Tower of Karma

Undefeated Gladiator: Alfred, Stand

The days were passing slowly. While steadily winning in the arena and approaching the throat of the king in the shortest possible time, otherwise he was strolling around Ulterior with Charlotte. I can tell you that Charlotte has tasted all the Ulterior from the upstream to the downstream, which we both know she has never visited.

"Sasa went. Tell him to come home once in a while when he sees that fucking kid."

"Yes, I understand, Sister Anne. I'll tell you every word of it."

Meet Claude at the church where he used to take care of her. And that's where I heard about my father and one woman, Claude and all the orphans. Thanks to the way of life here, Claude and Mary's assistance, which still continues, the children here are alive.

Before Claude started assisting, my father...

It's not just a church. It has remained the same for a long time and is also a relay point for trafficking in human beings. The seller just changed from a colored town or slave trader to a chamber of commerce or army. Sister Anne said as she smoked the pipe. He says he's a bastard who lives by feeding his kids. Sell children whose origins here have willingly taught and increased their value for study. That's what it's all about.

"But we're still alive because Sister was there. There's Claude, because he made another path for us. The children here get a choice because we live on a different path. That's why we're thankful for everything we've done."

There used to be more miserable hell spreading here. Everyone was desperate to live. A white knight met a woman from here, and she had a slightly more choice. Those who gave the art of living and responded to their investment in the future support this place today.

"Did my father like that person?

"Come on. I don't know. He's a kid's hubby. You're good old, you don't know the color. You're good with the kid, you're good old, you don't know the love. Talk about the kid. Well, you had feelings for one of them."

Around this church, Alfred burned to the eye only with Charlotte to say the real bottom line. There's nothing I can do about it. The reality is spreading there. A sight seen even in Arkas. But I didn't get close because I must have had Mira or Kyle's concerns.

It was my first experience stepping in there so far.

"Hey Charlotte. What do you want to do when you're free?

We've both seen different things. I saw a lot of stuff, both up and down.

"... I'm just desperate to live. Best of all, so that you can stand on your own feet. I want to stand as just one Charlotte de Seraphine, no matter the house or the name"

Alfred thought it was a very beautiful answer. How can she stand so beautiful when she's just standing on two legs? There is a single core. Don't shake, don't shake, stand properly.

"I'm sure I can stand. Because you're beautiful."

"… you should choose a few more words!... you'd be mistaken."

"Hmm, did I say something weird?

"That's what I'm talking about!

"Hey, don't hit me! You can't even follow me!

That's why she was chosen. She and Alfred met then because they wore Lydiane's glasses. I remember her beautifully, so I have a goose situation right now. But I don't feel cramped. Even if it were all on the palm of the king's brain, it wouldn't change who she thinks is beautiful, and it wouldn't change who wants her to be beautiful.

Fight for it. To pass myself through.

I want Charlotte de Seraphine to stand beautifully. Alfred von Arcadia fights to pass such an ego.

It was a good morning. A sky that pushes through. The slightly cooler atmosphere seemed to mark the end of autumn. Winter will be here in a little while. They say it won't snow as much as Arkas on Ulterior, but if we go further south, they won't even have the letters of Snow Yu.

"Go south before the snow comes. Whatever happens to the kid, I'm on my way."

Ark waited for me this far. This is all I've ever done with Alfred's ego, a situation that had nothing to do with him.

"I know. Today, I'm going to put one on."

Training ground a short distance from Tulane. There was no one there if it was just the time when the morning sun rose, so I had been training all morning, evening and indispensable from the day I came here. That never polished the burning blade to beat Lionel. It is a training to train minds and minds and connect them to the future. There is no need to rush. There's no point in panicking.

What I can do has never been neglected since this journey began. This training, my tour of the city, my encounter with them are all important things that form me.

You don't have to ask for more than you can get out of yourself right now. Out with the whole body spirits, that's all I need.

"Lionel is strong. Five minutes from my point of view. The talent of stripping will strike the lad. It's not a winning battle. Still fighting?


"For what?"

"For Yourself"

Without hesitation Alfred ran out of words. Ark smiles when he sees it.

"If so, I won't say anything. Win, Sir Alfred. Win through your beliefs. That's the warrior, that's the knight!


I'm more sharpened now than I've ever been. A battle that bets itself. It's not like the Strachez tournament where you bet yourself as well. That was set up because we decided we had a good chance of winning. In retrospect, that's what my battle is all about, and I wouldn't have been in a real predicament or anything like that. That is about the day I left Arkas.

There is no certainty of victory now. I never thought a step I wasn't sure would be more horrible.

The future ahead of the loss is not necessarily unhappy. Sometimes winning and moving forward will lead to misfortune. But still, Alfred wants to choose to win and move on. I want to choose the path to grasp rather than be given.

I got out of a birdcage saying Arcas, because I don't want to forget what I felt in that first step.

I haven't grabbed anything yet. Nothing has been accomplished.

So today, let's grab the win. Grab a victory and make an ego. Choose the way to stand on your palms with dignity, chest up. Like her, in a proper, core position...

Today, Alfred von Arcadia stands.

A large crowd was pushing against the arena. It is a card for undefeated champions and one-strike special challengers, coveted things if you are at all interested in swordfights.

"Oh, that's unusual. I can't believe you're in Ulterior."

Next to Lydiane stands King Jen, one of the kings left and right who climbed to the strongest of Garias, Lütes of 'Disease'. She was a jewel who even pulled out Loran, who had been hailed as a genius and made an effort indispensable from a certain setback, devoting her whole life to martial arts, and she was a celibate.

"I heard from Loran. You'll see an interesting battle."

"Yes, yes. Sit over here, Lutez."

"... If you're a kid who says Lionel, I saw it before. I admit my talent. But that's all. You have proven that talent alone cannot be reached. It's not worth looking at."

"Hey, hey, no, no, because it's absolutely funny. Opponents are good. Again. So, look at it till it starts. This is it!"

Lütes keeps standing silently on the spot when suddenly he's stunned by Loran, who dares to dust off. I guess I was willing to see it until it started.

"... it's tough. The colored man is invisible."

"... I used to be so cute, but now I'm a samurai to the tone! Feel that."

"Haha. I have a girlfriend now because that's all I've blown up in a martial arts. I guess I still can't get out of my mind. That's all she's got right now, and she's getting ridiculous talent from behind."

"Arcadia's Claude and Estado's Xena, well, it's a shame. Both of you."

"It's two talents that compare to that today. Well, I'm sure you'll enjoy it, I assure you."

"If Master Lydiane is going to say it"

"... I don't trust you."

Loran dropping his shoulders disappointingly.

The dignitaries didn't stop at just that.

"No, I'm going back on official business and I'm going to see a sword fight! Wouldn't you think we'd run out of King Pluto?"

Galerius, king of Aquitania, and his katana, Rhushuan, were also visiting to watch the game.

"You're the one on the left. Don't worry, Your Majesty, I told you to keep your job."

"... the king is tough. Oh, there's Boltose and Garonne."

"He said he was a tea-drinking friend. They're both brave and defeated, so they live as they please."

Many samurai left the line at the end of a battle known as the final war. Those two are the same. Our time is over. And then, in their youth days, they spend the rest of their lives putting down their swords without hesitation.

Next to Arsene, the leader of the Golden Knights, is the predecessor Jean-Paul Yubo. Some of the Golden Knights have also mixed knights who suffered defeat by the previous champions. By the way, he was also one to be brought into the Yubo family.

Still active Banjaman, Adan, is also single-handedly watching Yale bought from the stalls. A short distance away Eurydice and his son, who had stopped samurai, had Gustav calmed down to protect it.

And watching from the furthest was Arc of Garnias and his former subordinate, Lancelo. The stage, they are there to look to the future.

"Come on, it's the dawn. Win and grab, future king!

Ark's roar was wiped out by cheer.

The mightiest challenger appeared.

"... ho"

Lütes is not the only one. All the other samurai, who were in the mood for an amusement mountain, push silence. It's not just the challengers. The champion also jumped the moment he showed up. The moment we stand on the same stage, the two talents bump into each other and convey that they are elevating each other.

"It is this man who challenges our champion, the Undefeated King! It appears like a comet and is the most powerful challenger that Ulterior has buried all of his proud fierce men in one blow! Its identity is Alexis the Golden Knight, who made his debut in the Arcadia Kingdom and has a history of undefeated ninety-nine fights! My real name is… and if I lose, I promise to expose everything to the sun with that mask."

Cheers explode. If the king wins, he can solve even the mystery. The biggest torso bet is the odds in the king's favor, but it's no longer something like a bet for the audience. Don't miss this big one for a moment, that's what counts.

"Then let's get started. Mayne Event of the Day, Undefeated vs. Undefeated! Both, stand down!

The cheer disappeared.

Lionel pulls out his sword unwrought and stands unwrought. That's the champion. Anyone who is on this scene knows. He doesn't mind. Because I don't need to be ready.

Alexis against is a place of abode. The moment I took that setup, the pressure jumped so much that even amateurs could see it. The atmosphere can erupt. Pale flames, flying with the wind.

If you have experienced a battle with Arcadia, it was the sight of fear running just to see. That hero and the melon. Hard to forget bitter memories even if you try to. The wound engraved on the superpower hurts.

"Woohoo, I can see that guy. So, so beautiful."

Special seats reserved by the organizers. She was in a place unseen from the audience. Look at Alexis, Alfred, with a trance look on his face. She also felt in a different vector from the samurai. Give me something to inherit the blood of a champion. One day I'll have an unfinished large vessel that can go beyond that.

Charlotte was staring in the corner of the audience. She doesn't know. That you are betting on your future in this battle. Pray without knowing. His victory. Knowing that there is a goodbye ahead, I pray nonetheless.

Knowing that he is also a seeker of a new step, therefore.


One fate begins.