started talking like I was going to die unfairly.

- I didn't overdo it. I was hugging right next to the tower.

And when the answer of the prophet came back, Ian was even more embarrassed.

- Really? And then he died?

- That's right. We were all hugging because we took out one tower at a time.

- Then how did he die? The Tower's attack power was enormous...

- Kanzihun: Well, if they decide to dive all the way inside the Tower Range, they could die, but if they do, one or more of them would have to die from the Tower.

There are monstrous soldiers in the horse camp.

- Ian: Yeah? Monster?

- YNH: Well, to describe it, it looks like a raging Ogre.

- What the hell is that?

- I don't know. I don't know what it is, but it keeps coming up the line like it's backing up dimensional soldiers.

- Ian: There was definitely no soldier like that when I first went...?!

- It wasn't from the beginning. It started coming out of nowhere.

- Is that the red ogre that counts?

It doesn't look much different than a regular soldier, but his tanking skills are no joke.

- Ian: Um...

While he survived the Tower attack, the horsemen invaded and laid their hearts out.

So far, Ian felt a picture in his head of the situation.

‘If there was anything that could withstand the Tower's attack for a little while, it was definitely a situation that could be killed. ’

Ian holds his head back and asks for Levia this time.

The abduction was also fatal, but more important was how the current situation was going.

- Well, guess what. What's the status on the battlefield, Levia?

- Levia: You and I, Hers, are standing together in a tower. because I thought if I didn't do this, I'd dive in again.

- Ian: So the other lines... … must be getting pushed?

- Right. Even if the hero doesn't intervene, the soldiers are much stronger on the horse side.

- Is that because of the Red Ogres, too?

- Yeah, that's right.


After some chatting, Ian felt confused in his head.

What the hell is going on here? I can't believe only the Horse Faction is replenished with powerful soldiers... ’

And I quickly rolled my head to see if there was anything missing from the content.

Was there a feature at the Logistics Depot that could be upgraded to include reinforcements? ’

Nevertheless, none of the content Ian identified existed.

Ian carefully read and remembered all the content he had found, so there was no doubt about it.

‘What should I do……. ’

In the middle of the party chat, the battle in the underground corridor continued.

Now that Ian and Hun are well on their way to Remir's level, and not to mention skilled at hunting, it shouldn't be too difficult to keep hunting separately from chat.

Remir, who has completed one attack magic casting, asks for Ian.

“Ian, what are you going to do? ”

“Mmmm... ”

“Palming is important, but if the towers start to push, they won't be able to catch up. ”

Hun nodded at my side and said a few words.

“Yes, Lemir is right. I think we should go back and help. ”

However, Ian did not immediately reply to the words of the two men.

In Ian's head, it seemed like he was going to burst out of his mind because he was constantly thinking about the number of cases.

‘Of course we have to stop it, but we have to stop it ourselves. ’

Now, if Ian and the other three go back, we should be able to stop the bastards from attacking.

The Dimensional Coins that were farming in this underground passageway were enormous, so you can swap items in the store for even more powerful combat power.

But only for a little while.

In the end, I thought I'd just be drawn to the face of the Horse Heroes.

The fundamental difference in troop strength is not only difficult to resolve, but also, using the relaxation created by the difference, the Horse Heroes will also start farming.

While the Horse Heroes would lead the battlefield as they intended, the Lotus team would not be able to make good use of the prevailing content.

‘What should I do... …. Do I have to gamble? ’

But that's when Ian was rolling his head like that...

- Tyring!

A new system message pops up before Ian's group's eyes.

- I feel a connection somewhere.

- I feel Maggie on the ground.

- You have entered a land where you feel the power of the magic system.

And Ian's eyes, which confirmed the message, began to expand.

* * *

“Damn, this is going to blow up one tower at a time. ”

“I know. The balance has already been broken... We'll be forced to march right into the camp. ”

After the time the Shrine entered the time for resurrection, Hers and Levia were having a tough fight.

It was two tankers optimized for holding and a healer position, so they didn't give up any extra kill points, but that's all they could do.

Towers on the outskirts that had no influence on them had already fallen to the ground, and the crisis was only a few minutes away from being destroyed.

“What's Ian up to? ”

“I don't know. Seeing that you didn't tell me you were coming right away, I think they're doing something.... ”

The two of them became increasingly nervous.

The towers on the front of the camp won't allow enemies to reach the camp right away, but they should be able to reach the defense towers directly in front of the camp.

And then it was only a matter of time before we were pushed up.

‘After being conquered to the camp.... It will be devastated beyond recovery. ’

Hers chews his lower lip tightly, preventing the endless attacks of horsemen.

Until now, you've improved your level quite well, but it hasn't been particularly inspiring.

Level up will be the same for the heroes of the Horse Faction.

But that was when I had a hard fight.

“Uh, what is it? ”

“What's the matter, Levia? ”

“No, something's wrong. ”

“ ……? ”

“Don't you think our soldiers have become more powerful all of a sudden? ”

Hearing Levia's words, Herce looks around and examines the battlefield.

And the next moment, I was surprised.

It was because soldiers from a unilateral military faction suddenly began to fight equally against soldiers from a military faction.

Even with Oklibs, the Drinking Soldiers, they stand to prevail in their battles.

He immediately checked the information window of a soldier and realized why.

- Summoned Dimensional Soldier

Title: General Soldier

Faction: Heavenly Army

Level: 17

Rank: Rare

* Combat Ability

AP: 750 (Enhancement Grade: +6)

Defense Power: 479 (Enhancement Grade: +4)

…… approximate……

* Unique Abilities (New)

Skilled Shield Block

-A chance to block the enemy's attack shield and absorb some of its damage (Shield Block Activation Chance: 25%) (Max Absorbable Damage: 70%)

Dimensional Soldier of the Heavenly Army Faction summoned through a Dimensional Hall.

If you command Dimensional Soldiers effectively, you will win the battlefield.

"I knew it! Ian couldn't have done anything!" ’

After seeing the strength of the dimensional soldiers becoming even more powerful than before, Hers unknowingly clenched two fists.

‘I guess they scraped up the farming money from the hunting grounds and poured it into the munitions depot. ’

Soldiers are different from heroes.

It is almost impossible to level up on the battlefield.

Of course, you didn't lose experience points, but you have to stay alive on the battlefield to level up.

Because of this, Hers confirmed that in order for a Soldier to reach level 17, it was only possible to upgrade Soldiers at the Logistics Depot.

Dimensional Coins can be used to upgrade soldiers' Combat Strength so that they have a level higher than level 10 when summoned.

Moreover, Ian's upgraded dimensional soldier specs were not just level.

"Wow, +6 Attack, +4 Defense?" And you have your own abilities. ’

It was enhanced with combat abilities and unique abilities that could only be upgraded at enormous cost.

I don't remember exactly how much it cost, but it's clear enough that tens of thousands of units of coins went in.

Levia, who later confirmed it, opened her mouth and was amazed.

“Where the hell did you get the money to upgrade this much...? ”

And with it, the front lines of the heavenly army, which were heavily swarming, could open up with a single breath.

“Heel! Holly Shield! ”

“Recovery Field! ”

As Levia began supporting the soldiers with her powerful broad hills and shields, the Horse Heroes returned to the tight slopes of the battlefield despite their prowess.

“Ugh, what the hell...! ”

“Soldiers are suddenly stronger! ”

The bewildered Horse Heroes rush towards the Tower with all their might.

He was trying to somehow destroy the defensive towers of the Heavenly Military Faction, whose Durability had dropped to the ground.

If not even a tower can be destroyed, all efforts so far have almost returned to Blitz.


And as a result, the Horse Heroes were finally able to destroy a single tower.


Kuaang -!

-The First Defense Tower (A) of the Heavenly Military Faction has been destroyed.

- 1,000 Dimensional Coins are awarded to Heroes in a Horse War Faction, respectively.

In return, I had to give him one kill point.

- Your teammate Hers has successfully defeated the Hero of the War Faction, the 'Persian’.

- Hero Hers gets 2,325 Dimensional Coins for his kill-points.

Of course, considering the global coins you acquired, the one who destroyed the tower was overwhelming.

All the coins earned by the Heroes of the Horse Faction totaled 6,000 coins.

But apart from that, the atmosphere of the battlefield was now forced into the heavenly army's camp.

Since the situation was reversed from the soldiers' troops, an empty seat for a Horse Hero was never small.

Moreover, the Heavenly Military Faction has arrived with additional troops.


Two shadows in the middle of a heavenly army camp, with a big resonance!

“Now that the Hun is here, don't worry. ”

“Well done, everyone! Now let's push back hard! ”

Lemir and Huni, who were with Ian attacking the subway, appeared on the battlefield on a teleport.

And the faces of the Horse Heroes who found them were less crumpled up.


“The cavalry is here. ”

It was because I felt like I missed out on the win that I had captured, although I would not be overwhelmingly pushed or pushed.

“It doesn't matter. Let's wipe it out. ”

“Yes. The commander has moved to the hunting grounds, so the soldiers in our camp will be fortified soon." ”

But the Heroes of the War Faction overlooked one thing.

Right now, in the Heavenly Military Faction, I'm afraid they've never met. There is one more thing.