The strongest security company in the heavens

The old book is completed, the new book "I inherited the Sky Law" has been modified

The strongest security company of Zhongtian, ended ...

This book will be uploaded from April 4th, and the end of 444 is over, maybe it is a turn back ...

It's hard, more than a million words, this book is written from the beginning, but I still have to write down, and, with my writing, my grades began to get better and better. It is getting more and more high, which makes me hacker ...

I know that it is not easy to write, I know that I will encounter more difficulties, but in any case, I still stick to it!

Thank you very much, those who support my readers behind the scenes, give me readers, I don't say much, I will not say anything, now I can only say, thank you for your support!

This ending is from writing "The Strongest Security Company", it is already set, the protagonist is the guardian, and there is also a law enforcement ...

Some of the questions in it, some pits, I have to leave a next book to solve ...

The new book "I inherited the Sky Enforcement Bureau" has been uploaded, and the security company is the same type, maybe some people have already guessed, yes, the story of the book is the last reincarnation of the law enforcement.

The last law enforcement bureau director hung together with all law enforcement, and the reincarnation system selected the host.

In the dangers, all the world is in danger, ask the host to establish a law enforcement bureau as soon as possible.

All the world is in danger, please recruit law enforcers as soon as possible.

All the world is in danger, ask the host to die as soon as possible.

In the dangers, all the world is in danger, ask the host to kill the time and space as soon as possible.

All the world is in danger, ask the host as soon as possible ...

The new book "I inherited the Sky Enforcement Bureau" state has been revised to sign a contract, please pay more. Ask for collection, seek recommendations, ask for reward, ask for comments, seek to read ...

By the way, a book is recommended, "The whole world is accompanying me"