Taming Master

< 890Usd 8. Appearance of the Selamus Tribe >

Ian and Janis arrived at the district of the Selamus Tribe and short-circuited the quest.

Ian had been playing the game for too long in a row, because he left the game first.

“Phew, I'm so tired that I have to go today. ”

“Am I... going to do this? ”

“From now on, each quest has a different purpose, so you can play it separately. ”

“Yes, but……. ”

“If you want to continue your quest with me, you can access it at 6 a.m. tomorrow. ”

6: 00 in the morning? ”

“I think I might be able to access it. ”

“Ah……. ”

“Well, you don't have to overdo it. If you don't come by then, I'll do it myself. ”

“Yep, got it. ”

- Tyring!

- Party Member ‘??? "The user has closed the game.

- The party is breaking up.

-All quests that have been shared will be lost.

Janis looked slightly reminded of Ian's disappearance.

We haven't been able to confirm his username exactly because Ian left his information private, but we're pretty sure he's the real Ian now.

‘So far, NPCs have rarely called us nicknames. He's definitely Ian's number one summoner I know! ’

A situation that was usually reserved, but still couldn't help but get excited!

‘I can't believe I'm going to Epic Quest with Ian...! ’

And this would have been for any user, not Janice.

The chance to have a party quest with Ian's top name user was actually more rare than winning the lottery.

Moreover, since it was the same summoner class, Janis' excitement was doubled.

“Aziza...! ”

After a while, after the excitement had subsided somewhat, a question came to mind in Janice's mind.

I checked the current time on my unconscious mind because it was earlier than I expected.

- It's 18: 53.

For rankers like Janice, who are mostly everyday Kailan, 7: 00 seemed very early.

‘I can't believe you're logging out so early. I thought a ranker like Ian would play all night like he was eating dinner. ’

But Janice soon frowned.

I remembered his story about going to the puppet of the morning called 6: 00 a.m., so I assumed Ian was a morning person.

‘Maybe you play the game very regularly. Maybe that's the secret of the Top Ranker. ’

Of course, if the members of Lotus' guild who knew Ian well knew what Janis was thinking, everyone would shake their heads.

Ian's decision to disconnect was extremely rare, and Janice can now see Ian's head (?).

But Janice was determined not to know the truth.

No matter what happens tomorrow, I will get up early and wait for Ian's call.

"How did you get here? We can't end it here. We have to follow them wherever we can...! ’

Even though Janis wanted to go around the neighborhood of Selamus and check out the contents, Janis ended the game with a firm mind.

- Kill Kailan.

- After a while, the connection will be closed.

I had to disconnect a bit sooner and go to bed before I could access Kailan like tomorrow at dawn.

Of course, differential adjustment (?), it was a little sad that Janice was insomnia until dawn that day.

* * *

Jinseong was unusually early to disconnect from Kailan for no other reason.

It's been a long day since I decided to go out with Harin.

‘Phew, I just logged out in time. ’

We're supposed to leave the house at 7: 00, so if you had logged out a little later, Harin would have picked up a few pints.

Of course, it was already too late to log out with the appointment time remaining 7 minutes, but Jinsung quickly started preparing to go out.


‘I took a shower this morning, so if I wash my hair quickly...! ’


Jinsung jumped into the bathroom like a shot and immediately began to wash his head.

It takes exactly five minutes to wash and dry your hair.


Then Jinsung quickly put on his outfit that was on the bed, opened his visit and came out.

His gaze automatically turned to the clock that was hanging in the living room.

-06: 59

After confirming the time, Jinsung was able to sigh of relief.

“Phew, Safe! ”

Then Harin, who was already waiting for him, sat on the living room couch, smiled and rebuked.

“Oh, what exactly did you do with your time? ”

“That's the basics! ”

“All right, let's get out of here. I'm starving. ”

“Got it."

Jinsung smiled at Harin, picking up the keys of the car hanging from the wall locker and heading to the front door.

But Jinsung couldn't have had a driver's license or anything.

“Why, are you trying to drive? ”

“No way. ”

The owner of the luxury car key that shines beautifully was actually Harin, not sincerity.

“Here, take this, ma'am. ”

“Call me Elbena, sir. ”

Jinsung handed Harin the car key and touched the elevator call button next to the front door.

Then the elevator arrived in a flash, to the highway where Jinsung and Harin's house were.

It was a very convenient newspaper in a recently built new apartment only.

“What are you doing out for dinner today, anyway? ”

In response to the question of truth, Harin pouted.

“It's been a long time since I wanted to eat someone else's food. ”


The answer was sincerity for a moment.

“Well, that was good. Then I'll buy you a big one today! ”

“Heehee, I already made a reservation for that. ”


“The place I asked you to go last time. ”

“ ……? ”

Having heard Harin's words, I began to remember for a moment.

And after a while.

“Oh, no way...! ”

“That's right. ”

I remembered where Harin was going.

‘Melting Meat Town or something. I think they're going there... ’

His complexion became slightly blurry, and the reason was not otherwise.

The name "Melted Meat Village" was a notorious place in the neighborhood.

It's not where the meat melts, it's where the money melts.

“Ha, can't you just go to the butcher shop if you want to eat Han Woo? ”

“I don't want to.”

“It's not where Cloban went last time and ate almost a million won by himself. ”

“Because he's not normal. ”

“However…. ”

“Don't worry, we won't be able to eat as much as he eats alone. ”

Harin liked to eat as much as he specialized in cooking, and he loved meat, among other things.

Of course Jinsung also loved meat as much as Harin, but both tastes were slightly different.

If Harin enjoyed the luxurious and expensive meat that melted gently from his mouth, Jinsung would have liked to eat a lot of moderately delicious meat.

In fact, since I brought up the dining out, I expected some meat.

When she baked meat at home, she smelled everywhere in the house, so Harin chose to eat meat almost every time she wanted to eat.

‘Ugh, probably not as much as Cloban, but I think 50-60 will just come out if the two of us eat...' ’

Although it cost more than 500,000 won per piece, Jinsung decided not to vomit anymore.

And because the concept of genuine money fell, it wasn't actually a burdensome price to pay for his punishment.

If you hunted for a few minutes and sold a piece of transcendent equipment, you could get a few hundred thousand won right away.

However, it was genuine in that way, so it was just not calculated immediately.


When he arrived in the underground parking lot, Harin, who was in the driver's seat, used to start and fasten his seat belt.

By the looks of it, it's almost a fetus and a chauffeur force.

But for some reason, the sincerity sitting next to him was full of anxiety.

“Safe driving, ma'am. ”

“My car is always safe. ”

“Lies……. ”

“If you've only had three accidents since you started driving, it's pretty safe, right? ”

“The problem is that I started driving less than three months ago. ”

Jinsung takes a deep breath and quietly grabs the handle on the top of the window.

If you don't hold this, it's because your body is unstable.

“So, shall we go? ”

“Regulatory speed compliance. You know?”

“One more nag and I'll leave. ”

“I'm supposed to do the math. ”

“Your card is already in my bag. ”

“Phew……. ”

The sincerity that had lost the words to say anymore closed my eyes and prayed.

‘Please keep me safe again today. ’

and whether the prayer of Jinsung worked.

The two of them said they were able to go home safely that day after their date.

Except for a few moments when you almost got lost on the highway.

* * *

- Tyring!

- Iris identified.

- Ian, welcome to Kailan's world.

Looking at the white message in the black field of vision, Ian slowly opened his eyes.

Then, the dawn sky, which was not yet dawn, slowly began to enter his sight.

“Gas, you're here a little earlier than I expected. ”

Ian logged onto Kailan at exactly 5: 15.

It was almost 10 o'clock the day before because he ate Han Woo well, and he was able to wake up faster than the first plan.

“If I was a little careless yesterday, I might still be on the road.... ”

Ian shudders without even knowing it, thinking of the sign on the cervical highway he found on the road.

If he could not sleep there, he would be in Busan by now.

‘But Hanwoo was really good. If we find one decent piece of transcendent equipment, we'll have to ask him one more time. ’

As long as he was aware of the amount of ‘decent’ transcendent equipment in his standards, Ian came up with the wrong idea.

But it's only a matter of time before I think about such frivolous thoughts.

Ian's mind began to fill with games again.

‘Maybe he came in yesterday before 6: 00. It looks like Epic Quest is hot caked rice. ’

He was biting Ian's pastry rice, but he was convinced.

The fact that Janice will be able to access the quest with herself on time.

So Ian was going to wait for her to come.

Of course, it wasn't just about waiting.

‘Until Janice arrives, I'll have to study the ancient spirit magic. ’

Sitting in the corner of Selamus, Ian opened the Aesthetics tab with a rattling expression.

In the subcategory, Ian's gaze remained fixed in the glittering phrase "Ancient Aesthetics."