Taming Master

< 805 coins 2. Serga's Castle Tower >

A warp gate made of golden azrang.

As soon as I passed through it at the end of the gate, I remembered another familiar message before Ian's eyes.

- Tyring!

- We've crossed all the lines.

- You've reached the end of the gate.

- 457 seconds remaining

-Clear Grade: SSS +

- You obtained the "Light of the Spirit" item.

- You have reached more than the limit!

- Get 2 more "Light of the Spirit" items!

Ian, who came down underground through the cave of ice that he created, has broken through a total of three gates.

10 minutes for each of the three gates.

But even if Ian took all the time to get here, it was less than 10 minutes.

I could see how easily Ian had cleared the gates, just looking at the time spent.

- Wow... Who the hell are you? Were you a chartar rider in your past life?

- Wow, that's amazing! With this skill, the Ancient Guardians should be able to take on them!

A flattering posture, admiring without rest, sitting on Ian's shoulders.

But Ian, who was listening to her voice, felt rather shaky than shrugging.

This is getting a little unsettling. It can't be that easy. ’

When thinking highly commonly, the difficulty of every dungeon or associated content is, of course, designed to be the easiest to start with and increasingly difficult to go back to.

And the first content that Ian encountered here in the valley of life was the conclusion of the Holy Spirit, which he had to pass to enter the valley.

‘It was a really difficult difficulty.... ’

As a result, Ian had no choice but to be nervous about the final phase that emerged from the beginning of the ruins.

Even though it was a little harder than the valley entrance, it was a difficulty that was likely to fail.

But somehow, Ian passed through three gates so easily.

On Ian's basis, the difficulty level at which eyes are closed and yawned out.

Ian felt somewhat uneasy, but he decided to take a closer look at the items obtained as a reward through the first gate.

It was Kailan's content that seemed easy to unravel on the ranch, but he didn't know when to back off. So vigilance was forbidden.

"Okay, let's not relax. There can be situations that can't be undone at once. ’

Ian, holding a small bead with a bright white light flowing out, began to enter the cave in the dark sea.

Ian's group takes a slow step forward, taking a close look around.

The reason we have been running restlessly so far has been because all the gateways have been connected, and there is no need to rush to the point where a new gateway has not yet appeared.

“I think the aquatic circulation is out now.... ”

With Ian's muttering, a postponement nodded and answered.

- That's right, Ian. We don't have to move fast from here.

“Oh, really? ”

- It doesn't matter if my ice tunnel melts.


The procrastinator points to the golden warp gate that just passed through, and opens its mouth again.

- This is an underground tunnel from the bottom of the lake, but there's no way through that golden gate.

After hearing all of the postponements, Ian nodded and breathed deeply.


I was still nervous even though nothing was too difficult, but when I heard that there was no more time limit, I was able to sigh.

‘Now, let's check out this item called the Light of the Spirit. ’

I got three from the first Gateway, but haven't checked them yet because they're busy moving around.

Ian opened the information window of the "Light of the Spirit" item without hesitation.

- Light of the Holy Spirit.

Rank: Legend (transcendent)

Classification: General Goods

A fragment of a ruin with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Matching the Ancient Tablet qualifies you for the Challenger.

* This item is a one-time item (this item will disappear if used or dropped into a field).

* If you take it outside the Ruins of the Spirit, the item will disappear.

* This item belongs to the user ‘Ian’.

Not transferable to another user or available for sale, and will not be dropped even if the character dies.

‘Hmmm, ruins fragments……. And a challenger……. ’

A unique quest item that is difficult to determine with the information written in the system window.

However, if I rolled my head a little, the approximate use was sufficient to delay.

‘I feel like a ticket to some future content. ’

To date, Ian has obtained a total of nine beads.

If you have only passed the gate, you will only get three items, three times as many items.

And this is certainly going to be a huge help in the content process.

It's overwhelming.

After a thorough scan of the information window, Ian put the beads back into his inventory and started walking a little faster.

And after a while.

The geography of the dark and bumpy seabed cave became slightly brighter.

* * *

Through the dark passageway, the scene that spread before Ian's eyes was truly "spectacular."

Underneath the canyon, which was made of rocky, rough rocks, there appeared a huge dome-shaped space covered in golden light.

And that wasn't the end of it.

In the middle of the dome-shaped square was a gorgeous building decorated with colorful symbols.

A pillar-shaped gold tower that rises in the middle and three spires that rise sharply around it.

On top of the spires, each of the magnificent sculptures was erected, and it was vibrant as if it were alive.

To put it this way, it was like a bird with sharp teeth.

And Ian, who found it, couldn't hide it admirably.

“Wow, these ancient ruins.... ”

The postponement next to Ian kindly added an explanation.

- I've never been here before, but the symbols on the building clearly indicate the ruins of the Holy Spirit.


The postponer nods and continues.

That hexagonal symbol over there means the power of the Holy Spirit.


Three circles engraved with a reverse triangle inside the gold border of a hexagon.

The three circles were emitting an aura of white, black and dark blue, respectively, which was creating a very strange atmosphere.

And after hearing the postponed explanation, Ian began to observe the symbols in more detail.

‘This hexagon is definitely the first time I've seen it, but I think I've seen three circles engraved inside it……. ’

Ian slowly approached the building to get a closer look at the pattern, as if he had been seduced by something.

But after a while.

“Huff...! ”

Ian had to be surprised again.

As I approached the building, other things that were not visible from afar came into view.

‘As expected, we cannot enter the Ruins so easily. ’

At a distance, the building that I thought was just standing on the ground was floating in the air, and the ground around it was dug deep enough that the end could not be seen in the shape of a hexagon.

Wide enough that you can die if you stumble and fall on your feet. Wide enough that you can never cross over with one or two jumps.

But if it had ended right here, Ian's face wouldn't have crumpled up.

Even buildings that were floating in high places and far away could be accessed by flying summoners anyway.

The only reason Ian was sighing right now was because he saw familiar blue lights around the ruins.

‘I didn't think we'd make it this far. ’

Around the ruins, the barriers of the Holy Spirit that Ian had been attacking so far were moving.

After this, in order to get beyond this dizzy space and into the ruins, I had to borrow the power of Charta.

‘You want me to walk over here on that golden foothold floating through the middle boundary. ’

Immediately, I imagined the situation of jumping into the air in chartar, and a piece of cold sweat poured down on Ian's forehead.

Instead of falling down, Ian thought it might be safer to bounce back into the unknown.

"Fortunately, there's no time limit? ’

Ian calmed down again, riding on Charta's back, approaching a little closer.

After all, Kailan's development team wouldn't have made the content impenetrable.

But next time.

- Tyring!

In Ian's eyes, a new system message came to mind that would further embarrass him.

- We have approached the Holy Spirit Ruins, Serga's Castle Tower.

- The Guardians of the Ancient Ruins awaken from their sleep.


Ian raised himself in a message he had never expected.


Ian quickly moved his sights to look for the "Ancient Guardian," but finding them first was not a delay, it was a delay.

- Ian, there...!

“ ……! ”

The "Ancient Guardian" mentioned in the system message were statues that were sculptured on top of a spire.

Like the three round symbols engraved on the emblem of the Holy Spirit, the statues begin to emanate a golden shell and emit different colors.

Ian, who found them later, quickly began preparing for battle.

I thought we'd have to get rid of them before we could breach the perimeter before we could access the building.

But Ian's judgment was wrong.

- Kiyoo-!

- Aaaaaah!

Instead of flying toward Ian, the three guardians spread their big wings into the air, folding back their wings and settling into their positions.

Ian stared blankly and asked to postpone.

“Why aren't they attacking me? ”

Then, when Ian asked him a question, he smiled and answered.

- They don't just attack people.


- Only to attack an intruder trying to get into Serga's castle tower.

“What is that…? ”

- They won't recognize you as an enemy until you break into the breach.

“ ……. ”

After hearing the postponement, Ian became even more embarrassed.

"No, so you're saying we have to deal with them in that conclusion? ’

It was Ian who began to seriously consider whether the attack itself was a feasible phase.