The Manreb hero is coming back!

Episode 8 of the Eleventh Book

90. Spirit of Water

Did he hurt his pride when he heard that he hit him with the law he had been carrying all his life?

"This... this is blasphemy! You're going to hit me with the laws you've learned all your life! I'll never let this insult go! Let me call the royal family. Degradation!! I will express this injustice myself!!"

"You're going to tell the royal family?"

"I have volunteered for this Hines estate on the recommendation of Earl Olsen. You can't do this to me who's here to make order! I'd rather... ...kill me!!"

I had a gruesome smile on my mouth as I shouted without knowing what I was saying.

At the same time, the facial expressions of the guards, including Mon Midas, who were looking at the situation, were pale.

"Yeah... ...killing me."

Ignoring the exasperating and shouting, he patted on the law thicker than my hand and nodded quietly.

"Let's see how long that happens."

"Oh... no, I mean..."



His eyes were wide open as if to tear.

He simply hit his abdomen with the law, but who wields it? It will depend on what the material of the book is.

It's just a tough leather cover, but it's not normal to swing it.

It would have delivered hellish suffering to the general public.

"Huck! Now... Wait!"

"You asked me to kill you?"

Oh, my God!

The law struck him once again.

He did not die even though it was an attack that had to be killed immediately.

So the right person has to go crazy...

"Now... wait! I'm sorry. Lower! Save me... ...Save me!






My constant swinging of the law was definitely not rough.

But no one stopped me.

"Those who commit crimes with their hands cut off their wrists, and those who commit murder are put to death."


"It's a famous law that existed in a different world than here. I don't intend to demand such a stiff law."

All you have to do is to have common sense.

If you do something bad, you'll be punished.

If you do good deeds, you will receive good deeds.

That was enough.

So, the two humans who cross the line that is in front of them will not be free from that sin.

I, reaching for the dying Justice Merden, expressed the divine magic again.

[Haines Hill]


At the same time, his body slowly recovered and his mind returned.

After realizing his condition, Judge Merden screamed and begged, as if he had felt his situation.

"Yo... Please forgive me. Degradation! God! It's God's fault!"

"If you did something wrong, you'd have to be beaten hard!"

Oh, my God!

* * *

[Haines Hill]


As light light flowed out and seeped into Judge Merden's body, his blood-stained body began to return to its original form.


At the same time, Justice Merden, who came to his senses, shook his eyes as if he were frightened at me.

But perhaps because he realized that whatever he said would hit him with the law again, he was shaking and could not say anything.

"The most fair judge is blinded by self-interest... there a precedent in this case?"

"There have been many cases like this... ...but it is believed that no judge has actually been punished."

"There's no precedent, so I can start."

At my words, General Bernil muttered bitterly.


His voice is filled with anxiety.

It's not a big problem for Monmider, but Amy, who is learning the affairs of the territory from General Bernil, seemed to be quite afraid.


"Yes... ...Yes, sir!"

"Go in. I won't make you do this."

"That's... that's!"

Amy, who clapped her hand in embarrassment, ran down quickly.

Then he bowed his head and begged.

"Ha! Please trust me a little bit more! I'll never let you down!"


"Don't be considerate of me and do whatever you want! I will do my best to repay your trust in any rough work!"

He's a thank you.

I threw away the bloody code I was holding at the cry of a man who begged me not to bite him.

"There's blood on the law. Burn them down. And those two will announce their sins as soon as the day dawns and execute them outside the territory exactly four days later. Make sure you publish it correctly."

It was a surprise that questioned my words.


Was he training until late at night?

Varys appeared, calling me bitterly.

Varys, who was wearing light clothes and holding a wooden sword, was accompanied by an unexpected person.

"What's wrong with you at this late hour? Princess Maria."

"Sleep... ...didn't come. But...... I'm afraid I'm in the wrong place."

Maria, who spoke calmly, slowly turned her head and looked at Judge Merden hanging in the air.

"I've shown you something bad."

"It's all right. Those who commit crimes should be punished..."

Mumbling bitterly, she stepped back by rubbing the blindfold.

"Is this the guy? A judge on the land who was looking after human traffickers?"


"Why don't you do public executions? In the center of the square, under public criticism..."


I called him quietly at the question of Varys.

Then he flicked his finger to call him and flicked a flick on the forehead of the approaching man.


Of course, I never said it was weak.

"Turn it off!"

I said to Varys screaming and struggling.

"You will be king of this country, Barris."

It's different from me.

Why did I kick the throne? I gave up because I didn't see you have to put up with it even though it's dirty.


"I'll give you homework. Think about why I chose the execution outside the square and made it public on the territory."

If you know the reason.

You'll be able to think deeper.

At my subsequent words, Barris was silent for a long time.

* * *

The day has dawned.

The morning, which began so quietly that the previous day's incident seemed to be overshadowed, remained more energetic than expected.

"Orabani... ..where are you going?"

Tanya, who was riding a horse behind me, following me lightly on the horse, carefully asked.

"I'll show you something hard to see."

Tanya gave a gentle nod to my answer.

"Well... if that's the case, I wish barris would come with me."

WINRI, who was following Tanya's muttering, giggled.

"I must have stayed up all night doing the homework my brother gave me."


Tanya tilted her head and looked at me as she nodded positively.

However, I didn't give any hints.

"Orbani, I heard the story. Oh, my God, I never thought I'd do that on the land of Hines."

Hessilyn Winley picked up the pace of her horse and asked quietly.

"Can't you give me the answer?"


With a smile, he reached out and disheveled his hair, which made him cry.


There is no answer, but what Varys got in the process was important.

Do you think you know?'

I know what you think.

As expected, Persek seemed to have noticed my intentions.

But everything has its problems, Davey. Your thoughts are not the perfect alternative.

At least, the difference between having a choice and not having one is big.'

I've been quiet since then.

Later, I was able to reach the place where the vast plains and lakes were located, accompanied by three people, including Tanya, Winley, and Princess Maria, who marched along Tanya.

On the surface, they are plain fields and lakes.

However, there were already countless people here.

With the workers who came to get a job and work. They were the Dwarfs of the Yellow Rock tribe.

In addition, some wizards came with the support of Ulysses, the youngest elder on the Red Tower.

"Oh! You're coming now, sir. Otherwise, I've been waiting for all the work and materials."

"Thank you for your hard work."

When I got off the horse, he smiled boisterously as I answered slowly.

"Hahaha! It's a new technology, it's always interesting. But wouldn't the construction process be smooth if the design was given by the teacher?"

At the words of Golgotha, the elder brother of the Yellow Rock tribe and the elder brother of the elder Golda, I nodded quietly.

"Yes, I have to think of this whole lake in the land of Hines."

This construction is impossible in reality.

Even if the magic was painted to make it possible, the astronomical cost and construction period of the place were enough to make it burst.

"The estimated construction period is 10 years."

After a short answer, he sighed to write.

"As long as 30 years. No matter how simple the design is, there is a limit to the power of living things.

The water is trapped, moved, constructed, and re-engaged. The water is circulated using the waterways, where hundreds of thousands of spinning wheels move and thousands of mana stones with condensed power resonate to create mana power.

What I want to make is power.

Now that the land of Hines was flooded, what was left was whether there was power to illuminate the streets.

It is a waste of crazy money to regularly buy mana stones that cost a lot of maintenance.

Therefore, investment is needed to create its own mana power and to roll the remaining power.

For example.

Like the first amusement park in the land of Tionis.

"The construction will be finished in a month."

"I've seen the demand on the blueprint, but is it possible?"

Elder Golgotha asked me with a serious look. I didn't think it would be possible no matter how hard I thought about it.

"We can't do it in a month with poor construction, it'll take half a year to drain."

I nodded at his words.

"Surely, the usual construction is."

I walked away, speaking calmly.

At the sight, Winnie, Tanya, and Princess Maria seemed to wonder what I was going to do.

"But when did I say I would normally do construction?"


Before long, I flicked my finger in the air.

With a cheerful sound, the commander's mana that came out of my body began to vibrate.


at the same time

Something began to walk out, covered in thousands of lobes as if it had been waiting.

"Oh, my God... ...bone?"

"S... not Skeleton!"

Surprised by the unexpected appearance of existence, people shouted something, but I didn't care.

It's not the skeleton I made in the first place.

It was a valuable labor force that was captured in the Palan Empire by clearing away the Necromans.

"That's a small number, but I think that's enough for a small labor force."

Hardened Skeleton exerts more than human power.

It meant that it was an ideal labor force because it didn't rest or eat.

"There are others who have been dogging on the land, so it won't be a big problem for the labor force itself. I'm going to make them do all the dangerous work."

What if I don't?

I have to show you the greatness of the law again.

Besides that, I know how to handle whip well.

Soon after, Elder Golgotha nodded at my words.

"I'm sure that... ...the story will change with the addition of thousands of labor... ...but...that's a month."

His words shook my head.

"Winley, Tanya. I told you I'd show you something that's hard to see."

Winnie nodded at my words.

"You did, brother?"

"What are you trying to show me?"

When my two younger sisters, who asked me as if they were curious, smiled because they were cute, I took out the preparations I had prepared in advance from the subspace.

There were five or six stones that were greenish.

"Is that your brother?"

Instead of answering Winley's question, I threw stones all over the lake.

Each one is quite expensive, but it is not worthwhile to roll and roll Noah's own.

Then, he raised one hand to face the front, as if he were looking at it himself, and spread out his fingers.


a stream of light green through my whole body at the same time

Spirituality begins to manifest.

The summoning of the spirits itself is quite an unusual sight.

What is the probability that humans will see the summoning of the King in their lives?"

In my words, Elder Winina Golgoda opened her eyes wide as if she understood my intentions, and Tanya looked curious as to whether she could not easily accept the word "King of Spirits."

" were definitely a man of no common sense."

"Now I'm starting to wonder what he can't do."

Ignoring the two muttering without the premise that they would fail, I began pouring all the spirited Spirit Manna into the lake.

This construction is impossible with the power of Noah alone. So I had to summon one more.

In an instant, the same form of magic began to emerge from the center of my feet and the lake, drawing strong winds everywhere.

[At the beginning of the beginning, the one who makes up the world.]

It flows coldly according to the covenant.

It is part of a free nature that is transparent and has no shape.]

[Your cold is a symbol of warmth...]

I frowned as I was speaking.

"Come... Bernie?"

When Tanya looked anxiously at my behavior, my impression was all the more frowned.

"Ah...well...what was the summoning spell for the Spirit of Water..."

Are you out of your mind, Davy? No, you can't forget to order in the first place.

I frowned even more, ignoring Persec's remark as if it were amazing.

"Oh, I don't know! Let's go informal."

At the same time, the serene surface of the lake began to glide wildly as if it were tempering.

My name is Davy O'Loon.]

Your name is the source of water.

[I want you to jump out of my way to call me as the contractor.]

There was tension on everyone's face in the whirlpool of great power.

When Noah was summoned, they were not there. For the elder Winina Tanya Golgotha, it was the first mysterious sight to see the great natural source of the Spirit King summoned.

I spouted out the last starter to show them the spectacular view that would be hard to see again.


The King of Water is a blue, human-type woman.

However, if you look at it, it looks quite similar to the slime of a female figure, which you can see in the red-tagged book you saw in your previous life.

The Spirit Queen Yuriana, who had the same idea as me, so she gave me that nickname.

The Water Spirit King Elaim and Slime combined. Of course, Ella, the Spirit of Water I called for, will definitely hate the nickname.

I was worried that he might not come out because of his good appearance, but I asked him about the bait properly.

How dare you call me by a shallow name like Moulim?!

The Spirit of Water? How long has it been since Noah's summons, but did you think he would still not be able to sing it?

Come on out.

Come out and work, slave.

At my murmuring, the water of the lake swirled roughly as if it were tempering, pouring cold water into me as it was.

"She's got a nasty temper."