Taming Master

< 863 Usd 6. Constellation of Flame (2) >

* * *

Kailan's fans shuddered.

It's been a really long time since Kylan summit rankers' battle content.

The midfielder's ‘Knightfight' had not lost fans' expectations since the opening match, but rather was experiencing results that exceeded everyone's expectations.

Especially Lotus, who is trying to dominate the Floas guild and win the series.

In the Knight's War of Lotus, Kailan's fans clearly felt one thing this time.

Even if it was the same ranker, there was a 'class’, and there was an overwhelming skill car that could not be reached within the top ranks.

The Floas guild, ranked third in the U.S. server ranking, was never an intermediate ranker guild, and even the users who belonged to the Knights of Floas were worthy of being called names.

As he laughed at those facts, Remir proved an overwhelming gap.

- Wow, I didn't know Lemir was this big.

- Has it been hidden in Ian's shadow?

- I thought the highest levels were the only difference, but when I opened the lid, there was another sky above the celestial world.

Lemir's performance maximized fans' expectations and cheer while vomiting four-time victories against top rankers.

But the climax before the opening was the ninth.

It was Lemir's fifth game that led to four runs.

A match between Lotus' Flamethrower, who already knows everyone is Lemir, and the only Archer Class Ranker included in the entry in the Floras Guild.

Many of Kailan's fans were already predicting the identity of the archer, and his expectations were greatly amplified.

- Finally, a knight in shining armor.

- That's got to be Chesk.

- Chesk is just about ready to be robbed of Remir.

- But it's worth looking forward to. Chesk is still the best ace in Floas.

- Yeah, well, Lemir's bottom is a little exposed, and he's a little low on stamina... Maybe it's worth a rub.

And in the interest of so many fans, the duel started.

* * *

A stylish longbow made of Black Iron from Black Chalk embossed with a fabulous dragon symbol.

An armed archer, matching his dark shoulder, strides towards the arena with an immaculate look on his face.


Of course, I couldn't see his face to hide it from the mask, but I could feel the tense expression of a man with his eyes wide open.

The man was, as many would expect, Chesk, the Knight Captain of the Floas Guild.

‘Dammit. I didn't even think of this. ’

Lotus' and Floas' scores alone show that Chesk was the eighth challenger of Floas Entry.

And there was actually a reason why Chesk put his turn on the eighth.

which, of course, has now turned out to be a completely different strategy than anticipated.

‘At least I thought I'd catch three or four before my turn……. ’

When Floas registered his entry, he had no idea, of course, that Ian had fallen into Lotus' entry.

Even then, Floas had no intention of beating Lotus.

So their strategy was to get as many scores as they could when they lost.

I couldn't beat Ian anyway, so Chesk decided to go a little ahead and score as many points as he could before Ian came out.

As a rule of the Knights' War, you have a good chance of placing the Ace in front of and behind the entry.

Chesk used it backwards to try and catch a bunch of medications from Lotus Entry.

With the exception of Ian, it was a strategy created because he felt confident that anyone who came out could win.

‘Damn. I never thought I'd twist it like this. ’

However, unlike Chesk's expectations, the situation was running toward the worst.

In the beginning, Lotus' analysis of power was completely wrong, and Lemir's fighting power was truly unimaginable.

A proud chess player who didn't seem easy to deal with.

So in this twisted situation, there was only one thing Chesk could do.

‘Here's how I'm going to beat Lemir. ’

If Chesk wins here against Remir, Floas will be able to keep his pride to a minimum.

It's a little ironic, but the fact that the winning streak in the opening games has raised the value of the name 'Remir’ above the ship, and it has overwhelmed her, the value of chess will go up.

‘There's no more left. ’

Chesk admitted that Lemir was one step ahead of himself.

But apart from that, I didn't think it was impossible to win.

Now the first match, Chesk, has a lot of hidden cards, whereas Lemir, who's been in four battles, has run out of bottoms.

Moreover, even at 30 percent level, life is reduced.

If we can make good use of all of these situations, it will be possible to defeat Lemir like that monster.


- In a moment, the battle begins.

-9…… 8…… 7…….

And so the battle was about to begin.

“It's not gonna be easy this time. ”

In a splendid word from Chesk, Lemir grinned and rebuked.

“I really hope so. ”

Lotus vs. Floas.

The ninth match of the Pre-Opening Games began.

* * *

The Hidden Class of Chesk was a little special for an archery class.

Unlike Hidden Classes, which specialize in ranged attacks, such as snipers, it was a class that exerted more power at short distances.

The name of Chesk's Hidden Class is Bow Warrior.

To translate it into Korean, the Hidden Class of Chesk, named the Palace Warrior, was a special class for shooting multiple arrows and placing broad field deals and melee wars.

‘Don't give Lemir any space. You have to cut the casting off in a row and push it like crazy to win. ’

Chesk has thoroughly analyzed Lemir's magic, which he has seen in previous matches.

As a result, they started dealing with Remir with their own extracted tactics.


‘But if you stick it in close proximity, you'll get inside the Inferno Field. It's about keeping the right distance. ’

In Chesk's judgment, the first thing to destroy Remir was the Inferno Field.

I don't know the exact skill specification, but I've confirmed several times that the deal with Remir cannot be exchanged within the scope of the field.

As such, Chesk decided to take advantage of Lemir's unique abilities slightly backwards.

‘I don't know if I can win, but I can give you a critical hit. ’


As soon as the battle begins, Chesk approaches Lemir quickly, accelerating as he approaches her.

And the voice of the commentary began to rise again, watching the chess race in fear of the start of the battle.

- Wow...! The challenger of Floas' Archer Class is pushing Lemir hard from the start!

- You're not giving me time to cast magic at all!

- But isn't it rare for archer classes to induce melee warfare like this?

- I heard there is a Melee Archer... This is so exciting!

Chesk's movements were swift.

Because he had simulated it in his head so many times watching Remir's matches, there was no hesitation in every move.

As a result, Remir was also unable to stay as relaxed this time.

Remir, who had no prior information, had never even dreamed that the archer class would lead to melee warfare, so it was not easy to deal with chess running as he planned to narrow the distance.

“ ……! ”

Generally, the PVP of wizards and archers has a longer range, so Remir was thinking of closing the distance.

So Lemir had no choice but to allow Chesk access.

But of course, it didn't mean that he was blurry or out of phase.

"Look at this? This is how it's gonna go down, right? ’

Remir quickly regained his composure and rushed to face him at all costs.

They try to push the opponent into the Inferno field and subdue the aircraft as if they were opposed to the warrior class.

And as soon as Chesk got inside the field,


Remir's fire magic that he had cast in advance.

‘Chain Explosion’ was triggered.

Pow, pow, pow!

Chain Exploration was a magic that triggered a powerful chain explosion near the caster's perimeter, and a magic of seven circles that matched the current situation, with great power over short casting times.

Moreover, because he had predicted Chesk's route at that short moment and exploded there, if he did not react, he would have suffered quite fatal damage.

‘I don't know what kind of attack you're planning, but if you control the fires well, you can stop them. ’

A chesk with immense acceleration that reaches the Inferno field in an instant.

Because of his inertia, he'll have no choice but to go inside.

Lemir used it to trigger the exact non-target magic.

However, the situation in the battlefield began to flow in a direction that Lemir had never expected.


Chesk's new brother, who looked like he was about to break through the field, stepped inside the field and bounced back like a lie.


The laws of inertia make a mockery of the rules of inertia, turning the aerial swallow backwards, and escaping the field.

At the same time, Chesk put three arrows in the demonstration.

The white, full-charged arrows of Chesk left the archery and blurred out.

You little...!

And this time, Remir was embarrassed.

‘Crazy……! ’

Chesk, who fully understood Lemir's Inferno field, twisted it twice to carry out a bizarre attack, leaving her speechless as well.

Originally, Chesk's attack should have taken place inside the Inferno Field by inertia.

If he had, Lemir would have been almost undamaged, but Lemir had to take extensive damage with Chesk's arrows fired just outside the field.


-3Activates the 'Burning Wave', a circle flame magic.

For -2 seconds, a shield of fire attributes is created in proportion to Magic Attack Power.

- You have suffered fatal damage from challengers in the Floras Guild!

- All shields are depleted and destroyed.

-Powered physical damage reduces health by 159,809

…… Snapshot……

The three swirling arrows, pointed directly at Lemir, ignite a powerful explosion the moment they reach her.

Remir triggered the Shield Magic at the last moment to minimize its damage, but took 150,000 damage.

At least Remir's robe was a mythical lava set.

If I had worn a normal robe, I would have lost more than my ship's life.

Lemir, who lost almost 20 percent of his life to Chesk's repentant attack at once, had to feel the cold sweat flowing behind his back.

‘There could be enough transporters to ignore the reverse. It was too bad. ’

Chesk was able to get off the field momentarily, ignoring the laws of inertia, thanks to the Hidden skill of the Bow Warrior class' Somersault Avoid '.

Of course, we can't predict that there will be hidden skills like this from Remir's perspective, but it's also true that she was a little restless.


Lemir who cast the Blink backwards to avoid a subsequent attack and Chesk who speeds up again to chase her.

Remir's hands, which met Chesk's eyes, begin to light up again.

“I took one punch this time.... ”

Lemir's jaw dries up as he finds Faith again.

“It's real now. ”

Around Lemir, a huge flame of Crimson Flame rises.