Taming Master

< 996.5. Realm of transcendence (2) >

* * *

After the war between the Spirit System and the Machine civilization ended, the Middle Ages became incredibly peaceful.

The war between Mercury and Elasium has become somewhat fragile, and the system has always been a world unrelated to war.

The war content between dimensional systems is now largely shortened.

Of course, this bores the users (?) I did not.

As the war content ended, new episodes were opened and numerous epic quests linked to those episodes were born.

Once in the case of the Spirit Realm and the Racatorium, quests for rebuilding war-torn worlds continue to pour out.

In particular, since the collapse of the leader 'Charles’ has made the situation a lot more like the era of Choonchul, there is much more to do for the users.

The middle-class users, who were somewhat middle-class, went on to find the right academic discipline for themselves.

“I've been hired as a mercenary for the Met. ”

“Met school? Where else would it be? ”

“It's a small school in the corner of Rutan, but it's independence this time. ”


“Would you like to come over here? I can recommend it to you. ”

“Well, wouldn't it be better to go to a big school? ”

“No, I don't like being in the big leagues. ”

“Really? Why? ”

“The bigger the academy, the harder it is to be treated, the more competitive it is. ”

“Well……. ”

“New school quests have a lot of contribution points and I think it's pretty good. ”

“Good. Shall I go, then? ”

Already the top users of a highly advanced machine civilization have been scouring the content for what appears to be Charlie's "safe house."

One word that charlie said at the end of a war episode.

- I'll vanish from here, but my condolences will remain.

- What the...

- I thought this day might come.

- ……!

- I never thought that day would come so soon.

The word 'Ahn Bae’ that Charles left behind was an incredibly charming approach for rankers.

“Master, we have to find the safe house that Charles left behind. ”

“Charlie's condolences……. ”

“If we can find it...... we might be able to establish an empire in the Lacatorium in our Creature Guild. ”

And despite this rapidly changing middle class, there has been one person stuck in a guild node for days who hasn't moved a step.

He's the one who created this situation.

It was Ian.

“What the hell is this guy doing stuck in a node? ”

With Hun's grumbling, Kanoel scratches his back head and opens his mouth.

“It's been two days... Maybe he's resting because he's tired? ”

“Brother, have you ever seen Ian get tired of playing games? ”

“Well, I don't think so……. ”

“Everyone's so busy moving, but we're the only ones that are quiet. Something's bothering me. ”

Then Hers, who was listening to the conversation of two people, rebuked with a mouthful smile.

“Don't be ridiculous. Get ready to clear out the Guild Queens tonight. ”

“Hers, what are we not doing? ”

“Do what? ”

“A quest to rebuild the Spirit Realm…… well……. ”

“It's pointless. ”


“Just the Contribution Points received in this war episode, the spiritual contribution points are overflowing... ”

“The day has finally come when there's nothing left to do in Kailan.... ”

“No way. ”

“ ……? ”

“Hun says you're going to be strong soon, and Ian's got his hands full. ”

“Wait. Hers...! Can we please just pretend we didn't hear that? ”

Ian Rehearsing the Abandoned Tube (?), the Lotus Guild Node was very quiet for several days.

Everyone took time to do their own personal quests, and the Node had to be quiet.

And on the other side of this quiet Node, Ian was building something.

* * *

Tired of the arduous journey, the break (?), Ian was as busy as ever.

“This time... we must succeed." ”

It took almost a day to organize the rewards for episode clears and reorganize the equipment and summoners, but when the episode was over, he started the one thing he most wanted to do.

‘The recipe is perfect now...... and if it fails again, you will definitely lack skill. ’

It was not something that Ian wanted to do.

Ancient magic craftsmanship, a random piece of content obtained during an episode of the Spirit System.

And helping Eldon, the master of the Horse faction.) Recipe for 'The Ancient Explosion'.

Using these to upgrade Kr to mythical horsepower, Ian wanted the most.

That's why he's been stuck in the Guild Node for days.

Ancient luminosity of mythological grade was attractive enough to remind me of when I was fighting in the cracks, so it was not so strange that Ian tried to make it somehow before he got to the system.

“Now, this time...! ”


As Ian prepared all the necessary materials for softness, he started drawing the magic circle as he sweated his marbles again.

I've already failed seven times.

Fortunately so far (?) was avoided, and there was no catastrophe that blew away the main body, Khr, but every time I drew a magic circle, I couldn't help but become hypertensive.

The Association painted Eldon's softness at once, but the difficulty of ancient softness was truly unimaginable.

Guung-ku Gu -!

However, the difficulty was not the reason why it caused Ian to give up.

The harder it is, the more reliable the return value is, the more characteristic of the Kailan content.


As a result, Ian was persistently challenging and consuming hundreds of millions of goods.

- Tyring!

As a result, we have succeeded in creating an ancient footlock.

Just as jackpots explode to compensate for their failures, the completeness of the magic team is close to 100%.

- Soft materials begin to experience successfully.

- Magic Team Completion Level: 99.97%

- The recipe's ingredients are fused.

The 99.97 magical completion figure was difficult to produce even in the simplest magic circle, and Ian's eyes became increasingly puzzled as he looked at the message.

- Qualified!

- Magic is overwhelmed by powerful Magi!

- You have succeeded in crafting an ancient magic spell!

- You have successfully completed "Ancient Magical Combination"!

- Soft Contribution: 100%

-Component to Magical Softness Contribution, experience for Magical Softness is increased.

…… approximate……

-The title "The Producer" is triggered.

-The result of the softness rating increases by an additional tier.

-Soflexibility Grade: SS

-As the softness grade is higher than A, the level of the water level is increased by one.

- Mythical grade magic, "The Ancient Revelation of Destruction" was born.

Achieve a softness rating of -S or higher, increasing the skill level of 'Magical arts’ by an additional 15%.

By synergizing the near-perfect magical completeness with the title of 'creator of Baloch', a softness rating called SS was created that was hard to see.

“Khh...! ”

Ian resigned without my knowledge, and as if to respond to his reaction, Kr was transformed into a larger and more gaudy appearance and roared toward Ian.



Ian's eyes then met such a khr, who was very impressed.

‘Finally, the myth of our Croydo...! ’

Weekly Battle for Mythical Grade Summoners (?) I was so happy that Khrr, who was always pushed from his seat, was able to pay for his meal again.

But that's also a brief impression.

After realizing one thing, Ian had to look dazed again.

- 'Ancient Rock of Destruction (Krhr)’/Lv.1 (transcendence)

In his eyes, he was imagining all sorts of ways to use Kr in battle, the word Level 1 appeared instantly.

‘Ha, that's right...... I have to raise it again. ’

Meanwhile, I don't know if I know the emptiness of such an owner.

Khrr approaches Ian with a satisfied expression and opens his mouth in a low, bold voice.

Either it has evolved into a mythological grade, or it is possible to speak Krdo.

- Khh... I'll destroy everything you want...!

And because of Baloch's first-level defeat, Ian lost his words for a moment.

* * *


This nebula, literally a sacred cloud, was still an unknown place within Kailan's worldview.

Rankers who have gone above and beyond the intermediate level would have heard of it once, but this nebula was the territory that no one had stepped on yet.

In Ian's case, this nebula is all I stepped on for a while as part of a special quest.

No information about this nebula was found anywhere in the Kailan community, but rankers who knew about its existence were guessing about the concept of a nebula.

Given the name of the nebula and the context of the quest for which it is mentioned, it was possible to guess that this is the path to higher content.

And at this point, the person who could best characterize that assumption was, of course, Ian.

It was Ian who had more clues about the nebula than any other ranker.

The content that Ian was able to get his first clue about the nebula was a quest linked to the main scenario of Yongcheon.

Ian was a member of the Merchant family at the time, achieving overwhelming Contribution Points while fighting the Giants.

In doing so, I received the quest ’Heroes of the Ancient Battlefield’ in recognition of all the members of the dragon's family, not just of the family.

And this quest was the first clue to the top content in the intermediate realm.

< Hero of the Ancient Battlefield Ⅰ (Hidden) (Epic) >

- You achieved amazing Contribution Points in battle with the Giant Alliance. Your efforts have caused immense damage to the Giant army and have forced it to retreat outside the crack.

Of course, the settlers will soon see the opportunity of another Hogstadter invasion...

…… approximate……

Hence, the heavenly family has qualified you for the first time in the Alliance, not the Mercenaries, to enter the Tower of Wise Men.

Go to the Wise Man's Tower in the nebula and meet the dinosaur Drakisis guarding it.

And if you gain the wisdom he has, it will help you take your spirit to the next level.

-Quest Difficulty: None

- Quest conditions

A person who has been threatened by the ‘middleman’.

Who met the conditions of ascension, raising the Rising Storm.

An ally of Medium heaven, with a cumulative Contribution Point of 1 million.

Leader of three or more Mediterranean families, recognized for their abilities.

-Limited time: none

- Reward: Activate the 'Hero of the Ancient Battlefield Ⅰ’ Combat Quest, Fame (Superior) +5,000

* This quest cannot be rejected or given up.

It's been a long time since I received a quest.

A few quests from Ian that have not been cleared yet.

In fact, the content of the quest itself was not difficult.

It was an intermediate quest that was completed when you went to the Tower of Wise Man and met an NPC called 'Drakisis’, and the conditions of the quest that seemed difficult had already been met by Ian.

However, the fact that this Wise Man's Tower is somewhere in the nebula, because of this one quest that Ian has not yet completed, was an ancient battlefield hero quest.

In order to tread the nebula on magnetism without the help of a special trust, I needed three things:

But apart from being cleared, the contents of this quest gave us one clear clue.

A tale of meeting the Arctic Dragon Drakisis and gaining his wisdom would raise the terror of the soul to a new level.

Increasing the intimidation of the soul means having a higher level of intimidation than the intermediary, which is the most conclusive clue.

‘A higher level of intimidation than a middleman would mean self-esteem...... Maybe the nebula is the passageway to a new world. ’

And this assumption was the biggest driving force that drove Ian to move.

I was almost certain that meeting the dragon Drakisis was the key to new content.

To the Tower of the Wise.

In order to tread on the nebula, Ian must have the final key, the wing of the spirit, as his most important goal.

“So where are we going now, brother? ”

With an anxious expression, Ian was able to answer Hun's question without hesitation.


“Suddenly... a commandment? ”


When Ian had finished all the preparations, he went straight to the place, because it was a commandment.